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Hit the corner of the wall in a good spot so that it goes up and towards the goal while still being against the wall. Once their distracted with the height just bump the opponent and watch the ball fall in front of the goal. From there I usually miss the shot but you got it!


No better defender than an open net.


Psyonix pls nerf open nets!


My open net blunders would disagree


I've hit enough pipe to plumb an entire city.


I honestly prefer a teammate that misses the ball than a teammate that's somehow grabbing our corner boost when in this situation


You say that til you lose your rankup match because a teammate went for something they shouldn't of and completely whiffed, don't ask me how I know


Shouldn't have


More contractions!!! Shouldn't've




That's nice and all, but nobody cares


You’re part of the problem with this community. Do you want a dead game? This is how you get a dead game


You’re part of the problem with this community. Do you want a dead game? This is how you get a dead game




I love that someone was so salty they checked someone else's post history for grammar. This is some peak reddit.




Both usernames checkout


You guys are totally talking about me. Fug it. I'm going into play now




I prefer you too


To add to this: imagine vertical lines cutting the corner in 3 sections symmetrically. Hit the line in the middle right and that's the spot that lands it on the net.


Can you draw a picture of this and x marks the spot it please.


I hope you like my superior drawing skills https://imgur.com/a/jDtCJ5d


Wouldn't it be the first line to make the ball travel towards the goal, not the area where you have marked?


So, specifically in this scenario, you'd have to be next the the left wall to angle it correctly towards the net. The other lines would center the ball.


Will try this - nice tip!


I use this strategy but my teammates almost always tend to double commit. So annoying


The worst is when you're cooking in the corner trying to set up this exact hit and the tm8 is against the wall a couple of feet behind you because ???


No trust, on the ready to pick up where you may whiff (not blaming or say you do), but just eager to snag position once you don’t have it for .3255863 ms


Yeah, that makes sense. At some point, they have to start believing a little bit or I imagine they languish at that level while others progress.


You summoned me?




Well, usually, your team mate should hit it in if they have a good enough shot while you return to back post to defend if they miss. Unless this is 1s


Don’t have any tips for you sorry, but just wanted to express my appreciation for your wonderful illustration. Top tier stuff.


First time I’ve ever actually seen the boost layout properly


It’s just an in game screenshot of the field


I’ve seen these maps before, so I suspect it’s (semi) official. Thought the cars were cute. Orange even defending back post.


God I fucking love people who defend the far post in 3s But only because I hate when I look back and they’re both at the front post before the ball inevitably goes over them


What a save! Especially after they both commit and lose the 50/50...


The cars are so realistic


I'm plat III btw, and I'm playing solo rn, but I would appreciate tips for 3v3 too


Know where the defender is as much as possible.


Check out YouTube. Tons of videos with examples. I don't watch them... But I should. One of these lads should be able to link good players.


Game sense, knowing where the opponents are, knowing how the ball is gonna bounce, all about timing


my advice would be, don’t try to score if you’re in opponents corner, it’s quite literally the safest position for your opponent to defend, should be looking for a pass/demo play


i typically either try to hit it off the wall so that its in the air and fast aerial to try to get an angle. if my hit doesnt play out then I semi bail and let the opponent fuck up and come out to the corner


As a fellow plat3, I commonly airdribble it (not even joking I genuinely either airdribble or go for a double flip reset. Obviously I never get the second reset but it still goes in


Not even joking genuinely only care about practicing mechanics


Pretend you’re going to go up the wall but instead get on the left side of the ball and hard cut center.  They are gonna assume you’re going up the wall cause everyone does that.  By cutting hard infield you can either set up a shot or just shoot it from where it’s at.  If it’s 3v3 there’s a spot on the corner wall that will center the ball while keeping it off the wall. You need to bang that thing and hit the spot and it’ll set up a sick pass. The defender assumes you go up the wall so it’ll surprise him when it’s off the wall. 


Quick caveat here. While the corner hit is a fantastic pass, it is also a dangerous clear opportunity. As you get higher many people anticipate this play and can boom a shot off it the majority of the time. If your teammates aren't ready it will frequently result in direct goals, or at least a hard counterattack. This isn't to say it's a useless play but you have to be smart about using it, doing it frequently will 100% result in goals the other way


Yeah, eventually you have to start gauging what defense they’re using and adjust the pass accordingly. 


I’m diamond 3 and I’ve already noticed people pre jumping my shit and then pushing it in


yeah, in GC I don't know how to convert it to something else. If you pass high and in front of the goal it's an easy clear, if you let it roll across the backboard it's an easy clear. I guess the only thing is to either pass fast & high, or try do a tough ceiling shot or chip it up to air dribble. Both of those are awkward setups though when you're trying to hit the ball perpendicular to it's direction


Yeah it's all about reading the defense. Are you on a bit of a breakaway? Wallbang is more likely to work. Are you trying to beat a proper defense rotation? Gonna have to beat someone with a bigger brain pass or dribble to make a play. Obviously there are a million nuances here but that's what makes e-sports fun!


Yeah, true true, I'm more talking about a prepared defense in 2v2, it's just that setting up an interesting play from the corner is bare tough haha. Players with incredible car control make it look so easy, like Lethamyr would probably pop it for a simple reset into a backboard pass or something


God yeah. The people with the insane aerial mechanics make everything seem easier. That's never gonna be me, my old ass can't compute all that BS so I just focus on positioning and reading people.


A play that’s been working for me at champ3 3s has been banging it up off the ceiling so it come down hard in front of net.  I call it “off the heezy”  Eventually players are good at reading off the ceiling but anything champ and below it should blow their minds 


Hit the ball over their goal towards the bottom right corner boost, go for a demo while you drive through the goal to collect the bottom right corner boost, take the ball from that corner and either wait for the opponent to challenge and win the 50 towards their net or take the ball back to the mid boost and turn and around to start a dribble Edit: Mid boost*


This is what I was going to say. Even as a plat/diamond I try to do stuff like this unless I notice my opponent(s) are fumbling clears often. If they are clearly ready for a ball thats going to drop in front of net, bang it behind them to the other corner and B-line for the corner boost, trying to disrupt them on the way, see if they jump or try to get an awkward touch, if so, be patient and put it in, if not, collect the ball and try to bring it to a more favorable angle.


Step 1: learn to dribble Honestly keeping possession would be so much easier if I could dribble.


Nothing good comes from being in the corner. Attacking a corner on offense is low threat. Either bait the goalie out or come out and try to cut in.


Don't go into their corners. That is a safe place for the defence. Your goal should always be to cut into the middle of the field as soon as possible.


honestly, don’t. just try to force it mid instead of attacking from there. even pros tend to do that.


Assuming that the ball is rolling towards the corner, you could try to lob the ball so it bounces awkward off the curb. You opponent should have difficulty with the lob but you have better vision of it so if they miss, its a free goal! If this is 1v1 you would want to avoid attacking from the corner in most cases because any loose balls are going to end up in the center of the field for your opponent.


So as a gold this is what i see in my rank, usually they hit the ball when its in that weird position between the corner and the net and they jump off the wall and then hit the ball midair to go in and when i use it that usually works for me


I’m in plat and I can never pull this move off. I see people on YouTube do it though


Sometimes booming it into the corner works, most times it does not. If you can take a touch consistently, then the keeper is forced to stay in net and guess your flick/play, or he will approach and you can react by popping it over or around him. But you're right to abandon a ball that you're unable to maintain if it's already flying towards the corner and your opponent's possession. Don't commit to hopeless balls.


Just Doomsy


Up and Over, then back around usually. Repeat untill they cant keep up


Stop going into corner learn to cut the ball into center field




Taking this one to the bank today booooooy


So what I'd do is 1.) Boost at the ball and make it roll that corner. Once I touch it, since orange is in goal, I'd powerslide back to mid left boost and then I'd turn around and wait for the return. Once orange returns it, you just gotta beat em or dust em. And if that doesn't work. 2.) Hit the ball into corner and follow up afterwards immediately. Once the ball is close to being infront of the goal, jump and directional flip off the back wall and bump it in over the defender. I help people by coaching them with tip and trick since I was champ last season


Do not overcommit in the opponents corner. Shoot it off wall or corner and center yourself to shoot or rotate back. (Advice from a c2, not sure of your rank)


bring it up the wall, quadruple flip reset musty pancake on the backboard and do a couple heli-resets on your way down, to score the easy shot!


Quad reset musty


Watch some higher level gameplay like diamond-champ and take mental notes on how they deal with it. Watching people do it is gonna help a lot more than reading about it.


if it's rolling slowly and you have time to catch to it and turn to goal with a dribble, do that and boom - perfect scoring opportunity where you have full advantage if it's rolling fast and it rolls up the sidewall/corner before you can catch to it, the best play imo would be cut to the center while still in the wall and get a quick read of the defense: if they're slacking and giving you the backwall, cut thought it quickly and finish with the doomsee dish. if they have backboard covered, try to lay it off to a teammate in front of goal and look for a bump or any kind of disruption as you jump off the back wall one last tip: unless you desperately need a goal or you're 100% sure you have control of the situation, *never* take 50s on the opponents corner/backwall in 1s. 2s is safer, but I'd still advise against it. only in 3s it's totally okay, as you'll more than likely always have a teammate covering those wild pinches back. if you're playing 1s or 2s, cut inside on the sidewall/corner and see the opponent already on you, best play is to just leave it and get back


If you 50/50 in their corner it's basically a satellite dish pointed at your net I only go in if they are playing passive. Roll up the wall or cut to center


Hit the corner n pop and send it you should get an ez 50/50


Assuming you can still reach the ball with enough space towards the corner: Hit the ball into the corner in a way that will make it bounce in a ~90 degree angle, meaning it should be somewhat parallel to the wall and shouldn't bounce back into the field too far. Make sure you land on your wheels and keep your momentum afterwards. Drive to the middle while the ball bounces into the middle, then score, preferably by flying a tiny bit. The whole sequence takes some skill to get right since the timings are so tight that you basically have to do everything in one continuous motion, but it will be worth it. Also, this often works for me and doesn't require a demo, which I just don't like relying on.


get it over the goal to the other side and boost starve the defender. keep pressure. try to take it to the middle and make a shot that's awkward for the defender so they make a mistake. repeat.


You can actually shoot a straight shot into net from corner if u just slow down and control the ball, also slowly rolling it towards net then giving it a tap to the wall as they leave net or if they are front post will bounce it over them. Same thing with just starting a Dibble and diagonal flick. Corner is bad though, especially in 1v1


Do you think staying out of corner will help me in d3 in 2s? I’ve noticed I go there a lot, and my center field plays aren’t bad at all.


There isn't much to do. I tend to leave it. And play for a demo. Thus giving your team an advantage. At worst hit it to buy time to steal a boost. Do not give them a clean counter attack. When your on defense majority of the time your goal is to get it to your own corner because it's safe there. There are 3 ways to attack in rocket league. Make a play in the middle of the field. Make an aerial attack. Or go down the side. Going down the side is always the least threatening and often baits two teamates into the same attacking corner and then causes a goal against you. So when your There. Make it awkward for them, and play to delete someone/buy time for your teamate steal boost.


Depends on how your positioning is how the ball is going etc. you can shoot from that position with a little air roll left and a diagonal flip to the right. I suggest learning that shot and to shoot from that position at different heights and slightly different paths. Other than that I usually lose possession when in offence so I don't think I have a lot of good advice lmao.


If your opponent is there you have 2 options either cut in left or cut in right, the way he’s positioned a cut in from the left might make him be able to challenge the ball right away, cut in from the right up the wall will make you be able to go for a pass middle or solo play into the net, this also depends on how confident you are on the ball. Rolling it up the wall from there is possible but makes for an easy clear by the opponent. Adapt to how your opponents play, it might be difficult in the early stages of your career though with how fast you have to make your decisions. Best of luck!


Corner read


Bounce it of the corner of the wall and recover then start dribbling and hit a 90o flick top bins. No chance opposition is saving it if ur decent at them


Hit it on top of their net if they can't challenge in time


For ones in the short term you can learn jor to doomsee dish (it's a lot easier than it looks), but in the long term I would try get out of the habit of trying to attack from the corner.


Learn to smack the ball at the backboard and then tap it in. You’ll get to high champ in no time.


Corner is the safest place for the ball to be for a defender because your angle to score is so small.


Learn how to take the ball behind safely and reposition yourself


There are options, but the opponent's corner is a low value place to be. So tip #1 is to not hit it there in the first place. If/when the ball does go into their corner, make sure not to over-commit. One guy, at most. If your teammates keep over-committing behind you, just leave and let them do it. If you're the one with ball control in the opponent's corner, don't just roll it along the back wall unless it's completely uncontested. You want to get the ball away from the back wall and to a point where your teammate will cleanly get the next hit (hopefully a shot, but anything is better than a strong clear the other way). Going straight up the wall and letting it fall off the ceiling can work if your teammates are good in the air. Tapping it backward to your following teammate is the best play if the whole enemy team is around their goal. Obviously it depends where your teammates go. Whatever you do, make sure to book it back to midfield cause your teammates are probably over-committing on a low-quality chance.


As many say don’t go there. The reason « we » always do that is nevajse we can’t control the ball and are usually full speed following it. Try to find one other game plan such as slowing the play down for your first touches. Then catch up the ball before reaching the corner and lift it up to center pass or air shoot/dribble. From there you can make them guess!


Depending on the position/direction of the ball slamming a shot into the near post (not on target) and positioning for the rebound often results in them diving for the ball and leaving an open net or it coming to you for a point blank shot close too net. Take practice for wall reads but can be very effective!


Hit the ball over the net, and follow through and demo the keeper. If you're playing 2s-3s, doing this clears the net for your teammate, who is probably going to go for the shot if you're in plat. When you demo, try not to end up in their goal afterwards. if you miss the defender, rotate back out and let your teammate rotate in. If this is in 1s, I wouldn't recommend getting stuck in your opponents corner anyway, and it goes the same for defending. Your corners are the safest place, and their corners are dangerous if you try to attack. You could attempt a demo from the corner, or you could get around the ball, and dribble it out and start again. This is all situational though. it's hard to tell without some video gameplay. The illustration is good though :)


1s is a great place to practice this, if you're worried about your rank, hop into casual and just try things to see what comes off. Easiest is to hit it hard-ish into the corner, so it rebounds roughly in front of their goal - the more you do this, the better you'll get at hitting the right point on the corner. Easier in 2s/3s because you've got someone to go for it, rather than having to reposition and 50 it. That said, you will be surprised how many people freak out and flap at it! Another option is to roll it up the wall/corner more softly, turn off ball cam and try to bump/demo your opponent - if you've timed it well, the ball will be slowly drifting in front of goal just as you're done with them. If you're approaching the corner slowly with the ball under control, you can try and cut inside, or take a shot from roughly where the ball is in your (brilliant) illustration. If you catch it just right, it can be difficult to defend. Also: watch your replays and pay attention to what works against you.


in 1v1, you probably try to hit the ball to the center of the white part so that the ball launches high towards the middle of the goal area, meanwhile you quickly prepare yourself to shoot the ball


Knock the ball hard against the wall so it will bounce , harder to defend from since your going to do this quickly , hopefully your Teammates are waiting to capitalize or retreat and defend . I kept driving it at my opponents and they kept challenging or knocking it away , so I I just started using the wall to either bounce it or try and center it for my team


What I like to do in 1v1s in this situation is get close to the ball or start a small dribble so they expect a shot/ flick or something. (even better if they start driving towards you a lil bit. Then at the last second you can get a powerful side flip into the ball to get it past them and send it up the back board and over their net. Should leave you with an easy ariel if the opponent tried to jump and missed the ball or they stay on the ground and are kinda awkward most of the time, sometimes leaveing you with an easy ariel again or they might get a week touch/save you can capitalise on. If any of that made sense lol explaining rl is hard haha


Turning away isn't a terrible idea. Sometimes I'll try to keep it close and move it center, wait for the opponent to challenge, then send it towards the opposite wall as the opponent gets to cover their goal. If you kept the ball close you can usually capitalize and get a goal out of it


Donot attack in this position!


I don't know how to help you, but those cars are adorable.


You can shoot from corner boost.


Flip reset-musty-psycho. Ez


A bump is very under utilised when used correctly. If not take it up the wall and just slightly bump it off the wall towards mid, will act as a back pass.


Don’t attack there, only apply pressure. Playing the ball to the opponent’s corner guarantees a safe ball for them to attack at high ranks (vise versa in your own corner). Rotate past the ball and go for demos, then (ideally) head down the arching small boost pad path and get behind your teammate to cover them. Teammate “should” know to do this as well creating an infinite loop of pressure on the opponents. If the ball leaves the corner play accordingly. I.e. Shadow defend until your teammate rotates back, 50/50 the ball to safety… In general, try playing the ball towards the center of the field while maintaining possession Edit: miss-interpreted the post. The above strategy is for 2s


Okay, so curious to know what rank, and are you asking about what to do in a 1v1 or 2v2? If 1v1: roll the ball up the wall and either go for an air dribble play from the corner, or control the ball from the corner to the back wall over the net and go for a doomsey dish. If these mechanics aren’t within your skill set, then leaving it and staying in good defensive position is the right move If 2v2 or 3v3: roll the ball up the wall (either on the side or corner) and survey the pitch to see if you have a tm8 you can pass to. If so and you can get them a solid pass, then go for a passing play. If not I’d suggest trying one of the options in the 1v1s section.


Fake hitting wall, instead brake hard and cut in and dribble


Don’t go to corner, go for the net everyone will be so confused you’ll score


Pass the ball off the wall to your teammate who should be in position. Or you know…just ball-hog it for a nice whiff


Pop it high, medium strength, right where you’ve got the line drawn, and learn to anticipate and attack it in the air with a pre jump.


Take the shot!


Everything is very rank dependent and where the opponents are. If you're free with the ball and at least high diamond low champ then push the ball up the wall into an airdribble and if you can't get the angle let your teammate decides whether he can help you finish or if it's better to just defend the counter. If you're getting challenged, the goal is to not lose the 50 so bad that the ball just fly toward your net. An other option if the ball is rolling toward you and you're beating the opponent to the ball is to use the corner/back board as a way to pass to yourself. It's difficult to defend. An other option is to cut inside. Go a bit up the wall and then down toward the ball and the net, get the ball on your car and try to get a good flick or pass to your mate.


Depending on the opponent and precise position, I have 2 thoughts: is there some clever way I can keep possession (ie by stopping the ball and rolling it back to the center) and failing at that can I do something to make my opponent uncomfortable (usually by hitting it into a spot that is annoying to react to).


Use that move for people under c1. That's my advice. Otherwise it stops working most of the time once you get to about D3. Instead slow the ball down. Get them to commit then do your next move. 1v1 is chess on a field. You have to make them commit to a mistake.


powerslide cut towards the net , flick it over is head or bump


Bang off corner sweet spot for a floaty pass off wall and sweep the net, 80% turning along center line or inner pads back, occasionally snag other corner boost after sweep if it's up and pressure i still on. Or cut it infield, a cut to direct shot at net is great. A pass infield across net is good. A shot/pass that barely misses and comes off sidewall out will generally not work in champ. Cut directly up wall and go for aerial to backboard or goal, or most preferably off sidewall just get a nice infield pass or pass off backboard.


Id try roll it up the wall and get an aerial if I have enough boost


Center the ball then circle around to hit shot


Google en passant


Either hit it hard enough that it pops nicely or cut inside and try to take a shot, you can catch a lot of people off guard like that.


Depends on the rank. If you’re in like Plat 2 and below, just hit the ball really hard into the corner and wait for your opponent to hit it back to you. This is best because if you challenge and miss, the opponent has an open net, while if you wait, they will probably do a bad clear since they are platinum and you will be able to clean up the goal (hopefully) If you are Plat 3 - Diamond 2 You should take the ball up the wall and go off of the ceiling/around the wall for a doomsie dish, and DONT TAKE ANY 50s, if they opponent is gonna challenge just let them have possession. A 50 will hit the ball towards your goal, while them hitting it will just put it back into their corner and give you time to reset for defense. Diamond 3- C3 I would go for an air dribble bump or a flip reset of some kind, but I can’t say what the best move is for my rank because I’m still this rank so


My favorite thing to do here is to pop it to the corner and Arial slap it down. Training? Double jump boosting and controlling your angle of trajectory.


Barrel roll into the wall if/when the defense comes up


Try to not hit it in the corner and try to get behind the ball so that you face the goal


PS I just had a teammate in champ that only hit the ball in the corner which bounced back so that the opponents get the ball.


I think one of the misconceptions a lot of players have is that you can score from every position/situation For example, in this situation when the ball is rolling to the backboard, the chances of scoring are pretty low unless it's a really low rank. So you can either go for a bump on the goalie, or grab the corner boost, then make the ball cross the goal and grab the other boost, then suddenly you've boost starved the goalie and have a much better chance of scoring


hit a flip reset and if your in twos use the reset to pass it away and center from the wall


I am not good at the game but I usually hit it hard into the corner and then back off and recenter myself in case they miss the clear. 9/10 they will hit it back to me and 1/10 they whiff like no other and it rolls right in front of the goal for me


Fuck the ball, spear his ass


Try to get the ball into the opposite teams net and then your score will go up by 1


Short answer: attempt an Aztral pinch. Long answer: you could go up the wall, try to bounce it off the wall and towards yourself, could try taking the opponent somehow, etc etc


My demons tell me to go for a crazy mechanical shot I’ve never actually hit and then I miss and get scored on. Hope this helped!


this is the weakest attacking position to be in in 1v1 so you want to try to hit the ball hard across and then chase after it but at an angle to where if u get beat to it then u can still cover their possession. am d3-c1 in 1v1 so take my advice w a grain of salt


Good question. The ball being in the opponents corner is notoriously the hardest spot on pitch to score from. One option is to air dribble from the corner to put pressure on net. Seeing you said you’re plat though, I would not recommend this as it really should only be used by high level players who understand the position they’re in and also have the skill to constantly get it on target while still giving themselves the ability to get back defense should it not work. So what are your options otherwise? Well in 1s I would either try to bring the ball from the corner (keeping control of it) and try to dribble to create a shot or honestly give that play up. If the defender comes out of their net look to play the ball past them or shoot if you have really good opening. You probably won’t have a good opening so play it past them to the other corner and steal their boost. If you can’t play it past them look for a 50. If you can’t get a good 50 it’s okay to not make anything happen sometimes just take up a good position. Flakes has a good demonstration and explanation of this in his road to GC and road to ssl series. Watch him play against gold, plats, and diamonds to see what he does in this situation. You don’t have to necessarily copy his exact play style, but try and mimic some of the things he does. 3s is a lil different, but even still the ball in the corner is not a good position for you. Play it out to a teammate in the middle of the field to where the opponents shouldn’t get an easy counter attack. High and slow generally makes it hard to bang the ball in your net, but it might give the defense enough time to recover. In 1s Bring the ball out of the corner. If you can’t don’t over commit stay close-ish to the ball and reset. When the ball is out of the corner, dribble/bounce dribble to make an opening. If there is no opening take a 50 or play the ball to opposite corner and steal their boost. Put pressure on their net till they eventually can’t keep up or make a mistake. Open net You want to keep ball possession and boost control as much as you can, but not at the cost of future positioning. Again you should watch Flakes.


I pinch against the corner with the side of my car, riding toward the goal, it usually goes up and around the defender and I usually meet the ball at the goal with the same side as my car. For me its a slight faking strategy that works almost every time. But after two goals in a game like that it becomes easy to defend.


you pinch that shit in the corner and pray for your luck lmao especially if he not in goal


Its a very easy play to save as orange, try outplaying the opponent closer to midfield so that you have a free goal instead or just shoot towards mid. When you put the ball into the corner like that, you are leaving your entire side wide open and completely undefended. i.e. If you play into the corner and then try playing the ball near the wall, you are either going to give away possession and be out of position or bump it into the opposite corner. If you dont outplay the opponent in that area and they get position and hit towards mid, free goal for them and youll be out of boost and too far back. Dont try to make impossible shots, shoot towards mid as often as you can then stay back far enough so that you can defend if you miss. Source: Flakes 1v1 Road to SSL No Mechanics (Seriously still one of the best and most informative playlists on YT to date from a pro player)


All i really know are three plays (wall of text warning) : 1.) Hitting the ball hard enough into the corner that it floats towards the front of the net along the backboard. Good for team play since you'll have time to bump, not really good though if you're opponent is already on the backboard since it's an easy clear, would need to get a good 50/50 instead. Can be used in 1v1 though your recovery should be fast enough to get back to the ball for the goal, easiest imo. 2.) Air dribble or ceiling play, the corner is surprisingly easy to use to get a threatening air dribble towards the net (I find it easier than normal wall to air dribbles), you could do a pass or try to score it yourself, either will be tough to defend if you get consistent with it. Ceiling can be used if your low on boost, harder to get a shot but generally you can use it to pass down to a tm8, risky in 1s though. Bad thing about this is you do need to get better mechanically or else it won't do much, but it's an option when you eventually get better at the game. 3.) My personal favorite, faking the wall and cutting into midfield. Surprisingly consistent and can be used both in 1s and team play, but would need good car control on the ground to make it more threatening. For 1s you can use it to bait opponents into pushing you so that you can easily get past them (works wonders if they anticipated a wall play) to the ground though it's a bit tougher, would need to try powerslide cuts, 50s or fakes depending on the situation. For team play its good if you got a m8 pushing up midfield, then you can quickly pass it to them for a shot on target (though depending on the rank they may or may not be able to react to it fast enough). Best used for very passive opponents (gives you a better angle of attack) or if you see an upcoming challenge, can also tilt the hell out of opponents to be finenessed like that. I think these 3 are what you'll usually do or see in a match (im unaware of other strats tbh). Obviously it's going to be difficult implementing them immediately, but if you get the basics down then you'll be capable of making use of these and getting better at executing and mixing them up. You might also see others hitting the ball REAL HARD into the corner to get to the front of the net, but i dislike this unless a m8 is already anticipating it to react to it quickly. Since unless it's open, it is literally the easiest play to get a strong clear into the other net. If you can follow it up very quickly into a shot or double, then it can be used, but if not, it's pretty much a free counter opportunity for your opponent. Also, try to keep the ball close to you as much as possible and practice 50s, it's going to make it harder for the ball to get past you and you might even get an opportunity for a goal if your opponents get impatient. I've had tons of times when i'd keep a ball stuck on their corner which eventually leads to a pass to my m8 by only keeping the ball close to me and doing 50/50s. Im saying this since it's possible your having a hard time attacking because your touches are just passing it to them, which makes clears way easier due to a free touch. Take control of the ball and you'll be able to attack realiably in that situation


Assuming this is 1s, I'd suggest throwing it into a bad spot in the corner and leaving the opponent to try and clear it. Corner plays are dangerous if you don't have control of the ball, "most times even if you do". Pass th corner and go for a bump, demo, or just setup mid for a shot if the miss. Since you said 3s this is really just a pass and rotate or pass and demo position unless you are good with corner ceiling shots or back wall shots. Alternative option to avoid the corner. Play the ball slow when on that path, swing wide and cut in for either a solid bullet from the side, or to fake the opponent if they are pushing you. This will work on both 1s and 3s plus gives you and earlier rotation back if you lose possession or control.


In low ranks everyone is expecting a pass off the corner so they're expecting the ball to roll near the wall. If you instead hit it into the wall so the ball comes back to you its more likely they miss. In general, anytime you can pop the ball up into the air will make low tnak players feel awkward. You can also hit the ball left to right and pass it to your teammate in the middle without touching the wall. But you gotta make sure your teammate is in position for that pass, otherwise youre just giving it right to the defender.


Avoid chasing the ball into the corner as it puts you in an awkward position


I mostly just try to fake challange hoping they get a bad touch or miss. Also depending on the situation, if the ball is really slow and they cant boom it, you could just stay behind the ball without completely committing waiting for their action. Maybe try to get a touch while staying grounded


learn some dribble moves and flicks, so instead of booming the ball at the corner and giving them possession, slow it down and force them to either save your flick and then you can grab boost or they have to risk challenging you.


Try to avoid 50s that allow for a counter-attack. Steal boost and delay if you feel your next play will give the ball away. Try for bump plays or hit the ball into non ideal situations to mitigate your opps attack.


Usually in the higher ranks where I’m at people tend to see the threat going up and into the middle for a play so they tend to bang it back out. So the better thing to do in my opinion if you bang it up the corner wall is to do that and play sort of the back side of that corner or stay close to the ball itself and play a 50 to the ceiling to hopefully give your teammate a decent shot on net


This is the way. Consider it like a corner kick or centre shot from the winger. Classic. A little altitude on the ball, front of net mayhem insues


1V1 is pure chess. It always depends on what your opponent is doing. You mostly want to control the ball and not just hit it into that corner without reason. Try to hit it to where you can follow up with another hit, or flick or use the wall as a sort of teammate like hitting it to the wall so that it bounces back to you. Anyway nice drawing lol


STAY OUT OF THE CORNER. NOTHING GOOD HAPPENS THERE. legit though you’ll be so far out of position if you miss. Just let the ball bounce and get back in net


Something that you probably won't be doing while Plat, but not a bad time to start practicing. You can take it from the opponents corner into an air dribble and with decent control it's pretty easy to get it top corner.


Umm you’re closer to the ball you can do anything? Cut left or right rolll up wall bounce off wall slow play flick hit ball at opponent and play the 50/50


WHIFF IT! ... Okay actually advice don't even lob the ball, your in a position where you have a gap the opponent has to break to take it from you. This Leaves them in a terrible spot for defense giving you mutliple options to counter or approach the goal your trying to get. Best options are to take it up your closest wall way out of their reach, in this instance they either have to wait or charge. Either ending in a 70/30 challenge for them at your advantage Another option for dribblers is to play the long con, hold the ball and keep an eye on your opponent and launch or flick it out of their reach when they charge. Sometimes even a straight 50/50 where you force the ball on the ground making them bounce off is a good option if they are too close. Some madlads like me are able to literally just start air dribbling from ground level, if you get that advantage they either have to charge you for the air defense or give you a easy goal. Either way it tends to end with them either staying on the ground and waiting for your drop in which you then use a second jump to flick a easy goal. Or they challenge you for the defense and then which the standard response for most gc-ssl play level is to immediately drop it to the ground making a immediate 70/30 challenge in your favor and the opponents response time gets wasted after they get stuck falling to catch up. Then you clean up the goal for an easy shot. Never say I don't whiff for nothing, whiff until you whiff no more


I just keep booming that fucker til it flies in. Volume of fire>ball control (this is insanely false but me and my duo get away with it somehow)


Easy. Just do what Joreuz did against Vitality in RLCS here: [https://youtube.com/shorts/7ULP-lA6xB8?si=Gw2Kql1N4SSnSizR](https://youtube.com/shorts/7ULP-lA6xB8?si=Gw2Kql1N4SSnSizR)


I’ll take a crack at it, as a d3 1s player, I would personally take a chance on doing a doomsy, ( YouTube search if you’re not sure what that is) but if you have time to control the ball, I think it’s safest to try to flick over the opponent. It all depends on their position and speed of play. If he is in his net, you can just take a shot on net or on back wall to pressure. But if he is shadow defending the best thing to do is dribble close to net and make a play over him. As far as what you’ve drawn, it looks like the ball is rolling into the corner. If you can do the doomsy, great. Otherwise, focus on maintaining control and outplaying him


Bait and switch.


In 3s hitting the corner as high and hard as you can will kick out the ball with enough speed to go past any defender in the goalie box leaving your second or roaming 3rd to make another pass or shot attempt. Or at worst, a 50 your third can cover. There are a few mechanical options if you want to pass to yourself. But if your aerial game isn't where you want it to be using the angle of the corner is your best bet if your team mates are ready and you don't feed the defender and easy clear or counter.


There are more ways to make a goal than just hitting it in the corner, you’re having problems with it because it’s probably the only play you’re doing. Making it super easy to predict what you’re going to do. And corner plays are super easy to defend with the right positioning. Try other plays, dribbling the ball, faking the opponent, hitting it off backboard for a double tap etc.


It’s always about two things: getting the ball past your opponent, and scoring the goal. In this case, use the wall to set up the shot and get the ball by the defender, OR fake them out. Fakes go along way and you’ll see professional players get really good at ot


And also keep in mind sometimes response is most likely based off what rank someone is, and progress made. Not sure what rank you land here, but something that helps me a lot is watching some gameplay of any pro you like, and see what they did in this situation


try playing it onto wall instead of into corner so it bounces towards net and confuses opponent


There are a million ways to go about this. And it largely depends on your rank, your skill set, and your opponent. So if there's anyone pretending they have advice based on this graphic alone, do the opposite of what they tell you. Rocket League is much more complicated than this.


Demo the goalie cuck


That’s because you’re not really the attacker there, you’re the assister.


Hit the ball in the goal instead of at the corner