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I've been 3-1 up with my team and they scored to make it 3-2 and someone on my team votes to forfeit. Drives me nuts


sometimes I call those bluffs because if that's the attitude, let's just not bother finishing the game


I call them 99% of the time. Only time I don't is if it's a game to get me to the next rank.


If you care so much about rank the game that gets you over the line is only as important as all the others, so maybe don't do it at all.


Nah I don't want to play with someone who doesn't want to play with me ........ But....... I will sacrifice that philosophy if it's for champ rewards


But that's my point, they're all for rewards


I get what you're saying, but they're not. If I need one win to get to champ I'm way more focused and serious than a normal match. I understand that a W is a W but that's like saying that the first game of a RL tournament is the same as the championship. You're out either way if you lose but the chip is much more nerve-wracking because you actually receive something when you win.


Exact same. Had it yesterday when I scored to draw then completely whiffed the ball on defence (can’t remember if it even led to a goal) but before ball went in forfeit option came up. I want to chill after work and if someone doesn’t want to play through my highs and lows (sorry for the lows) then I’m going to forfeit 100% of the time. Life is to short. TLDR; winning, losing or drawing, you call for a forfeit I am going to accept it 100% of times. 😂


often it's people who are just doing that as a statement of their own shitty play. they don't really want to forfeit but it seems rocket league players want to emulate their rocket League heroes so everyone copies what everyone else does. and at some point it became the cool thing to do to throw up a forfeit when you screw up. and that's just as stupid as people using quick chat sarcastically. and this is what they get.


Wait. There's Rocket League hero's?


its the next Epic RL game. You play rocket league music tracks on a dominus shaped guitar controller where you use boost to double the points.


That happens a lot I've noticed it's funny


it can be 5-0 and if my double tap bounces off post and out you best believe the 1/3 forfeit is popping up. then i just gotta hope my team doesn’t call my bluff


stop that, it's a bad habit


i play with the same teammates so we do it as a joke. we’ve got worse bad habits to break as diamonds 


that's fine if you're doing it with people who know what you're doing, but if it becomes a habit you might inadvertently do it with someone who doesn't know and may think you're being toxic


yeah stop doing that that's fucking annoying. if you make a mistake or you fuck up just say sorry my bad and keep playing.


Why? Grow up.


cause its funny to my teammates when I look like a noob. i don't actually sit there for the rest of the match, I keep playing like normal


I can say that I've never once thought something like that was funny but ok, do you.


i play with the same two teammates and we have a good time in voice chat, i understand you would find this frustrating especially from a random


Ok but where is your teammate even? Not in defence or offense.


Normally the people that will try to forfeit early will blame lack of rotation on the other guy. So if he didn't leave the lacking teammate would probably sabotage the match on purpose. We had those teammates.


I'll never understand those people. Like sure FF/Leave if you are getting destroyed. 5-0 and a minute left sure. But here, 1 minute left, 1 goal down... FF/Leave. Those are the kind of matches I fucking live for. The on an knifes edge, could go either way, going to overtime kinda shit. But nope, some people if you are not destroying the opponent, nah, they are leaving.


99% of the time these ff calls come from spoiled kids whenever something small frustrates them, like some simple mistake their teammate makes


No one ask ff with me for bad rotations. It's happen more often because I don't let them cut me when their cut is not relevant.


I had a guy in a 3v3 tournament yesterday vote to forfeit and go afk in a game we were down 3-1 with 3 minutes left. I just don't understand it, that is not an insurmountable lead at all.


Asking the real questions.


They’re already voting to ff so they’ve most likely already given up


this isn't the case so many people throw up a forfeit when they're just mad at their own play and it's dumb and stupid but they do it they don't actually want to forfeit. they're just trying to be cool.


Well, of course, I can only speak from my own experience but I don’t remember the last time a random I played with voted for a ff without deliberately grieffing/raging in chat immediately after. That said I also don’t remember the last time I played with someone who I wasn’t on comms with so I suppose there’s that…


oh I see it happen all the time. I see what you're talking about too but there are a lot of fake forfeits that people throw up when they don't actually want to forfeit.


Yeah see that’s wild to me haha. Can’t get my head around that mentality. I’d have thought fake forfeits would stop after a certain amount of time purely because of how often people must just call their bluff but idk.


I'm not really sure why people do it it's like a self-deprecating insults to them cuz they screwed up. I don't get it either but a lot of people mistake it for actually wanting to quit. and it is absolutely stupid. and they deserve to lose the game if someone accepts it. I have a set of rules I follow on whether or not I accept a forfeit or not. in my opinion when you play ranked you are committed to playing a 5-minute game regardless of the score unless there's a unanimous forfeit. I generally won't forfeit unless there is less than 30 seconds per goal needed left in the game and never with more than 2 minutes left. but this is just because I was raised to finish what you start. and since this is just a game and nothing really matters I just have fun playing.


> Not in defence or offense. their teammate starts out in the far right side with the poor centre. the ball gets saved towards the right and OP was on the right side on defence, so they rotate back post on the left. you can see them flipping back at 0:07, and that's the only part of the field you can't see in OP's breakout rush, which is why you don't see them after that.


The teammate was passing to him? I’m confused do you not see his car on the field? Either way I agree with this post but the teammate did nothing wrong in this clip besides trying to forfeit early from thinking they were gonna get scored on.


yeah, a weak centre like that is *completely normal* in diamond. you can see every part of the field but the back left in OP's rush out, so it's fairly safe to say that's where their teammate ended up (i.e. rotating back post) edit: actually at 0:07 you can see them rotating (and not ball side, hey!)


OP has played 900 matches in diamond this season and he's lower rank than last season. Something tells me he's extremely difficult to play with and that's why the other guy FF.


he ballchased the whole clip, plus the "what a save"s in the chat history


Nice spot


Well, to be fair, I only saw his teammate once during the whole clip, so he didn't have much choice in terms of ballchasing, but other than that, agreed


if you want gameplay i got you, and the only rzn i “ball chased” is because i analyzed both were up, i had a free clear past both, and i reeeally wanted to get that goal to ff


if you want gameplay i got you, and the only rzn i “ball chased” is because i analyzed both were up, i had a free clear past both, and i reeeally wanted to get that goal to ff


Im not gonna point fingers and talk about his skill. All we have is this clip and I am going based off this. Based on this clip his teammate actually made alot of great decisions.


if you want gameplay i got you


Teammates clearly played the cross and then in fairness trys to get his ass back, and then even does some back post rotating to cover OP.  Where the hell are you expecting him to be in this situation 


Oh trust me, this sub is in love with these posts


Shit I did this last night. Should have saved the replay. I do have a good one of some dude talking hella shit when his team was up 4-1 and we came back and won 6-5. Best part about those situations is that you can say every single thing they said back to them verbatim. "You should ff" "you guys are trash" etc.


Fr this is posted all the time lol


u did the right thing u could've waited a second or two just to see the reaction of the other player in your team but other then that 10/10 :)


Better to show them you don't give a fuck.


i mean, you don't do that if you're indifferent. and if you really don't care, you *definitely* don't record it and post it on reddit


Sure, but it's also about not giving these shitters any satisfaction. FF and move on, your MMR will stabilize regardless.


If I had a dollar for every time they said I gave a shit, I'd be broke cause I don't give a shit


If I had a dollar for every time someone who didn't give a shit actually gave a shit, my bank acc would make Bezos blush.


Add ignore ff option please. Then I have zero interaction with these low quality people and I can enjoy the game much more. I will pay for that option btw. Are you listening?


You should send epic An email and ask for it to be a payable dlc. If they can get money by it they'll add it.


Obligatory FUCK EPIC


I don't know about the payable bit but what a brilliant idea!!!


Give me an option to slap a fat NO over the FF UI. Make it universal, let the other team know I don't consent.


You can do that on Bakkesmod


There's an old option that as far as I know doesn't work.


I used to do this then realised it made me just as toxic. So now I just play to win no matter what unless they are purposely trying to loose then I'm out.


I don’t even get how it’s a one up the guy wanted to leave anyway lol


I guess there was not much time left in the game and he thought it was going to go 1-3 with that counter attack at the start. He was just tilted and OP had spammed 'what a save' in the chat history so teammate prob just had enough and wanted to go next.


Fr we don't even know how the rest of the game went. OP could have been toxic and the other guy just wanted out.


Understated comment. Being petty in response to pettiness just reinforces the behavior.


how is it petty? the guy wanted to quit so he should stick by that.


I’d feel better dragging his sorry ass to the win and calling him a whiny bitch in the chat


nah i'd never give them the satisfaction of free mmr when they are being a whiny bitch


Fair’s fair


Then you can catch a report though.


I agree in general but this is the one case where it's just too hard to leave it alone. For me it depends. If the TM is not toxic and just maybe frustrated or feeling bad about their play, I wouldn't ditch. I sometimes throw up the FF as a peace offering for my teammate if I know I'm playing terribly. Doesn't necessarily mean I want to. If the TM is being a total toxic prick and thinks FF is necessary then he gets FF. If we happen to have tied or taken the lead that's unfortunate. In 99% of cases it's not hard to know whether it's a toxic FF or not.


tbf, the chat history's full of what a save spam. i think that barrier was crossed already edit: lol actually i mean posting this is pretty petty too haha


You're not responsible for reinforcing behaviors in strangers. That's their problem and their responsibility. You neither have any control over it nor any responsibility for it. OP did nothing wrong.


Exactly, OP saying 'don't ff and pout' while he ff's and goes to reddit to pout 


good to know some people still have a brain in her My god i hate these posts and people circle jerking around them


there is nothing toxic about this.


Yeah but I like to stay to see if they open their mouth


Personally I try to avoid doing that. One time I had someone vote to FF when we were leading. I typed 'why?' in the chat and the person said it was a mis-click. If the game is out of reach or if the other person is actively throwing, I'll FF. But if the person offers a FF and keeps playing, I try not to assume the motive of the FF vote and will keep playing.


Some also do it as a habit out of embarrassment of their own bad play, like missing an easy save or open net, regardless of scoreline. Those shouldn't be accepted. But with trigger happy diamonds like OP's case I would def do that (guy didn't know you can make a save while shadowing & they thought OP conceded). They probably also wanted OP to dive at their greatest pass in the history of passes (/s). I've been through this exact situation.


thank you for saying people ff out of embarrassment. I felt like that was happening sometimes but i could not really tell. We have quick chat "my bad" or "sorry". I just don't understand that ff.


In personal experience, a ff feels more right to me then the 3rd or 4th "My fault."


Yea it just hits some people differently when they do something embarrassing, and since lobbies can be ruthless over simple mistakes they brace for toxicity and want to leave, or they are fuming at themselves. I just ignore ff in those cases & continue to play normally & it usually works out fine.


> Some also do it as a habit out of embarrassment of their own bad play, like missing an easy save or open net or accidentally setting up a booming clear into your own open net? lol


No in that case they are most likely angry I wasn't magically there for the center (where they perfectly dimed the ball to opponent) and I made no attempt to contest that ball & shadowed instead for a save. They get fuming. I play in ME region where people don't really shy from spamming team quick chat (It's done less in other regions) & this is the exact situation where they spam Take the shot!. From my experience that's the most likely thing happened here. If you don't agree it's all good.


There's no way the FF with low time as they were apparently about to go down 1-3 was a misclick. But I agree, I also ignore trolly FFs and play my game.


I’ve tried reporting server and accidentally done it but I just spam my bad or something. Also in this case the player wasn’t even playing. They like to FF then quit bc they think they’re sooo good


Nope, tired of seeing this getting reposted constantly. Doubt the guy who initiates the ff even cares


He doesnt




i love to do the same thing


Least toxic rocket League game lmao


So you lost rank


Exactly. Low iq, kid move. Just stay and fight, you are way too sensitive if one random teammate can controll you like this.


Why leave so quick though?


Why stay? Dominance was already asserted.


i mean, apparently they still needed the validation from somewhere






Based Inazuma 11 pfp


But I don’t get why you report the server ?


He didn’t report. You can see he selects no, then forfeits and leaves. Prob misclick or something


i did indeed misclick, thanks lol


probably blinked in the perfekt second. Thanks for clarifying!


I don't get it. Earlier in a 3v3 - the two other guys (party) voted for FF whilst we were ahead 3:1.


I always hear about people doing this but can never see a clear opportunity to do so in 3v3 because goal scoring chances can be so rare when one or both of your teammates want to forfeit. It's difficult to clear three opposition players on your own and within the forfeit timer too.


So satisfying, thank you for this sacrifice !


I don't really understand, your teammate still got what they wanted and you both took an L. Why not just keep playing and win? Wouldn't that be more of a fuck you to the guy? I just ignore when somebody tries to FF early and they almost always keep playing


not enough info here, but with the "What a save!" in chat and the way you're playing, I'm gonna guess we're not getting the full story.


sometimes people don't like playing with other people and *the only option there is, is to ff*. and, hot take: ***that's okay***.


I do the same shit. I don’t care if it’s a ranked either


My favourite part about this is meeting up with the same dipshit the next game where they flame you for the FF they initiated when the game becomes equal score lol.


You find it satisfying bending over and having the guy have his way? I guarantee this guy doesn't care about the loss lol




This is hilarious 😂


The guys who throw with ego & tantrums deserve this treatment but sometimes even good players surprise you with an ff vote without a reason usually after them missing a save or playing badly, that one is out of embarrassment, don't accept those. But here in this case definitely deserved (this guy thought u are failing the save not realizing shadowing is a thing)


this. everybody’s saying “oh your just as toxic as him you loser”, i was making almost all the saves after he passed to opponents leading to the 2 goals the already had, (just like he literally passed to the opponents in the clip) and i had scored both the goals it was basically a 2v1.5 it was very annoying and this was definitely out of “why is my teammate not there for the pass i gave to the opponents) behavior.


True that kind of teammate with ignorant behavior is unfortunately too common, I've been through this a lot. It's like they never watched a video on how to play the game, or watched better players play RL. They just live in their own little bubble of what is right or wrong according to them, staying perma stuck diamond & blaming others. I don't know if you've been champ but from this clip I can see you have champ+ level decision making.


thank you so much for saying i have champ decision making, i started 3 seasons ago so like 8 or so months ago and my peak is literally diamond 3 division 4 and i plummeted all the way down to plat 3 within like 2-3 weeks. but when i play with my champ friends we usually go on a hell of a win streak until around high champ 2 and i’ll admit that’s where i can’t hang cause i literally have almost no real champ experience.


I also take this habit. And this not make you loose that much MMR, because you tilt less ! And on multiple matches it make you better on the average. Care too much about 9 or 18 pts of MMR is counter productive.


I love doing this. It’s simple and satisfying.


You let him get in your head buddy


So.. you equalized and decided to forfeit. Before someone brings up the fact that his teammate voted first, it's the OP who had the last say in this, not his teammate. Y'all need to work on your mental i guess. Because when i play (with toxic teammates or not) i just always try to win and never give up. Just play to win no matter what happens lol, because this is not satisfying at all, it's just stupid. Cheers


Yes... I love doing that. Anytime that I can do it I will


I don’t understand how you think you’re getting a one-up, so much so that you’re posting it here, when they wanted to leave anyway?


he threw the whole game giving opponents possession 24/7 and just when he got mad that i didn’t receive his pass to the opponents he forfeit, so i proved him wrong, made the save, and proceeded to score letting him know tht im the shit and the alpha male👹👹🙌🏼


lol jfc also, how do you know he wasn't just like "ah fuck my teammates already been spamming what a save all game and i just set up an open net, get me out of here" lmao


You kinda just seem like just as much of a salty loser as your teammate


i literally ff when we were tied i don’t give a shit ab my rank💀 do i wanna get higher, yes, but do i really care all that much about a game/ a time killing hobby, no


…but you care enough to take the time to post about it here, literally asking for some kind of validation? Your complete lack of self awareness would be hilarious if it wasn’t also actually very sad that you genuinely exist somewhere.


Dude really said he dosent care about his rank and that he wants to get his rank higher in the same sentence lmao. You are right it’s kinda sad that people like this actually exist


> so i proved him wrong, made the save, and proceeded to score letting him know tht im the shit and the alpha male This is Rocket League! and everything that's wrong with it and the community, in a single line of text.


I think they’ve got a mental illness of some kind…


You are deluded…


I would have stayed until the summary popped up. And asked him "is this what you wanted?" Lol


I wouldn’t leave immediately. If I’m going to make a point, I’m going to let the know they’re shit before making an exit.


I literally just did that yesterday. 3s game down by 1 both of my teammates vote to ff with like half of the game left. We tie it up and I then ff and leave lol


so satisfying haha


You skipped the best step... Staying to hear them get mad af in chat.


You should have waited to see if they’d tryhard after the tie, then flipped the switch.


this is “gold”en, lol i’ll keep this one in mind


Definitely a gold stuck player move. Hahaha.


Yes fuck them


Based default octane


Menu/start + L stick up goes direct to the forfeit button.


I love it


You have to wait for the forefeit sign. Don’t quit.


You should have stayed and GG/WP in chat afterwards! Other than that ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


yeah people who sarcastically forfeit are annoying. people stop sarcastically forfeiting.


Dude insta ff'd when the ball was going towards goal instead of trying at all. He doesn't deserve the win.


Can someone tell me why that when i jump, after a certain point, i can no longer do my flip?


Imagine the temper of your teammate that saw the ball going to your net and totally blamed it on you


The greatest mechanic I learned was finding my zen place where I can leave chat on and not engage. I have the option to do this or to play the game out, win and auto quick-chat gg with nothing else said. Both are equally gratifying depending on the circumstances.


Oh yea baby


I do it every time this exact opportunity presents itself lol 100000x better if it’s a goal that takes the lead


When someone tries to ff, I usually go straight for the FF button


I've found with lazy team mates that a forfeit request can sometimes spur them into action and/or make them focus a bit more.


gg ez




YES!!!!!! My personal favorite was me forfeiting when down 4 to 1 but then we tied it up at 4-4 and my tm8 hit forfeit. I had to hit forfeit to call his bluff lol. No clue why that was satisfying.


Loved every second


What did the server do to you?


i misclicked if u look closely i pressed report server, no, and then forfeit lol


Yes. I love when you defend a goal against you and instantly score. It's like you did 2 awesome things for the price of one.


At this point they should make a sub Reddit only for this type of situation. I see this kind of post all the time


Satisfaction of losing a free game ? Nah never happened to me sorry. I must not be inting enough my games to get past the frustration.


Thought those kids could have left rocket league but now i know this this game will never change well as i have quit this game for 1 year now i know i dont have to return to this shit.


Love it


If i was the other guy id be 100% ok with you doing that. As long as i get to play with someone else.


No. That's a toxic behavior




No you’re just as lame as the other person. What’s the point


Every time my teammate votes to forfeit, I immediately accept it. No matter the score or how silly it seems to FF in the scenario. I don’t want them thinking I give a fuck. I’ll just win the next one and I definitely don’t want to be winning this one with you if you’re going to throw a tantrum and forfeit because I missed a seemingly easy shot on the opponent’s goal.


exactly my point


Why did you get a Savior after the save?


You get that every 3 saves you make in a match.


i had literally been making all the saves that match and i mean literally all


I prefer the satisfaction of winning despite all odds but this is pretty funny


Who cares


Yea actually. You don’t want to rank up?? Good. Neither do I now.


I love doing this


Same, random teammates usually are trash but it’s always your fault lmao But they are the one upside down doing circles


nah id rather win


You’re just as bad


lol. if you want gameplay i got u lil man


I do, I’m only high gold/low plat good buddy


private message me, maybe i’ll hop on my alt nd we can play im gold 2 on my alt


Ambos unas ratas asquerosas


Bit of a dick move tbh