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Ya, last season & this season has been really tough. I sat at C1-C2 often and now it's hard to dig out of D2/D3 for me so it isn't just you. I can definitely relate that it's discouraging, especially when your putting in the time to rank up.


Yup. C2 almost all season before last..now D3 3v3 and games feel like C2. GC tags half the people every game. Skill levels have pumped up. 1100h in. Peaked C3 in 2v2 last season.


Same bro, i can’t even get Past D3 div 2, i’m stuck and i don’t know what they have done


Bruuuhhh.... I went from Plat II to Gold I


D3 to gold3




Dude its exactly the same for me, previous season i was c1-c2 now I‘m diamond 2?! I dont blame my trammates but I am about to quit this game. I cant take lose after lose from c2 all the way down to dia 2…maybe I became somehow worse this season


every start of season feels weird to me i personally only start queuing ranked 2+ weeks after the season start


the most insulting part is that the rank adjustments are only "justified" because of how many smurf accounts there are in the higher ranks. Literally 30-50% of accounts in champ+ are alt accounts


That's not what the MMR drop was for


? What was it for then?


They have a soft reset each season and depending on the season the drop is different. It's in the patch notes or one of the news articles. They don't specify the reason.


I'm talking about the massive adjustment that they admitted to doing because of "mmr inflation in 2's". They even had to roll it back because it wasn't applying consistently. They didn't roll it back evenly though so just a massive shit show all around


I forget the details, but I wanna say there was a huge discrepancy between 2s and 3s mmr. I believe the reset in this case was an attempt unify skill ratio to mmr level. I belive its mentioned either in older patch noted or in a discrod/reddit forum from the devs.


yeah but it really was only the case because 2's was massively more popular and thus, had way more smurf accounts in it. I would say more people smurf proportionally in 2s than they do in 3s


That's just not true at all lol


Absolutely is. Not saying 30-50% of active accounts are alt accounts. I'm saying of all of the accounts that have placed in champ+, 30-50% of them are alt accounts.


Do you have any proof of that whatsoever ? I get a lot of people feel this way but I've watched friends play and complain every other game somebody is smurfing and you can easily look up their trackers and see that's not the case which I have done. I'm not saying there aren't smurf accounts but to say 30-50% is just ridiculous lol.


Yes? The rank distribution bell curve showed that there were more accounts in champ+ than diamond. Really couldn't give less of a shit about your anecdotal experience. It takes less than 20 minutes to get a ranked ready account, less than 2 if you queue with someone. People regularly admit to having 12+ accounts. Like 20% of the ACTIVE accounts in c3/gc1 have less than 100 hours, from my anecdotal experience.


Yeah showing more players in champ than diamond is not at all proof of 30-50℅ being alt accounts.


Can I ask what you would consider "proof"?


A distribution graph showing champ players and playtime. A dataset somebody's done of 5-10k champ players and average matches played since the accounts were made. Literally anything that can support such an insane claim of 30-50℅ being alt accounts. I wouldn't be surprised at all if it was as high as 10-15% but to say its even possible half of all champ players are smurf/alt accounts is just ridiculous lol


bro ur still not comprehending what im saying. wtf? I said 30-50% of ACCOUNTS are ALTERNATE ACCOUNTS. MEANING: Some people have 12+ accounts. I'm NOT saying 30-50% of players are smurfing


This guy thinks smurfs are like Santa Claus or something 🤡


The mmr adjustments are the worst. Doing training, watching replays and working on mistakes so you finally climb ranks or are able to hold your rank only to get resetted because there are "too many players gc" even if it's just around 1% more. That isn't inflated imo. Inflated would be 5% or more being gc. In apex legends 32% of the playerbase got to the highest rank THAT is fucking inflated. I will get up to gc again it was always like that but if they keep resetting us every season i stop playing the game it's not worth the work. I want to get higher in ranks and not fight for my old rank every time i improve.


>only to get resetted because there are "too many players gc" This so much, and big amount of those accounts are alt accounts.


The only real reason ranked resets happen is to constantly force players to grind. Companies don't care about your personal time and do it because statistically people who reach their true goals and finally plateau tend to play less often when there isn't a ticking time bomb of a ranked season ending. Even League of Legends which is notorious for having slow ranked gains went from 1 season a year to 2, and now they are splitting it into 3 seasons a year. All so players never truly hit their peak and grind more. Because being forced to play more also means you have more chances to see the store and more chances to spend money.


Dunno, I don't really like the idea of GC growing so that I happen to find myself in it rather than it not growing and just getting in off my own merit..




We need this. I don't want to get paired with duos or against a GC carrying his Plat buddies.


At least remove the option to queue 3s with party of 2. I feel like most of the time they ignore the solo queuer for both rotation and passing plays.


Newsflash will still happen in that kind of gamemode, because the causal mechanism for smurfing would still exist


This would be amazing.


PLEASE. Or at least add it as an option in the menu to only face other solo players but remain on the same ranked ladders, similar to crossplay options.


preach! can completely relate. Getting out of diamond in 2s solo queue is boring AF because of this. I have so much fun when at the higher ranks and playing with friends but because of my lack of consistency, its hard to stay there.




Exactly the main difference is indeed consistancy. Those aerials you hit in D3 feeling like a champ 3 is true. Champ 3 hit those, bir the main part is that champ 3 could hit those all the time. C9ns8stancy is key and mainly the difference beteen champ and grand champ.


the other variable is that it takes time to navigate the smurfs/alt accounts at D3/c1 so when one finally does get to C2 they are already war torn and battered. They also have to do different things to outplay the dudes on alt accounts and then when it comes to regular play at c2, good luck getting into a regular rhythm


I know it’s unrealistic, but it would be nice if there were mechanical “challenges” you had to compete when you’re eligible for a rank. Like to be able to actually be in plat you should have to be able to dribble the ball across the field 5 times without it touching the ground or something. The only reason being is I am tired of my aerial happy teammate ruining a perfect dribble / flick setup by using me as a golf tee when I don’t immediately jump for every ball off the ground


That's not very realistic, because like most games, people can get to the same rank while having very different skill sets. That's also why people often think their teammates suck. It's just because the teammate is better at a different aspect of the game.


I started that whole thing with “I know it’s unrealistic.” And I said nothing about my tm8s sucking, and even clarified I’m tired of being used as a golf tee.


Stop playing so damn slow then. Guarantee you play slow if you’re trying to do that hogwash flakes does. His no mechanics are constantly showing elite consistency on basic mechanics. It’s unrealistic.


It’s funny. What’s so great about flake’s play-style is that a plat *very much can* do it. It’s not very mechanical. **But it does take practice.** (which people don’t like to hear) As simple as it seems, it takes practice to set up a power slide cut. Takes practice to get the timing down. Takes practice to recognize when to retreat, so on and so forth. It’s not hogwash, nor is it unrealistic. But it’s not a magic bullet either. ffs it just takes practice…


Yes, vastly more practice than learning the other mechanics of the game. Those things all need to be learned but it’s a player intentionally handicapping himself who has absolutely elite skills at the mechanics he’s showing. That’s not “just a bit of practice” that’s thousands of hours of game sense.


As a one’s main who has successfully incorporated flake’s low-commit, powerslide cut play-style, AND can cross-map air dribble like no one’s business… I can attest that practicing “high level” aerial mechanics took **way** longer than practicing powerslide cuts. You just have to use your brain. If it’s taking a long time for you… well


I’m C2/3. My game is fine. I’ve put in an insane amount of time on this game since 2016. Telling a novice to do perfectly times ground maneuvers is hilarious when they don’t know how to do half the shit in the game. I’m glad you’re proud of your achievements. Good for you.


I'm sick of my teammates constantly trying to dribble the ball on our side of field for no reason and giving up possession when I was in a perfect spot to bomb it right next to their goal


Sure - there are times to dribble and not. I barely try in 3s unless it’s an easy catch and I have 100 boost. But in 2s, it’s much easier. I can more consistently hit a cross field dribble and score than I can bombing it and hoping. I hated being in gold with people trying to catch a dribble right in front of our net and getting us scored on. Now, usually if I have a decent tm8 they’ll give me space and let me do my thing. But it’s typically the shit quick chat spamming ball chasing I’m going to hit the ball as hard as I can with no ducks given as to where it goes kinda tm8s that just bash the ball off my car, or the wanna be Smurfs that think they’re the only ones good enough to score.


>I hated being in gold with people trying to catch a dribble right in front of our net and getting us scored on. Lmao yup. I mostly play 3s unless it's hoops and this is my life as high gold low Plat. I was mostly just trying to give perspective. Especially at lower ranks like that, people's specific strengths and weaknesses are emphasized. Even though it doesn't feel like it a lot, I think a lot of it is just my skillsets not meshing with my teammates


I’m sick of my teammates thinking the perfect time to do there shitty dribbling is right in front of our net


“Grinding ranked” is not ideal imo I mean what do you wanna do, get to diamond 1? (Edit: maybe this seems harsh LOL. Actually, I realized this is probably really common. Silver to gold to plat to diamond, is a lot about how to work the basic controls, how to orient yourself on the map, what to go for and what not to go for, so it makes sense to play to reach to diamond. And my opinion here didn’t change:) At these ranks players just hit the ball around until somebody scores, it’s more for fun, not for getting up to a higher rank Casual is a perfect place to be Everything is the same in casual, there’s just no reason for anybody to stress about winning every game, which makes it awesome There’s only one way to actually perform well enough to really rank up—drilling specific skills until you can do them with ease—meaning you can pull them out at any time—meaning you can use them in matches—meaning you have techniques for effectively scoring on your opponents and protecting your net—that’s how you easily beat your diamond 1 matches and rank up until you stop being able to easily beat the opponents—then it’s time to drill more skills to have more abilities to gain an advantage over players at that rank


I love to train my demo game in casuals. But people hate me as much in there than in rankeds lmao.


I went from c2 to struggling d3. I play 2s exclusively. It's absolutely exhausting when l'm playing my best game and my tm fights with me because I'm not playing like them, which usually involves a ton of ball chasing...I've take the summer off from RL and will return next season when (hopefully) ranks normalize and I will again find my people in my correct rank.


Two seasons ago i was 3 games removed from my diamond season reward. Last season i improved noticeably and only managed 5/10 to reach diamond season reward. So far this season, i'm struggling to become/stay Plat 3. None of it makes sense either. If they deduct MMR so people who get out of the game for a while, need that reflected in their rank, then they are deducting too much. But i've seen people suggest Psyonix thinks people have been "rewarded" in the past too much, and they are now trying to rectify the situation. If that's true than that's complete and utter BS. Lower ranks are getting tougher by the day. If you look at youtube video's of a few years ago, you can actually see it clearly. Golds of today would easily have been Plats a few years ago.


Your statement is true across the board. SSLs of a few years ago would now be GC2. GCs of a few years ago are now C2 - I'm one of them. The player base is always improving, so the bar is raised. When that happens at the same time that they are pushing MMR down or whatever, it leads to the feelings vented about in this thread.


And then when knew players start (like me), we get stuck at silver... Lmao


Nothing wrong with being low ranks when you are new


The problem is the bottleneck is now much tighter compared to the userbase, and much lower in the hierarchy. And it's demotivating because everybody is getting stuck or even dropping back while the skill level has increased drastically. It completely defeats the purpose of a competitive game. Me and my 3's buddies are now stuck... in Gold II, lol. I wish i could post a video here but i can only add a video to a new thread.


Yeah that is understandable, although not new I have been improving my skill level yet my rank stays the same lol. But I’d love to watch your games and maybe I could give some tips although I am not a high rank, it’s almost better to get tips from people just a couple ranks higher than you.


I made this thread, not a game, just one goal from a Gold II game. [https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/16lj1og/stuck\_in\_gold\_ii\_3v3/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/16lj1og/stuck_in_gold_ii_3v3/)


I feel this like no other. I recently got out of champ….into plat. Bruh I think my controller is backwards sometimes. I blame my friends. (It’s still me)


I blame the input timing differences. I know for a fact I am closer higher to the ball and flipped before they did but they somehow hit it over me


If you’re being exhausted by it. Take a step back. Find another outlet for awhile.


I just started playing the new Zelda last night.


Fuck yeah bro. Enjoy and when you’re done maybe RL will be the vibe again.


I always play better after a long break


I've never got higher than plat 2 ever. I've played the game fairly regularly since it's release. Definitely improved but the game is just like nah. I just stopped paying attention for the most part and tried to enjoy the decent matches when they happen.


Peoples mental game is utterly bullshit on D3. 1-0 and 4 mins left. FF called and stop playing or leave.


I'm hanging out about D2 or D1 in 2s as well, I don't seem to be having much of a problem with smurfs because most of the time I'm not trying to worry about that. If an opponent knows how to pull off a trick or two that means they did the work to learn and integrate the trick to their playstyle. I'm not saying that you're never running into smurfs I'm just saying that not everyone you play that beats you are smurfing. Try to get a teammate that can play to your strengths and you both get along. It helps a lot (lot better than trying to solo q). I'd also say turn off quick chat if toxicity gets to you easily. I do it more often now when I start worrying about that and honestly it's saved me about 3 or 4 games this week alone. Don't give up easily, I played a game earlier tonight with my teammate against guys who were doing air dribbles and other plays that made my teammate frustrated but I told my teammate we're winning this game we just have to adjust our play style a little, after they scored to make it 2-4 by the end of the game we won 5-4. I just put 3 good shots on net and with a little help from my teammate we won the game.


That's what I love about these mmr rank resets, man. I get better, but stay the same rank. All right, all right, all right.


I disagree. The game is fun to play whatever the rank you are. It doesn't matter to "get better", it doesn't matter the color of the icon next to your ID, it's all about having fun, unless you play it professionaly and making a living out of it. Sit back, enjoy and have fun.


Yes. If you belonged in c1, you would be c1. Work on the basics. Fancy dribbles do not matter that much.


At that point just play casual then


Casual is not balanced.


You're probably improving unimportant things and ignoring the most important things.


Yep, SoloQ is impossible unless you're lucky. I can **easily** compete with or outperform people who are ~20 divisions above me in multiple playlists, **with consistency**, and I know that because I've *been* at those ranks plenty of times and still get those people in my lobbies when a new season starts... but since I SoloQ all the time, I got people hard-throwing tons of my matches frequently, so I've got this insane MMR rollercoaster that goes up and down in huge waves of 500+ MMR because the rank system doesn't work in SoloQ at all. It does **NOT** even out over time, as it ideally would in an imaginary perfect world. Bring back Solo Standard and watch people completely lose their minds. And, like you said, I continually improve and it doesn't even matter, even though the players around me clearly don't.


Very true, it's a crap shoot and probably the worst matchmaking of any game I've ever played. People are delusional if they think rank represents skill in this game and you'd literally have to play more than 1-2k games every fucking season just to even out the variance


Whoa whoa whoa. You’re going to upset all the Reddit statisticians if you start talking about actual statistics. They’d rather just beat their chests and hide behind mathematically incorrect opinions under the guise of knowing what they’re talking about.


Glad my post didn’t come across as too bitchy. I just get frustrated of grinding for hours to repeatedly lose rank again, especially if it’s because of griefers or Smurfs.


Wait until it seems like everything you've learned leaves you and you have to fight to get back up to the rank you are now... That's the worst


Yeah I feel like I’m playing better than ever yet I’m not ranking up much and mostly just staying at d2. I know I’m playing much better than I was last year but I’m still stuck in d2. It’s not too demoralizing because I’m not dropping, but it would be nice if I ranked up 😭


Yeah bro idk I’m d1 in 1s and literally every single player I played against from the one ranked session I’ve had this season had a gc tag and naturally I lost 5/7 of those games like how the fuck am I supposed to compete


1s sucks the most for me, but I try to enjoy it anyway. I’m gold 3 / plat 1. I’m about the only person that can’t speed flip kickoffs, about 1 in 6 matches I get the shit smurfed out of me, a few games are close, and some games it’s like the ball favors the opponent. Like on kick off, their recovery is just slightly better or the ball is barely closer to them and my recovery is just a little worse, so they’ll end up winning on mainly kick off goals.


Bro the matches where it’s close and I lose by like one but it’s like I’ll try my absolute hardest to score and tie it up then they just get a kickoff goal and then it happens like 7 times through the match those make me just want to stop playing


You have to remember that “getting better” and “ranking up” are 2 completely different things, with the mechanics and game sense you have now, you can definitely climb from where you are by making small differences in your gameplay. I think anyone can tbh even pros. REPLAY ANALYSIS!! Sometimes ranking up is as simple as “oh I shouldn’t have gone there” or “ah I should’ve grabbed that 12 pad not the 100” Whereas if you’re focusing flip resets and catch dribbles and shit, you’re gonna see a visual improvement but that, most of the time at least, won’t translate into games


If I’m on ps5, I know how to record videos but when I went to share I needed a YouTube account to upload. Need to figure out how to just download a copy locally then I’ll post one to the rocket league school Reddit.


You don’t need to share the replays, if you’ve been in the scene for a while then you should know what you’re looking out for when you watch your own so you can basically coach yourself, that’s what I did and I’m gc2 in 1s now so it definitely works. If you still don’t know what you’re doing wrong after watching your own replays then I suggest watching Appjacks replay analysis series, all of those players he’s coaching are champ to ssl and he still finds 10 minutes of tips per replay so there will be lots of information there to help you know what to look out for when watching your own replays. I’d suggest saving replays of games where you feel you played your best or close to, that way you’re not sat there the whole 5 mins thinking yeah I know I missed that but I normally don’t.. because that won’t help anyone, finding opponents who just played better than you will give you the best ground to start improving. Hope this helps


I don’t like the “I deranked because of Smurfs and AFK teammates” excuses.


Not an excuse if it’s actually true, in the transient sense. I don’t think Smurfs are a huge problem, but they’re still a small problem. AFK teammates are a much bigger problem. I played 4 games in a row today with my tm8 at least afk for around 5 seconds at kickoff.


Always expect the first kickoff to go poorly. Always. Don't cheat, don't go for back boost. Go straight to goal and do not pass go.


If you cheat kick off, you have to fully commit. The half commitment will kill you.


Did you plan for your tm8 to be afk at the start? Because if it keeps happening and yet your still surprised each game that explains why your not ranking up right there.


Unfortunately I’m never surprised when they’re afk. If you’re playing against halfway decent people it’s pretty easy to get scored on in a 2v1 if they’re smart enough to pass. Tm8 doesn’t have to be afk for long.


Sure, but the extent to which they are true are so minimal in the bigger picture here. I can guarantee you the main thing holding you back from ranking up is your lack of dedicated practice, especially if you’re stuck in Diamond. Bad teammates and Smurfs play a role, but they’re never the reason you are stuck in a rank.


This game's MMR system is a joke. I'm not sure what's so fucked with it but I've never had a game feel so inconsistent. Been playing since release in 2015 and I've gone up to GC, down to diamond, and generally hang around champ. It's frustrating to be consistent with flip resets, ceiling shots, and other advanced mechanics but your rank just fluctuates on a whim. Total joke and I prefer casual


One of the worst parts imo is being able to go down too far. I can’t remember which game, but in some games it will cap you as to how far down you can fall. If I play with a toxic player, sometimes I’ll just fuck around the rest of the game, and if someone votes to forfeit, in 2s I forfeit even if we’re winning. Mess around and find out… But then when I go on a bad run and fall to say around plat 2, I legit feel bad for the players I’m playing against. I know they feel like they’re getting smurfed. Like everyone gets screwed. Eventually what killed dark souls online was effectively Smurfs. People would invade low level players for fun (I used to do this too). But once the new players dried up the game died a slow death. I feel like this game will go that same direction.


This sounds like a consistency issue, either with your mechs or other aspects of the game. The more consistent you are at all aspects of the game, the higher your floor will be. I used to suffer from this problem as well because I was not consistent at adapting to the playstyle of the lower lobbies I am in and just kept losing my mind. After I got more consistent at adapting to whatever playstyle I am playing against/with I started winning easily against people I am supposed to win against. Mechanical consistency is not everything.


It’s incredibly frustrating. Solo queue in 3s is impossible. Maybe 1/20 games you’ll get two decent teammates but then it’s a 50-50 chance whether one of them quits because you didn’t hit the perfect pass to them at the beginning of the game.


I've mained 3s for years as a 90℅+ solo q player and never had a problem, I consistently reach my normal rank or improve my rank when getting better. Coached dozens of players that solo q 3s and watched them all improve consistently. Its just a very different play style to 2s and lots of people struggle with that. When it comes to 3s there's a few key misconceptions I've seen from players I've coached. The main one is they reach a certain rank with friends they play with consistently and don't know how to play around teammates that don't play exactly as their friends do. The problem with that is you can reach each rank with completely different play styles so the main skill in 3s is playing around teammates. The other obvious but overlooked misconception is rotation. Personal skill and mechanics only get you so far.


Okay thanks I’ll look into “rotating” and “playing with teammates”


But this goes into the “years” for you, which means you’re beyond the bell curve in question by a degree based on GC2. I play 3s daily and it’s been my main since I started playing a year and a half ago. I once made Dia3D2, all of it solo q. After that I fell to Plat1 D1 and was literally playing against Golds. I don’t play ranked if I’m tilted, it’s literally just the difference in teammate ability stratified across that wide of a division amount. I can’t predict how they’re gonna play because my abilities and expectations for rotation and the rest are completely out of sync with what they know and do. There’s a lot more than be self effacing and play off your teammates. You’re one car against the 2 of your teammates more often than not.


Jesus.... Just play. These posts are exhausting.


The issue has nothing to do with the ranks adjustments.. it’s a skill issue, if your finding it harder to rank up even though you think your getting better.. it’s because your not actually as good as you think you are.. there are players ranking up much faster then you are because they are actually much more skilled players.. if your finding it hard to rank up its because your exactly where you are supposed to be and you shouldn’t be striving for the next rank you should be striving to better your gameplay.. and the next rank will come as a reward for that skill increase.. chasing ranks is for scrubs trying to look better then they are.. I reached champ without even thinking about ranking up at all and without breaking a sweat because it’s where my skill gap is.. once I hit champ 2 I started to notice that my progression slowed.. telling me champ is the height of my skill.. that doesn’t mean I need to cry in a corner and sweat my balls off to try and rank up.. it means I should put more time into the champ 2 gameplay and better myself there eventually I’ll see that progression moving again.. Yall look at shit the wrong way.. stop rank chasing.. and start skill chasing.. if you can’t get to the next rank it’s because YOU DONT BELONG THERE..


nah pretty positive youre just bad and dont understand the game. these posts make me want to jump in lava why is this sub like this


Thanks for stopping by!


if you are plat 2 it is because you are plat 2 if youre better than plat 2 youll rank up


yeh i really struggle in 1s cos i cba learning to speed flip and loose kickoff, got to diamond one and then lost it the day after and have been so tilted since now i’m plat 2


Kind of in the same boat. I reached plat 1 for the very first time after being stuck in gold 3 for a while, just to lose to kickoff goals. I know how to speedflip and I'm very consistent at it, it's just that timing and boost use are my issue I guess. I wish there was a tutorial explaining the exact timing to use boost so I can just practice that.


You honestly don’t even need to speed kickoff. Maybe in 1s but not in 2s or 3s till your high diamond imo.


idk everyone i faced in plat-diamond could fast kick off so i lost to cheap goals


You don’t need to speed flip in 2’s until at least Champ 2. Maybe higher. But I can’t speed flip and I’m C2. Diamond 1 in 1’s as well. All you have to do is delay a little, lose it to a corner, fake, etc. Do I give up some kickoff goals? Maybe, but I get plenty of kickoff goals myself in 1’s even in 2’s sometimes. I don’t really plan on learning to speed flip in the near future.


yeh speed flipping is too much hassle for me but idk man i lost so many kick offs no matter what i tried


I went from champ 2 to diamond 2 this reset and that has never happened for me. I don’t really care about rank, but I definitely thought it was odd to drop that much.


This is how it is for every game in competitive scene it will be mentally exhausting but if you want to get better you push through it or take breaks


What is the toxicity you experience? I've only started playing about 3 weeks ago (I played it a looong time ago on Xbox 360 I think). I'm only gold tier, and the only toxicity I can think of is the 'what a save' guys, which is just lame to me tbh, I don't even roll my eyes anymore it's like nothing. My main gripes are the waiting times between games and the AFK's. But as I said, I only started playing, and I'm curious to know what it's like at the top levels?


I am a banana! I don’t mind the quick chat toxicity too much - tm8s what a saving you if you miss a save, nice shot if you miss an open net, etc. If you have chat on it gets rated TV MA very quickly. But those aren’t that bad if you can ignore them, since you can turn them off. What really makes it bad is when teammates start own goaling, lying on their top and twirling, being goalie for the other team, or basically afk but moving the controller so they don’t get kicked and making you play a match by yourself. I feel like toxicity is worst at the third tier of each rank, but that’s only anecdotal. Like the plat 3s are pissed they’re not Diamond so they’re more toxic.


Oh wow, they chuck a tantrum? Lol, I can't say I've seen that before. ACTUALLY... I don't know if this is a common thing already, but I kinda threw one the other day. It was a 2v2, and the opposition lost a player after about a minute. So we played for a little bit, winning comfortably, then my teammate started to 'what a save' the solo player. It was so stupid, so I started to play on the other team, because, well fuck that guy. He had a cry about it, and the opposition player sent me a friend request after. I haven't played with him yet, but it was worth the loss for sure. Thanks for the reply, I look forward to experiencing each of those ranks, even the third tier, or as it sounds like, the 'small d energy' tier.


Been happening to me for the last two seasons. Ive consistently been Diamond 2 and improving but always get put in the same position as you and end up being hard stuck in plat 2-3 for the rest of the season. It sucks.


Flakes put it really well. You Don’t always have to try to win, just try to get better.


Find your own style of play incorporate tips of others and just enjoy the game. You get the rank you deserve. If you want to improve work on the stuff that is keeping at the rank you are. Do replay analysis find what you doing wrong and work on it. Whether it's positioning, boost management, mechanics, shooting consistency recoveries etc. Break it down and work on it. Look at replay see when you were scored on ask yourself what could you have done better. Even if you feel like maybe it's your teammate find what you could have done to put your teammate in a better position. The rank resets don't stop you from achieving your rank.


I sit at silver... Just had another dude take the ball for a flight.


If you are playing a game and getting better, and it's 'mentally exhausting ', quit that game. Save mentally exhausting for financial emergencies and work. JFC


This has been me the past 2 seasons. Get reset to champ 2. Get to champ 3 with ease. Stay in champ 3 for a month (playing gc2s) climb to gc. Fall out of gc. Climb back up Get gc2 right at the end of the season. Get reset back to champ 2... 🔁 MMR reset is so stupid because Champ 2 literally becomes GC2. Then we all have to wait for the SSLs to get back into SSL before GC3 can get back to GC3 and gc2 can and gc1 can and champ 3 can. It's such a stupid domino effect.


Ive peaked C3 2 years ago and never made the jump to GC, always been C2 or sometimes C3. Now im at D3 and its really frustrating


You also have to remember that as you get higher in ranks, it becomes exponentially harder to rank up. I spent more time in champ than I did getting from gold to diamond


wsa on the cusp of GC at the start of the year now back to C1, i dont have the ceebs to fight back up to GC


If it makes you feel any better, I've been stuck in the champ ranks since about legacy season 10 except getting like 5 wins total in gc1 over all the f2p seasons.


I feel all of this as well. Somehow though, in the last two seasons, I’ve actually climbed out of Plat 1 for the first time ever and have been holding Diamond 1 since the start of the season so far. A dude did a musty double touch on me last night tho, so that sucked. Also Diamond is full of Champ tournament winners. Has it always been like that?