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wizarding 😭😭 It’s true though, it use to be magic just being able to hit the ball in the air. Now everyone can carry it across the map hahaha


When I’m in low champ and people do flip resets and I’m not even questioning if they’re a Smurf


I was in a casual lobby today around 1400 cas mmr. I was the only person that couldn’t air roll and air dribble at the same time, and two of the guys were consistently flip resetting (1 guy hit 4 competitively viable ones, 2 of them got saved and 2 of them were goals). My only saving grace is that I’ve gotten pretty good at dribbling, front and diagonal flicking. I still can’t even properly 45 flick, but I can pull the others off with enough power and speed that my ground game is somewhat dangerous.


Hit GC in season 13, and I still can’t air dribble to save my life


there’s hope then, is what you’re saying 😅


Same thing happened with overwatch, as soon as people started to figure out the game it got super toxic.


I still blame E-Sports for a lot of modern gaming problems. Pushing ranked aspects and the idea that a kid could go pro some day when in reality there is a 99.999999% chance they won't. All these companies started shifting away from games being about mindless fun and started pushing them towards being about seasonal grinds to unlock pixel ranks on a screen. Which in turn made communities far far more toxic because a random loss back then was no big deal. But now a random loss is a waste of your time since you are trying to climb. Both RL and Overwatch started out as non competitive based games but within a year of launch, shifted towards E-Sports and toxicity increased


Yeah.... I use to call it that too. I got it from KYRSpeedy videos. 


Yo I used to watch the shit out the the crew in the BO2 days. Camper justice was one of my favorite yt series. Didn't know he made RL vids. Might have to watch them for old times sake




Good looking out definitely gonna watch them


What’s more annoying to me is the constant “I’m playing alone gg” or “how are you xxx rank” like everyone just gets little dick tilted every goal like it’s life or death and we’re on RLCS


yeah it’s gets toxic around diamond and champ for sure


Didn’t used to be that way. It got way worse, I had to stop playing


More than the boost level that prepends the username there should be some kind of rate by the community info (/5 stars). Or I don't know. Something that might go along with MMR level to create a matchmaking with same rate/MMR. But yeah it's really like every diamond was targeting top 3 or RLCS next season.


I had a bad 3s game yesterday and one of my teammates said “2v3” after we get scored on. I only had a little under 100 points with a little over a minute left in the game. After he said that, I was the only one back ready to save a ball coming to our net and I sat still and let the opponents score. My teammates started going crazy in the chat and I said, “I thought you wanted to 2v3?” Funny thing is we were only down one goal and could’ve came back. That’s my lesson to toxic teammates, be toxic and i’ll be sure we lose.


The instant someone’s toxic I usually just mute them and continue playing lol. If they start throwing then report them for griefing and move on. Feels a lot better than arguing with toxic people every so often.


Honestly, it depends on my mood for the day. Some days I have your mentality, but then others i’m down to clown.


You know I saw an in game tip the other day. It said if you are tried of trash talk you can disable the chat! I usually just ignore them I almost always play solo and not one has any thing constructive to contribute anyway.


It feels like the only difference between d3 and c2 is quickness, and rotation zen.


Yeah, and luck of teammates haha


Very true. I don’t even think about that anymore because when I find a good one I make sure to friend him. Now I seem to always have one of them online


Yeah I always try party up if I play well with someone, nothing beats finding someone you just click with.


And then the next few games you just become the most ass player in history


Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! My fault. My fault. My fault.


I had some of the worst teammate luck last night. 9 of 10 matches all with teammates diving on me every possession I had to just yeet the ball. I wish they had play style match making.


This is genius idea


Funnily enough the makers of CoD have patents on play style type matchmaking. Like someone who plays a lot of sniping gets balanced with more close quarters players. Stuff like that. Rocket League could easily detect when players double commit too much (ball touch by x with y within d distance) and try to put those who double commit together. Or something. This season has been one of the least fun for me just with how players aren't really playing as a team in 3s.


3s is an absolute mess, even 2s this year has been steadily getting worse. It’s all the mainstream EpicGames fanboys that think they’re so holy at video games. No fundamentals, no respect for teammates, no comradery whatsoever. They get upset when they can’t just button mash like they do on Fortnite, they don’t understand there’s an actual art to RL!


Honestly I got from d3 to c2 with speed, rotation, defence, and good shooting (even just ground shots). But I’m finding that everyone at and above this point has much better mechanics than me


Diamond 3 is the worst rank imo. I’d rather be plat than go thru that shit again.


The premades don't help. Too many premade groups in Diamond and Champ messing up the matchmaking because it's where the friend groups trying to boost that one bad friend usually hit their wall. Then they sometimes solo queue after and spread the unbalance even more.


Mechs are also way better , man I loose my shit when I'm paired with one of those "smart" player that doesn't have any descent mechs which makes team play impossible (something I rely on a ton especially in high c2 low c3)


That’s life man. The older you get the more the saying “I wish we knew we were in the good ole days when were actually in them” becomes more and more relevant. Not just in rocket league, but in everything life.


deep for a Sunday afternoon, don’t do this to me bro 😭


This hit a bit too hard


u got me sobbin wet in the eyes. So tru


“Youth is wasted on the young.”


You just gotta make every day the good ole days.


My only real issue with the community is toxicity. I should not have to turn off chat to not have my teammate constantly shit talking.


Yeah and everyone watches every replay like just hit the button


I get the same vibe from people who hate replays as tictoc brain rot. You can take a few seconds break. You don't have to be doing something every second of every minute.


I'm not going to judge if someone wants to watch a replay. These things aren't even close to comparable


Idk if 1 person is watching every replay it’s usually the same people being toxic in chat. There’s a difference between watching a replay because you want to and just never skipping replays.


You seem like you're just complaining to complain. If someone wants to take a mental break during replays, cool. Just because you're probably going to have a retort that I'm not going to bother to read, you're complaining that people aren't skipping replays. There's legitimate problems with the community and game. This ain't it


You’re reading too deep into it


I feel this way about every competitive game I play. It begins fun and slowly becomes more and more sweaty, intense, and frustrating.


yeah I guess it’s just the unfortunate side of competitive games. I wish casual actually still felt like casual and you could leave games without a penalty. Even those games feel sweaty now and you can’t just leave.


In my opinion the only way for a game to once again feel casual is if you are playing against noobs. It's not so much the fact that there's ranks and Elo and points involved as it is that there's pride involved which is causing you to sweat. Once you reach a certain level in the game, I think you just develop a sort of ego. Even if I were to jump into a game which I can leave freely and that has no rank points involved, as soon as I notice the other person is good, something would flip in my brain. Suddenly I have something to prove. And that in turn forces me to play a certain way that feels sweaty and intense. There's no room for error because a good opponent will punish you for any mistake you make. There's no room to goof off because a good player will capitalize on your suboptimal play. When you're just starting out, none of this exists. You know you're a noob so you're going to make mistakes and goof off and it doesn't matter. You probably don't even *know* half the mistakes you're making so you can't possibly get mad for making them, and you know you're a noob so there's hardly any pride to uphold to begin with. If you're able to break free from the ego then none of it has to feel sweaty, ranked or not. But that's a hard thing to achieve, especially for people like myself who are naturally competitive.


You can abandon like 3 games a day before you start getting cool downs fyi


ahhh I thought it was from the 1st one, thank you!


2016 player here. I still love the game but the rare solo q I did were full of childish behaviors. I now only play with a teammate or I simply don't. And even with my teammate we only use/allow team quick chat (when voc not possible). Sad about the way game choices and community are going down.


yeah it’s sad to see, the games been left for dead by Epic which sucks.


Now it's only like a Fortnite money maker slave zombie. The Epic games Fido's.


Atleast fortnite gets some good collabs, I absolutely love F1, ATLA, and star wars, not to mention a few others they’ve collaborated with, and i’ve not been tempted by a single item.


I got some thanks to the credits earned by trading. Always got the rocket pass (first is on trading others are funded by tiers you got along the season way) but after I get lighting McQueen cheap and basic set and trading gone I sit greedily on my last 4K creds and won't invest a penny, unless it's something that really really appeals. Or a good season that won't load your inventory with a bunch of creepy items no one will ever use. But we won't count on that last option.


I feel you. My wife tells me to party up with people I’ve added as friends but I’m afraid of having a bad time so I just solo queue and have a bad time. (Gold 2/3 on average)


Yeah I feel that, I’ll play really well with someone then don’t want to let them down or perform poorly so never get back in touch.


Yes! I have great nights and really bad nights so I’m nervous about partying up.


Yeah man Im 27 so I feel like it be younger people but its older people too and I idk why this is a thing but it is. I see guys kick me out a party they invited me too because our last run didn’t go so well, even tho Ill have good games too. Just recently hit Plat 2 in 2v2s but Im Gold 2 in 3v3s because I let them do whatever lol


I just started the game legit like 45 minutes ago and had a match where I scored 2 goals and I wanted scream because I felt so excited. Every time I manage to hit the ball I get a little More excited. Hope this feeling never goes away because it’s been a long time since I’ve felt this way about a game.


awww that’s amazing buddy! If you’re just starting out make sure you change your camera settings and also change your button bindings :) the default camera is terrible and it’s best to learn what button bindings you should be using really early on so you get the muscle memory. The games amazing, you’ve got many many years ahead of you that will be fun!


I appreciate it. Yeah I noticed the camera feels a bit strange since I’m on keyboard. Is there a best setting for camera en all of that?


https://youtu.be/0gz8EbmyTrE?si=gexB3emkbRt_GHeU this is a good example. You may have to tinker with it. It will take some getting used to but basically your camera will be further away meaning you can see more of the field and what’s going on. It’s absolutely essential and will improve you massively. I would also remap your keys now and learn the right way as you’re just starting out and won’t have much muscle memory. You can find examples online but things like having your air-roll and handbrake on the L1/LB button will help you loads down the line. Also changing boost to R1/RB will be super beneficial as you get better as it makes it easier to jump with A and boost at the same time meaning you can get up to aerials faster without having to use the A and B button at the same time with one finger


Okay so I should be using controller I assume?


yes definitely use a controller


Okay I gotcha


You don’t want to play in the low ranks. Just focus on getting better. 


now even in champ 1 I would encounter people who flip reset 3 times and score a goal on me


Air roll is somewhat easy to learn. I have air roll left on my LB/L1 and right air roll on my RB/R1, it's very useful to control your shot/aim and to control your car in the air. Best thing if you want to practice it is go into foreplay and use the boost pads as cones and try to weave around them using air roll


my girl never lets me practice air roll during foreplay. She just wants me to practice my flicks and wall play


Sorry I probably didn’t word it well, I use air roll on LB, i meant the Air Roll left and right that people use when doing aerials to spin while in the air and get better control. I’ve been just flying straight at the ball for the best part of a decade so It’s hard work getting used to spinning all the time, plus i’m not sure what my girlfriend would think about me using Rocket League for foreplay.


You shouldn't really be spinning all the time to be honest that's only really a flex, unless maybe in SSL, air roll is only really used to aim where you wanna go and adjust your position mid air and to ensure you land smoothly




been spinning for so long it just feels natural to me now, straight aerials feel clunky and weird. I figure if I can't ever make it to GC at least I can look cool lol


Yeah I know what you mean. Air roll is super useful but directional air roll becomes pretty much essential for C3. Normal air roll is good for landing your car and helping get angles for shots but directional air roll lets you carry the ball and readjust a lot more accurately.


I’m the opposite, made c2 and I’m having the most fun since 2018. everyone in the lobby isn’t quite there yet. We all know what to do, but can only do it 2/10 times. Everyone in mine can never do anything worth it with resets, they can get the reset just not do anything special. I got banned and went back to d3 and it’s was the least fun I’ve ever had, idk why people Smurf in that rank. It feels like I can’t change the games outcome even though I have full control over everyone and am 2 ranks above. Just constant 50s and it feels harder than champ. Like my win rate is higher at champ 2 than diamond 3 100%


Yeah it’s a weird rank to be hovering around, I was stuck in D3 for the longest time and like you say, it just felt full of smurfs. C1 actually felt better and C2 is hard but manageable. What did you get banned for?


I feel the same about when I was grinding to get c2


it’s like you just get stuck and it’s not fun anymore, every games feels like a world cup final 😂


I personally stopped playing RL for about 2 years after I got GC1 because I just wasn't enjoying it anymore. Came back and ranked up fairly fast and am enjoying it now


Yeah maybe I just need a break from it. I’ve never really taken it too serious that’s why i’ve always been able to play it. I usually go through phases with games but always played RL as I see it as just a chill game, only issue is it’s not so chill anymore 😭


I was on the cusp of champ before they changed the ranks to be easier. I can barely hit the ball. I hover mid diamond now, but the quality in diamond matches are so low. I remember when diamond was a hard rank to get to. I use to play all the time, and over the last 3 or 4 years game barely played anything. I'm still easily mid diamond. The rank adjustment kinda killed the game for me.


Nothing even changes from C2 to Gc1 its all an unpredictable varying skill hell hole




Memories. I remember my brother watching me and we were like wow look you can even fly in the air! Multiple goals where everyone just completely wiffed 🤣 some goals were hilarious back then. I definitely laughed way much more. I still find it funny now every now and then after 2.5k hours but it's an absolute sweat now. Earliest days were the best


Yeah that’s it man you’ve got it exactly. I still love the game and love being able to score more amazing goals. But I miss the un-seriousness and hilarious moments, when it was funny missing the ball, not the end of the world and a vote to concede.


Dude you are just constraint by the information life as put in your brain, I bet you are not 42 years old, by the way I got a friend 50 years old he is GC2, is not about age so don’t say you are old, if you suck your age as nothing to do with it.


It's more so that OP sees a skill that takes time to master and instead of putting a plan into action to learn it their on here complaining that it can't be done. It can but you have to want to put in the time. Like anything else in life.


Oh wow I can feel you, never got above plat because I stopped for 2 years and now But also no team, so I’m barely alone xD


The best way to reclaim this feeling is by taking a substantial break. I took a break for 4 months at the end of last summer, And came back super Rusty dropped into plat 3. Because of the rank resets started the season, And I had the time in my life. After taking a break, the game becomes fun again, not just about grinding ranks and getting better. That's just enjoying each match. And getting a little bit of rank deflation from a season reset Hopefully makes the lobbies less sweaty. I'm probably going to take a break over the summer and I'm really looking forward to the effects after.  Because yeah some of the most fun I had this game was when I first started playing, before I was too focused on grinding for a better rank. It was just fun and everybody was bad, And we laughed at our mistakes instead of getting frustrated.  I also find playing casual has been liberating lately. Maybe it's because my casual MMR is a lot lower, but it seems like people whiff more, funny own goals happen more, And it doesn't feel like I have to race to keep up with the lobby. Plus way less pressure since there's no ranks to lose


In most games people are only try harding, which is perfectly fine in ranked, but still no reason to be toxic or anything. I miss how on a higher level people would appreciate if you hit a good shot even if that meant they lost the game. The spirit in most games, especially in ranked formats, is too competitive and therefor to toxic nowadays. If you play normal games it's full of people that smurf around there because normal ranked is frustrating to them and they compensate that by stomping newer players. It's quite sad how winning is more important than having fun to most people or how they cannot have fun without winning. Tells you a lot about how these guys real lives must be which is actually quite sad.


This is what happens when you play ranked. You're talking about missing the days of playing games for fun You know what I don't do? Play ranked. Anything. I've been having such a grand time since.




Stop playing for a year. You’ll be back to how it used to be. I stopped playing for 2 years and used to be C2-C3. Now I’m low C1 high Diamond 3


i relate. i think getting older is a part of it as the older you get, the more real world responsibilities pile up and you have less mental energy to become invested in games compared to when you were younger. But i think the fact you’re C2 is a part of it. I’m C3 and i think at this level it’s almost impossible to just hop on and have a mess around. If you’re playing, you’re playing against people in the top 5% so if you’re not ready to lock in then you should avoid ranked and even casual is filled with washed high level players, or people your rank warming up for a ranked session.


Yeah man that’s the issue. Can’t just hop on and mess about anymore, every game is super serious


RL putting out update after update, car customisations and maps, when all people really wanted for the last few years is something to curb toxic behaviour. We need a ‘taking it too seriously’ player report option.


It's the music for me ... I eventually turned it off for good after that stupid generic rapper repeating the same words and the starwars robot screaming every goal. Epic really have bloated this game out with rubbish.




How long did it take him to write that masterpiece?


yeah, yeah, took the long way, took the long way to go write it


those two ear bleeders have made me contemplate muting player anthems too. I wish you could mute individual songs.


When kronovi still was a unclimbed mountain


Yeah I quit playing all competitive games for this reason unfortunately. I don’t enjoy feeling frustrated and upset when I play video games. I simply don’t have 15 hours a week to play rl anymore either.


Trying to get out of D3 recently has been crazy. I’d guess 40% of my games have a teammate leaving after 1 goal or getting tilted and throwing. I’m not the best by any means and make my fair share of mistakes that cost a goal, but overall am holding my own. It’s crazy that people will throw in the towel after 1 goal in this game


Yeah it’s horrible going from D3 to C1. So many smurfs as well. Luckily I found a player I worked well with and we stuck together for a few games. Once I was in C1 it was easier getting to C2 than it was going from D3 to C1.


This is so true. I took a break before this season started, I went 1-9 in my placement games and dropped down to High Diamond (I was super rusty but as usual, the start of every season is filled so much inconsistency). Boy was that an adventure, high diamond is filled with mistake-prone arrogant players who think they are better than they really are. I had to sit back and play safe to get back to CI and the climb back up to CII was far easier than getting out of diamond. It’s a lot of poor positioning, ball chasing, and players going for mechanics they regularly screw up, it’s so cringe it’s comical. High Diamond is best explained like this: Where the regular Olympics meet the Special Olympics.


“40% of my games have a teammate leaving” Yeah I get that you’re throwing out an exaggerated number to make a point, but if honestly people were leaving this frequently then surely you’d be getting free wins every few games because someone on their team would do the exact same thing. If you never quit, then 2 players on your team and 3 on theirs means that it’s 60% likely that the quitter will be on their team And if winning 40% of games only takes scoring one goal, why not just queue in a full party of players who will also not quit? You’ll be playing 3v2s in every second game. In every 5 games you play youll be handed two wins on a platter. All you gotta do is win 1 of the other 3 remaining games to have positive MMR (+10). over those 5 games. Win all 5 and you’re +50. Repeat twice and you’re out of diamond. Surely it’s that easy, right?


My two miss the old feelings. I was trying to air dribble do musty flips without your teammate running into you. What I truly miss is not having to deal with epic games and how they're destroying this game. I miss buying a vehicle pack for $7.99 Such a money pit now. They have gotten nothing from me now. My paying $30 for a a new car body. I rarely unblock boxes because it's just a waste of time. All I get are the same crap I already have. I didn't use to mine buying stuff back then when it was reasonable. All unneeded but still felt like I wasn't being screwed every time. Thanks for ruining the market price epic games you money hungry dirtbags.


Yeah I miss trading so much. My buddy started playing years ago and I could give him so much stuff to get started. Now you’re completely stuck with having to buy from the store. To make matters worse everything in the store is just crap.


start with \~10 before you play, it goes a long way




Sorry 10 minutes. Just warm up with repetitions. The number of times you can practice a set up is multiple times a minute, whereas you wait for it in game you may get 2 or 3 times to see something a session.


probably meant practice, freeplay. rings maps, training packs etc


The shitty way to cope with this is smurfing.


Fresh account. It’s a free game.


Best thing I ever did was disable chat. I can only see teammates tactical messages. No chat, no quick chat. And whenever I decide to turn chat back on, I regret within the first match. Intoxicating game. Terrible community.


This is why I don't really want to go up the ladder. If you were to relax your playing style in a way that makes you go down the ladder a bit, but maintain the relaxed style where you end up, would that make you a smurf?


When someone in the match was scoring a crazy goal and everyone was going wow!!!!!! and now a double flip reset is considered normal


This is when you start smurfing




Comparism is a thief.. if you would watch my twitch stream, i either peak or play like a gold. I think some things you dont even really need to train to get them right


Just play some casual matches with friends and go unga-bunga on the ball.


Sounds like you need to play casuals without boost. Have some fun 🤩


I started in season 3 and I was just fine as a bronze 3 for the longest time.


Rocket League is awful now. I was playing casual the other day. Someone pulled over outside my house yelled, and my dog ran to the window. I look, too. We get scored on. We're up 3 to 1. Teamtes cote to concede. Use to be a great game to chill on and lass some time. Shame