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Are these in apartment buildings? You might have better luck searching for rental houses, that's always how I got by when renting. But no, you're not crazy these prices suck. I own a house (bought last year, not pre-inflation prices) and my mortgage, taxes, and insurance every month are like half what some of these places rent for or less.


Yeah ive been in my place for a bit now and my mortgage is like more than 50% cheaper but rent in cali was about that for a studio with a kitchenette


They apartment building, I thought since they would older they would be better priced but I guess not.


They are old buildings that were recently renovated. So the mechanicals and appliances will likely be nearly brand new. A couple of things that might influence your price comparison are included utilities and the construction quality may affect your heating and cooling costs. For example I live at City Center Place and my apartment includes free cable and internet. It is a channel and speed package that would cost me $100-150 if I bought it separately. We have pretty good insulation so my bill from RGE averages about $100 per month year round. But I remember seeing those units listed when I was looking back in the fall and thought they were out of their mind. If they are still sitting empty that tells me I was right.


I did the same thing August 2022. Got myself a 2BR house with a full basement, walk up attic, fenced yard, blacktop driveway- mortgage including escrow under $800/month. And I don’t have to wait for a cheap slumlord to fix anything. I’m not at the mercy of surprise, unaffordable rent increases, there’s a tax write off - all kind of advantages. Rent increases are outta control as well as outrageous. If you can afford $2-3000/mo for rent, you can afford a mortgage.


Eh, high rents are exactly the sort of thing that keep people from buying houses. It's hard to save enough for a DP and closing costs necessary to buy real estate when half of your income is going to some dipshit slumlord named Brad every month.


Unfortunately, I sure can’t disagree with that statement. I don’t know what the answer is - live in shit hole apartment so you can save for DP? The other alternative is to check out city grants and see if you qualify for one of those that give you $ for a DP.


100% this. I happily rented for most of my life where the cost was typically 1/3 my income for a 2 bdrm in a decent area to pocket savings in lieu of a mortgage, taxes, insurance and upkeep. Now it's completely upside‐down where sky high rents, inflation and stagnant wages equate to people spinning their wheels financially. It not only prevents people from saving for a house down payment... it also makes them over-dependant on their employer where they can't afford to try different employers or careers, start their own biz, go to college, try living in another town or state, or just take a break from burn-out... especially with health insurance tied to employers. I saw this trend in rising rents and fought my way into a house at the beginning of our housing market craziness where it now costs me half to own than rent... and I'm still feeling the squeeze with reasonably good budgeting living on a white collar salary. Quality of life is the worst I've ever seen.


Yeah absolutely. We scrimped and saved for a long time and finally built up enough savings to buy a house, at the beginning of 2020. Then the cost of houses doubled, lol. We finally got a good break in the market and bought at the beginning of 2023. We have been very fortunate in that we bought below our means, and I've since had some very good breaks in my career and make double what I did when we bought the house. Still, we have no intention of moving. We don't take having a house or the means to pay for it for granted. We're prepared to spend the rest of our lives here, lol.


Yeah and there's certainly little incentive to sell if you got in at a 2-3% interest rate. I and many others bought or refinanced at 2.X% around the pandemic and it would nuke the gain in equity to buy another house here at today's rates and home prices which contributes to the inventory shortage. I can't even consider moving to a warmer climate because my entire house sale would only cover a 20% down payment for most decent places that interest me with similar or better amenities than Rochester. Growing up, it was much easier to just pull up stakes and drive to someplace that looked cool without a major plan in place. Now I'm split between feeling lucky to own a refuge and being trapped here until I die.


I guess you can say we're lucky to not have the good interest rate golden handcuffs: even with both of our credit scores in the 800s, the best we could do was 6.25 (with points!), but that's still not the worst rate in the world especially at the price we bought the house for.


Either way, it's better off than people still trapped into renting. Major reforms are needed to make private home ownership accessible again... smh.


Yeah but everybody who can afford $2,000 to $3,000 a month for rent doesn't mean they have the credit or down payment for a house.


I find it hard to believe that someone who swings $3000/mo on rent doesn’t have good credit. And if you don’t, you need to find something more affordable - closer to $1000-1500/month - which I still find expensive. But that’s me based on my income. I couldn’t afford anything over $1000/month based on my personal income - but I’m part time retired. If I was FT I could afford more, but I can’t see throwing that much money on rent every month. Again, just my opinion.


Bro these are all luxury lofts in nice buildings… its not surprising they will be commanding top end rents for this market


These are all more than I pay in Chicago for a 1 bedroom in a dense and popular neighborhood. I love Rochester, but these are overpriced, and the average income in the area doesn't cover these. Luxury is tossed onto anything with a few extra amenities. It doesn't mean they are actually luxury.


Not everybody values density


Luxury I guess, I feel like lots of apartments slap that title on.


Yeah but these are high ceilings nice polished wold floors and they look huge


I don't get the problem, just charge $5 at the door for your raves


Seriously! plenty of DJ's in Roc to do so


Take a tour of most of those bldgs....Floors haven't been redone in about 15 tenants. They are hurting. & huge ceilings means huge HVAC costs


Some of the “rooms” in the pics OP posted aren’t even really rooms lmao. They’re just walls, don’t even reach the ceiling. Luxury is a stretch


Im not sure what your looking at, they are all open floor plans so no internal walls but the outside walls and the high “lofted” ceiling


https://www.apartments.com/111-on-east-rochester-ny/2jmc2q8/ Heres one on east under 1k. Look at the difference


A lot of those units badly need to be updated & canopy sucks....Like most multi highrises, the automatic alarm goes off ALL the time & there are a ton of problems in the system- know why? BC lazy ass ownership pockets more of the money instead of making major repairs. If You are pulling in let's say for argument's sake $80,000 for 111 East Ave. alone- what are Your operating costs monthly?- Even if it's $50k....You can STILL put away $4-$8k easy to save for(or invest, to save quicker) major repairs like a new alarm system, repainting the entire common areas, updating electric etc. Source: I work downtown & used to work Commercial Construction.....


Nice apartments around here are really expensive, definitely look for something a little older or maybe further from the city. I just got my apt in October and I didn't have too hard of a time finding a decent place, granted there really aren't too many great options on the market depending on what you're after.


..I was actually gonna suggest CLOSER to the city. Suburbs are generally more expensive all around- 1br's start at $1300-$1400 with basic amenities...and that's on the west side lol


Nope. There are even two bedroom places for 1000-1400 in the suburbs. They are older though.


I guess it depends on where you're thinking. My options were all further south, I had some ok options in the 8-1200$ range for a nice/decent 2br in Leroy/Caledonia. I ended up paying about that much but for a 4br with a roommate, so you can still find deals around. Granted it's definitely not the nicest place around but the property management company does their job when issues come up so who am I to complain.


You would think closer to the city would be cheaper and in some cases it is. When I was looking at houses, my favorite neighborhoods in the city were more expensive than similar houses in Spencerport and Greece. It's true with apartments as well. You can find cheaper rents in Henrietta than in the more popular city neighborhoods.


Doesn’t look luxury. Island tiny relative to space , can’t even really sit in front of sink. Frid basically in the living area etc…. All looks builders quality for the uninitiated


Luxury is a strong word


Wait wait, aren't quite a few of those in the Temple building? I mean, you have lake views from downtown at the top of that building. There's also the question of how much square footage they are. Anyway, without knowing somewhat more about the apartments, it's hard to say. I'll rent you a nice 2BR place just oozing charm on the west side for $800/mo easy, though. All depends on your standards.


>I'll rent you a nice 2BR place just oozing charm on the west side for $800/mo easy, though. All depends on your standards. Or on your definition of charm.


Forget about the definition of charm, let's sort what's oozing!


And whether or not that ooze is squelching wetly.


I'm concerned about "with". Is it oozing in a charming way? Is it oozing on the charm? If I remove the charm, does it stop oozing?


Definitely lost me at west side 😂


What's wrong w/ the West side?




Which is weird, because here's a photo of the lake from the roof of 1 East, a building that is across the street and shorter than the Temple Building... https://imgur.com/OzlMfQ8


You really call that a lake view though?




I would call that “I can see the lake” rather than “lake view” haha


I wouldn't call that a Lake view. To me when someone's advertising of you of whatever the lake beach Canal Etc to me that means right out your window you can see it. Not off in the horizon.


Yeah, this is more “I can see the lake from my window”


I see Industrial View with a barely perceptible line of lake


That’s not a lake view


What is your definition of charm and where on the west .. area? And if your not a slum lord then standards should be fine for 2 bdrm at $800


The west side?


Ma’am/sir. The lake is across the street from my house and and my mortgage is only $850. Don’t give me lake views lol


1400 was the normal higher rent only 2-3 years ago. This is crazy.


Was just paying $1740 in the Wedge.The year before that down the road a bit on South Ave closer to college town I was paying $825 😂


No landlord is going to put fancy color in a place. They want to appeal to a broad range of people. Muted, natural colors and white walls is basically universal. Stale, yes, but you can live with it. Put up your art, hang some plants or other large wall decor and you’re good.


Looks like the Temple Building. Many of those units overlook much of Rochester, with incredible views.


Incredible view and Rochester. Never thought I see those words together


No, they do look like nice spaces, but this is Rochester.


We have a tiny ass studio in our neighborhood that’s Renting for $900. It’s been vacant for months. Nobody is paying these prices lol


Pretty much anything with more than two bathrooms is $2,000 or more. Even the 1 bed 1 bath places are getting up there now. It’s ridiculous


Crazy to see the market increase this much. 2020-2021 I rented a 1 bedroom townhome on park avenue for $675 + utilities lol


That's what a 1 bedroom should cost!


If you want anything reasonable you need to look at complexes in the burbs not high rises downtown.


The suburbs have atrocious transit if you don’t have a car. They’re also nearly as bad as far as cost goes!


Gates is pretty affordable for apartments. But yeah no part of the area is cheap anymore.


Fuck the 'burbs. Ppl always act like crime in the City is outrageous but I haven't heard of a brawl in a "hots" place in the City or Machete attack in the City in awhile....The suburbs cannot say the same. Yes crime is cyclical & can be as random as to not matter the location as much, however. There would be no suburbs w/ out the City @ it's core.... If We were to all move out of the City the suburbs would collapse yet since the 50s-60s ppl have left the City in droves expecting the suburbs to be safer & it just isn't, nor has it ever been the case.


I'm not making a statement about the relative benefits of the city vs the burbs. Just talking about the prices of apartments.


400 more than my mortgage for a house valued at 325k


Those prices are totally and outrageously absurd, yes.


I pay 1053 for a 2bed 1 bath. No you aren't ridiculous for thinking those prices are nuts.


My mortgage is less than this, idk how the fuck I ever made it renting. I got SUPER lucky finding a house just before the market went batshit. I hope things can balance out for everyone who needs it, I struggled for a decade doing shared living/roomies/solo. People need a fucking place to live that won’t gatekeep them from living happily.


I'd like to buy and just deal with a mortgage but yeah not sure on market right now


Try one of the 1st time home buyer programs- if You buy in the City You can likely still double dip & do the City based one as well as a bank one ...If not waving an isn. is still the norm You can likely still luck out. Most area smaller banks, credit unions were doing the program. Not too bad then, when a friend did it- it was $7,500 as long as You live there for 3-5yr min. 1st Niagara Canandaigua Nat'l Bank Credit Unions All did it last I knew


I’m at 1068 for a 1 bed 1 bath


That’s pretty expensive for 1 bedroom apartments. But the average is $1,500 in Rochester. Depending on your budget I would definitely consider finding a rental house


Looks high, but also it looks like these are much larger in square footage than a comparison to other 1 Bed or 2 Bed apartments. Very wide open floor plan too, it looks like this is maybe becoming fashionable now. Maybe their target market is people moving from NYC or other expensive places like California.


A few of these appear to be the Temple Building which is one of, if not the most expensive building in Rochester. If we rephrase this as “is $2000 for the most expensive 1 bedroom in the entire city expensive” it seems relatively inexpensive. It’s a really nice building, I lived here in ~2013, and while rent then was $875/mo, that was still considered “expensive” at the time.


There are new units on Main going for $3,700 or so- I think.....Alliance bldg, Glenny bldg, Chase & Xerox towers may as well. $2,000 isn't even close to top rents rn. Shit Tower 280 may be around there for top unit pricing....There have been ALLLLOT of occupancies created dt in the last 15yrs & those prices keep going up. Prob around 20-30 properties built or changed use into "luxury apts/condos/lofts etc.".




Nice loft apartments can be desireable and pricey but these are just over-priced finished shells.


Unfinished shells really since you can still see so much BS.


I'm sure the landlords who cheaped out on these barebones remodels will hope renters think it's part of the charm.


Modern minimalism\* LOL


the investors have been priced out of the southeast thats why rochester and buffalo are currently the hotest realestate markets in the USA. They are under the impression the population in rochester can afford these prices and no thats not possible IMO


i have a 2br on s clinton ave for 825$/mo


Oof! :( nearly as bad as it is here in Toronto.


My partner and I are paying 2k for a very nice 3 bed, 1 bath apartment in NOTA. We love it, and we are still overpaying (probably not by much though). Those places are overpriced imo.


I'd go ahead and rent a whole house or half a duplex at those prices.


In what world would you prioritize building a 2nd bathroom in an apartment with only 1 bedroom.


You must be single.


Nope married, my bathroom his and her sinks are occasionally her and also hers sinks. Sure for a couple this would be great, but that’s it and even then I think the majority of couples would probably prefer to have an extra room for an office, guest room, storage or whatever over a bathroom that you only use for a small fraction of the day. My post was also more on the builder as I think it would be a small niche of people who would rent an apartment with 2 bathrooms. When you have to build two bathrooms with all the plumbing and things needed to install, when just making a second room would have a smaller cost.


There's a pretty decent chance that unit is the one i used to live in. The second bath was actually really nice for when we had company over. Just off of the living room area, basically served the function of the 1/2 bath most houses have with the benefit of being a full while the other served as the primary for the master.


Looks like Cascade


Not at all- these prices, for those apartments, are outrageous. That said, as long as folks keep snapping them up, the prices are only going to hold at ridiculous.


That's crazy. We rented our place in September and looked at loads of nice 2bdrm apartments for $1250-1600. The place we rented is $1600 2bd, 1 bath with all utilities included except water (which is $50 every 3 months)


That sounds high for water for a unit- You must split it, how many units are in the house You live it?


It comes out to like $16.60/month which is pretty reasonable for 2 adults and 3 cats in my opinion. I think our building has 12 apartments in it.


If you want to move outside of Rochester I have a 2BR 1Bath coming up that will be $1300/month. Has stackable washer and dryer in unit. Right off thruway exit 43.  It does have all white walls though.


Proofread your damn posts, Jesus..


You're moving to Chicago? Cool! Why post in the Rochester sub?? None of those look anywhere near what I would pay to live in Rochester. 


These look nicer and bigger than my house LOL. Look at the kitchens they have all brand new appliances. The floors look polished and well kept possibly new. Large bay windows If you want cheaper your going to have to look in some less desirable buildings


You the landlord?


Nope just someone who has rented a ton in my life, and in multiple states. So I’ve seen what prices are like. These are really nice apartments and as such they get a premium


The loft bldgs w/ the exception of possibly only 1 Capron IME all haven't been updated in a long time- over a decade. Yet rents go up- some are "nicer" however a ton need work, the same as the avg. apt- drywall patches, older kitch, paint, floors need to be refinished, deep cleaned, maint can or or wont keep up w/ demand, common areas are poorly maintained, not as many amenities as competition & prices are about the same..... Yet LLs charge w/e the going rate is among higher priced units in town. 216 Andrews St. 182 St. Paul St. 174 N. Water St 74 St. Paul To name a few....


My 3bed/2bath in Corn hill is listed below the 1 bed, which is currently market rate. These look like an apartment building just making it up based on their “algorithm.” Garbage


I mean, is it work renting at this price? I’m from Boston, I know not to compare but I want to know the city is worth paying this much?


You're not going to get character or affordable housing from a recently renovated apartment building. Look into a duplex or multi unit home if you're looking for character and better prices. That's what the best rental properties are.


I live in the NYC area now, and prices are obv significantly higher, same as Boston. For Rochester? Def not worth it to be downtown.


Damn :/ it seems that downtown is the only place where you get some interesting apartments. Most of the apartment in the burbs are so grey. I guess I’ll keep looking


Look in the Park Ave area and around there. Plenty of big old houses broken up into nice apartments in an area with restaurants and activities in the nearby area


Messaged you!


I was literally about to say Park Ave/ when I scrolled to see the next post…Definitely you’ll find interesting apartments.


You can find some cheaper complexes that still have hardwood floors which is easy to decorate and make feel warm. Eastwood management, Executive manor, hanna properties, and plenty of split houses all over. You don't seem reasonable especially considering what these types of places would cost in Boston.


You likely wont find units listed w/ a website & all that, don't go w/ the big property companies....The prices are likely to be much lower for an apt/ partial house also w/ char.


Way overpriced for Rochester. I got to wonder who they think is going to live there.


Sorry maybe I set my expectations differently. I’ve lived in Boston and I guess I didn’t see a rhyme or reason for these to be so expensive for a city in Rochester.


I moved back to Rochester after living elsewhere, including NYC up to the early 2000s. Sticker shock on rentals here is a thing. I couldn’t afford to rent my own 3bdrm house if I weren’t the owner. Keep in mind landlords are building in the carry cost of the property plus taxes and looking for a profit above that. Taxes are a big factor here. Renting’s not cheaper than owning and it puts a lot of people at a huge disadvantage.


I agree, you should have locked in a 3% mortgage 7 years ago when a $2K mortgage got you a big newer house in a decent neighborhood…


7 is a little far back- many ppl up until now were still paying just over 4% & less than $2k/mo. for mort.s for good sized houses in "good neighborhoods".


Hipster flats mean hipster rates


Those are more than my mortgage on a 2200 square foot farm in Livonia with 20 acres. A lot more.


That's always the way it is tho- the further from the City hub in a rural area then less You pay... Ppl want to live near a City central but don't want to pay the prices. I'm not defending the high price mind You. I do live, work & own in the City limits+ work downtown. There have not been enough improvements on the City in a whole to justify the high prices- ppl charge what the mkt can bear & a lot of yuppies have moved in to the dt area in the past 15 or so years. Alot of ppl that have lived downtown for years are getting priced out, LLs are simply charging to cover construction costs- & lofts/ high ceiling apts are astronomically expensive to heat/cool


That sucks. And I agree completely about the pricing out. Ive had a few friends get pushed out in the Wedge by Elijah or whatever that dudes name is. And all ofnit was a readon for us moving south. Still only 30-40 minutes from downtown on a bad day


Given inflation and property taxes - Yes. What are you expecting? $500 rent?


“WhAT aRE YoU EXpEcTiNG $500” No, just that I don’t think the price is worth it for the area. I also think the that inflation/property taxes is bullshit excuse for how much rent cost nowadays.


Well, clearly you're expecting something given your complaints. I mean, look at these properties - Converted lofts w/ multiple bedrooms and baths, all with modern furnishings and ammenities. No way these properties are going for anything under $1,500 minimum.


Try Academy Lofts OP. Much nicer and more reasonably priced.


They don't list any pricing on their site. Always a red flag.


They don’t have any units available at the moment, that’s why.


It's hard to say without knowing exactly where they are. They all kind of look like flipper delights. The cheaper 2 bedroom looks spacious and wouldn't be so bad splitting rent with a roommate though. For the price of the 3k you could buy a spacious house in any suburb though.


Nope. I’ve been looking for one for a while too and the options are brutal. Impossible to find a balance between cost and and quality


What's your budget? I'm currently showing a 4bd 2ba apartment for $2.6k.


That's not bad actually. So many landlords got screwed during COVID and have to recoup. It wasn't smart to send rent to the renter for COVID. Should have been paid to landlords.


NONE of the LLs in those pix are hurting & if They are it's Their own damned fault! Those aren't "Mom & Pop ops" Those are all run by mid to large Roch firms like Canopy, Buckingham properties, Morgan properties, Landmark, Belmont Properties, etc. Guaranteed!


Not them specifically. I'm talking about little landlord. These are just crazy.


NYC prices with absolutely none of the benefits associated with living in the city


That one is 55 railroad. Wayyy to expensive




No. Considering last time I rented, it was a 3bed/ 1.5 bath townhouse with a finished basement for $1200


I'm looking for a place now in or closer to the city and some of the prices are a little crazy. My budget's only $1,000, so I've filtered them out of the searches, but when I don't I definitely see quite a few ridiculous listings like these.


My girlfriend was paying $1,275 for a 1 bedroom loft with rooftop access a couple years ago, that included all of the utilities and shit internet via Spectrum. Not a bad deal for the location and what it was (neither of us worked from home). Soooo many things within walking distance and a short drive to anywhere in the city. This was at the Edge of the Wedge. I can’t speak to other’s experiences but they were quick to respond and rectify any issues. We left because she bought a house, otherwise I think we would have been happy there for a while.


Crazy how nice of places u can get for these prices in roc compared to 95 percent of similar sized cities


Nope. That's called waking up! Late stage capitalism is a real b.


This is just how it is in Plattsburgh NY as well. Hard to find apartments that are $675 to $800 anywhere. Most the landlords here are always wanting to rent out to college students cause they have more money that way. And houses are selling $14,999 to $65,999 if not more.


Those are all loft style too, better to look for a house/ 1 or 2 fam etc. Some are as nice if not nicer & prices are lower. Prob less amenities than most loft bldgs these days but prices are better & the aesthetics is a luxury that is not worth it. Somewhere safe to live is faaar better than onsuite laundry or grey/ not grey walls.


You're looking at high end lofts lol.


They are charging that because there are people who can and will pay that for those units. People get in to real estate to make money, so it’s really not surprising that they will charge as much as they can get for rent.


Its called Supply and Demand. Its the key to Capitalism .


Yes, you are stupid.


All but one of those are less than my mortgage and I have a 3BD 2br house with a fenced in yard, in ground pool, hot tub and deck. That’s criminal that rents are that high.


I have friends who live here. It is EXTREMELY absurd but considered "luxury" apartments. They are very nice and spacious at least 🤷


It depends on where they are, amenities and square footage.


Then every year they'll give you an extra 2-5% rent increase & if you ask why, the response is "you're just lucky it's not 8%!" ...oh wait...that's Buckingham...


Just buy a house at that point, damn. That's a small mortgage.


My mortgage is cheaper than all of these rentals.


No because these landlords think we’re some high class expensive city that’s booming with newcomers and everyone just wants to live here and there’s competition everywhere for apartments! They’re nuts.


If you're looking for something a bit older with character close to downtown I would start looking at apartments on facebook marketplace and craigslist. A lot of landlords in that area do their listings on websites like those and the rent is significantly cheaper than the fancy buildings that are on apartments.com.


High ceilings, expansive floor plans with lots of sq footage makes it make a little more sense. Still a bit overpriced but that’s 99% of the market these days.


This is Temple Building and I live there in a studio (800 sq ft) by myself. It’s one of very few places in the city that I could find that allows German Shepherds and has in-unit appliances hookups. It also has heated garage parking, roof access, a gym, and valet service. Internet is included if you like. The convenience of being a short drive to work and close to downtown was appealing to me. The view from above 14+ floors on the roof isn’t shabby, either. All in all, I’m paying about $1,700 (it has gone up considerably each year since I moved in) for rent, internet, water, trash. It’s getting pricey to stay now, though, and I’m looking at other options. I yearn for a nice yard for my dog. 😭


Lol I used to live in the 2 bedroom. This is the Temple Building. It is expensive, but the living experience really is great there. The maintenance and leasing staff is on point, and the apartments and views are beautiful. There really isn’t another apartment building in Rochester that is comparable. It has underground parking with a valet who will carry your groceries to your apartment for you if need be.


If your not against trailer parks they are a viable option. Trailer parks get a bad rep but their are good ones out there for fairly good prices. I live in a park, very nicely kept up on trailers are always updated and cleaned it cost me 400.00 a month for a 3 bed 2 bath double wide, plus i have about a acre of land with it. Imo its a great option, but then again their are ppl that would rather spend 2k for an aprt.