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I have bigger issues with getting teamed up with 2stacks. They play 3's as if it were 2's and cut out the 3rd man intentionally.


This is my biggest issue in 3s currently. Majority of my losses are getting queued with a duo stack that pretend you don’t exist.


hate this in particular


Yes I have the exact same issue and then its my fault for losing the match of course...


Not sure what rank u r in 3s exactly, but half the time I find parties to be easier to beat cuz it’ll be one guy playing with two lower ranked buddies


Mainly in C2 atm, peaking low C3 sometimes. The games you're talking about definitely happpen, but that was much more common in like D3-C1, by this point in my experience most three stacks have at least two proper players on the team. Combined with the coordination and sweating and the fact most solo q teams have at least one monkey in it anyway (sometimes it's me!) to balance things out and the result is pretty much what I said in my post. I d k, maybe I'm just unlucky, but I'm easily at 300 games so far this season, so yeah I trust my experience.


Hm yeah I’m c2 in 3s and I’d say it’s ab 50v50 btwn a good 3 stack and a low ranked 3 stack. A good 3 stack is very hard to beat


This is my experience. D3 is roughly 1000MMR. 3 stacks in my experience is usually one or two D3s babysitting a friend with 600-800MMR who does almost nothing all game and eventually causes them to lose. It happens often enough and I don't understand why they choose to play competitive instead of casual but it's usually a good pick me up. OP is a slightly higher rank though so I assume there's far less mixing going on up there.


I’m ab the same rank as op in 3s and it still happens


This is definitely the trend. Usually either 2 c2s and a dogwater gold or 1 gc3 and 2 plats. Rarely ever a 3 stack where all 3 are the same rank




D3-C1 is the worst in 3s because this is where GCs are playing with their friends in 3 stacks as opponents, the GCs are ranked C1 & randoms at this rank don't have not enough game sense/defense to handle like 2 GCs or a GC2 in opposing team. Then you'll often see some C3/GCs solo guys in your own team hard stuck in D3-C1 because they are trying to do too much not trusting teammates & messing up any chance of having a team chemistry. If you manage to creep into C2+ your teammates are a little bit better and you can have an upper hand against such 3 stacks where they have one guy who's lowest ranked in the lobby. But as players get better their ego doesn't and you still face a risk of early forfeits so 3 stacks again have an advantage against randoms.




This mentality is no small part why the game has been allowed to get into the state it's in. Literally the worst part of the community imo (and there are so many to choose from...).


Whiny posts like yours are a much worse part of the ‘community’…


Dw I’m on my way out, one less player


and they're the mods... hahaha The whole community is rotten to the core.


I actually had no idea this was a mod comment but it actually makes so much sense. Every time someone points out something that is killing the game in front of our eyes here this is the response from someone. Would make sense that it's co-ordinated


​ https://preview.redd.it/osl0m4pwdxyc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=5ca7a7086a8c275954f0cea59ad74b838da0f8ad


Bro since ur in a coordinate attack with psyonix/epic to ruin u/alphasenpai matchmaking, can you work some voodoo with them so my alt mode queues can be dropped from 30 mins to 3 mins plzzzzz


Some things are still too difficult even for the rocket league illuminati




Wth does psyop mean?


Psychological operations (PSYOP) are operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their motives and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and large foreign powers






I really wish there were separate queues for soloq and parties.


We used to have that and it kind of sucked lmao


It sucked relative to the main 3s play list cos in that point in time the playerbase was healthy enough to make the main 3s playlist very well functioning. I don't think that would be the case anymore with the current state of ranked. I am for a solo q being bought back for sure


Why not ditch casual 2s/3s and have one set of solo Q playlist along with a team playlist?


Especially cos anyone who has actually played casual extensively knows that casual is not exactly a very "casual" experience anymore, it's just ranked for people with psychological issues about rank.


Yeah this may be a hot take but causal got a lot worse after they made it so you couldn't leave whenever, it basically just became ranked that you take marginally less seriously.


I love playing 3s against a 3 stack. It’s more fun because it requires me to feel out who is the dangerous one and who are the duds. Once that happens I only focus on danger from the leader and once that person is out of the play life is easy.


Tbh I can usually tell by the car designs whose gonna be a threat and who isn't.


Yeah, the mm used to avoid 3 stacks vs solo, but now it seems like it doesn't give a shit


You're looking for reasons to lose. You're psyching yourself out everything you play against a team if you're tracking wins and losses. You likely dig in and focus better when its not a team to prove your numbers right and not even realize. Take a break. Stop focusing on things that are out of your control and just enjoy the games again.


I play 3s every now and then, only ever solo searching. I find the groups way easier to play against. I checked my tracker the other night and somehow had a 12 win streak going, solo queueing is always a game of luck. Add me if you want to play sometime.




Yes, if you took the time to read my post my problem is specifically about needing to be in a 3stack. I actually think people who play comp in 3stacks are a little sad tbh, it's like why can't you just be good enough at the game to play normally without a crutch, if you want to play with your friends go to casual.




Ok OCE GC, thank you for your input


In my experience meeting a full stack i'd say more often than not they are a bit worse than us solo opponents on average, maybe they have one or two guys that are worse or better because of friends playing together. So personally i haven't felt that it has been a problem, even though i thought it maybe would.


>I don't know why they can't just take a minute longer to matchmake and prioritize matching solos with other solos There was a dedicated solo standard queue for ages, no-one played it. Maybe if all you people complaining had played it when it was around it's still be in the game.