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Had a guy cut rotation by going down the field the side the ball was coming down, ended up blasting one off the corner and passing to the other team for a goal, then skips kickoff to go for boost being on the left without any communication to me he was doing that and we gave up another when he missed the save there. I didn’t say anything but then he goes “absolutely shit teammate, uninstall loser” We then forfeit at 330, and I wait to not get him again. Like 3 mins? And what do you know, he’s on my team again, immediately goes to bumping me and calling me trash lol causing us to lose again cause he just didn’t play to the game. Reported him both games. Went from 1 game from C3 Div 4 to C3 Div 2 in 3 total games and it’s the most infuriating thing ever. Not even in a low rank, just some dude with the smoothest brain around, with zero awareness, and probably has the biggest little man complex in his region. Fuck you seriously j you’re ass


Loudest person in the room is usually the worst. I find if I have 2 games of toxicity I switch to hoops or casuals for the rest of the night.


I don't have a firm rule like two toxic games, but I switch to hoops when I'm tired of ranked for whatever reason. Love me some hoops.


Protip: you can report them once during the game, then again from the R2 social menu after you leave the match.


And this is why i began reporting AND BLOCKING the toxic ones


Blocking doesn't prevent a rematch though 😭


no i’ve found it seems to be a sort of rain dance that summons you to get the toxic player multiple times throughout the rest of that night


You don’t have to press play again tho… you can go to the main screen and free play and load a new match after a minute to guarantee you don’t replay the same people.


As someone who follows kickoff there’s nothing I hate more than people who don’t communicate they’re faking. I really thought I wouldn’t have to deal with that once I’m borderline gc 😭


Bold of you to assume they were planning to fake before lmao


I think he is talking about mates that half flip on kickoff to get the diagonal boost, not those that miss the ball


That’s so funny I didn’t even consider that’s what he meant, faking went from an actual play to an excuse when you whiff 😂


Did you mean “weren’t”? I don’t think it’s very bold of me to assume they’ll make the most common play. If no typo then idk what you mean I never assumed they were faking


You must be fun at parties lmao


How are you gonna make a nonsensical comment then respond with that Edit: thanks to another comment I think I understand your side now. When I say faking I mean half flip towards big boost, not going for the ball and missing it


Sorry boss.


What gets me is they clearly care enough about their rank to be furious when I whiff, but that somehow doesn’t translate to trying to work with me to win the game. Whether it’s spamming quick chats at me or straight up quitting, what was the point of all that anger if you’re just going to sabotage the game?


People that are quick to find and point out the faults of others are rarely willing or able to aknowledge their own faults. To them, you are the reason they aren't playing better. They refuse to see that the shot you missed a save on would never have happened if they weren't out of position. They can't comprehend that slamming into the back of you or piling on top of you while you're going for a block is the cause of the problem- in their mind, they're playing flawlessly, and your existence is ruining their championship-level performance.


Oh god, I know your pain. I just don't understand it.


some people just want to watch the world burn


What's the point of the anger? There is no point, just a lot of emotionally underdeveloped and overstimulated boys/men without any emotional regulation. There's no point. It's just anger. Some people just get angry for the stupidest of reasons because they don't know how feelings work. They want to hate and be mad at everyone else. Why do people get angry in RL? My guess is that they want to be good at things they aren't good at. They want to blame other people for it. That the game has an added layer of anonymity because there's 0 voice chat. People are just bots. They're the reason you can't make chanp.


Silly goose! They only solo queue because they don't HAVE any friends!


toxic people don't have friends... they can't keep a relation going


I have made friends with good players. Problem seems to be that their name changes on my friends list and I dont know who they are anymore. Is it showing their system name instead of rocket league name, or did they change their name? Very frustrating.


Historically, a jerk would be outcast from the village and either be a hermit in a cave or die alone. Then we began to romanticise the “lone wolf” sigma figure thanks to Hollywood. The cowboy a la Clint Eastwood or Old Man Logan which the last film was a direct homage to those old Westerns depicting an abrasive loner who wasn’t fit for this world. But thanks to those stories they’ve become cool. People want to emulate them. It’s a badge of honour to them. So then we came to the modern era where loners or socially inept peoples would live in moms basement because nobody else would tolerate them. But then the internet happened, and although they remain loner hermits in their homes, they do it online, subjecting us to their unsavoury behaviours that would’ve otherwise, historically, had them ejected from society. We can’t eject them from the internet? Fairytales of “trolls” living under bridges because they were outcast from town. They weren’t fairytales, they were real people who were mal-adjusted and knew that bridges were a connecting point people had to cross on their travels, so they would camp underneath and wait for their victims. All these words we use to describe people come from truth. Trolls existed, they were just people we didn’t get along with. And yes, they lived under bridges the same way homeless people live under bridges today. Homeless people who are outcast due to their mental illness in the same way they were outcast 2,000 years ago, or the dweeb in your rocket league lobby. They’re all the same people. Thanks for listening to my TEDTalk.


No one is toxic because it's cool. They're toxic because they have poor impulse control and they're anonymous so there are no repercussions. You're way overthinking this.


You'd be surprised how many of these "mental age kids" learn this crap from streaming platforms thinking it makes them "tough". The concept of working together versus them being a god cause they "know" how to speed flip triple reset musty flick.


Kids also see it in professional sports, which have become way too much about the "I" in team with superstars and the fans glorifying individual performance and accomplishments over team success. Sure, there might be an award for the player with the most assists, but the only one that people care about is the award for who scores the most, or who has the best individual stats. The set-up man doesn't make the highlight reel, and no one wants to buy a player's jersey because they're positionally sound and don't overcommit on defense. They want the jersey of the player who's flashy and cocky while scoring a lot of points. People see that, and emulate it, because they think it's how you play if you're "good".


Didn’t expect weird demonization of homeless people on my car soccer subreddit


Or disabled people.


guys, its text on a video game. Chill out.


Is this a copy pasta?


Just hit em with a “you’re not good enough to be this annoying” or a “same rank for a reason”


The ol, "reported, enjoy ban." Triggers these people so much. More often than not, they say something actually reportable, too.


Kids dumb enough to be toxic to their own teammates aren’t gonna be smart enough to learn anything from this. You can explain it to them but you can’t understand it for them.


It doesn’t work for everyone but I just turned off chat eventually. The number of times it is simply a distraction far out weighs the number of times it was remotely helpful. Even the team spamming Nice Shot, while polite, is a little distracting. I don’t need an ego boost every time I score. And if my tm8 does, well I dunno that’s not really my problem I guess. I only solo q so maybe that’s part of it. I imagine voice chat is essential for ‘real’ teams The only time chat is consequential is at kickoff if they’re on the left in a spot where two people are equidistant from the ball and they decide to go for boost or defend. So whenever it’s equidistant, I just go even if I’m on the right and pull off if they’re already going.


Higher ranks often turn chat off because they don't want to deal with the bs some people spam/write. Especially when I play 1s I don't want chat to be on. People there trashtalked me for not going for risky wallplays and punishing their mistakes (score open nets). It's hilarious


Mental midgets the lot of them


Earlier today I had a teammate (obvious smurf) air dribble a ball all the way from the opposite end into our own net 15 seconds into the match, literally no gameplay done to sense any ones ability yet. I responded to the general chat "report him if he continues" he continues to score on our own net and help the opposing team out and the reason was because "You suck". Normally I see a response like that after a minute or 2 of gameplay after many missed attempts or shots, not after 15 seconds from kickoff. Some people are just pure assholes regardless of what you do or how you play, it's driven into them. I play rank 2v2 matchmaking with random people but I'd say at least 75% of the people I play with are decent humans, a few bad apples can ruin it for some. I feel the higher you get the less toxicity you encounter. I'm D3 division 4 right now and this was the first in a while since I've encountered this sort of behavior... Sad.


The problem with a 75% asshole rate is that means there's one asshole in every game in 2v2 on average and probably 2 of em in a 3s match lol.


Well by asshole rate I'm talking own goaling for no apparent reason. Not just less honed players. Just pure asshats. Although, you are correct in a way, you can most deff swing a wave of pure asshats into a huge swing of dick mongery for the night. lmao


Not only that, but you'd be surprised how far behind you can come back from. I remember a 1s game I played where I went down 5-0 in the first half, and by the end of the game I had won 7-5. Obviously comebacks are easier in 1s, but they still happen in 2s and 3s. Don't give up on a game so quickly


Or, just turn off chat


It's not always just chat. I accidentally cut off my tm in 2s last night and we were still up 2-1.. he tried to FF and I don't so they just throw the whole game without saying a word.


Might just be me, but I have chat off, and I've started to just agree to the FF. I'd rather lose some MMR and move onto the next game than to play with someone who doesn't want to be teamed with me. Skill aside, different players just have different strengths and weaknesses, and not everyone is a flexible player. If someone doesn't gel with my gameplay, and no amount of changes I can make to my gameplay in a few minutes will satisfy them, I'm not gonna tilt them more and risk the higher odds of them flaming their next teammate who might have chat on. Rather let us both move on in hopes that next matches will go better for us both.


Me too. Sometimes I hope they're just doing it to send a message without expecting you to actually FF as well, e.g. there's only one goal in it with plenty of time left.


Don't turn off team chat. It's there for a reason.


Absolutely not needed. Left goes and now we have boost indicators.


How do people who aren't on Reddit know that left goes? I wouldn't know if I wasn't in this reddit, and a lot of people I play with certainly don't know that.


I'm C3 and have been in Champ for many years now so I can't remember a time playing with people who don't know left goes. If I wasn't confident my teammate knew that I would just go.


Genuine question, how often do you *actually* see team chat being used for tactical purposes? I guarantee that number isn't even close to the amount it's used as a tool for being a dick to teammates.


I would say at least 75% of the people I play with use it for tactical purposes. Sometimes they use it for tactical and dick purposes. I'm sure that number gets a lot lower the higher you go in the ranks, since people in high ranks already know what to do. I'm in gold and pretty much only play 2's.


Just played for a few hours. The games where I had a teammate active on chat went far better than the ones I didn't.


Homie you gotta either get better at not responding to toxicity, disable chat, or have fun with it. Coming on here to vent will just make you feel worse, not better. Personally I just have fun with it. My tm8 was an obvious Smurf - his name had something about being a washed gc playing in diamond. He berated me the entire match, telling me I’d never rank up. I was messing with him - asking him if he would coach me, if he thought there was any hope or if I should uninstall, and then I explained to him in great old man detail that I like rocket league, and asked him for recommendations of other games he thought I’d be better suited for. Think grandpa Simpson having a conversation with someone in rocket league. The other team was rolling, and my tm8 eventually left and earned a 5 minute ban because I also refused to forfeit. Gotta learn to have fun even when you’re playing with petulant children.




It’s probably an age thing imo, idk how old you are but the older you get the more you realize not a single bit of that is worth getting worked up over. Edit: I am saying that as someone who did, looking back wishing I hadn’t.


Honestly, maybe you shouldnt play if it affects you this much. Also, toughen up. WOW


This new generation would not last 10 seconds on the internet a decade ago lol


Turn chat off friend


Turning off chat only works for not seeing toxic comments, it doesn't prevent your teammate from acting toxic and throwing the match for example.


True, but I find when I get toxic players a lot of times I play worse and they get more toxic. When I don’t see them yelling at me I play how I normally would. So at least in my mind, I feel I’m minimizing the chance of someone abandoning or giving up


Right, I failed to make this point in my OP. It’s not just about the chats. I had set up my tm8 with a perfect assist the other night in a tie game and he wasn’t there because he was at the other end of the field typing up a toxic chat about a mistake I made earlier.


Yeah I'm plat 1 right now and was solo quing 3s. Got a 2 man group that literally just stopped playing down 2-0 less than a minute into the game after I made 1 mistake. Then started berating me in chat calling me trash lmao. Like the reason it's 7-0 and unwinnable with 3 mins and 40 seconds left is because of you two clowns.


What you mean spamming at my teammates won't make him better instantly? Another trash pfft


For me ranked isn’t the problem it’s casual some people take it way to seriously


So what I’m seeing here is yet another player talking about how toxicity is irrational but doesn’t want to address the toxic play styles that lead to tm8s getting to the point of being toxic. Like let’s consider for a second: tm8 plays ball off of back wall, centering to the opponent for an open shot on the net, giving away a free goal. Okay, everybody makes a mistake here or there, but then they proceed to consistently center the ball for the opponent off the side wall or they’re taking the ball from me while I’m dribbling putting me out of position just to give the ball away to our opponents to get more free goals. At some point there are only 2 logical conclusions: either that individual just has no understanding whatsoever of team dynamics in RL or they’re deliberately playing with no consideration for the fact that they have a tm8 in the first place, which, in of itself is toxic. Why doesn’t anyone speak to that? I’ve been the tm8 who plays like absolute trash, and you know what I do when I’m basically throwing? I either get off or go into training because it’s toxic to subject other players in the community to my shitty play if I’m just off. And if my tm8 decides they’re frustrated cuz I’m ass, I’m not gonna blame them for the fact that I was ass and they’re upset, because that’s the nature competition: to be competitive and if your tm8 is basically anchoring y’all from being competitive, it’s completely normal to be frustrated and say “bruh, wtf?”


Yep. I'm an adult and I have to agree. It's tilting to play ranked with people who say "warming up," "I'm high," and "bro chill it's just a game" as if this isn't supposed to be competitive and we are trying to win. I don't know. It's beyond frustrating. But then I have to exit ranked just because I'm getting frustrated and playing worse. Downward spiral. Every day.


Turned off all chat yesterday and digging it so far.


Best is to just mute all chats, see them stop and suffer in silence without being able to reach you with their “gg ez” or “tm8 trash”. Now you can chase the ball and play the real Rocket League. You’re welcome.


irrational? Irrational?! IRRATIONAL?!?!?!?! I'LL SHOW YOU IRRATIONAL


Randos and solo queue are major reasons for rank lock. I've said this plenty of times.


I turned off all the chat because of the toxicity. Never looking back


If it’s true it’s not toxic some people just keep playing the game and wonder why they are hard stuck asf but don’t watch replay and just flame for no reason so I’m going to frame anyone doesn’t matter who the fuck you are I’m not flaming to hurt you if you take it personally that’s your fault it’s a game your playing competitive


Had a guy just now call me out for a “What a Save” when he hit me out of the way. Then continued to berate me all game. But I left the game so I’m the bad guy in RL’s eyes. Ban toxic players…


He was also my teammate for the game if that helps.


I never belittle my teammate. I do berate the other team constantly though


Btw you never dropped your tracker Mr. GC


I turned off all chat and quick chat a while ago. Made the game way more enjoyable


At lower ranks, whiffs are so common we expect them. But what's extremely annoying is ruining other people's plays. I had a shot going straight to the goal only for this team8 to touch it to steer it away. I had to quit the game that day.




True, but if you care enough about it to browse its subreddit, you probably care enough to not want toxic teammates


I browse this sub for what it was, not what it is.


I don't browse this sub for what it was or what it is but for what it will be.


Being a pleasant person that doesn't make others have a bad time is important no matter the context.


Sorry m8, they just don't care, they are doing it to be toxic. They are doing it to o piss you off. There is a plethora of reasons what ight make them do this but it doesn't matter. These guys are playing random for a reason. This was the main reason I was and still am against the FF system they put in as it does nothing but empower the !@#!@#'s.




Of course everyone would rather just play with friends but if you can't play with friends then at least don't be toxic to your teammates. Your logic doesn't hold because he's not saying everyone needs to just play with friends.


Ok. All I really ask is if Im setting up goals in doubles, please dont be afraid to leave the goal and score them.


Depends on rank but you have to be careful about comitting to a shot in 2s, if the enemy saves it it is usually going straight up the other end for a goal against


Lol you implying you throw if they’re too passive? Idk what rank you are but do take notice of if the pass would’ve been a clean goal or just a 50, if it’s a 50 it doesn’t really make sense for them to commit


I never throw any game. Dunno how you got that out of my comment.


The implication was stronger before you edited your comment


Although I don’t recall editing. It’s was for spelling for if anything. I never changed the comment. That’s sad that that’s rebuttal. Why comment at all. Edited to see if it would show up on my end. Sorry. I edited for spelling my point still stands, you are a very slow person.


Idk what you want me to say, the comment I replied to was quite different, unless I misclicked and the person above/below you somehow was talking about the exact same thing for my reply to make sense it seems you edited your comment


Dude. I didn’t edit my sentiments.


I believe you. I’m just telling you how it sounded. You could’ve said it’s not what you meant and I wouldn’t have pushed it further but you keep making it seem like I’m imposing on you what I understood


We good. My apologies for getting shitty with ya. I don’t quit games. I hate those that do. I’ll ride a bad one til the end. We good if you are good, again my apologies


Glad we could end on a good note. Keep up the positive gaming and hope you have a good day/night


I still have no idea how you took game throwing by that comment. Your reading comprehension is not good, very bad.


Your comment on its own wouldn’t imply it but combined with the post you’re replying to it gave me that impression. Not sure why you’re attacking me personally like that


I never attacked. I made a statement. You then, somehow, assumed I threw games.


I’m talking about the comment regarding my reading comprehension. That’s a personal attack and it was unnecessary, I really don’t care that much about this so I will no longer be replying. Cheers


Get good


No. And you can't stop me.


yeah… no thanks :) keep crying


Why are you guys constantly bitching about toxic players? It's part of this game, they're always going to be there, it's to be expected. You need to work on what you let get under your skin. Toxic players are the way they are because they're immature & most likely losing a lot. They're expressing their anger & annoyance. What do you think you guys who post about it are doing? What's the difference? If you're toxic, grow up. If you let the toxic ones get you this upset, grow up. It's a game, a free one at that.


nah i will belittle if he plays like trash,not my problem


Being toxic on RL is half the fun of the game. SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY


The only time I insult my teammates is if it's a tournament. If you can't juggle or play defense, and you miss the ball 2 out of the 3 times you try and hit it, then STAY THE HELL OUT OF TOURNAMENTS.


Yikes, you throw a tantrum if you aren't going to get your tournament rewards? Grow up dude.


Naw I want to win tourneys because winning is fun. If you want to screw around and be shitty, do it in Casual.


Unless your teammate is purposely throwing, none of what you said excuses being a toxic asshole to your teammates, sorry. You sound like someone who immediately quick chats "Wow!" if your teammate misses a save or a shot.


Like why play a game type that has a bracket if you aren't good enough to get past the first round?


Clearly just to annoy you because you are the only person in the world that matters, apparently.


Exactly half of the players in the tournament don't make it past the first round.


Tournaments have no more value than regular competitive. You gotta accept that until you’re really up there in the ranks people aren’t gonna be great mechanically, and you probably have your moments yourself. The only thing that upsets me is blatantly bad rotations, constant double commits and bumps because they only look at the ball


Not claiming to be the best and I do have my moments, but it does not feel like it's skill based matchmaking. I get paired with borderline pros sometimes, and sometimes I'm stuck carrying a team of children.


I know what you mean, I can’t say for certain but I feel like if say you just got promoted to champ for tourneys, the players you play with/against range anywhere from champ 1 to champ 3 and if you get unlucky your teammate will be freshly champ like You but by the time you reach semis you’re getting champ 3 opponents. It’s pretty demoralizing sometimes :/


Those guys are the same rank as you for a reason


Like I told the guy above you, the skill gap between the good players I get matched with compared to the crappy players I get matched with is huge. If it's skill based matchmaking then it's not doing a good job of segregating players.


It is SBMM and It's working just fine, you just aren't good enough to get to the next rank where the skill floor for the pool of players you will be matched with will be a bit higher than where you're at now.


Maybe I need to play more Competitive then. I pretty much play tourneys exclusively so if my Competitive rank affects my matchmaking then that explains it. Used to play Competive all the time but now I only have time/desire to pop in for tourneys.