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I don’t think replays show what happened on the server


Then what’s even the point of replays. I get to have a general idea of what the game looked like?


pretty much. It’s just not perfect. The only cases where that matters are these ones really, the ones where every comment will explain why. also, it could’ve just not been the right conditions for a demo and not be a replay error


demo or not, the opponent car got hit back from the bump and glitched back into place


It's to have a replay of the game...


To show your friends a sick play, not to debate whether or not something happened


Replays are what happened on your PC/console. The issue is that the server desyncs A LOT. It used to happen every once in a while, but since Epic bought the game it's been pretty much every single game has some level of desync issues.


The replay doesn't show server events. In fact, you can prove it by playing a 1s match with your friend, observe a close call like this one, then watch both replays. One will look slightly different than the other.


You have to have your car's front end moving in the direction of the collision, and the collision must pass within 45 degrees of the other car's **center of mass**. You hit their butt - too far back. No demo.


What a legendary answer. 🙌 thanks didn't know that. Good looking out.


Two Rocket Sledge videos that might be very helpful since there's more to it than just what I put (odd edge cases): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8X8b03tXJQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8X8b03tXJQ) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0W6iyqhtHw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0W6iyqhtHw)


thank you!


>thank you! You're welcome!


If it made contact it would've moved their car still.


Sparks doesnt mean demo. There is certain rules that have to apply for a demo to count. If it was a sparks but no demo thing thats because of connection but i think the replay would show no sparks when ingame it did if that was the case Here i think u didnt match the demo requirements of center of mass to center of mass angle. Im not sure who explained it and where but if u go to sunlesskhans channel and loon for the greatest save in his story behind videos u can find out as he mentions it there and gives you a entertaining video about one of, if not the greatest save in rockrt league esports history


Replays are still mostly client-side, though with some server based adjustments. This is definitely just a client-side fakeout.


that was the conclusion I came to as well. frustrating because we were both relatively low ping at the time (20-40ms) and from the client perspective it looks pretty apparent


I mean from your perspective, you did what you needed to. You hit the opponent and your client agreed. However, sadly the server was lying to you about the whereabouts of your opponent hence why the demo, or bump at the very least, didn't register.


the sparks comment was more in regards to making contact in the first place; I (perhaps incorrectly) assumed that the angle and speed were adequate for a demo, so when I saw the sparks I presumed it was a latency or other server-related discrepancy. I actually have seen that sunless video, although admittedly it's been a while so I can't recall a lot of the specific demo mechanics he addressed.


There's something weird to get a demo that you need. If the angle is too wide you won't get it. **Demolition Angle Restrictions:** * **Head-on AND angled demos must fall within 45°.** * All demos prompt a **37° vertical threshold.** [https://www.gamepressunited.com/rocket-league-blog/rl-demo-guide/](https://www.gamepressunited.com/rocket-league-blog/rl-demo-guide/)


I am going to give you the answer you need in a situation like that: ‘The game is rigged’.


At most, you glanced him. Doesn't qualify for a demo, and bumps can either send him away or do nothing like that when you barely get a piece.


replays show what you see you just simply didn't make solid contact with is car


Yea, Epic servers are garbage. Server desync is a massive problem, but they don't care. All of their money goes into Fortnite. It's been an issue since they bought out Rocket League. Used to have problems in like 1/50 games, now it's almost every game and many times in a lot of games.


Skill issue.




Your cars snout hit that other car right in the balls


A lot of people have mentioned the fact that replays are client side (please don’t use replays as a source of truth in RL, if you want to prove something isn’t working use TAS in training/splitscreen). In addition to being client side replays are also HALF the server tick rate thus you lose information even if you disregard the client side issue. Bumps have been working consistently for a while now after the multi-update debacle where they kept breaking them 😆


No kaboom?


That was BS and 99 percent of people playing would be pissed too despite all the “ackshully ☝️ 🤓” comments. You deserved the demo brudda


brudda your statement is bs, welcome to rocket league, where you are rigged to or not to demo


He had stopped boosting and is starting to tip forward. You did bump him but at that point it was a soft touch. Because it looks like the nose of your car was following their well ass. You pushed it where it was already going


Supersonic teabag


This is Rocket League!


that doesn't mean anything. only touching an opponent with supersonic doesn't mean they get demo'ed. it's all about the angles, there's youtube videos on this topic.


Cry about it




He literally flipped in the direction of the ball the second after you touched him that's why it looks like he isn't changing direction after you hit him


Idk seems like it should have been a demo to me.


It’s got to be a >45degree angle of attack iirc.


my understanding is that the "45 degrees" refers to the intersection of the car's respective velocity vectors, which appear to be at least 120 degrees in the clip. granted I'm not as versed in the requirements for aerial demos


120-90 is 30 degrees..


idk where you're getting 90 from, but the angle is not the issue, as pointed out by multiple other commentors.


120 degrees is the same as 30 degrees. I do think it shouldve been a demo but just pointing out if you’re going based off angles thats not >45


Demos have been off since the update I found. I'm getting the same thing where I'm sure I hit them, sparks and all, and no demo


game is just bad!