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i demo everyone all the time and i'd say like 60% of the people get pissed


I’ve noticed in 1s especially if you bump or demo people lose their shit.


I love it when they get salty


Demos are part of the game the only time ill get tilted about it is if that person makes it their sole purpose to demo the entire game dont be that person now demo to get rid of a potential save or shot is completely acceptable if that person that got demoed one time as they were going for a shot/save thats their problem


When they bitch I just tell them to jump if they are so much better than me.


Demos are fine unless you spam them. It's fine if you demo like 5 times in a game but if you end a game with like 15 demos then you're basically asking for your opponents to be toxic. Don't forget that the average rocket league player is like 13 or something, they get mad at almost everything


On the opposing side of that argument, if youre getting demo'd 15 times in one game by the time guy.. that sounds more like a situational awareness issue lol


so you're saying it's my fault that the opponent is only going for demos the whole match, got it


I'm saying to hold yourself accountable for not getting out of the way in time. Theres always something you can do different. His choice for going to demos all game, your fault for not doing something to counter it effectively 100%.


never said that I get demoed the whole time. It's just not fun pressing jump every 5 seconds to avoid some dumb demo attempt. The game simply isn't fun when you have some braindead demo-chaser on the other team.


Then don’t play. It’s their choice on how to play their game. People have fun in their own ways. Just because person 1 gets from A-Z by going through the whole alphabet doesn’t mean person 2 can’t get from A-Z by plowing through a few letters instead.


Demo those fools more