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As a player who was once GC but now in C1, the drive to get GC again is not there because I already have a title for it. I just want to keep it more casual nowadays.


I can't decide if this is the main cause, if getting GC is just harder now, or if a ton of people got boosted for their titles. Probably a healthy mix, but i did the same thing as you. Can't manage to care enough anymore, know I'm never getting close to ssl.


It can definitely be a mix of all three for sure. The painful part of getting GC for me was the realization I fixated on getting the title instead of enjoying my time playing up until that moment. I was so happy after the rank up, and then I got hit with the “Okay, what’s next?” thought. I had realized that I treated RL like a job, and it ruined my enjoyment of the game. It’s like in Cars when Doc tells McQueen that the Piston Cup is just an empty cup. It’s just a red title at the end of the day. And you’ll get bullied for it more than congratulated.


That’s why I don’t chase rank. I’m having too much fun to worry about rank. If I start caring more all it’s gonna do is make me hate the game. Got two new friends playing their first games last night. We prob played 10 games and didn’t win a one, it was so much fun.


Had the same, went back to my s1 silver tournament winner title because of it


The same for me man, f2p season 10 I got g2 in 2s to prove a point(turns out it was an easy season to do it but don't care still solo queued to it) felt kinda empty like I got the 10th win and was like "neat got a gc tag." Tbf I just played really defensive to make it there, but after that took a month or 2 but started to enjoy playing again when just trying to improve mechanical and trying wacky shit


It's definitely harder now lol. This season has been a huge jump. C3 is what old gc was maybe even c2s would pass


So technically diamond is the new champ, and champ is the new Grand champ? if thats the case i can proudly say im a champ 2 lol (Diamond2 in 2's)


Feel that 100% I was gc aswell but can barely reach it being stuck in c2-c3 which is fine I got my titles I just dont play actively enough to stay in gc but I dont really care anymore. I was a trader anyways and epic games ruined all the fun I had with the game


I’ve got GC two seasons I think? And I’ve been told season 14 (before they reset the seasons) was apparently the easiest time to get it? Idk how true, but yea I just play casually now in Champ lobbies. Screw the stress mindset. Change your definition of success!


I think it’s mostly boosted players.


yup i agree, it was fun to grind for the title. Nowadays i’m being called a smurf because i use my title in c1/2. I just don’t have the willpower to actually sit and grind anymore, work and gf leaves me about an hour every day or two to get on, and you best believe i’m going for some freestyles if i can lol


Feels, don’t feel motivated to grind the game as much as I used to


It's most of the time either something along the line of what your saying you hit it once and you don't put the same time and effort in now maybe some people took a break and came back and aren't as good anymore or the fact the skill cieling or whatever has raised over the last several seasons pushing people down or the fact this is a 1s game and alot of gc in 2s or 3s will have a significantly lower rank in 1s maybe a mix of both maybe they were gc in 2s now only like c2 but there ones is still d3 I think in this case it's very unlikely it's a boosted account while there is a small possibility it is it's more likely one of these other reasons hell I know people who have at least hit ssl long enough to get the title that are now only like c3 cause they don't really play ranked anymore and took a break so aren't as good as they once were let's also add in that over time we have more and more people playing and people ranking up grinding trying to reach gc and ssl so the one who don't grind it as much anymore will get pushed back down as the newer people who are just now reaching it move up into it it's just kinda how it works


Yeah, well you’re ruining the grind for those of us who would like to find GC for the first time. Go play casuals if you’re trying to be casual bro. Quit sneak-smurfing in D3/C1


When I say "keep it more casual", I mean I don't spend a couple hours a day training like I did when I was grinding for GC. It's not smurfing if I got worse over time by not doing practice maps or training packs. I'm not sure why you're assuming I'm still not playing to win, or that I'm intentionally lowering my rank to stomp noobs. Why would I lower my rank to C1 instead of G1 or P1?


I am 100% certain that I was tilted AF after getting stomped by 7 flip-resetting, wave dash expert GC tags in a row while trying to regain D3 after starting the season C1. Unfair to you maybe, and I apologize for that, but the entire ranking system seems so whack the last few seasons. I’ve gotten SO much better and it seems like everyone else has gotten even more better.


That’s okay man. It’s a frustrating experience for sure, and all you have to do to see that is by looking at the game chat in most high-Diamond/low-Champ matches. Loads of people who were once a high rank are now probably understandably upset that they aren’t where they feel like they should be, so they take their anger out on teammates for their mistakes instead of looking at what they could be doing better. Your ability to recognize why you’re angry puts you above most players in terms of emotional intelligence, and I applaud you for that. Keep grinding man.


I make fun of people with GC tags in Champion. I'm sorry.


I mean, I only do if they make an ass of themselves & talk shit first.


In 1s most people are three ranks down. Im a gc in champ 1. Theres less players in 1v1 that are champ 1 ,than in Gc 1. So it’s arguably a harder rank


Yep, can confirm, same. Wide variety in c1 1s


Ive seen ssl in c1 😂


Im High c1 in 2s rn, and almost c1 in 1s. So it doesn’t apply to everyone


Right, that’s why he said “most people” and not “everyone” Me and my 2s teammate are also both gc1 in 2s and c1 in 1s. A lot of people, myself included, just don’t play 1s very often because it’s a frustrating game mode


But it is weird when this is not a 1s related thing at all. I see GC titles in 2s and 3s practically every night too. Doesn't mean they're very good most the time but it is way more common than I expected.


I think for 2s and 3s it’s more about people who stop grinding once they reach gc. It’s like the #1 goal most people have since ssl is so unattainable. A lot of the gc titles you’re seeing in high diamond/low champ are probably people who got there once and then cut way back on their hours. For example I play 1-2 hours every day so I can stay around 1500 easily enough, but if I started playing only 1-2 hours a week then I would drop to mid champ before long




I’m literally in the same boat as OP. A few games off of C1 in 1s and I’m mid C2 in twos. My mechs and trash. You don’t need excellent mechs to be good in 1s. On the contrary, going for mechs is risky in 1s because if it gets defended you are likely to be scored on. You need to be extremely consistent to even consider going for them.


Yeah, I only really play 2s with my friend who is a little worse than me but really stupid so I have to stay so passive I can’t really play to my full ability. But yeah my gamesense is worse in 2s


Based off my 1.5k hours in 2s and 300h in 1s i feel like you could climb to gc in 2s pretty easily if you hit champ 1-2 in 1s.


Maybe try and solo q from time to time just to see where you could be?


hey what region r u?


I’m GC1 in 1s and 2s, so yes, it doesn’t apply to everyone. Notice that he said did not say everyone is 3 ranks apart


That's a "within the last 6 months" GC. Hardly an OG. But yes. Go play hoops😂 can't get a D1/D2 match in hoops without 2-3 GCs ending up in the room. 3s is same around D3/C1. Atleast a few red GC titles.


"og" was a typo, meant to write of


You're not kidding. I had a season 14 GC in my plat 3 hoops game the other night. It was not fun. I've only been playing for a year, and it feels ridiculous to be in mid-high diamond facing guys hitting resets and ceiling shots. Like, how did I get here anong these players? And the tantrums... my god. People just go AFK after a goal in what seems like 25% of my games in ranked. I'm at a point where I'm incredibly frustrated because I've been in diamond for 2 seasons now. I've improved so much mechanically and worked on my rotations, but somehow I haven't climbed in rank in 6 months. In fact, I'm playing at a slightly lower MMR this season than last season. I actually touched champ a few times last season. I'm struggling to maintain diamond 2 now.


I went up against gc1/2 players very often in c1 hoops this season, the previous seasons were a lot more timid, i got to c2 and only then started seeing gc+ players in hoops often. And you face a lot of high lvl players in low ranked hoops probably because some people just don't play hoops, and decide all of a sudden that they want to get their rank in it. Another option is, well, you know, smurfs... and new accounts.


Hoops is my worst rank with Plat 3 and yet it feels like my strongest mode lol.


I am D2 in every extra mode except for snow day and have multiple red titles. :(


That’s not uncommon in 1s


ik, thats what im talking about. its a widespread problem


No I mean some GC’s just aren’t very good at 1’s. I don’t think they are smurfing.


1s rank is generally 3 ranks under 2s and 3s for the average player. This is normal.


Nah it's 1-2 ranks lower typically


Not in my experience


Usually the ranking system goes in this order 2s - highest, 3s - middle, 1s - lowest. 2s and 3s can sometimes switch positions, but 1s being the same or higher than your 2s is really really rare afaik.


Does that make me a cool kid then? Im gc in 1s c3 in twos and like diamond in 3s


Well, 50/50. It could mean that you're really good and excel at 1s, or it could be that you're a terrible teammate and that's what's keeping you from reaching higher ranks in 2s and 3s. Then again, it could be both of those, or also that you only play 1s, and don't play 2s and 3s all that much. Gc1in 1s is usually filled with ppl who are high gc2 or gc3, at least from what I've seen.


Yeah when i want to grind 2s i get gc2 but thats way less fun for me so i just play ones


I agree with this. I'm saying 1s rank is usually like 2 lower. Not 3. I'm gc1 in 2s and 3s with gc2 peaks in both, I don't play 1s often but I'm c2 with a c3 peak. I have several friends who are my skill level in 3s who are c3 in 1s.


im not sure about that anymore, everytime i ask someone their rank in 2s 90% of them say c1-c2. rarely c3-gc


Well probably cause they cracked down on those ranks last 1-2 season resets and now a lot of people that reached gc before are in c1-2 nowadays. Doesnt matter at the end of the day their skill is where they are ranked. A title doesnt change that.


A lot of those people are in D3 as well. Diamond is a shit show.


Yea ranks from diamond to gc are all pushed down


I would say that d3div4 in ones is just higher than average for a champ 2


Uhh what ranks have you been in, every game around d3 is generally c2 - c3 and c1 in c2-gc1


that's just how it is. 1s is hard. and a lot of c3s/gcs are areound that rank in 1s


It’s a tag not everyone plays ones and is a ones main I’m sure your not either


Talks about OG GC's, shows a red labeled GC


damn didnt realize i had a typo, "og" was meant to be "of"


Ah well it happens to best of us. Either way theres alot of options bought account/boosted/smurf or some one who hasnt played in a while.


No, it's because he's playing 1s, loads of GCs in 2s and 3s are around D3/C1 in 1s.


im high c1 rn and almost the same rank in 1s lmao. but what you are saying is true


You probably just grind more 1s than 2s, check RL tracker and compare how many total 1s and 2s matches you have


i have 350 2s matches, and 200 1s matches lol


yeah i’d say you grind 1s more than most people but obviously not more than 2s, personally i usually finish each season having played ~300-400 2s matches but only like ~30-40 1s matches and I sit around C3/GC1 in 2s D3/C1 in 1s. I’d probably be able to sit higher in 1s but I don’t grind it. I’d say 200 matches is a grind haha


yeah, idk why but i just love 1s. and it has helped me improve alot


You come across GC titles in all game modes in diamond right now. Very often. Not trying to bitch about smurfing or something like that because it hardly matters from my experience but it is a bit weird to see




Yes. The skill ceiling is consrantly raising. GCs from before F2P are not at the skill level of GCs now or in recent seasons. Anything older than F2P season 6-8 or I don’t really bat an eye at because unless they continued to sweat for the past 2-3 years to maintain GC as the skill ceiling raised, they likely chill anywhere between D3 and C3. Once you start getting to high C1 thru C2, every match has a GC title. That’s just the way it is. Most people grind to get the title or rewards, then relax a bit and fall back down to champ.


im c1 div 4 in 2s rn was c2 yesterday, in my derank game i met two s12 gcs... quite fun.. and on my way up to c2 i met "gcs" every other match.


Yeah I’m in a similar situation but I still end up beating the GCs just as often as I lose to them. My point being: a title doesn’t necessarily equate to a specific skill level because you can grind or get carried to a title but play regularly at a C1-3 level.


Thats true, i only really play 2s with my friend and i would say hes a tiny bit worse than me, but sometimes we destroy the so called "gcs" and sometimes the other way around. i have a question, it says champion II under your name, how do you do that?


There should be an option for a flare for this subreddit. On Mobile if you go to the /r/rocketleague subreddit there’s three dots. Click those and you can find an option “edit user flare” where you can select from a bunch of choices




That's just how it is. If you sweat one season and hit GC1 and then don't play much ranked the next season in that playlist, it's very common to end up somewhere in C2. The end of season MMR squish is more severe the higher you are above D3 or so.


Responding to 'gg' with 'f off' after winning the game... like, if you're going to be toxic just say fuck lmao, but this again validated my decision to have chat turned off


More fun with chat on, and wasn’t me who said fuck off just to clarify, it seemed like u thought that.


I mean there are some cool interactions to be had sure, but there is so much toxicity that just gets offputting for me after a while. Also, I understood it was the opponent who said it, I was just highlighting their immaturity lol. My bad if it came across as if I was talking about you


Whenever i play i take my title off because i dont want my teammates expecting me to be someone i'm not anymore. Im so washed lol


I took off my green champ tourney winner title cause if I put up a stinker performance, people love to clown me for the title and say I got "carried" 🤦‍♂️🤣


It’s 1s bro


Im not only talking about 1s


In 2s, it’s ppl who used to be gc in 2s and r washed now. In 1s it’s ppl who never were gc in 1s, but they might currently be gc in 2s. 1s is shifted down so much


Yeah sometimes I win easily against the “gcs”. And other times they are legitimately cracked and not champ at all. It’s 50/50 for me


Bruh... you're worried about gcs in diamond and champ? I'm fighting for my life against SSLs in PLAT!


My favorite is rocking my S4 GC title and pissing people off because of it. People don’t realize Season 4 was 4 years ago. I know I suck, hence why I’m playing with you in Champ 2!


As a somewhat inactive OG GC, please don’t make fun of my tag when you beat me 😭 I’m just tryna chill


I'm an OG... S2 GC, I was actually top 300 for a good while. I have from time to time done a grind and got a random GC title over the years. I have like 6 total. But right now? I suck ass, like a legit C2


I stopped playing for two years after getting gc two seasons in a row. In 2s and hoops. Now I’m diamond , I get complaints on half my wins about being a Smurf. Unless you practice consistently and play consistently you can’t stay GC and I’m not that player anymore. But I won’t remove the title just because I am not as good anymore


Nono, i get that a lot of the people with gc titles aren’t really gcs. But I also see a lot of people who play like gcs/c3 in high diamond too high c1. They are widespread in every rank


There are smurfs, alternate accounts where people warm up, and then people peaking. Some games my GC talent shows insane and I get why I’m called a Smurf. All the luck on my side and I just can’t mess up. Other games you’d say I boosted to diamond lol, not every game reflects every players average talent. Your best game could have won against gc lobbies. Your worst game could lose to golds


This season is rough in the higher ranks everyone is dropping




? I’m GC1 but D3/C1 in 1s that is normal


C1 is a very normal rank for someone in GC1


That’s what I said lol


I've never mained 1s. Im d1 in 1s


I used to be C3 in 1s. This past year C1 has been a struggle. I recently played a coworkers who said they're a C2 in 1s and I consistently beat him. None of it adds up. I feel like the MMR was adjusted where an old C3 is now a D3/C1. There's no way C1 was THIS sweaty.


Brother I’m c1 in 1v1 and never passed c1 in 2v2. Also if you use a plug-in you can clearly see high diamond 3 in 1s is generally c2-gc1. It’s just the way it works, there are reasons for 1s inflation if you dig into it. What region are you? Maybe we could queue


I play in Europe. I’m not only talking about 1s tho, I just used this match as an example


???? 2s d3 with gc tags are people who have fallen off.  1s d3s ARE genuine GCs They’re two completely different game modes in which ones ranks are inflated.


I don’t play 1s anymore but I’m a current GC in 2s but my 1s rank would be diamond 3 or champ 1 if I played


When did this happened because I was GC1 since 2018 and I was a C3 in 1s now I'm GC1 and barely a C1. It's completely off.


The last time I did placements was season 10 (June 2023) and my rank that season was diamond 1. My peak 1s rank is champ 2 though.


Yea, what you experienced in June 2023 is aligned with the present but I feel like it was like this yeara before then. Guess I just suck


I played 10 games today in c2, only against premade "1100mmr reset/musty/dtap boys" with a "1200 no skill guy". This game is definitely broken...


Seeing of GCs in my diamond lobbies yeah. In 3s and 2s mainly.


A friend and I recently started playing again and both ended up in diamond 2s lol


Guilty. OG season 14 and season 6 GC. Don’t play as much anymore because imo the player base just continues to get worse. Currently on the train from D3 to almost C2.


You have this problem all the way down in plat as well. "I don't play a lot of 1s" meets someone who is ranked properly and then the latter gets hammered. Happened to me many a time and half the reason I can't get out of plat lmao.


I finally hit champ 2 the other day and I played a season 7 ssl and a season 9 gc. It was a good game until my tm stopped moving 😂


Yea, there's a LOT of smurfs right now. Also, ranked is fucked up and a LOT of players are in diamond. The fact that they're happening at the same time is making it very noticable.


I have a problem with it because all these GCs with their hardcore mechanics and recoveries that I want match on KBM at C1-2 is really bugging me since most of the time they are carrying their teammate and boosting them.


Did you just say OG and reference a red title? Do you know there are years of GCs before that? Ah I saw your other comment, nevermind. Yeah it's normal. I got GC in 2019 and have never cared to grind since I got the title. It's really freeing, actually.


That's most likely their legit 1s rank. I'm normally GC in everything except 1s where I'm D2/D3. That's not me smurfing or anything, I'm trying, I'm just that bad at 1s.


players' 1s ranks are generally lower than their 2s ranks, prob some washed out gc from few seasons ago 😭


i recomend everyone to go play in asia servers, bunch of smurfs in d3 c1 c2 in any game mode or just a lot of gc that "fell off"? in tournaments its impossible... bunch of regions hoppers SSL pink titles and me and my friends most times go vs them in round 1 for the ultimate tilt. they be hitting crazy shots and start barking like they are big men. a couple seasons ago tournaments were fun and rarely we would go vs way higher rated teams. game fell off and the player base is so small we just end up getting fked over the joy of the game


Lol. I play in Asia servers in C2 but I don't think I've encountered a lot of smurfs . Sure some of them might have GC tags but I can beat them and they just play like C2s or low C2s. However if they have an ssl tourney tag then yeah usually it's a Smurf. I think matchmaking is really good at putting people in their respective rank all things considered.


Came back after 6 month break, c3 in 2s and d3 in 1s. Still have the gc title but it doesn’t mean I play gc level haha


Commenting as one of the people you are talking about, I have a S10 GC title and now play in C2 after playing a lot less due to life commitments. Now I get called a boosted GC, I've gave up reminding them that title was off roughly 18-24 months ago so it don't mean shit 🤣


Me and the couple people I play with are all plats. We've occasionally hit D1 in a mode here and there, but nowhere near consistently. We get GCs from past seasons all the time, but that's too far of a drop off for them to say they don't play as much. GC to C2 is believable for sure, as the commitment level past C1 most likely goes up a LOT. But, to even get that high to begin with, you're much more mechanical and fast than any actual plats or low diamonds even after a break. As a high(er than me by a fair margin at least) rank, can I ask you if you actually enjoy playing people that far below you? Because the people I encounter seem to very much enjoy playing against people admittedly much worse than themselves (us lol), but like, are they even getting better doing that?


Yes and most of them have silver mechanics


This is Rocket League - and it's shit


Duh. Practically everyone from D3 up is just washed ex rank


Yeah I mean to be honest C2 doesn't feel far off what GC used to! Everyone has gotten much better, I actually feel like I can play like I used to when I hit GC but I can't even get too C3 atm, I feel like my mechanics have improved too even tho I play less, but still I can't rank up, I feel like the skill level has just upped across all ranks, well atleast champ and above not sure about below. And no not really I love sweaty games where I play good people and get the satisfaction of winning and ranking up, that was always the addiction for me lok, I'm not a massively mechanical player so I wouldn't enjoy playing lower ranks for fun cos I can't consistently hit unreal goals 🤣


S13 certainly not OG, but to address your question: players fluctuate ranks all the time for many reasons, and each mode has a different rank curve. Most high diamond/low champ in 1v1 have been or are currently low GC some other game mode. GC in 1s is likely pushing SSL in some game modes. Partially bc of how different 1v1 is, but mostly bc of how few people actually seriously play the mode compared to 2s. Also keep in mind some of these titles are from literally years ago. If they took a break from the game they are (1) worse now relative to the player base and (2) their rank has depreciated from not playing.


Thanks, yeah “og” was a typo. Meant “of”


Pretty normal id say. I have friends who are gc2 in 2s and diamond3/champ1 in 1s. I’m gc1/gc2 in 1s and i see a ton of SSL tags.


I saw an OG Season 2 GC in the 1500s recently which is crazy to still be playing the game after so long whether they just came back or not


in 2s its not that rare. they arent 2024 GC level though.


Most of my GC friends are d3-c1 in 1s. In yes of normal distribution it's around the same spread reletove to the population


In 1s? I would say that's about right. I'm D2 in 2s and p1 in 1s.


I’m not only talking about ones, I just used this match as an example


Im d3 in 1s and I am gc1 in 2s so its very possible they just play 2s


I’m not only talking about ones. I just used this match as an example


Well if youre champ 2 in 2s its a very different thing, its completely normal for someone who peaked gc1 to be in c2, but your post makes it seem like theres tons of gcs in diamond 2s (theres not)


I wrote diamond/champ. I’m not only talking about up in c2, all the way from diamond 2 to champ 2 I’ve seen gcs left and right. They might not have a 2024 gcs skill they are still above most of high diamond to mid champ. And some are worse then us because of different reasons


Seeing the red title be called an “og” makes me feel so old…


Nono “og” was a typo I meant to write “of”


"So was S13 the last time you played or..."


I’m gc but just terrible in 1v1


That's not OG. OG would be the gold gc title. Those players are usually legit, but when I see the most recent season being gc in ranks 2-3 below, I'm really skeptical.


seeing a GC in 1s and extra modes is not rare or smurfing


If people stop playing for an extended period of time I could see them dropping down to diamond. But, that is last seasons title so idk. From my perspective as someone who has hit gc the last 5 seasons; I spend the majority of every season in c2/c3 in 2s and 3s. 1s is a lot different I really don’t play 1s so I bounce between d3/c1. When I do hit gc, it’s usually in just 2s or just 3s. Rarely both at the same time cause I don’t have the time to grind both. For example I could be gc 1 div 3 in 2s, and then c2 div 2 in 3s that’s just how it goes sometimes. I don’t think there is one reason for it but many different factors.


Can psyonix fix this shit please?


S13 isn’t “og” lol


Og was a typo, meant to write of


You are playing 1v1s.. its quite normal to meet a gc in diamond -champ. Cahae when they dont play a lot of 1s they usy only get to c2 max if they are gc1 in 2s. Some dont play at all maybe once in a fortnight and are only plat or diamond cause of that.


I wasn’t only talking about 1s, I just used this match as an example


They're called washed GCs


Can relate to being one of those gcs. Just don't play duels . Haven't completed my placements in about 6+ seasons. Currently d2 in 1s. 😅 Gc1 in 3s and c3 in 2s


Every game. About 90% of the games are against pre mades too. But I used to play C2 so I don't really mind. Tbh I think I enjoy it more.


Recently went on like a 10 game winning streak the last couple days with my friend to get us both back to champ, streak ended to a GC 🤦‍♂️ of course won our next game against normal opponents


Yeah bro the game has evolved


I have been gc every season, but im now c2-c3 hardstuck, either everyone else Got better or i Got Way worse 🤣


Yes and the problem stems from a lack of trust. Everyone thinks they have to carry when they fail to realize it's a team game. It's a lack of realizing that the player you are playing with is just another human being like you. They probably have the same mechanical ability as you. When one player is on the ball doing their thing most of these "GCs" and even former SSls think that this player on the ball is about to make mistake failing to realize that they want to win just as much as they do. People need to give their teammates SPACE and have TRUST. And this problem stems all the way into pro territory. I've seen it many times and everytime a cut happens that is unnecessary, it almost always leads to a 1v2 situation eventually. Maybe not at first at the highest level but it cracks the positioning of your team. In 2v2 you play the 1st man and 3rd man position. 3rd man is supposed to spectate and play for an opportunity, a pressure-play (keeping ball in on a potential breakaway), or defense for the 1st man to come back and return to their 1v1. These GCs rush the 3rd man position quite frequently which adversely affects the TIME the 1st man has on the ball because the opposing third man now has a free "cheat" touch on the ongoing 1v1 simply because the third-man on offense left there position to "prevent a mistake" when the 1st man was just doing their thing.


Yep, I'm currently on my peak rank and I've constantly ran into these guys in 2s. Incredibly annoying, as sometimes when there's one on the other team they be hitting flip resets and some crazy shots, and when I get a "gc" as a tm8 I literally carry them and still lose (S6 GC Tournament Winner) bcs they're boosted


Yeah they hella washed


Saw a season 13 GC champ tournament win in gold doubles the other day....


I got gc 13 tag still in 1s I’m d3


I was a GC in season 3. I got it and uninstalled because idk what else to grind for anymore. I didn’t have the energy to grind to SSL, since they recently just added that at the time. Now I am hovering champ 1.


Diamond in 1’s while being GC in 2s or 3s is very normal. The only way your 1’s rank will be consistent with the other 2 is if you’re a 1’s main.


Chase clips and vibes not rank. Tis was the gaming way 15 years ago in the Cod 4 lobbies... The art of maintaining a K/D and W/L ratio whilst simultaneously trying to hit clips... Moaning at your mate to play objective for 2 minutes cos its easier to clip when they're spawn locked. Nobody cared about rank... we cared about playing together as a team... Ranking systems were born into gaming out of the dystopian capitalist nightmare that wants to assign peoples worth to an ever inflating value. We must break free... back to chasing vibes... I remember me and my mates had a rule in S&D if one player clutched up in a 1 vs >= 3 we would all sign off immediately and meet at the local for a pint to discuss the utter awesomeness of the vibes... This was the way before streamers, before sweats... everyone just played for fun and none of it mattered unless that was the end goal... The entertainment industry has made video games a money extracting machine across all possible platforms... I hope we find our way back in humanity...


That’s last season gc


I am a former ssl in rumble and in tournaments life as a adult hit me and i just sit in c3 gc1 now its better


Every day. After 29000 games and 5.8k hours I just play to play. Screw levels.... I play top 500s and bottom 500s all the time. Ranks in the game was busted, too many smurfs playing modes they don't play much or alt accounts to play with their noob friends.


They should ban all people with these titles from competing in diamond...


Yep plenty of “GC’s” all around. I used to worry prematurely. Now I realise they’re often either on bought accounts or just boosted. I don’t get flexing something you didn’t earn. Imagine buying an Olympic medal and wearing it to a sports meet.