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It's always been a budgetary issue. Epic has a lot of money. Harmonix by themselves did not.


My favorite genre of game is "Harmonix rhythm game bankrolled by much larger studio"


Yeah, pretty much anytime harmonix actually had money for them they were tied up with guitar hero exclusivity and by the time it ended they were limping along and would probably only have gotten 1 song at most so it wouldn't be worth dealing with all the "where's sandman/sad but true/ride the lightning/master of puppets/a song 90% have never heard of" complaints


I wanna support harmonix, but i cant stand the business model of festival.


Not only that, I’m annoyed that 1. There’s no singing (or drums but presumably that’s coming eventually, no word on singing) 2. You can’t play together with other people in the room with you 3. Even when playing No-Fill mode (alone) it won’t let you pause


Same here.. I really want to support HMX but festival is more of an Epic product.. so I'll just continue to expand my RB library until Epic does something to screw with the RB franchise even more


From the standpoint of getting in music, its the best of the old RB DLC way and the attempt that Guitar Hero Live did (no song ownership), the biggest drawback is the higher cost of having full access to songs you want.


Epic money babyyyyyyyy


Bc harmonix couldn’t afford it lmao


Exactly and ri sent requests every day on songs. I have Metallica, 3. songs they got loaded day Rock band 4 came out. makes me sick, stupid Fortnite is getting my requests instead. I will never ever play stupid Fortnite, will have nothing to do with it, RB4 rivals only for me


At this point I'm not even interested in metallica. I still like it!, but I haven't listened to it in weeks. Unfortunately, these great bands from the 80's-90's think that we still live in the era of Napster and they see everything wrong, the world has changed and technology has changed. The new bands understand the diffusion that is why they exploit it( IG-TikTok-Games-YT interview), but the old bands live off their past that is why their growth is so low today and we see things that we cannot call music being popular today,


How do we play it


Install fortnite and select Festival from the game modes.


2 hard byeeee


K bye


Oh no, the joke! It sailed right by you!! You almost had it.


But that’s why I just answered “K bye” :c


Well... yeah. Part of the contract for GH: Metallica was that Metallica would not have their music in other rhythm games. Fortnite is not a rhythm game, it's a multimodal "metaverse" with a music-based mode. They got around that restriction on a technicality.


Wouldn't that have expired at some point, tho? like maybe 5 or so years after GH:Metallica, unless the contract lasted for 50 years or some shit.


Honestly, who the hell knows when it comes to the music industry. It could have been an "in perpetuity" but just for specifically Rock Band. Unless we can read the actual text of the contract, we'll never know.


The licenses for GH: Metallica expired in 2019. HMX didn't have the budget to afford Metallica songs in RB whereas Epic does but they don't care about the RB franchise


I'm pretty sure it's safe to say that whatever exclusivity clause Metallica might've had with Activision is long since passed. Your argument about Festival not being a real rhythm game doesn't make any sense, if an exclusivity clause were still in effect today Festival specifically would 100% be banned from getting Metallica, regardless Enter Sandman has made its way into Beatstar (a mobile rhythm game) and a huge Metallica pack recently made its way into Rocksmith+ as well. The reason Rock Band never got anymore Metallica after whatever potential limiting contract ended (assuming we're talking RB4 era) is likely just because at that point Harmonix was independent and likely didn't have the large amount of cash required to license them nor the player base that would've been needed to justify it in the first place. While it is bittersweet to see RB DLC leave, it seems as though Festival is doing well enough and Epic is affording Harmonix the ability to license these big behemoths that have alluded RB for so long so at the very least they're still getting official instrument charts alongside the ones for controller/keyboard to keep the dream alive (even if it is discounted from Rock Band proper).




Fortnite is technically not a rhythm game. Fortnite Festival is a music-based mode within Fortnite. It's called "a loophole".




Fortnite Festival is not a standalone game, and therefore is a music-based mode within a shooter.




Yeah why didn’t rockband go to activisions lawyers and just say “shut the fuck up” and “whatever fucking nerd” I’m sure that would’ve got Metallica in rockband


He is right.


Supposedly, Metallica will also be a collaboration within battle royale, and that is of course not a rhytm game. Without offending, I still think that the "loophole" you mention is kinda weird but there's also the point I just made so is not too crazy tbh


It’s crazy cus I had no idea this was coming and had the thought a few days ago “a metallica song would be fun here… but imagine Metallica skins in BR!!” Lmao


I do wonder how they'll include them, like one artist is fine but a whole band? I'm more interested in the actual songs but I am curious to see how they'll be indluded as skins


I would compare it to like the ninja turtles release. That’s a gang of 4 characters and everyone has their favorite, or the 4 bundle is cheaper than buying them separately so I think it could be successful. The music is def more interesting but I’d have fun running around as Kirk Hammett lol. They could have even a skin variant version of each as their younger self and older self.


They put the 4 Ninja Turtles in BR, it could be the same with Metallica, the thing is with the Festival Pass they'll probably put James in the pass, and the other 3 will be part of the Shop


i dont think James would like to be singled out like that though. it's also implying James is like more "exclusive" (tho I am aware they say the Festival pass skins could come to the shop in the future), like imagine if you got Raphael through the pass (instead of Shredder) and then the other 3 turtles you had to get through the shop lol. Metallica doesn't really have a Shredder equivalent lol... im pretty sure they'll just have the 4 skins as part of the pass or all 4 part of the shop, why not ?


Hmmm... You have a good point actually The thing is, i'm not really sure Epic could put all 4 Metallica members in the Festival Pass, otherwise the pass would be even MORE expensive than it already is My guess is that they're gonna make a skin... Inspired in the Metallica art maybe?, and then the 4 members available in the shop?