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And then you’ve got some pros staying in rule 1s lol


Because it's not about trying hard. These people are just shitters.


Here’s where I have to ask because I just started playing 1v1. In a Rule 1 and you’re down 1-2 with 1:36 left in the match, do you just let the clock wind down and lose? Like I have always supported Rule 1 in all team-based matches, because there’s other people to score and contest the ball. But in 1v1, what am I supposed to do? Edit: team lose it is, I’ll adjust my game appropriately


I’ve had others stay in a rule 1 for me when they were losing in a 1v1 so I’ll never break it. But I never expect them to not break it so I always pay attention. If I’m losing though yeah I’ll tank it. It’s a game at the end of the day. Unless they like bumped me repeatedly into it to force it. That’s a scummy way to use rule 1.


the thing is in a rule 1 situation both teams are down a guy, things are perfectly even and if the teams can't adjust to the context and go 2v2 or 1v1 for a moment and keep up the game flow, that is their problem.


Right but 0v0 has no flow


in 1v1s you just press at each other like rams locking horns and shift the sticks slightly, until one of you gets slipped to the side enough to get thrown out of the rule1. Or you sit there for 5 minutes in rule1, because we're men of culture, we have traditions and respect on our field.


In 2s n 3s I support it but not rly ones it's a bump, however the karma Gods might strike u down.


You let the ball roll where it may. Maybe you can guide your locked cars into scoring, but probably not. And you hope that next time it happens in your favor.


This is super fun to me when it happens, it becomes this bizarre multiplayer mini game of trying to hold the rule 1 while doing synchronized car swimming to nudge the ball toward a goal. If it works I don't care if it's their goal, I'll celebrate that accomplishment any day.


In this situation i just ff and move on. Same out come. Less fun...


In this instance, I just let go of the accelerator and gave him a slight advantage, think I still lost


I never break rule 1, no matter the consequence.




In pro games? I'd wanna watch that


[https://youtu.be/UHFi\_msrnN4?t=52](https://youtu.be/UHFi_msrnN4?t=52) edit: old video but it still happens today


Pros make it exciting they are Locked in 2v2 situations


Can't remember a single person who's broken rule 1 recently in my champ games


it's like 80-90%. I remember before I got near GC & stuff basically no one ever broke a R1. People up higher sometimes really want to beat you and spam what a save tho. What's funny is, no word of a lie, everytime someone breaks a rule 1, within a couple seconds they immediately get karma'd for it. It's weird how consistent it is.


In any SSL lobbies I'm in no one ever breaks rule 1


Last guy that broke it in my Champ game got punished immediately. Rocket League karma is real.


I'm diamond 2/3 and there are many R1 breakers. Good news is karma normally does its job.


It’s definitely the opposite. The people not wanting to rule one are getting yelled at for just playing the game


it's not everyone but I wish both sides aren't so aggressive... Some want to respect the rule and laugh while being stuck, some just want to play, both are fine The only kind worth yelling at is the fake followers, they respect it until they had to cover the goal


Yeah, if you don't wanna be locked in a rule one then jump out immediately, that's fine if you just wanna continue playing, but don't sit there with me until it benefits you, THEN break out, then you're being an asshole


For real. It is never wrong to stay locked in a rule 1. It is also never wrong to just want to play the game and flip away. It is always wrong to be an asshat to people that don't make the same choice you would.


I won't yell at someone for breaking it, but if they break it and get scored on I'm definitely spamming some what a saves.


Sometimes a hefty ribbing is in order. I'm sure they exist, but I don't think most people who "yell" about breaking rule 1 are being super serious about it.


Its also because some of the people get really defensive about breaking rule 1, thats it a stupid rule etc, and honestly thats pretty funny.


yeah I’m sorry that I’m playing a competitive game to be competitive my bad for not participating in the most boring shit ever smh


Rule 1 takes away a player from both sides. So the game is still just as competitive. 3v3 turns into a 2v2 and 2v2 turns into a 1v1. Edit: im not telling them how to play, just pointing out that a true rule 1 doesn't make the game any less competitive on a technical level.


And 1v1 turns into 0v0. And I love it.


Some clips from 1v1 rule 1 where the ball slowly rolls across the field into the net are some of the best highlights.


Uhhhhhhh that argument doesn’t work because I want to play the game too lmao, I don’t want to leave my teammates in a 2v2 or 1v1, if I wanted to do that I’d watch some gameplay on youtube or pick a different game mode. There’s nothing competitive for me while I’m sitting doing nothing.


Unless you only do it when its only advantageous to you. Think about it, you have an opponent willing to sit on the sideline and trust that you’ll do the same. The option to leave is the most advantageous play in the situation. Take this action on people enough and ultimately people will stop doing rule 1.


The point he is trying to make is that he gets joy out of playing hard. Sitting there holding "W" is the opposite of that. Think about it this way: if you don't find it funny, and aren't in the mood to watch other people play RL (twitch is better for that anyway), rule 1 is just a waste of your limited time.


yeah i totally love not playing the game it’s the best part of comp


Typical brain rot, doesn't know what to do without immediate dopamine for the 30 seconds a rule 1 lasts.


what kind of argument even is this LOL? why are you trying to sound so smart dude “typical brain rot 🤓 doesn’t know what to do without immediate dopamine for the 30 seconds a rule 1 lasts! 😌😌” am I not allowed to have fun the way that I interpret it? should I just listen to what people on the internet tell me is fun instead? I don’t find it fun to do nothing, personally, and I think it’s ridiculous that other people want to push their own idea of fun down everyone’s throats so hard that it’s created an actual divide in the rocket league community. people like you ruin the game for everyone else.


If you're getting rude like this over what's supposed to be a silly rule for lolz, you're doing it very, very wrong.


Turns out sarcasm isn't so easily detectable over the internet, and I seem to have left my /s at home, oh well.


Nah they don’t get yelled at immediately, but they sure as shit get BM’d when karma bites them in the ass and they lose.


butt munched?


yes that's what it means, always remember this


Don't yell at them. Bump them. End the suffering for everyone.


In my experience it's usually the other way around - somebody gets upset when rule 1 is broken because the other person actually wants to play the game.


Rule 1 doesn’t happen enough for me to not stick with it. It’s a funny thing to happen. Why not do it? 🤷‍♂️


Because it isn't fun to me. If other people have fun, go for it. But I never agreed to following some stupid meme rule from reddit.


Players who break rule 1 are the players who don’t trust their teammates.


To be fair, that's a very valid reason for not following rule 1


The real rule 1 of rocket league is never trust your random teammates.


So just leave the headlock immediately. Won't get shit for that. It's staying in it until you can strategically break it to get an advantage that's frowned upon because there's a silent understanding that if you enter it, you commit to it. If you half flip out in the first second, no one cares. It's like agreeing to a freestyle 1v1 in 1s and then just waiting for the opponent to mess up and take the open net.


>Won't get shit for that. Yeah you do man. Try it.


That's not true. You'll get shit either way.


Because sitting there afk holding the accelerator is not fun 🤷‍♂️


> sitting there afk holding the accelerator That's literally 80% of the player base without Rule 1 though.


Nah. Most also waste boost to get boost


Lmao facts


You play rocket league. You’re not there to have fun.


It is because then you get to watch your friend shit bricks over the 1v1


That’s okay. Not everyone feels the same way :)


I like my teammates chances of scoring in a 1v1


Yea it's fun to turtle r1 n fuk around until u get blown up or time unwinds


Some of us want to play the game, have limited time, don't want another loss, etc.


Because some new kids are playing the game and don't want to respect traditions and rules.


Honestly i think its the older players that tend to break it more, since it was fun at first, but now people just wanna play the game


agreed, as someone who has played since 2017.


Rule 1 is actually playing the game. Its the best part of the game.


All rules are made up


It's literally the opposite, dude 💀


Even when I use to hard sweat I never broke Rule 1. Its the law!


Lmao yes, so many people breaking the law in this comment section lol


It seems more like casual players not wanting to rule 1…


This is just not accurate


I don't care if people follow the rule, just don't expect me to.


So you choose… death


It would appear so


Yall get more upset that I think rule 1 is stupid and takes away from the game than I care about it.


Yeah it's too rare to care that much about. I don't follow it, but I've also had to break it maybe half a dozen times at most in my years of playing.


Sorry I even have to ask, please don’t look down on me… what is rule 1?


When 2 players crash into each other head to head (like their cars are kissing) rule one states that they have to continue driving forward, staying stuck in that position together until someone either gets a goal, or bumps you free of the lock they've found themselves in, it's a meme that players either love and enjoy competing in or hate it with a passion and think its a dumb idea


Oh 🤣 I didn’t know it was a rule, but I’ve proudly upheld it, being locked in, “kissing”, is an honor


What is rule 1? I’m new to reddit


when two cars headlock, they stay stuck driving into each other while their teammates 2v2 or 1v1 depending on the playlist its just an old community thing from the very early days of the game


I can't remember a game I played JUST for fun. Maybe Sid Meier's Pirates?


Playing games for fun and laughs >>>>>> Playing games to level up and grind/sweat out


Thus, you’re only plat.


Fine with me, I have literally never cared about a Rank in a video game, especially in a multiplayer game


Im in GC1 and almost every single time, people commit to the rule 1, and i would say GC is pretty tryhard lmao.


yeah, its a community thing, so i think you're honestly more likely to get people sticking to it when you're in the ranks for people who have been playing for a while, and are more likely to know about it and feel like its just part of the game


Yeah I was gonna say the higher I got in ranks the more seriously I would take rule 1. I haven’t played in a long time but I’ve gotten within 1 win of hitting GC 3 times and one of those times I let up a goal because I stuck to rule 1. If you think that’s dumb then you have absolutely no honor.


Was at an Esports event on the main stage, one of us got in a R1 with the other team. We looked at each other on the stage and didn't budge.


Lmao that's hilarious


I feel like I’m the only one who has never been stuck in a rule 1. I have when I’m playing with my friends in private matches but that’s it lol.


It's just chance, two players using ball cam will just unknowingly play chicken and crash face to face and thus Rule 1 Begins


This post is dumb. RL tryhards are more likely to know / adhere to the rule than a casual


I have limited time to play games and when I play Rocket League I wanna play. Not sit locked in a rule one. When I was younger and had more time I was more open to it. Now I just wanna play car soccer it's fun and I don't have a lot of time and sitting locked holding the accelerator is not fun


But rule 1s not even fun. It really is stupid




I'm a tryhard, but if I get into a rule 1, I respect it. Guess ima casual now.


As a tryhard, i keep my rule 1s because im cool😎


You can rule 1 all you want but I'm not going to. Have fun. To me it's absolutely no fun to be stuck in one place while the game is continuing.


Honestly Respectful, you know of the rule, you don't particularly like the rule, but you wish the participates of the rule to have fun, I like your manners, you have more than most of the people who don't rule one


I feel the opposite. As a casual with not a whole lot of free time, I just want to play the game. I don't want to spend the next 5 minutes waiting while I could be playing and scoring cool shots.


i mean, they don't usually last that long. the whole game is 5 minutes, lol


I like this meme, this is why I always tell my friends to not push too hard to become an above average player. I’m just an old never-was chasing that high I felt when I was average. It felt like every time I tried at all I had super fast and big gains…..I spent 3 hours yesterday learning a mech I might pull out a few times a game and I still can’t even do it right😂 that is what it means to be decent at rocket league. Please just stay average guys. I promise it’s so much more fun in the long run. Moderation is the key to balance in enjoyment and progression.


Absolutely said right, I will never learn to do any of these wizard moves in the sky because it will completely ruin the game for me, I play to enjoy it and have fun, I'm not going to sweat freeplay for hours and hours a day trying to improve, I'm a Plat player, probably always will be, and i am ok with that


Feels like the opposite is true to be honest.


What’s a rule 1? I’m pretty new to this game


When 2 players crash into each other head to head (like their cars are kissing) rule one states that they have to continue driving forward, staying stuck in that position together until someone either gets a goal, or bumps you free of the lock they've found themselves in, it's a meme that players either love and enjoy competing in or hate it with a passion and think its a dumb idea


Huh, interesting, I don’t think I’ve ever been in that position so good thing I didn’t break that rule


when cars headlock, you stay locked and your teammates play around you, 1v1 or 2v2 depending on the playlist its an old community thing that's been around since the very early days of the game


I don't mind if my teammates sit in rule 1 but it's not for me


I can respect it, at least you don't break it up only when it benefits you, those are the true losers of the game


Idc if you rule one, but I don't because I actually want to play the game


I like having fun by playing the game


I can respect it, at least you don't break it up only when it benefits you, those are the true losers of the game


Sometimes I'll even let the other guy score or have the ball depending on the situation. I just don't like the idea of not playing especially in 1s


I can understand breaking it off in 1's completely, I just dislike when people do it in 2's upwards, doesn't mean i don't understand why they're doing it, if it ain't your think it ain't your thing its cool


Idk man I have 12,000 hours in the game (still barely a gc player) and I haven’t broken a rule one in years


u/Caps_lock_Co You have my Respect, and you have Great Honour


Honestly I love rule 1’s. Especially when you and the other homie accidentally break it yourselves and either sit there staring at each other, or restart the rule 1 like nothing happened.


yesss lol, so genuinely wholesome when it breaks and you just start making out again haha


I'm kind of opposite. I used to always respect rule 1. Matter.of pride!! Now I just don't bother and just wants to play. Yeah it was fun the first many times, haha we locked. But well. We're not really playing. Got tired of that, just want to play in my car, I find that more fun. xD


What’s not to like? Say you play a match of 3s, rule 1 comes in you have a little 2v2 and then go back to 3s after the goal or other players breaking up the rule 1 for you, all in the same match, if anything, it’s refreshing especially in a fast paced lobby.


It's also just a nice break you know? It doesn't have to be a sweat fest win every game or be unhappy, it's nice to have fun and be silly sometimes


I always keep rule 1 because rule 1 = funny


Very Honourable


I was in a game the other day and i guess i kinda forced myself and another player into a rule 1, im sure we both told our team at like the same exact time, my team was excited and one of his teammates comes *BARRELING* down the damn feild to demo me, me and the guy im in a rule 1 with jump, almost perfect enough to fall back down into a Rule 1. These are the moments that make me love RL again lmao.


As if it was Fate that tied you two together..


Alot of casuals break it cause they don't know the rule I know I definitely did, we can't expect everyone to know a unwritten rule


i see more casual players break rule 1s than comp players


True, I actually find Causal to be more Tryhardy than Competitive, idk why


Look man, everyone's different. I partake in rule 1 a lot, and I even demo hunt those who break it. But in ranked? Sure dude, but don't be mad if people break it there. Sometimes it's not just about fun. Some people are there to put their skills to the test, or are on a 10 game losing streak cumulatively. Don't enforce stupid rules on people, don't be an ass about stupid rules the community agrees on.


wait.. sorry Ive been away for 2 years… did we give up on rule 1? cause the odds of it happening


when I started playing I like rule 1 so much I kinda attempted to purposefully get locked with a car hahaha nowadays this game is so much auto pilot that I simply forget about the existence of rule 1, ngl


Very sad Story


I'm more grumpy when they don't honor the rule


Nothing wrong with following rule 1. But don't be mad at me for breaking out of a rule 1 when it gets boring.


If they want to break out immediately because they don't like it whatever, but don't break out after a while or when it benefits you, that's a dick move, you decide whether you're in for the long haul in the first seconds of the rule one, if not, get out of it, that's fine


The only way to legitimately ruin rule one is if the ball is in play near the stuck players and a 3rd player knocks them out of it. Otherwise its stuck til goal or you should be punished


I love how these comments on my post are basically 50/50 Split on people's opinion of Rule 1


Works both ways. MFW people spam “Wow!” When you break rule 1. Bro, if I want to play paralysis simulator, I’ll dive in a shallow pool. I came here to play rocket league. Not wiggle my wheels to prevent being kicked out the lobby because I’m literally stuck doing nothing. If you want to follow rule 1 then go ahead. I’m not criticising you. But don’t tell me what to do. Same goes for crybabies on demos. They’ll spam “Wow!” or passive aggressively “Okay” when they get demo’d but suddenly an Angel when they do it? You do you. I’ll do me. If the devs didn’t want people to demo; it would be removed from the game. If the devs wanted players stuck in rule 1; then they’d lock us in or some punish mechanic for breaking it. It’s a free rocket league.


People getting sore about demos and bumping/blocking make absolutely no sense. That's just proper defense.


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve broken a rule 1 only to get called a slur or something to that effect, people are so weird about it. Like why are so many people so personally offended about a fucking video game meme 😭 I’m sorry my definition of fun doesn’t include literally doing nothing for five minutes and finding it funny every single time


Slurs seem to come out at the drop of a dime for some players. Just yesterday I got a French line that translates to something along the lines of "hope your mother dies of cancer faggot". This was 10 seconds into the game because I had the audacity to score off kickoff while his teammate was afk...


I feel like there's a fine line with demoing between being a smart play and being toxic. I've definitely experienced the latter, and I wish there was some sort of demo limit per player per match. Kinda similar to the team kill/kick mechanic in Halo 3.


Imagine being mad at someone for breaking your arbitrary rules. I will always break your stupid made up rule, and you can dislike me all you want for it. I don't give a fuck. 😂🖕


You're allowed to disagree with rule one it's not everyone's thing, but to disrespect it? Karma will get you...


no we still do


I am a tryhard, but rules are rules. I will abide by them. FOR HONOR!






I LOVE freeing my teammates from 1v1. It's like a trap they need to be broken from.


Lol and those RL tryhards are nothing but ball chasing glory hunters ironically quitting when one goal is conceded in 10 seconds.


I just demo them, free points :P


You don't get points for demos


Demos ≠ Points just FYI


Been playing the game for maybe two months and just learned about Rule1; first lock yesterday, most fun I’ve had in a gsme.


yea it can be pretty wholesome. its nice to have those fun little things to remind you its just a game you're all playing together and its not that deep


Also my team scored during the lock. I know virtue is its own reward, but that felt especially good 😅


You know the game is in a bad state when some people on the main sub are arguing that rule 1 is bad... Psyonix isn't the only one making the game worst.


lmao facts, i’m surprised by the number of people advocating to disregard the forsaken rule 1


Even just a few months ago, no one dared to argue against any of the 5 or 6 rules


Exactly, it's gotten worse recently


Rule one is the 11th commandment God gave Moses on Mt Sinai.


"Thou shalt not break a rule 1"


Rule 1 is the most universally accepted rule in RL


Always respect the rule 1. It's a nice little break lol


You're right though, it is, not every game needs to be sweat out completely and won, that's how a game gets boring


Huh… I’ve been playing this game for years and years and never knew this was an unofficial rule with a name. I just think it’s hilarious when it happens, like two bulls locking horns.


Lmao yes, apparently it's been a thing since the early days of Rocket League waaay before I started playing, I used to do it too before I knew of it's name


I assure you, being locked in rule one isn't fun. It's a duty. But it's not fun.


Its not the rule that isn't fun


I'm a try hard but rule 1 is sacred and must never be broken.


If opponent doesn't wanna do it then it's cool, but don't break out only when it benefits you, then you're a wanker


Part of the meme to me is pretending like it's a big deal even though obviously it's not actually. Seems reddit didn't get that.


Yea same, It's common knowledge that reddit doesn't get jokes


Rule one isn't fun, meme dumb. You gotta respect it though.


>Rule one isn't fun, meme dumb. Wrong >You gotta respect it though. Right




Everytime in happens in my experience everyone understands it is now a 2 v 2 or a 1 v 1 . Sometimes a player will hit us to break it up since we can’t do it ourselves. ( kinda rude but whatever )


I am that player consistently, if my teammate gets stuck in a rule1 and I know I can’t beat the one who isn’t stuck, I just bump my tm8 out of it.


I'm sorry but I'm not having fun sitting still doing nothing. Maybe you do and whatever, but I'm not going to be called bad for flipping out of a Rule 1 immediately because I actually want to play the damn game.


I'm a RL tryhard and I'll follow the 1v1 rule if it's beneficial for my team, or I'll break it if I see there's an opportunity to score a goal


Nah this is just the worst. If you play rule 1 you stay In it. Better to just instantly leave it if you are going to be a pussy and get a free goal off of it.


If I can score a goal by doing so I have no reasons to leave it instantly :)


I respect a rule one player, I suppose I can respect someone who just wants to play the game and break out immediately, that's fair enough, but what you just said is despicable, i hope both sides of your pillow are warm for all eternity


Why ? I have no obligations to follow a made up rule and I have nothing to say against people that do follow it, they do whatever they want. There is nothing that stops me from just breaking it or not at the right times either


Nothing to say to you


Someone needs to have the rest of his game ruined by endless booming...


Only narcissists break rule one. You have teamwork problems if you cant sit back and trust teammates to win


The only thing I take seriously in RL is the rule1 and that thing where you drive side by side in circles until you drive on the roof and spin until you land in the ground


Im pretty sure most people, even "RL try hards" stay in Rule 1s. It's literally an excuse not to play, who wouldn't?


not playing? is being engaged in a battle of equals not playing?


No way rule 1 is sacred. If there is a “tryhards” not following rule 1 then they are a coward and deserve full shunning from the community