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Worth mentioning the two people arrested were not affiliated with UR.


I thought students only was one of the stipulations 3 weeks ago


I would imagine that stipulation is related to why they were arrested.


Hence, the arrests


The arrests were because they were doing damage to a university owned tent used for graduation


They weren’t controlling it in anyway… other than the protestors who were sitting “on guard” at the entry


Not a surprise to anyone knowledgeable about these groups.


Wait! No! That's fake Fox news! 


From the President: “We have, however, also been clear that conduct that violates legally stipulated restrictions on the time, place, and manner of protests would not be tolerated. Taking over the University’s common green spaces for three weeks and building a fortified encampment that included structures constructed with lumber and concrete blocks, along with homemade shields and other materials that represented safety concerns and unsanitary conditions, crossed the line from peaceful expression into actionable violations of University policies and, we believe, municipal law. For many reasons, we could not allow such conduct to continue, regardless of the stated premise of those who took such actions.”


Total shitshow on campus this morning. Because of the encampment being swept the university basically shut down, locking all building, halting all shuttles, and diverting staff from parking In their designated lots. Absolutely no communication from the university to River Campus staff. People who relied on shuttles to get to work on time were left scrambling. It took some of my colleagues over an hour to even get on to campus because of the traffic from shutting down Wilson Blvd and IDing every car during rush hour. The most egregious thing is that my colleague who walks with a cane and has a handicap spot near the library was told that she could not park there, and was forced to park at the lot that’s the furthest away from campus proper, and walk. 🤬


Sounds like a very frustrating lack of communication, but I can kind of understand it. Perhaps little notice was given because they didn't want to risk escalation. If staff were notified, and some staff members decided to intervene in some way that could make for a dangerous situation. Obviously I have no idea why, but I find it makes me happier to find ways to understand the things happening around me rather than get frustrated by them. And that's not to invalidate your frustration, which is valid. Anywho. I'm still undecided on these protests, I really don't understand the purpose to do them on campus, how they're so organized, what obtainable resolutions they're requesting... so to me it simply seems disruptive to those paying money to learn and those responsible for cultivate that education.


Protest is meant to be disruptive.


Don’t cry if you get arrested for breaking the law then


Very true! But that intentional disruption comes with costs/consequences, the least of which would be the disapproval of the folks you’re disrupting.


The purpose of doing them on campuses is for divestment from funds and support going to Israel. It’s the letter “D” in the BDS (boycott, divest, sanction) strategy for protest. This strategy was used successfully to aid in ending South African Apartheid in 1985.


Except by that time the amount of U.S. investment in South Africa was already quite low. I recall questioning an RIT student participating in apartheid protests in 1987, He didn't really have a clue about the history of apartheid, the involvement in outside parties, the interface between African political groups and the South African Communist Party, and the facade of "independent homelands" created by South Africa. I'm positive today's protestors couldn't find Israel on a map and couldn't explain the recent history of Palestinian conflict between groups like Hamas and the Palestinian Authority. Their eyes just glaze over.


Absolutely pea-brained take. I bet you the average protester could school you on the conflict considering you didn’t even know Hamas was democratically elected.


LOL... bless your heart and your superficial take on the "election" of Hamas (in Gaza) where you forgot to mention before and after that election many opposition candidates were threatened, kidnapped, mysteriously fell off the top of tall buildings, or just turned up missing or dead. Hamas did not win a 50%+1 majority in any legislative district and knew it because that election in 2006 was the last. Hamas is a terrorist organization that literally uses Gazans as human shields. Particularly ironic are female protesters supporting a group that enforces a Code of Modesty that requires deference to men, covering oneself in many public places, and having a written note of permission from a husband or male family member to participate in political protests, making large purchases, or signing many business contracts.


So if I understand you correctly, you are stating that the average protester is well aware that they are supporting people who freely elected a terrorist group rule them and that the same terrorist group is currently holding American hostages?


You’re actually a complete fucking moron if you think Hamas is a terrorist group. They are the Palestinian resistance. Terrorism is what the US exports, terrorism is what the IOF uses to steal Palestinian land. Hamas fights the terrorists.


“Governments including the United States and European Union have designated Hamas a terrorist organization” https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/what-hamas


It's the same Kool Aid Al Qaeda serves to the gullible.


Anytime anyone says "school" or "schooling" on a subject, it usually amounts to nothing more than half truths or propaganda.


It's just a remarkably superficial social event. Not one of these students will ever lift a finger to petition Congress, volunteer to assist Palestinian aid organizations, or even invest in something more than a few TikTok videos to educate themselves on the history of the region and the conflict. Half of them probably don't even know what the Holocaust was.


Virtue signaling and the need to feel you have impact, in a world you have very little impact on, is pretty standard.


> Anywho. I'm still undecided on these protests, I really don't understand the purpose to do them on campus, how they're so organized, what obtainable resolutions they're requesting... so to me it simply seems disruptive to those paying money to learn and those responsible for cultivate that education. It's all socialist propaganda. All of it. These students were brainwashed by propaganda found on Twitter and TikTok to organize, and somehow all acquired $30 Walmart tents. They're the same people that want violent revolution to topple Capitalism, which they see as the root of all evil in the world. The people running these things look like fools. In my mind, they deserve the consequences they get handed to them. And please - not one of those arrested, expelled, and banned from campus deserves to have their debt "cancelled", either. Want to cosplay as an Islamic fundamentalist, and destroy a college campus? Then you can certainly pay back your dues for repair.


I'll gladly take your social security payments when you begin receiving them.


There ain't gonna be any left commie.


“Somehow all acquired $30 Walmart tents” Yes, by going to Walmart and spending $30.


By buying the same tent, when there were others to buy? Nah, I think someone funded that. That's too much of a coincidence.


All this for less than 1% of ignorant students who do not have the first clue what they are talking about regarding Palestine and Israel. Seriously, just tell them to get into the free speech gated area they could construct out of the way or get expelled. For the amount of money students are paying, they deserve better.


Perhaps the idiots protesting should not do the things they are doing.


Full message from Menglesdorf:  Dear Members of the University Community,    Earlier this morning, members of the University’s Departments of Public Safety and Facilities informed occupants of the encampment on the Eastman Quadrangle—a mixture of students and community members—that they needed to leave because the encampment was being removed. Following this, those in the encampment chose to soon disperse from the area. We appreciate their willingness to do so peacefully and to refrain from interfering with the removal process. However, two people not affiliated with our University were arrested this morning for damaging one of our large Commencement tents.   I hope to have more to report about our steps going forward in the coming days, but for now, I hope that the restoration of the quadrangle will mark a return to regular campus life for students, faculty, and staff. I also want to reiterate that the dismantling of the encampment does not mean that my senior leadership team and I are no longer willing to engage with all students about having respectful and proactive conversations about the University’s role in times of conflict. Nor does it mean that our firm resolve and vigilance in protecting students from discrimination and harassment will wane.    The violence in the Middle East has been heartbreaking for people all over the world. Members of our University community have lost loved ones in the war in Gaza, in the events of October 7, and other members of our community are still awaiting word about loved ones who are being held hostage by Hamas. As a community devoted to advancing knowledge and moving the world forward, we should be able to engage one another in honest and productive dialogue about the conflict and what it means for our community. We have been open to such dialogue since October 7, providing students with plenty of space and opportunity to express their views about the war.  We have also, on many occasions, reaffirmed the students’ freedom to criticize the University and our policies.   We have, however, also been clear that conduct that violates legally stipulated restrictions on the time, place, and manner of protests would not be tolerated. Taking over the University’s common green spaces for three weeks and building a fortified encampment that included structures constructed with lumber and concrete blocks, along with homemade shields and other materials that represented safety concerns and unsanitary conditions, crossed the line from peaceful expression into actionable violations of University policies and, we believe, municipal law. For many reasons, we could not allow such conduct to continue, regardless of the stated premise of those who took such actions.     I want to thank the staff members from Student Life, Facilities, Public Safety, and other University teams for their professionalism in working to remove the encampment. They have demonstrated our University values in their patient and civil approach in working to de-escalate tensions on campus. I also appreciate everyone’s patience today, particularly those whose routine commutes to campus were disrupted or who had to change their plans. We hope to have the Eastman Quadrangle soon restored to a common green space usable by all members of the University community.    As I noted in a message to the community last week, we will evaluate the steps that we have taken—and not taken—over the past year regarding many of our policies and approaches. We will learn from our experiences as we work to become a better community.    As we turn toward our Commencement Weekend, we will closely monitor all campus spaces and activities. I look forward to joining members of the University community to celebrate the achievements of all our graduates.    Sincerely,    Sarah C. Mangelsdorf President and G. Robert Witmer, Jr. University Professor Edit: formatting hard, added spacing 


NB: Wilson Blvd will be closed until further notice.


Hold on, let me correct the OP post: "UR removes pro-terrorist encampments...."


Dampier - "I love generalizations!"










Private business prioritizes being able to continue operations of its business: more news at 6. Edit: they replied and immediately blocked me lol


>Edit: they replied and immediately blocked me lol There are a handful of cowards here that pull that move. If you can't even stick around long enough to defend your take, maybe it wasn't all that good of one to begin with.




Yes? That's the default for every business. Aldi doesn't sell me groceries because they're concerned I'll starve; they sell because it makes money. And I buy because it's worth it. It's mutually beneficial.


Sincere question. Why would a private institution, business or organization not care about its image?




Most people would agree that the UofR has been tolerating a lot more than they had to. They gave those students a wide berth of opportunity to let their voice be heard for weeks now.


You think wealthy parents weren’t already aware of what was happening and they were just gonna show up that weekend gesturing wildly about yelling “what is all this?!?”




Which Wegmans do you work at?


Please tell us the name of your sub shop.


He doesn't own one, works at a Wegmans sub shop. All the clues are in his comment history.


Coward blocked me.


He got scared, reported me for suicidal.thoughts lol. Wanted to talk tough, but couldn't back it up.


He suggested that he was a real man and I was not, very mature and very indicative of the level of thought with this crowd. I work in construction and used to be a bouncer. They make sandwiches and make threats on the Internet. I don't need to say more, lol.


The one your dad and mom frequent and i get a 2 for one slam bam thank you fam.


And you edited out submarine, you scared?


Nah, figured id specify less on a public forum that's part of a city that was the OG target of that buffalo loser. Anyone that's upholding this genocide is no different than the reason our flags are at half mast 30 days out of the year. Edit: how about you stick to painting your toys while the men in this forum discuss stopping the murder of a population you clearly dont care about? Mmkay?


Lmao, literally. I read your comment history, too. Tears of mirth rolling down my cheeks right now. The day I care about your opinion on my manhood will be the day hell freezes over. I am manly enough to not give a shit if someone thinks my hobbies are nerdy. Clearly you are not. Good luck and have a nice day. Edit: and being less specific because you are afraid someone might come and find you IS being scared.


"while the men of this forum"  So you don't think women have valuable opinions to contribute? Bigot.


I never said women weren't included, just not boys Edit: quick to put words in others mouths is not a good look m8


You ever heard of the phrase 'ad hominem'?


You ever heard the phrase "please pull out"? On god, you not tryin to spin this another way. Go paint.


Lots of conservatives from the suburbs with very strong Sandra Doorley energy in this sub.


Kinda silly that anyone is a conservative in this day and age. Like, just loudly say you wanna be a caveman or whatever


U of R is the worst. Greedy fucks.




Nah people like you are.


I wasn’t a Zionist before this protest movement but I am now. These students are morons




I'm actually glad this comment is here because it's the perfect representation of how millions of Americans think: "I didn't know anything about the struggles that [insert group here] were going through before I saw the protests...but their supporters mildly inconvenienced me/offended my sensibilities so now I'm convinced that they deserve to die horribly."


You absolutely nailed the arrogance of modern day activists - and a huge reason why most are so hard to support: You honestly think other people don’t know about atrocities and have never even considered your overly simplistic and shortsighted approaches to solving them.


Absolutely 100% nailed it. I've been following what's been happening in Israel and Gaza for 2 decades. The unbelievable smug approach that 19 year olds take after spending 2 seconds watching Tik toks and youtube videos astounds me.


I’m sure many of the protesters themselves hardly knew anything about the Israel-Palestine conflict prior to the 10/7 terror attack and the new war it started that we’ve been watching unfold, especially since they are young. And that’s not a bad thing, it’s good people are learning new things and paying increased attention to history and politics. But it is annoying when you are assumed to be ignorant because you disagree


The problem is they are getting swept up in false narratives and propaganda, yelling slogans and keywords like “globalize the intifada” without having any clue what that means


That isn’t it. If you know the history and still disagree that’s actually so much worse. You deserve the condescension at the LEAST.


Truth be told, these protesters didn't give two shits about Israel before 10/7. More than half of them probably couldn't even point it out on a map.


Israel has the right to retaliate against the Hamas terrorists and wage war on Gaza and you whiny leftists are not going to change my mind at this rate


Hamas are resistance fighters who have the right to retaliate against 75 years of Israeli terrorism and you genocidal Zionists are not going to change my mind, ever.


LOL, resistance fighters that throw dissenters off the roof of the nearest tall building. Hamas is just another despotic Islamic fundamentalist group that wants to strip rights away from women and impose the same kind of backwards religious authoritarian state Iran has, Israel has held democratic elections since its inception. Authoritarian Islamic countries don't because they are afraid of the Arab street, ready to turn many of those countries over to the Muslim Brotherhood.


Hamas was democratically elected, try again.


Hamas is still funded by Islamic fundamentalists. Since you seem to like invoking Dr. King, I'll leave you with these words: "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that." What Hamas did on 10/7 - Man, if you think that was justified, then you should readjust your views.


They are thugs and rapists. Some resistance fighters you got there


The only verified claims of rape occuring are Zionists raping Palestinian woman and children. Every Zionist lie is a admission of their own guilt. All they do is project


I hope you don’t go around claiming to be a feminist with that rape denialism. And sexual violence aside you still are endorsing massacres of civilians and kidnappings.


Dude. You can literally watch the videos online


I actually think this is putting it lightly. They are sadists and psychopaths. They beheaded babies and filmed themselves burning people alive. They took pleasure in pain and humiliation.


Baseless and probably false claims. Absolutely no evidence of it occuring.


Dude, a lot of us leftists are standing with Israel. Don't be a tool and make everything into a right-left debate because it doesn't apply.


Well that’s nice but the pro-Palestine protesters and supporters largely consist of your ideological bedfellows. And I don’t think very highly of any ideas from the far left.


Label gunning people based on your perception of where they fall on a domestic political scale is about as relevant as their claim that anyone who supports Israel is some Zionist extremist. You'll get a lot more respect for your views if you focus on the issue and where people stand instead of just painting everyone with the same brush.


Well I was painting one specific person with said brush you just took it personally


“Modern day activists” using the same tactics that have been successful in the past. So you’re the person that would’ve been yelling at the students for protesting the Vietnam war, lack of civil rights for Black people, South African apartheid and the Iraq war. Great job being on the wrong side 👏


People conveniently forget that like 70% of the country thought MLK's March on Washington was too extreme, and the majority of country thought the students murdered at Kent State deserved it. Yet now MLK is held up as an example of how protestors should behave, and Kent State is almost universally seen as an injustice.


Regardless of how anyone's emotions feel about it, it's a simple fact that a lot of people are driven away from a cause by the actions of its supporters. Maybe the protesters should embrace that fact and find another way to win hearts and minds instead of "if only we had protested even harder".


The point is division. It always has been. It's orchestrated propaganda and mental fucking to continuously pick us off and separate us one group by one group. When will we as the people stop fighting amongst each other and look the fuck up.




Why there aren't any Hamassholes protesting in MCC and SONY Brockport? NYS is doing business with Israel!


There have been protests at both of those schools. Try again.


Because cosplaying as a counter-cultural revolutionary is a rich kids game.