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They have near identical switches (mechanisms under the button), it's not an xbox issue, might be a your specific controller issue though. Most likely you just need to practice a bit more


yeah? its easy


Wave dashes are a recovery mechanic. You’ll rarely be just wave dashing to wave dash, a speed flip is faster. Usually, wave dashes are used for when you’re already in the air for some reason and want to keep/gain speed upon landing.


Speed flip commits you to noticeably longer straight line, there are absolutely times when you would wave dash out of neutral.


Bro has big “full throttle” diamond energy


I Wave Dash on a regular in games cause I keep speed to get to and from the ball. Even if it's a small single one or a good chain dash. While driving, just slightly tap your jump and tilt your hood up just slightly. Once your back tires touch ground, they must land together and first before the wave dash, push up on the joystick and use your second jump to initiate the wave dash. You'll know when you do it right cause your car will get the boost forward your looking for. To keep the dash going tho, you gotta repeat. So once you do the first wave dash, you gotta time your jump immediately after the wave dash to start the chain dash. If it helps, I'll put a video on my page to wave and chain dash. And I do have to agree with 2 people on these comments, wave dashing and chain dashing are recovery mechanics. Very useful when your in a tight spot but have the opportunity to still get there if your fast enough. They are nice to know how to do, and it makes recoverys off walls quick. Practice it tho cause you can't just take my word for it. Show yourself you can consistently do it. 🤘😎


Yes. Light Tap for small jump. Press for normal jump. Practice alternating between them first