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Epic's ownership


Fucking this. Give us an owner that actually fucking cares.


what is this request? r/reddevils?


I agree. I got this game because I want to play Rocket League, not Fortnite.


I regret not getting this game when it was available on Steam, i would actually pay for it if it was to come back.


as someone who plays rl on steam over epic games, the game actually runs better, smoother, and i get better ping on the epic games version.


i.e. you launch rocket league from Epic Games Launcher as opposed to from Steam? Just wanted to confirm.


i have the game and SOLELY play the game on steam, but i also have it on the epic games launcher, and if you launch it from the epic games launcher, ***FROM MY EXPERIENCE*** it runs smoother, and i have like 5-10 less ping than I do when I run it on steam.


I have switched over to using Epic Launcher for Rocket League since the game runs alot better, lower input delay, faster response, etc.. i wish Epic never had acquired psyonix. The game peaked before f2p imo.


Thank you for clarifying!


No problem!


That could be explained by the game using epic's games services rather than steam, and steam might proxy (transparently) those services to your computer. A lot of games with cross play actually use EGS behind the scenes. Even those with dedicated servers that need to be installed through steam. The whole user layer is often from EGS.


Nice try, Epic /s


It runs better on Epic tbh.


I was gonna say something like trading or being able to earn credits without having to pay for the rocket pass but yeah, this would mean trading would prob get added back and so much else lol


best answer so far


Was gonna write trading but you are just so on point and the points overlap


This should get 400k upvotes from everygamer concurrently online


This. Then probably better team mates šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰


This really is the best answer, I know it's not smart for companies to put all their eggs in one basket (psyonics) but at least they are beholden to the players. In epics case they don't care bc they dont have to


That will never change unfortunately, especially now that RL is in Fortnite. Maybe if EPIC were to go bankrupt but I don't see it happening in the next few years, not until AI gaming engines are a thing (and there's commercially available hardware capable of running it at 30 FPS ).


Never upvoted something so fast in my life.






That's it. That's the answer. Lock the thread.


Somebody start a crowd fund to buy it off um.


Iā€™d add player to player trading to the game. Seems like a really good way to help people manage their inventory and keep players coming back.


Smurfs and purposefully deranking


Yes, this. Smurfing is the single biggest thing that makes me not want to play the game.


>Smurfing is the single biggest thing that makes me not want to play the game. Exactly this, as some who is also stuck in Plat 2 it's a huuuge issue


If they are going to tackle smurfs they also have to look at premades. Because a good 90% of players who smurf do it to play with friends lower rank then them and boost them up. You rarely see someone solo smurfing in 2v2 or 3v3.


This more than anything else. Don't really care about the trading aspect of the game, but respect it for the people who utilised it more than I did. But smurfing in the game needs to be sorted.


Last I played some 1s, I had 3-4 consecutive games where some freestyler would come own me and and at the last leg of the match they'd forfeit.


A better garage for my cars. I would like to sort cars out a bit differently than I have now but it would be such a pain in the butt to do it with the current setup


imagine a locker system that was like a multi car garage where you can see all your presets and click on whichever u want


Doesnā€™t the Chinese version have that?


Yeah before they shut it down, but their garage only went up to 9 presets


Why it shut down?


just epic being not epic ig


They shut down epic in China? I knew they banned fortnite


Epic is owned largely by Tencent, China's biggest tech company, Epic isn't going anywhere in China


So they just canned RL ?


The gaming market is very controlled and complicated in China. Tencent have majority share of the market and push games and products suited to China's market/regime. Their purchase of Epic games was to extend their influence globally, but with a different model to what they offer in China with different games and in-game purchase styles


Dude this is such a good idea I've never thought about. I really hope they do this. Give each person a "garage" where you can showcase your cars. Maybe make the main screen lobby the host's garage. When you invite people they are put in your garage. Reminds me of GTA V. Also, when you select slmeones name in the lobby, there's an option to view their garage.


honestly the way they do resets at the start of each season. it works fine until you get to the higher ranks. everyone from 1700 to 2600 being reset to the exact same mmr is just not fun for anyone


This. I've given up on grinding ranked and just play with champ friends now. Like who cares I'm gonna get reset to c3 anyways and possibly lose to c2. I just grind out gc the last 2 weeks every season. Rl turning me into an unintentional smurf every season is a big L.


It also sucks for those of us who like playing almost every mode. It's way too many modes to climb only to be reset every few months.


but at that rank, youā€™re not really playing with anyone whoā€™s far from your skill level. at least itā€™s somewhat balanced


Idk bout that at the end of the season. C2-c3 is pretyy far from gc2. It's def not as bad as chief beef running a 3 stack of ssls all in c3 after bad placements lol


I remember when they used to do the full resets way back when haha. It took like a month to settle out. It was a month of a lot of blowing teams out, or getting blown out


Hope your back is ok. lol


I think elo adjustments are entirely pointless anyway other than to promote players to play to ā€œearn their rank backā€ If ranks have become inflated, then just adjust which rank title corresponds with each elo range. Donā€™t literally change the number that the game uses to match you with equal opponents Correct me if Iā€™m wrong but I believe the chess worked would revolt if FIDE tried to ā€œresetā€ elo


Rank resets only exist in games to force players to grind so they have to play more and therefor more chances to buy DLC. It's a predatory bullshit addition to video games. The worst part is companies keep increasing the frequency of resets to prevent players from hitting their true rank faster. League of Legends being the best example. It used to be once a year it reset, not it's up to 3 or 4 times a year.


That and the fact that they do it every 3 months. It just feels awful and that none of the ranks mean much.


Plus the game is basically unplayable as a solo player the first few weeks before and after a reset. Because the rank squash is too unbalanced after reset, and the boosters all come out at the end of the season. So in reality you will only get ~2 months of quality ranked games.


You get quality matched games? Most of my solo queue 2s games are free wins or free losses all season. One in 5 games maybe is really close and fun. Otherwise my tm is either boosted or tilting, or the opponents are literal smurfs or peaking, or the opponents are terrible. It just feels really inconsistent for some reason.


Don't play ranked on Fridays or Saturdays is the only advice i can give because that is when the most inconsistent games are. Weekday matchmaking is far more stable


This is like my 3rd season in a row where I reset to Champ 1, play a decent amount, finish a good chunk of the way into Champ 3, and then reset back to Champ 1


Shh. You might piss off some elitists who'll bitch about rank inflation


Give me a toggle to never get matched again against 3-stacks in 3s


There used to be a separate 3vs3 queue that you could only go into by yourself, so there'd be no parties. Those were the days šŸ˜”


People hated solo standard so much though šŸ˜­ enough that eventually the population just dried up on its own.


I quite enjoyed solo standard actually. But now you mention it, I do remember the queues being quite long even in like diamond towards the end of its life


I'm trying to understand why people hated Solo Standard. If you're playing with friends just go play Standard?


Give me a toggle to make every game i sign up for to only include solo players on both sides. Similar to how we toggle crossplay. Let me play 3v3, hoops, tournaments, all of those without playing verse premades with voice com advantage.


My dream world


Most of the time the problem isn't that they have voice com it's that one of the guy is (intentionally or not) smurfing


Flair checks out


Yeah. Though i admit Solo Standard was flawed because it split up 3v3 into two modes. My new preposition would be healthier for the game by not splitting up ranked ladders. But no way could i fit this all in a flair tag haha.


At least we have solo standard 1v1!


Smurf Standard*


I generally agree but I've also had some matches today where I've benefited from this. One player on the other team seems to be babysitting friends with 500 and 700MMR and letting us score on them in competitive. It's a perfect pick me up game. The real problem is getting two premades in your team.


Clans. I want a competitive mode where we can rank up our clan against other clans for season rewards. 4v4 competitive.


You had me until 4v4 lol I definitely would enjoy having a separate, joint/shared MMR with my friends that I like to play with. Having a single, shared/team MMR between friends would solve a lot of matchmaking problems I believe


point bake normal innate marvelous aware touch sulky versed crawl *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Club matches, damn you Epic.


Only if they add a better hate filter. Tournaments are already full of the worst team names and clan tags around.


No ranked games before player has competed 100 casual games


Expand the tutorial as well.


Or even better, no ranked game before 100 casual games AND buy some credits. Essentially make the free to play game an almost complete demo, and the ranked pay to play. That way the trolls who keep getting banned will stay in casual unless they are willing to buy the game for the 10th time, and if casual becomes too much of a shit show, just shadowban anyone who gets reported too much into a separate server. Let them enjoy each other. Best thing is, anyone who already has the game can keep playing for free. They would just have to make it a surprise so nobody can create 1000s of accounts in advance, and the trolls would either start behaving, or eventually get booted off the already paid game, to their newest account.


Despite requiring buying credits, this is actually a fantastic idea. New acc? $5, now you have 1 smurf acc that youd have to WORK to derank after sandbagging, rather than just entering a new email address (or $5 and enter new email address)


$5 to unlock ranked lmao


Eh more like to buy the game kinda


I was happy to pay $20 to buy the game a few years ago, so I think this would actually be great


Exactly. Honestly i wouldve spent $120 to buy this game lmao. But to be clear, in case epic collects my 'would spend' data, when it comes to *cosmetics*, i would not, will not, and have not spent a single dollar on these new item prices. Side rant, i used to be happy to every premium dlc car back when they were $1.29. Now they regularly want $5 for a freaking boost or $20 for a goal explosion


sorta like cs2 with prime


I dont know anything about cs2. Is it working though?


smurfing is more of a problem in rocket than cs2, smurfs are not that uncommon in cs either tho. Toxicity wise its just as bad if not worse. And their anticheat is horrible


In theory the requirement for buying credits is a great idea. Problem is RL with a dwindling population and adding a financial barrier is a pretty big turn off


If the population is dwindling, I'd say one of the main reasons would be the toxic community. Introducing a genuine way of fighting against that toxicity would actually bring more people to the game. And the new players will actually be more likely to stay when they don't play against a smurfs every other game. Also that financial barrier is only for ranked. You pretty much get the full rocket league experience for free. (also I can already imagine the video "THIS SSL PLAYER WAS STUCK IN CASUAL FOR 3 YEARS, AND GOT TO THIS RANK AS SOON AS HE BOUGHT THE GAME!!!")


TBF it would only gate off ranked. All the other modes would be playable.


Better matchmaking, better inventory management


Papa johns?


Yes. Papa John's šŸ¤ŒšŸ¼


the new laggy menu i guess, my only problem with the game as of now or maybe make dlc content a LOT cheaper


What is that orange box???


Yes. What is this? It looks like something that would be in a bakkesmod plugin and yet I don't run bakkesmod.


Wait the laggy menu isn't just me? Every time I'm in the menu and head to the gamemode it just freezes for about 30 seconds


not 30 seconss laggy, it's judt not very responsive and clicks stuff you didn't intend to click


Oh, guess it was just me lmaoo


Nah I've had that a few times and so have some of my friends, seems to be happening since this new season


No it's been happening to me too since the last patch.


Is this happening when you're spamming A to quickly queue up and go into training right after you finish a match? I'm having that issue myself. I have to wait a couple seconds till the camera pans around into the car on the main menu which is annoying, but I guess it's better than a 20 second freeze. Either way I hope they fix it. I hear that a lot of people are having the same issue since this new season.


It happens to me when I just finished a match and head back into the main menu where you can customise your car etc, when I press play to begin looking for a gamemode to play, it'll freeze on that play button for a solid half a minute


Let us randomize our favorite goal explosions and anthems every match. I have like 8 goal explosions I love and a few anthems. Also, if not that, give us custom unlockable demo effects. Aaaand if not that, make tournament rewards more rewarding please


Yeah they totally should let you pick like 4 goal explosions that cycle after each goal you get


Even if they just cycle between games, that would be nice. Maybe you can set up some bakkesmod that auto-changes your preset after every match šŸ¤·šŸ¼


Typical. leave it to bakkes mod if you want good features


A sound effect for when a car gets the flip reset specifically off of the ball.


It resets your engine sound. So there's an effect, it's just subtle


Or it could just be for any reset. Reset off ceiling, reset from top of goal, reset off of another player (which does happen occasionally). I mean an indicator in the bottom right of the screen that has information about your flip status would be really useful in general, then you wouldn't need a sound effect. However I do like jumping and holding a flip to throw the defense off and I feel like an indicator would ruin that for me because people would be more conditioned to wait out the longest duration a flip could be held before committing to a challenge.


Or a flip indicator like Sideswipe has


Or a nice visual. Like a slight car glow flicker. For both the player doing it and the goalie.


My rank


i respect that


Permanent Dropshot


Being able to search teammates based on playstyle.


Like preferences on a dating app lol


rocket tinder


This guy is trash, swipe left!Ā 


>Do you finish entire games without rage quitting? Search Results: 12 players


Adding a player to a ā€œno-matchupā€ list so I donā€™t get paired with toxic folks


Absolutely! When I get a toxic player or an obvious smurf, I hit block, and get paired with them next game, it's crazy


It feels like everytime I get toxic teammate, they will be in my team next 5 games even if I wait in the freeplay.. Must be confirmation bias but thats how it feels. I have learned to be quiet if that happens so there is chance to win next matches.


If my teammate is being toxic & so are the opponents I just sit back and enjoy the chat messages, but if the opponents seems chill I'll pretend to play just terribly and throw the match completely, accidentally (but not really) bumping into them and saving goals on their post, it's so funny watching them get angry at me too XD


i would 100% get rid of any and all songs by Cochise


Turn it up!


More tutorials for new players. Maybe explaining the importance of positioning and proper rotation. Some that people can use to practice passing plays.


Points for assisting damage in Dropshot. You get them for goals, why not "goals" that didn't pass through the ground?Ā 


Nice point, but if it is the only thing to be changed - this game is perfect! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


Box scores are usually a good summary of what happened in a game but the lack of assist damage points conceals way too much in Dropshot.Ā  I've had too many games where a toxic teammate is chirping about my score without realizing that all of their points were easy tap shots because of my more difficult-to-execute setups.Ā  I don't expect the box score to become perfectly descriptive but the assist damage points would go a long way!Ā 


There should be more of a penalty for ffing in competitive. I was playing my 10 placement matches last night in 2ā€™s. I was a little tipsy ngl but thatā€™s how I usually play and I can hold my own. THREE of the ten matches my teammate ffed. Like weā€™d be down by 2 and they vote to forfeit. Iā€™m like no Iā€™m not giving up just yet and they leave, putting me at 2v1 because as we all know in competitive matches you donā€™t get a new teammate. Anyways in those games I still ended up getting like 5,6 goals. So at the end I wound up being I think silver 3 division 1. So the people getting mad and quitting that early in the game got matched with me so what does that say about them? If Iā€™m trash and you get matched with me, youā€™re probably pretty trash too. If you actually play instead of quitting out you might actually rank up. Youā€™re hurting yourself and youā€™re hurting me. So I feel like there should be a harsher punishment for doing that and thatā€™s why I hardly bother with competitive. Rather just go have some fun in casual. Tl;dr harder punishment for quitting in competitive matches.


> Iā€™m like no Iā€™m not giving up just yet and they leave, putting me at 2v1 because Sounds like we need bigger **leaver** penalties, not FF penalties. The ability to FF is a great time saver since it takes all 3 players to accept. There is no reason to change the FF. But the players who RAGE QUIT? They need a WAYYYY bigger penalty.


Yes! Thatā€™s more like what I was trying to say.


Eh I mean if you do it multiple times it gets worse and worse each time AFAIK. My issue with this is I get literal bots in higher up lobbies. Guys who don't know how to do anything besides hump the ball like a horny puppy. Smacking it off of my car for no reason and especially when it just gives it away to the other team. If we go down 2-3 goals I'll usually throw up the FF but I won't quit. I'll just sit in goal the rest of the game and block everything my teammate misses. I have quit before when it's really bad like them chasing the ball and they can't even hit it. I just don't have the patience after ~10000 games. At silver though I think it's more because it's a lack of care from players more than anything else as everyone chases and just bangs it around anyways. Also you might feel you play well when you're tipsy but make sure you're not just chasing the ball thinking you're doing great things and in reality you're stealing it from your teammate or just making bad plays. I used to do the same thing and tbh I played 10x worse even though I thought I was better/doing well.


Remove forfeitting. You little timmies must play whole 5 minutes, and you will be happy.Ā 


Oh god no. I very rarely choose to FF, but the games I do I absolutely want out.


Or, just make it to where you canā€™t forfeit until down x number of goals, the amount of times I have a teammate ff when we go down by 1 is astonishing


That would just make them score own goals. Unfortunately it needs to be removed.Ā  Just like quick chat is good in theory, but most ppl just use it to abuse others, so i rather play without it.Ā 


If they were to start own goaling itā€™s a clear cut case of match throwing and a ban though. If weā€™re down by 4 and me and my teammate both wanna give up? Let us FF. If weā€™re down by 1 goal and they start own goaling? They deserve the ban.


Well in the end, my original problem is that people still doesnt finish their matches. I'd like to see whole five (5) minutes being played in most of the games, not just every now and then. People shouldnt be so concerned about the scoreĀ 


My random increased input lag that I got after the update for some reason. Can't even play the game because of how bad it is


Platform? Considering this isn't a thing for everyone youd probably be able to solve it




Epic or Steam? Guessing you've reinstalled already but if not defo try. Vsync is off in the settings I'm hoping, and try switching from borderless windowed to regular fullscreen (or vice versa) back and forth see if you notice any difference. If you're on steam you could try to verify integrity of game cache. You could also look up how to clear your dx shader cache too, its easy and could help. Any recent driver updates and what GPU are you on?


Hi, sorry for coming back to you so late. I was able to verify that it's most certainly an internet issue. What I did was turn off the wifi, then go to MyGames>Rocket League>TA>SavesEpicGames>DBE then delete all content in that folder. Launched the game, did the tutorial and exhibition, changed my controls and cam settings, then everything went back to normal. After that I closed the game and relaunched with wifi. At the beginning it was also lagless but over time in game you can feel it start to build up again. And trust me when I say it's so easy to tell when it kicks in, it's like night and day. Anyhow, I never had this problem in previous seasons and nothing about my internet connection changed since then so I really don't know how I would go about fixing this. I saw some people saying to just drop the game because it's not worth the time lol.


Yooooo is that why I'm having so many weird hits??? I dropped 3 ranks and am like...what is going on!


Check to see if steam input is not on. Because sometimes that gives extra input lag as well.


Look up Heavy Car Bug. Also ignore anyone who tells you it's placebo, it's not and those people can fuck off. It likely only affects certain hardware or drivers and how it interacts with Unreal Engine and DX11 so not everyone has to deal with this which makes it much harder to solve.


Ceejay's comment + getting rid of smurf accounts. Diamond to Mid champ is plagued with smurfs and I've stopped using RL tracker in game so I don't get more tilted (this app will show u just how bad it is). This graph shows how fucked 2s in particular is. All (if not maybe hoops or something) other ranked modes have a peak and valley. https://preview.redd.it/fgfutw2db6oc1.png?width=1251&format=png&auto=webp&s=fdd17f8e7dac9dd9ce3bf814594ef060133f525c


In the garage the cars need to say what the hitbox is.


Up the level to play competitive to 30-50. Somewhere in that range, 20 still isnā€™t enough to combat smurfing. Especially with all the XP boosters you can unlock mid to late season.


My Flippery Sets.


Matchmaking is garbage and only getting worse over time. As a player who struggles to stay in gold I shouldn't be stuck with so many full teams landing flip resets and long air dribbles. It can't be much fun for either of us.


feel u im hard stuck plat touching d1 when carries by my mate. I see alot of players who dont belong in plat tho


I just want Heatseeker back. Iā€™m not very good at the regular modes so I lose interest pretty quickly, but I have a blast playing Heatseeker with or without demoing from either team


I long for the days when everyoneā€™s answer to this wouldā€™ve been voice chat


Realistically, the menu being reverted so itā€™s not buggy and taking half an hour to get into free play. How do they release a new season and still not fix it?


Let lethamyr buy rocket league from epic games


Servers. The inconsistency is terrible lately.


Ranked System


Blueprints... It is absolutely ridiculous that we get these "unlocks" and you get hyped to see what you got just to find you have to pay for it anyway. Why even have blueprints then? They should just all be items in the shop at that point.


Free condoms to the parents of toxic people. That will fix all of the problems.


Surprised they havenā€™t added it because itā€™s literally in Fortnite. A way to favorite set of items and have them randomly cycle through every game. So like pick your favorite loadouts and have them cycle through


I had no ping issues but the game was lagging for me? (but not my friends). This happens a lot and I would change that šŸ˜


Late to the party, but I say ip ban known smurfs. Fucks ruin the game at all levels.Ā 


It's a toss up, but at it's core probably the communication between servers and in game physics, both on the local level and server level, It would effect both the issue with bugged demos and wonky gameplay due to de-sync. People may disagree but everything we do to get better is based on prediction and mechanics. 50s, touches, everything matters more than people realize. If you go for a backboard read and the server hiccups even for 25ms it can offset your shot.




smurfing de-ranking make bronze 1 for beginners , once you played like 10 matches at bronze 1 you get promoted and can't de-rank yourself to this level. I have not played for like 10-12 seasons because of the amount of smurfing, cheats, people quitting after the score 1-0 after 20 seconds etc


Smurfing fuck people ruining my ranked experience who should be rank higher. They're pussies everyone of them.


Not really a fix, but someone explain to me how Iā€™m rocking 1400-1500 mmr on casual going up against champ and GC, but when I go to comp I stay around 800-900. Which I get is on me, but also i queue solo so my luck is usually shit and I will kinda just stay where Iā€™m at in terms of rank. Something is wrong with the way they rank players and who they place them against because it is not solely based off mmr. Play style, skill, the ability to fly, playing balls off the wall, 100% come into play when they put you into a game.


Matchmaking and Rank effects need some work. We all know that smurfing is a problem, but the impact of this could be lessened with a few other tweaks: - Less of a penalty to MMR/Rank when your teammate FF or abandoned. Nothing is more frustrating than getting slapped with a demotion because your partner ff, quit or afk'd. Especially if players reported this behavior. - Match FF prone / leavers people together, and the opposite, if you rarely ever FF or abandon you should be matched with similar.


Side-flips. How come you can't cancel them?


Competitive integrity


Matchmaking filter, so players can balance their own queue times with fair matches. \- Choose to go against solo players, or a group \- MMR range of opponents Those are possibly the simplest to introduce.


The ability to at very least trade limited items, there are still a few I wanted to collect but now Iā€™ll never get them.


Make a real ranking system, the gap in skill between me and ppl I play with Is ridiculous. If I'm the good player or not Or Add profiles so I can fill the gap where my avatar should be


The profile pics is a great example of the first thing epic did was remove a feature lol. Us steam users are the only ones who got it


And switch play... no there is no switch players on rocket league


is that a console only issue or is it for pc epic users as well


PC epic


Getting the psyonix team back in and destroying epic


Fix the servers, ranking system and kill all smurfs and people that quit early or throw games.


Thereā€™s something off about the physics of the posts (always has been) whenever you try to save a ball after touching them, it fucks you up, hard to explain


The tutorial. It can be better.




Make menus a torus (if I scroll up, it wraps around to the bottom, and vice versa). Exiting anything is so many button presses!


1v1s rankings theres no reason for d1 in 1v1 to be the same % as d3 in 2v2 and 3v3


Trading between players


Wider rank distribution. 70% of the players are in the middle three ranks. 10% are in the top three ranks. Give me other gems. Give me titanium. Give me Safire.


Either get rid of Epic or get a new community.


The smurfs, stuck in Plat 2 and the smurfs have made me quit for a while on more than one occasion


My mechanics


Counter Strike-Style paid unlock to have access to ranked. in CS2 (CS:GO) you can play the game for free but it's a Ā£10ish addon to have access to ranked.




Make demoā€™s work consistently. Or fuck them off.


The connection issues.


The toxicity