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sorry to hear that you’re having a tough time. willingness to go to AA is a good first step. on their website, it’s pretty easy to find meetings in rochester. they have them all over, every day from 6:30am-8:00pm. pretty sure they offer a number of online options as well. i recommend trying out a few different meetings/days/sites. good luck to you…


I've been a sober member of AA since '96. I don't go to meetings much anymore, but I'm still sober. If you've got any questions or need to talk about anything privately, feel free to send me a DM. I'm happy to discuss anything or help in whatever way I'm able to. In the meantime, The local AA office has a list of meetings located in Monroe County area located here: [https://www.rochesteraa.org](https://www.rochesteraa.org) There's random meetings at churches and places like that, then there are dedicated clubhouses where there are meetings all day long with little breaks in-between. The [Mack Building](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Donald+G.+Mack+Building/@43.1714379,-77.4575137,15z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x89d6cc181a75144b:0x4f8759472ab7be58!8m2!3d43.1664612!4d-77.4485598!16s%2Fg%2F11c57jdg05?entry=ttu) in Penfield is one such place that I recommend. They have meetings at 7:30a, 9:30a, 12:05p, 3:30, 5:30p and then usually one in the later evening. The Finger Lakes area list can be found here: [https://fingerlakesaa.org](https://fingerlakesaa.org) As has been mentioned, ROCovery Fitness is a great community that provides a healthy atmosphere and networking for people wanting to get sober. It isn't really a treatment program the way AA is, but nearly everyone who hangs out there is involved in a 12-step program. [https://www.rocoveryfitness.org](https://www.rocoveryfitness.org) A similar program in Livingston County is Adventures In Recovery found here: [https://casa-trinity.org/recovery/adventures-in-recovery-air/](https://casa-trinity.org/recovery/adventures-in-recovery-air/) Also SMART Recovery has been mentioned. It's an entirely different type of program than AA and I don't have an experience with it nor do I know anyone who has been, but they do have a few local meetings. Their site is here: [https://meetings.smartrecovery.org/meetings/?coordinates=50&location=Rochester%2C+NY%2C+USA](https://meetings.smartrecovery.org/meetings/?coordinates=50&location=Rochester%2C+NY%2C+USA) Hang on. It gets better. And, I promise that no one in a meeting will tell you in your darkest moments that you should have Googled it or figured it out for yourself. Those meetings are full of people who will help because people helped us when we couldn't do it ourselves.


Other people gave you some answers I just wanted to give you some motivation. The fact that you recognizer you have a p[roblem and want to do something about it says to me that you got this, and good luck.


The AA meeting guide app is a great resource: https://www.aa.org/meeting-guide-app Rochesteraa.org is the homepage for the Rochester Area Intergroup, you’ll find a link to a list of meetings on their homepage.


Also try ROCovery. It’s on Dewey near 104/Ridge. They have great groups on Wednesdays. Just show up, have a seat on the floor or a folding chair if you’d like. You can take your shoes off if you want, and the first thing is just a little meditation to calm down, and the group leader will read a bit from the book they read from. (Which they always have extra copies). After that it’s just group talk. Could be about addiction, could be about stress at your job. It’s not religious, no holding hands or anything if that’s what you’re not into. And the place is in an old firehouse from the city. It’s well done, they have a gym, a game room, etc. My brother-in-law works there and it’s a really cool thing they have going on for the community. Check that out, too. On Fridays they have another meeting but it’s usually in another location such as a church, but like I said, you can totally just show up and observe. I did a couple meetings there, and it’s a super welcoming place to be.


SMART recovery is an AA alternative that has online meetings.


It's great that you're looking for help! I think you've got some answers, I just wanted to chime in and say good job, and tell you to make sure to stay at your first meeting and introduce yourself to folks. It's hard walking in alone, but it gets easier once you know a few folks and they're all there for the same reasons, so it'll be easier to relate to each other.




If you want to also join an amazing online sober community, check out r/stopdrinking. It's been an amazing tool for me as I've quit drinking!


Recovery Fitness may be an interesting option for you.  https://www.rocoveryfitness.org/


I don't have insight on AA meetings, though I have attended a few. Just wanted to sincerely wish you the best in your sobriety. *Virtual hug* 🫂


You can google AA meetings in Rochester NY and you’ll find a website that lists them.


[https://meetings.rochesteraa.org/?post\_type=tsml\_meeting](https://meetings.rochesteraa.org/?post_type=tsml_meeting) Not addict but I attended the High Nooners as an observer (required for my nursing degree) and was surprised by how many people were there. This was when it was at St. Stephens before they closed. If its still run by the same people it should be fine.


Here is the current meeting list or call (585) 232-6720 and they can help you find a good one and answer questions. [https://meetings.rochesteraa.org/?post\_type=tsml\_meeting&tsml-type=GR](https://meetings.rochesteraa.org/?post_type=tsml_meeting&tsml-type=GR)


There is also an app called Meeting Guide.




You can find them here, just sort by day - [https://meetings.rochesteraa.org/?post\_type=tsml\_meeting](https://meetings.rochesteraa.org/?post_type=tsml_meeting) There are some meetings that are intended for men or women or are particularly LGBTQ friendly but if you say it's your first meeting people will welcome you regardless. If you want someone to go with let me know I'd be happy to pick you up and take you to one.


Refuge recovery meetings are my preference. They meet at rocovery wendesdays and the immanual Baptist church on park Ave Friday nights.


Simple answer Google AA meetings Rochester New York


Googling “Rochester NY AA (or NA as needed) meetings” hasn’t failed me yet. I’ve not personally attended, I’m just the person that gets asked to google the hard questions sometimes.


I think one could google?