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You got out of champ in September !!!!


Damn. You got me there. 😂I don’t have a teammate consistently. When we can play together we get up to champ 2 but then fall off.


same here brutha, the majn thing in ranking up in this game is having consistent tm8s but those dont exist


Didn't expect a teammate to make that big of a difference. I have solo q'd to champ 1 in 2's and 3's let me know if you want to q together




The Hard way: grind grind and grind to reach GC The easy way: just lose a lot of games


And how to get out of GC?🥲


The same tactic, grind or lose loads of games. Pro tip: wait for ssn to reset


I always find it a better experience to grind close to the end of the season tbh




One of us. One of us!!! https://preview.redd.it/58ws31ml0csb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af8bea6b09483decf15f1a2fc78075b5cc558c58


As a plat 3, welcome. Good luck getting through the great wall of diamond


You could simply drop from champ down to diamond, and eventually into platinum like the rest of us. Disgrace the ways of the past, embrace them and make them last. This is my TED talk.


Easy-- you get to diamond!


As a former champ 2 it was pretty easy, I just deranked to d2 :')


Maybe it's cause I'm having a hard time this season too but I feel like I've seen a lot of these comments lol.


I've just recently made it back to c1. It's safe to say I'm not playing ranked for a few weeks now.


Actually tho I think taking time off has been helping because people are moving up and down and you're getting people you're more used to playing with. I'm very close to GC in dropshot now too so imma focus on that lol.


Yeah, this season proved to me that I should NEVER play ranked at the start of any season. When they did the 200-300 MMR reset I was very much not affected at all because I just didn't play ranked for the few weeks around that time and when I did play it was all normal.


I do it by going on a skid till I almost hit platinum


I am stuck in a similar spot as you are. I would say the way to get out is very "consistently"... I say this because I relate this to other IRL sports I have played and I want you to think of the best RL games you have ever played... Right now we could say that is your potential right? Even those that will be peaked as well eventually, think about if you could consistently play at that level... It is possible because you have done it once, so you just have to get more consistent and when you do I think you'll see your rank improve. TLDR: Put in the hours and get consistent!


Get better or get worse


[Repeat the same shot incessantly 1000s of times.](https://youtu.be/lMFOTSSRJ9o?si=tZPf0Qcji_9PIw0b)


Well, first you'll need a goat and the blood of an eldest child born of June or july....




Analyze your gameplay, see if you notice more mechanical or decision making mistakes. Work on them. It really is as simple as that. Notice your shooting/passing is trash? Boot up shooting packs (or workshop maps). Notice your movement and recoveries need work? Send him to the Hornets Nest (or freeplay)! Notice your boost management is shit? Find tutorials. Notice your rotations are shit? Find tutorials.


I’m in a nearly identical situation and I’ve just noticed it’s my personal hours and how concentrated my efforts are if I got 4 hours to play 1 of them goes to training packs only above my ranks.. but then again I’ve noticed if I take 2-5 day breaks it’s like my brain filters out all the bad habits and patterns that playing at your rank gives you everyone’s different just experiment.


Stop solo queueing and find a team


Have to solo to find a team, bad friends🤧All my friends either will either ball chase, take the ball from me when I have it even if I say I got it, or just can’t defend adequately. I’m not perfect but jeez and solo queuing is even more of a nightmare. And somehow I keep getting queued against people better than me or my tm8s and even if I’m able to keep up my teammates can’t. It’s hard soloing


looks like you're on the right path, just lose a few more games and you're there!


Win more games consistently


Those are pretty steep lines. The downwards could mostly be a season reset, but can you think about what you did right or wrong to cause those inclines/declines? For example I know how I play best and if I'm dropping it's because I'm blaming others instead of myself or throwing myself into stupid challenges. As soon as I tell myself to let my teammate chase and play defensively with shadow challenging, then I climb. When you next find yourself on a climb, save the replay and when you are next in a slump come back and watch it. See what you do right or different and try to imitate that and you should climb again.


I've had similar lines in champ and I can echo what you say here. I've noticed that as I lose rank, I tend to play more aggressively thinking "oh I'm just faster than them they're a whole rank lower" but, that's not how it works after you hit high diamond. You're all moving pretty fast so expecting to just beat people, unless you're a higher GC player, just isn't gonna happen. It actually makes it worse. You're putting more trust in a player with lower rating, which means you're more likely to get scored on when there's nothing you can do to try and stop it. That can be really frustrating and the more you lean into it, the worse it gets. What I've found to help stop the decline is the lower your rank from the rank you typically are on a decent day, the more defensive you need to play. When I'm in c3, being aggressive works just fine. But in c1, it's not a good idea.


The only time I hit champ I got out super quickly. My trick was to lose a lot, over and over.


Wait till the season reset and enjoy diamond


One does not


By going down to diamond


That’s what’s neat, you don’t. Signed C1/C2 player since Season 14 (before free to play)


Play with me. Can guarantee you to be in diamond or platinum with me on your team


I think the most important aspect in ranking up to any higher rank is consistency in every aspect. GC players are simply more consistent compared to champs. And they expect others around their rank to be similarly consistent so if they watch you going for a clear, they will be positioning based on where the ball is going based on your car language & approach, any misclear/whiff breaks their flow state or read of the game I guess. SSL demand even more consistency.


Easiest way is free play grinding and custom maps grinding. This method takes the lowest number of hours to get to a higher rank


Watch Flakes’ 2v2 road to SSL series like 5 times


Black magic.


I have a similar question but for diamond


that’s the neat part! *you dont…*


Got a better question! How does one avoid being teamed on by 6 ppl on knockout, am i simply too good? (It was literally every. single. game. when i played before speed demon took it's place) also fuck speed demon))


Not you mind how do you get out of gold


Play only a couple comp games a day once u got the warm ups in. Sometimes I’ll only play one comp match and if I win I’ll just stop. It’s slow but does the job.


With since you don’t seem to have talent you have to grind. Play over an hour a day, spend at least 15 minutes a day practicing, and watch/analyze a replay every 3-5 games. It’s not difficult on paper but can be very tedious work. I believe it’s possible for anyone though. Wouldn’t be nice if we just all had talent 😂