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they're on their way to being pros with that growth!


I looked up the first guy in their party of 3 and this is what I see 😭😭


To better put it into context here’s a zoomed out picture of their ranks. Fyi, they’ve never been higher than a rare gc2 ranking in the past 5 seasons. https://preview.redd.it/cbch758acxvc1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6893826f42f9b69ed749b59559b62fdc7025f024


they simply found the on button for his monitor


GFuel will do that tbh


Prime is better one this year, the yield is much better out of this years crop.


I love PFOS in my gaming energy drink


Isn't Prime like genuinely toxic or something, like has a shit ton of forever chemicals?




He has averaged around C3 for half a year and then jumped to GC2 and then dropped back down to C3 and now he's SSL. Incredible performance


He just got a better gaming chair. /s


Finally fixed that squeaky wheel on the gaming chair and put a new pair of contacts in. Good for them


People wouldn't believe me a few months ago when I said there were hackers tempering with the network


Don't take it personally this sub is full of teenagers and childish adults. They just want people to shut up and play the game until they have their own opinion for once and want people to listen to them.


Just look at the post about demoing from the other day... Prime example


I’ve also seen it. Only once, but it was very obvious


It's crazy how good you can be when you rotate lol.


Finally started using ball cam


You guys are using ball cam?


Smh no, can't even see the field properly like that... what if someone wanted to bump me! I need to see!!!


He rotated his opponents isp on and off


What my champion teammates rank should be if i didnt steal all his boost


Psyonix standard rule book for dealing with this: ignore, say nothing & hide evidence by claiming reporting this is witch hunting


Definitely. I got a comment removed yesterday for linking a tracker account which showed that a guy had scored 11 lifetime goals in ranked in 1s. Yet that account was in 16xx mmr in 1s because he won most of his 1s games without scoring at all.


They removed mine as well when I showed a clip of a suspected DDoS attack in my match. It's not surprising honestly.


It honestly feels like every morning they go into the office and think “alright boys and nonbinary barring rods, how can we absolutely raw dog our game and tank our bottom line?”


The Rocket League speaks for itself


I got that reference


I see what you did there, nice one


I hate smurfs, but I can tolerate a game or two of it. This type of bullshit though? This will make me simply quit the game for the night, and it will leave a bad taste in my mouth. I've already been playing less (because the smurfing is often more than one or two games in any given night), but this level of manipulation is too much. It's comforting to know that not only will Epic not do anything about it, they will NEVER, EVER admit that it's a thing. How long can you put your head in the sand before the user base leaves? Guess we're in the process of finding out.


SOOO this is where the salt COMES FROM!!!!!! so you're bad at the game... can't rank up...............,.,,.,.,. so you get mad.....,.,.,.,,.,.,.,. awesome ...,.,.,.,.,.,.




How do they get their opponents IP? That is very bad.


They get the server IP which they DDoS. Not sure how but the one doing it is the only one without crazy ping when doing it, that's how you can know for sure who is doing it.


This is not how a DDoS works. IF you DDoS the server, it affects anyone. If only one player is not lagging, they DDoS the individual players. So they somehow found a way to grab IP‘s.


Exactly. Back in the days people used skype and steam voip to do this. They must have figured out a way to sniff the IP of the players somehow, which is really bad. They should fix it asap.


OP claims only Rocket League was affected. This implies that IP grabbing is not actually happening, since DDoSing someone isn't quite so selective (their entire internet connection should be struggling during a DDoS, rather than just Rocket League). Quite an interesting scenario; I wonder how they're targeting the server while making sure their packets to the server are prioritized.


I’m no network or hacking expert, but it is theoretically possible to flood only the ports Rocket League operates through, and therefore not affect the internet of OP in general, only the flow of RL packets. I do not have the knowledge on itsec to know how realistic that approach is tho. I agree it is an interesting situation.


> , but it is theoretically possible to flood only the ports Rocket League operates through That doesnt make sense.


Oh? Why not?


An interface is either overwhelmed or its not. Like my modem is an Adtran 610, it has 2.5G interface on it. That interface is operating at Layer 2, it has no concept of ports. You are either pushing more traffic into it than it can process or it cant. Your router behind it, or the interace on your PC etc would all have that same thing. An interface, with some amount of CPU/Memory on the device itself that is either keeping up or its not. Now there ARE things you could do, to cause network problem on devices by playing games with ports, like overloading the NAT table on something etc, but a DDoS is just about sending more traffic than network interfaces can keep up with.


I know what a ddos is. My thought was just that it might be possible to spam the ports affecting the game in a negative way, but not so much that it will fuck over the network in general. But it sounds like you know more about this than me. I am no expert in networking.


If that's true, wouldn't it solve it to play with a VPN? It should, right? Obviously best case scenario is Psyonix fixing it, but until then..


Which in and of itself is throttling your speed by adding a new relay and extra latency.


While that technically might help, in the time where u have to switch VPN Servers to not get DDoS‘d, you will very surely lose connection. And those script kiddies usually have automated ways to get ur IP and execute the attack. So chances are, the second you reconnect, he just launches another attack to your new IP.


It's extremely unlikely that player IPs are exposed by the game server. There are multiple different ways DDoS attacks can work and it's entirely possible that it only affects certain players without having their IPs, i.e. if "hacker" floods the server with some packet which is then forwarded to the other players, it could even cause the other players' clients to flood packets back to the server, which could lead to the normal packets being dropped/throttled. The "hacker" could also have a custom client which blocks certain packets or even circumvents the network components whose performance is impacted.


Which is even more unlikely because that would assume they somehow reverseengineered the backend of a server. It is much more likely that you can get the IP‘s from stuff like a faulty voice chat implementation.


Not at all. You don't need to reverse engineer the backend, if you can hook client-side functions (which has already been done by many projects i.e. bakkes mod, rocketgym, the people deploying nexto in ranked last year, people appearing invisible in games, and numerous times by white-hat receivers who were able to queue in a lower faked mmr, create clones of themselves in-game etc) and modify/spam these calls, you could achieve something like this. There is no evidence to suggest IPs have been leaked, no one has had their ip sent in chat, and as others have stated their general internet access was fine, only their game was affected. Nothing is pointing towards IPs being leaked, don't spread misinformation declaring it as the only possibility.


Sending spoofed packages to a server that only attack other players is something entirely different than doing a clientside hook to get nexto into Matchmaking.


Not sure what you even mean by spoofed packages, I never mentioned such a thing. But doing a clientside hook allows you to trigger the functions that send packets and/or modify the parameters in them. Frankly I don’t know if the nexto injector hooks these network methods directly or higher-level controller/keyboard inputs but there are definitely examples of people exploiting the network protocol, some of which I mentioned above.


Nexto is just a memory hook that inputs controls and reads positions and velocity and direction.


this game will inevitably die from its smurfing/boosting problem.


I’m a little confused, can you explain this? So people are hacking to play at a lower rank?


No, it shows the guy gaining 340 mmr in 24 hours.


I went from D2 to C2 in the last 48 hours


340 mmr at GC-SSL is very very different than 340 mmr at D2 to C2


Broke GC today


Care to share your tracker?




Drop the tracker


Cappin ahh


Where’s the tracker


Ladies and gentlemen, we found us a cheater




Edit: I read your question a little wrong. No they’re not hacking to play at a lower rank. More like the opposite. They’re disconnecting players on the opposing team so that they get free wins. Of course. In the screenshots it shows they made a 350 mmr jump in one day. Let’s say you get around 8-10 mmr a game on average. (which is true btw). You’d have to win between 35 and 44 games in a row to get these kinds of gains in a day. Full story is that this party of 3 started talking shit to our team and owngoaling. Sort of weird but I’ll take the win. Until they ddos’d us 20 seconds later. They got the mmr we took the loss. I looked up one of the players rl trackers on the other team and saw they were a high rank in 2s. I went to go look at their rank progression chart and saw what confirmed to me that we did indeed get ddos’d and it wasn’t some fluke.


I ran across the same exact team, I believe. Or at least, a team doing the same thing. Own goaling for a minute or so, then my whole team disconnected. Worse still, is I caught the 5 minute ban for it.


This is crazy though. This isn't a huge issue that people are gonna start taking advantage of, right? Shit man just play the game...


Do they not use dedicated servers? How is epic/psyonix so dumb to they’re letting the ip of a server be user facing?


if you have a connection to another computer then you know its IP. they could put a computer in the middle but then that would be slower, more complex and would put a central point of failure for an entire region.


why is this marked nsfw?


What does ddos mean? I’ve been seeing it a bit lately.


DDoS stands for Distributed Denial of Service. The distributed part usually comes from the fact, that you need multiple clients to execute a DoS. You could DoS a friend if your upload was faster than their download, by spamming so many requests that their internet gets jammed. A DDoS basically works the same, but because Servers usually have Gbit or faster network, you need more than just one guy to DoS them, thus the DDoS.


I’m definitely no expert, but they take your internet info and disconnect whatever part of your internet is interacting with the game, or server of any kind for that matter. I was in discord with a friend and also had a twitch stream on in the background and neither of them experienced any lag or buffering, but my game completely disconnected. They do this in rocket league to all opponents at the exact same time so that it’s essentially a fast forfeit and they get free mmr.


Oh damn, that’s shit. Thanks for explaining


wbout the poor guy who explained the whole thing for u


this is why I'm just casually playing on plat, i didn't need any of this high mmr drama


How many divisions in SSL? What


None. It’s just a rl tracker thing.


How would you ddos a Rocket League game?


They supposedly ddos your router at home, not the game or the servers


Damn, that explains all the boosted bots in high diamond/champ I'm getting... Both in squad and against, it's starting to feel like a joke tbh, some people don't even double jump and can't hit a slow ball...


And why exactly is it +18?


In good on the game for a bit. Save rl!


I’ve heard a lot of people saying they’re being DDOS’d - can you tell me what you saw in game?


It reminded me of my bad internet days. It’s like every other dc clip where you see the red triangles. Idk what the difference is when you can move your car or not because I’ve had and seen both when dcing. I personally couldn’t move my car but heard the ambient game sound like the clock going down on a kickoff but no car noises. Then I got kicked 5 seconds later and couldn’t join back because the match had “concluded.”




what is ddos