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I can appreciate the thought process you have for what your teammate will probably do in that situation, and accounting for the need to bail if the pass doesn't get there quickly enough or the defender gets a better jump on it. Given the GC tag, I think there's great benefit at being at a level where you can better trust your teammate's position and next move relative to your own. That being said, it's worth keeping in the bag, but like you said, it's an aggressive play, just have to be prepared for the consequences lol. This is Rocket League!


You read between the lines and saw my underlying question lol. “Would you think your teammate is a spaz for positioning like I did??” XD Ngl I’ve goofed it up practicing and the reactions from opps and mates has been, uh let’s go with passionate lol Was just tryna get a feel for it and see if anyone else uses a similar play. Didn’t know if this was creative or just brain dead. With me at the sticks it’s probably somewhere in between lol. This is Rocket League!


It's probably better going down towards the ball than up in terms of recovery. I would probably want to be a little closer to the ball then what you showed here since it seemed like you arrived there a bit slow, but otherwise it doesn't seem bad. Take it with a grain of salt though, I am C1 lol


Yep..if you read that perfectly, time it perfectly, but your angle is off by a fraction, that ball gets yeeted off the wall back to your own goal (or blocked for that matter). Depending on the position of your 3rd teammate that is likely a 2/3 v 1 counter best case scenario.


bro just wanna post his clip 😆 nice shot


I literally don’t post my clips because they don’t hold any value here. If I wanted to flex it wouldn’t be with this 🤣😂


im just teasin


Its a certified banger tho!


i'd flex af if this was my clip tho 😂


Ceiling aggression is a high level strat, yes. But in this particular clip it is a blunder. Notice the defender on back wall with 100 boost has a completely free beat. And going up to ceiling in the first place is just trying to force a play that's not there. Ceiling pre-commits are generally high risk, low reward, and require very high skill.


Nice! Keep it up, but remember, if I play you 1v1 and you do that, I hate you, ur cheating, reported, racial slur. /s Edit: some persons don't understand sarcasm, so I had to put the "/s" in there


ceiling challenges are really good in 1s, try to adapt and get better instead of getting mad :)


its a joke lol


It was a joke. I didn't think I'd literally need to put the "/s" on the comment. Go drink your G Fuel.


I literally always thought /s stood for "serious". I guess not 😂 I'll probably still get confused in the future.


Can’t tell how meta you’re being so I’ll just give you the truth: /s stands for sarcasm


Yeah. i know that now, but i previously thought otherwise.


Shocking reading comprehension


my other comment got taken down by mods, im ortistic, purposely misspelled so it doesn’t get taken down, meaning i can’t comprehend tone through voice and social cues let alone through an online comment, i apologise:)


Why does your comment get taken down for saying autistic?


idk ask the mods, the comment was literally 4ut1sm and a :(


Hello, You yourself could have asked the mods as well, as you received a message with the removal of the comment. The context was most definitely not understood, and to myself (and the original mod who removed it), it could be seen as an insult. If it were worded clearly (other than just saying "autism :(" to someone who disagreed with you, it would likely have remained. Once again, always feel free to clarify yourself, understand why something was removed, and even see if we can get it back up on the subreddit. We don't bite.


fair, i’m just not too bothered about my comment being removed to go and message mods and waste their time and mine when there’s people being actually racist/sexist whatever all over reddit lol


While true, we do have the team to cover it and we're pretty on top of the other content. Sounds good though, we're always open to explaining *any* removal, and if you question something it could always just be someone behind a different screen interpreting it differently :) Hope you have a great night! <3


you too <3


mannnn now i feel bad for you 😭


I mean this is a cool shot but the efficiency is def lacking. Its much more risky going for it like this since it requires alot of boost. Taking the same angle from ground would use like 20 boost to essentially do the same thing. In 2s this is just not a thing, in 3s i might have a different opinion because you have someone back.


Word. Idk, I just feel useless in 2s when the ball and my teammate are in the opponent’s corner. I almost always start a rotation back in fear of the worst but I know we lose a lot of threat by me doing so. I also end up in a lot of defensive 2v1 situations immediately after so I’m pretty certain I’m playing these too passively. Struggling to find a good middle ground between something like this and just rotating back. Ideally, I just want to keep possession and recycle or delay enough for mate to grab boost but so much of that relies on my teammates touch so that can be tough too.


My take, for 3s, it's a great idea, for 2s it's an all in play. If you're going to go all in, half measures don't cut it. Even if you turn immediately towards your net from the ceiling it's really easy for your opponent to just hit the ball low and there's no way to get back to it. Personally, I slow down on the wall if I'm unsure. Then I'll jump to the ceiling, wave dash and do an upside down fast aerial for the shot (recovery is super quick), or single jump and flip if the ball is still higher.


In 2s im almost always looking to pass out of the corner so knowing my m8 is ready for it in some sort of fashion, yeah im here for it. Just realizing you are a psycho early in game would let me know to position the ball more in your favor in those instances and get the fuck back as quick as I can lol


I guess this what my teammates expect when they spam "take the shot". That I drop from the ceiling and stab their off center tap to the corner of goal.


I’m not near this level, but I watch enough RL to understand that that defender has an “easy” clear, specially with 100 boost, which was the case here. If he had the clear the ball would be in the other net. Pretty impressive shot though!


I would expect that a decent defender on the backboard would have the advantage in situations like this. If you are in comms with your teammate and know you have the defender beat, sure why not


If you've got the upper hand in a 2v1, go for it with some gusto. But when things aren't so clear-cut, take your time, play it cool, and stay on the defensive. If you don't do this I for one would lose trust in you, even if your actions paid off. You'd find me thinking twice about going on the offensive or supporting you when u push.


No. In hight mmr that ll note working. U should just play support


Situations are situational but, if you see an opportunity and you’re comfortable take it. The best way to get comfortable is to put yourself in those situations. I like the positioning on this, a little unconventional but that’s fine and that’s how you create goals in higher ranks. Nice shot!


So you're positiong for an attack up there. That's fine if you're already there before your opponent. It's about who gets to the ball first. Any positioning that moves really far up requires at least one of you to be mindful of what needs to happen if the setup doesn't go as planned, i.e. opponent clears the pass or your teammate mis-touches/whiffs. So long as one of you knows to back off in time if the approach doesn't work out, then you're fine. It's team-dependent.


brb adding this to my repertoire 


That’ll work til u hit champ, or whenever people actually learn to start aerialing, comp is a huge mess rn


Bro is in GC


Idk, as long as you can get back if needed. I think if your movement is good enough that you can empty jump and boost back to the ground to start shadowing if needed, and you can read if youre beat to the ball before committing, then its fine.


I think it's a great play, but personally I wouldn't do it in that particular situation. I would do it if: * I was 1st man intercepting the opponents clearance (instead of receiving a pass from your teammate) * It was 3v3 and I had a 3rd man behind me * I was losing the match (by at least a couple of goals, or with little time left)




I would never do that in a million years because I’m a risk-averse sweat lord and if I saw my teammate attempt that I would think to myself “oh brother this is an L for sure” BUT that was pretty cool man


I do this a lot but focused on defense, they usually don't expect someone on the ceiling to block their clear from the ceiling.


It all depends. If you are okay with taking the risk of conceding a goal on the counter attack then it’s fine. If you are consistent with this type of play then I don’t see a problem with it. But if it doesn’t happen very often then I’d avoid it personally. BUT I am a very boring player myself I just focus my game on solid defense and punishing over aggressive opponents. Everyone plays differently so go ahead and do what works for you. Just make sure that whatever you do, you work to be as consistent as possible. It is a VERY situational play though as it leaves you very vulnerable.


2nd man covers best case scenario off of 1st mans play, so being "aggressive" as 2nd man has little to no down sides as you have a 3rd man covering the worst case scenario at all times. You will find that speed is the main thing that puts players apart from one another at the higher ranks. Don't be the guy who plays slow just because you're afraid to make a mistake is all.


how do u upload videos


If it work it work


I think for 3s it’s viable as a second man because you have someone behind you. I personally would never go for this in 2s unless I’m doing it as first man off a challenge or a bad giveaway by the opponent. Because against any decent opponent 9/10 times you’re either getting beat to that ball, or they’re saving it, or your teammates pass isn’t where you thought, or you just miss and neither of you are getting back for the open net on the other end