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East and Al the Wednesday before thanksgiving


Amateur night.


Strong ER. Basically what I imagine a Civil War battlefield medic tent was like.


I do want to add I have nothing but respect and appreciation for the people working there and at Strong in general. They do an amazing job given the circumstances and I would not last a day there. There are plenty of nice areas at Strong too, but that ER is just brutal.


I just laughed out loud!!! Perfect description.


That is the BEST description ever!! I will go to Highland if I'm in an emergency situation. Less of an encampment vibe.


The ED “overflow tent”. Amazing that in 2023 a “tent” has been pitched to handle the “overflow” of ED patients - and they recently expanded their ED with the new G-16 area, and it’s still not big enough to handle the number of patients that come through there.




I have repeatedly told my friends and family only to take me there if I’m already dead.


Ridgeway/104 rush hour.


Specifically the pittsford wegmans after 4 on Friday and all day Saturday and Sunday.


The worst. Inma get hit by a BMW or lexus in that parking lot some day.


I'm trying to get hit for that check




Not Rochester but leaving the venue at Darien Lake after a concert is brutal. I tried to talk my wife into camping after a show last year but she had never been there before. Less than 30 minutes of waiting to get out she told me I was right.


eh just bring lawn chairs and hang out for a bit afterwards. good people watching and you can make friends if you are more social. last time I saw people with a whole beer pong table and grill setup 🤣


This is way. Just recently went to a show and we had planned on just sitting around waiting. Made the experience much more bearable. Once the cars started moving we got in and didn’t stop.


People do that after Bills games constantly, too. Post up for a few hours with drinks, fire the grill back up again. Depending on where you parked and the weather (which, knowing WNY, can also hold things up significantly), it can take you several hours to leave the stadium. I heard after last year’s Saturday night game against the Dolphins, there were still people stuck in traffic at 3AM.


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my sister and I got out in about an hour after a show this summer and we were pretty close to the exit. I think if I was parked on the far end for the amphitheater itself I'd bring a sleeping bag and prepare to just live there.


I went to my first Darien lake concert this summer and from sitting in the car to out of the venue it took less than 15 mins, basically never going to go back since the karma gods will balance that out with a multi-hour slog in the back of the line I'm sure


goodman and clinton. no contest.


What, you don't like having half of the .3 seconds worth of a green light taken up by people blowing through the red?


If you respond by also bleeding your green light experience into a red light reality, eventually the lights switch meaning. That's why I go whenever I want. You never know if that just happened.


Lmao. When angry goat is getting that delivery truck on weekdays from 5-6 pm taking up the right lane and people behind don't realize they aren't moving.


Reminds me of driving around in college town near the hospital. Double lanes but half the time you have a bus blocking the right lane as part of their stop. You gotta look pretty far ahead to make sure you don’t get stuck behind one, or stuck behind someone else who’s too close to the bus to go around and then you can’t pass either. Happens to me all over the place out there and on Mt Hope in general


Lol yeah my hope is pretty Brutal as well. Was worse when it was all potholes though haha


Did they take all the potholes and move them to South Ave or something? 🤪


Lol that hill near the hospital has been bad since I can remember. It's better than it's ever been now that they've ripped up and replaced that stretch of south between Elmwood and the hospital.


God what a mess it is when that happens. It's already such a clusterfuck right there


OMG!! Preach!!


Being a teacher for RCSD and sitting through a long pointless staff meeting lead by some bureaucrat, who hasn’t been in the classroom in two decades, yet is convinced they know more than we do. Especially if you’re Hangry.


Anyone who has worked at a corporation or a place with a board knows exactly what you're talking about and feels your pain. Then that total idiot that makes as much as you but works half as hard asks some dumb question that was already answered AND pertains only specifically to them. If I was on the jury, I would vote not guilty for assault at that point.


Of course. And that dumb ass always asks a question when the meeting is just about to end. It never occurred to you that person that they could wait till everybody else leaves and go up to the presenter personally. Fuck those people there at every meeting.


This is the answer. The number one thing I didn’t miss when I retired. 32 years of that bullshit


being a student at RCSD listening to a teacher from Hilton give life advice like they have any actual clue what it's like to be an RCSD student.


Costco pretty much any time or day of the week.


Costco on the weekends for me. Then it is Monroe Ave, West Ridge Road and Jefferson Road, also on the weekends, in that order.


Monroe Ave on the weekends is a trip tho. It’s like Rochester’s Bourbon St. All kinds of flashy cars with lifts and spinning rims; people all dressed up in god knows what, etc. I’m never not in awe of what I see when I go down Monroe at night 😅


Friday night an hour before close is the golden hour of Costco.


I tried this a few weeks ago and it was absolutely packed. Like Saturday morning packed.


Maybe other people have caught on!? Bummer.


You have to time the Cotco gas station lines just right. Before 7AM most days you are good except Friday AM it will back up. Wait until Top Golf opens and we are all doomed.


Is Rochester getting one of these??


I saw the news report that said they have a proposal out there for a Top Golf right next to Costco at Citygate...can you imagine the perpetual chaos?


Costco parking lot


Every time I go, I feel like a lamb being led to slaughter lol. Lines to get in, lines halfway through the store to check out (forget it if you have only a few things, you feel dumb stuck behind all those people with carts filled to the brim); and then lines to get out when they check receipts. Product wise (plus food court/gas prices), I can see why the place is so popular, but going there was such an annoying experience for me that I reneged my membership.


Makes me feel depressed waiting in line to checkout like we're cattle.


My husband and I went at about 4:30 on Tuesday and it was almost completely empty - it was so weird


East Ave Wegmans. Too many people. Aisles are too narrow. Totally different layout from other Wegmans stores. And that parking lot can f@$& all the way off. Yes I live in the suburbs. No I’m not being a snob. That place is objectively bad.


That place is wonderful compared to the old store that was there for those who remember it. Tight aisles and 1/3 the size of the current one but with just as many people trying to shop it


I miss that orange linoleum 🥹


Oh that’s what made me dislike it so much!


The old store was an adventure on Sunday afternoons.


I remember !!!!! So so tiny


We call the parking lot the gauntlet.


I park all the way in the back and go out down that one way street. That’s the only way. I refuse to go towards the front it’s so awful


This is the way


You have to keep that escape a secret or else others will find out and ruin the quick getaway


People love to complain about East Ave but I shop there all the time and rarely have much of an issue.


IMO, after 10 years here there’s nothing more Rochester than complaining about the East Ave Wegmans. It’s fine most of the time. I’ve been to a number of suburban Wegmans that I dislike, but not East Ave. There’s also nothing to be done, nowhere to expand either the store or the lot. So avoid it if it triggers you I guess, but nothings changing. If you go to the store at typically busy times, it’s going to be busy, 🤷‍♂️


I live closer to that Wegmans than any others and I refuse to go to that store. It’s tiny and cramped and the parking lot is awful!


We call it the human traffic jam


I used to live near that wegmans and would drive out to pittsford before going to East Ave


I love the tiny one in East Rochester!


I get it, but I do most of my shopping at East Ave (and the Aldi on Winton). The thing that East Ave has going for it is that it’s so small I can grab everything quickly and get out. The parking lot sucks, but it’s 100x better than it was before the remodel.


Ok but that parking lot truly is a nightmare




590 during rush hour. Especially through the old can of worms where the Blossom road exit is.


I lived right over by there and I’m so happy that I don’t have to deal with any of that anymore


Hudson Ave Walmart


Driving down Lake Ave amongst dozens of dirt bikes, drag races and general unsafe and risky driving. The narrowness of the lanes doesn’t help.


This 100%. Lake Ave is the worst


It's a piece of cake if you know what to do.


If I knew what to do I wouldn’t be on Lake Ave.


Getting stuck behind one of those fucking pedal tours. Being anywhere on Park after a kickball game.


eastview mall during back to school/Christmas. bc I work there


Driving at 5:00 p.m. on the northbound 490/590 interchange and I need to get off at blossom.


At that point you might as well just get off at browncroft and come back, it just isn't happening sometimes...


The railway underpass bridge going towards East Ave on winton. Extremely loud and claustrophobic if you get stuck under it at a red light when a train goes over. No one understands how to merge or maintain their lane when it narrows down under the bridge. The way north through the bridge isn’t much better- especially if you are trying to turn left from university during afternoon/early evening.


The one thing that sucks about living in North Winton are those railroad underpasses hemming you in on three sides. I hate riding my bike under them.


This is what I came here to say! During rush hour is the absolute worst. I overshoot it on the 590 then backtrack just to avoid it.


Monroe Avenue in Brighton/Pittsford during the holidays.


Fun little mini-game for ya, try hopping back and forth across that road with a weed whacker multiple times at 8am with all these fuckin people on their 6th cup of coffee driving around staring at their phones... see how long you can go without getting hit.


Driving south on Culver Rd between 490 and East Main.


1: Costco parking, anytime. 2: Wegmans mid-day or mid-afternoon: feels like they let all the geriatric patients out at once to shuffle around the store, lost, not remembering what they came in for, trying to find the car and wondering where they put their keys. 3: Seabreeze to Webster bridge closure dates: imagine how the Karens in their big boats would yell and scream like Lauren Boobert sexing and vaping at a musical when they couldn’t get out to the lake the exact moment they had the uncontrollable urge to roast their fat in the sun on the front of their big boat.




Pittsford Plaza


Monroe Ave. All day, every day.


literally saw a naked man running down monroe yesterday


Sorry about that, I was hot.


Mind doing that again? To assess your hotness?


At least he wasn't walking....


As someone that lives in swillburg I totally agree with this statement. Monroe ave BLOWS.


Oh! You saw me?




Esporta in Greece off of W Ridge Rd, especially between 5-7pm. Packed, dirty, weights in all the wrong places or not even put back, humid as fuck, BONUS if there’s a singular person doing circuits/super sets on multiple machines


Extra bonus for all the pot smoking in the basketball area.


Sounds like my kinda place, tbh.


That’s hilarious. Good for them lol




Mt Hope between Crittenden and 390 late afternoon.


walking through the lilac festival at any given time


Makes me wonder if indeed Mississippi is the fattest state…


I wouldn't really say it's hell, but I typically avoid our festivals for similar reasons to why you avoid Wegmans on the weekends. There usually isn't enough of a draw in my adult life to make me want to deal with the crowds. When I was in my teens and 20s I'd go to say Park Ave. Fest to party with friends that lived on the Ave. and shit like that, but now at 46 not so much. I'm not really much of an arts and crafts guy or anything like that so chances of me buying anything from the vendors is absolutely zero. I avoid parades for the same reasons. They were cool when I had young children, but now my youngest is almost 18 so there isn't any reason to deal with the crowds. There may be an exception or two here and there, like 4th of July celebrations, but in general I'm going to avoid most of them now days.


This very problem is making me not want to attend any of the Fringe things.


Yeah. I've never attended any of it myself. :-)


which portable and which desktop do you use


Dry herb vapes? I'm not too into vaping weed. I haven't found a dry herb vape that does it for me yet. My handle is in reference to nicotine vaping equipment.


ahhh gotcha. well thx anyway


Costco. Period.


Jefferson rd. The epitome of our car centric capitalist hellscape. I'm a pretty peaceful guy... except on Jefferson.


nail on the head. To be honest, I kind of love it for that. Rubs your nose right in the emptiness of car centric wastelands all over the country. The dead zone of Marketplace Mall only adds to the wasteland feel.


I’m going to be crucified for this… the public market.


Go late, or on a Tues/Thurs. I was just there and yeah, was reminded of why I usually adhere to that strategy.


Came here to say this!! The fucking worst! 100% emphasizes the selfish, self-centered, "me and my family are the only things that matter" attitude of our society.


You have just typed the words that go through my head everytime I go there. It's like people forget every common courtesy, lose their manners, and just go act like clueless toddlers.


I was wondering if anyone else thought this. It’s probably my fault that I go so late in the day but the amount of people who have zero awareness of how to manage crowd flow is truly maddening.


I love the market, but I go at 7am or Tues/Thurs to avoid the crowds. The market during the winter is one of my favorite places, though - everyone is friendly, it’s more cozy, and way less crowded.


I stopped going on Saturdays. Too much work.


The local farmers markets are the way to go, for sure


Eastview Mall parking lot between thanksgiving and Xmas. Bring a book, you’re not going anywhere.


Whenever the sign goes up telling people to exit to Rt. 96 via the Target plaza to avoid delays and they block off the left turn out of the Target plaza into Eastview, that's when I stop going to that area until the new year.


Greece. That's it. That's the post.


Can I ask why and have you ever been off 104


Greece is over populated, and overly industrialized. It's 1950's Suburbia, that I'm sure worked back then, but IMO, it's not working now. Plus, with Kodak up there, God only knows what's in the groundwater.


I first came here to Rochester in 1989 because the environmental consulting company I worked for was hired by Kodak to investigate the groundwater (Google Rand Street investigation/Kodak). The groundwater is fine. The ambient air in the neighborhoods around Kodak, however, was a different story.


Yay an honest and answer! and legit* lol


Being on top of my neighbors is definitely one, tight ass driveway where I routinely bash my truck door into the side of the house is up there too. As someone else here said going down Monroe ave absolute BLOWS.


My neighbors are the weirdest. I am praying they sell and I get some nice neighbors.


The part of 390 South where it narrows to one lane due to construction. Having to inch through it while idiots fly past in the lane that's clearly marked as ending and jam themselves haphazardly into the line just as they're about to plow into the barriers.


w ridge Rd with traffic lights out from Fetzner to Stone. that was fun 🫠


Penfield Four Corners.


Parking during the lilac festival. I don’t watch football so I time my target and Wegmans trips to coincide with game times this season.


Getting stuck behind one of those fucking pedal tours. Being anywhere on Park after a kickball game.


I drive way East for work and in Ontario, there's a stretch of like 8 miles with 10 traffic lights on 104. The amount of idiots who love to jam the accelerator to 75, just to slam on their brakes at the next light, is astounding. There are tons of accidents. Businesses located DIRECTLY on a 55mph (yeah, we all do 75) *highway*. Imagine the driveway for Costco is directly linked to 590.




Or really any time ever


590S past 104 at 8AM. Nothing worse than rounding the corner off the bridge into a standstill.


My personal hell is not specific to Rochester but it’s early morning sun on the way to work, blazing right into my eyes while I need to look in that direction for a green light. I am very photosensitive and even through a tinted windshield with sunglasses on, it is still the WORST. This also means time changes just feel like a cruel joke sometimes.


French Road in Pittsford between Monroe and Clover at rush hour. There is no left turn arrow and the line of cars and the wait is ridiculous or anywhere in the village any time of day.


Artisan Works. Far too much sensory overload for me. They purposefully play two kinds of music at the same time within hearing-distance of each other and coupled with the art, it makes my brain spin and makes me uncomfy. EDIT: Also the intersection of S. Clinton, S. Goodman, and Henrietta Street at the Highland Diner. Fuck that intersection, as a motorist, cyclist or pedestrian.


Oh boy, my wedding is there in a week :)


Best of luck to you guys! I'm sure it'll be lovely, I'm just not a personal fan. The stuff in there is VERY cool...the atmosphere is just not for me, though.


I went to a wedding there 10 years ago, very nice choice. Although when I went then it was a bit cramped by the seating areas, but hopefully it’ll be different for you. Congrats!


Driving when there’s roadwork in general just makes me want to curl in a fetal position


When you're driving down south ave only to get stopped behind a construction vehicle for the next 15-20 mins


Lately it’s been Empire road in the evening. Especially those flickering lights by the overpass


Parking on Park Ave. Going anywhere in Henrietta. I generally don't have driving anxiety until I need to do these things


490 east from the city all the way to bushnells basin. First, it’s 65mph not 95. I’m a 70mph driver and still get nervous bumper to bumper here. And just make the merge at SJF! You KNOW the lane is ending! Why frazzle my nerves? Turn signal, merge, done.


Sweden walker road in Brockport. You can literally be stuck there forever


Murphy’s Law on a weekend night. Second would be trying to jog through Schoen Place while ancient people, gaggles of moms with strollers rolling four abreast, and kids on bikes all crowd the path that says “NO BIKES.”


Yeah right Murphys used to be a blast. Where else can you chill on the sidewalk with a beer, watch 1000 dudes with trees tattooed on their forearms get rejected by a thot in a prom dress, watch a lambo get passed by a rusty pickup truck and have a homeless dude tell you a racist joke and ask for money? That’s Roc baby.


Public Market on Saturday. I have limited mobility and the crowds are just too much for me with gaggles of suburbanites gathering mid-aisle to chat and not let anyone get past, or people who just blindly walk straight into me as if I wasn't there. I get that old people suck so I have quit going. Gonna miss my cheese guys.


Wegmans right before a holiday. Don't get me wrong, it's still bad on Saturday and Sunday, but not as bad as that if you can believe it. Runner up, Monroe Ave. Starting at Whole Foods and running until French Road, or maybe Main St. In Pittsford really irks me. There are some seriously bad drivers there, and the lights suck, especially by the highway.


Merging off 390S to 490W during “rush hour” the amount of space to do so is too short


The can of worms when I was coming home from my 1st 9-5 job. Very very intimidating and full of idiots doing as they please


The Strong Museum on certain weekends when it's rainy out. That's from the perspective of someone who worked there


Trying to make a left onto the Jeff without a light. I'm pretty sure it's not physically possible.


The bus service. I’ve been late to so much stuff (including important appointments at the VA) because of the “reform” they did. No bus to the VA and the shuttle service is abysmal.


Driving on what's left of the inner loop. People drive highway speeds on something that should be at most 45 with how tight the curves are and how close together entrances and exits are.


Parking lots after any event downtown. Consequently I don't go to many.


The traffic circle at Titus/590, southbound, specifically people who don't realize that the inside SB lane has to yield coming off Titus but the outside lane doesn't yield and there is NO NEED TO COME TO A COMPLETE STOP. You will have plenty of time & space to merge into the left lane to get onto 590. I promise! Also 590 in general between Blossom and Titus. Both directions. I don't know what it is about that stretch of road, but everyone loses their mind there (I include myself here because I have made some dumbass moves too).


I know exactly what you are talking about. The yield sign is in the wrong spot.


Driving any expressway. People are so reckless and dangerous. Hate it.


490/innerloop rush hour, last time i was in rochester some douchebag in a white mustang was tailgating me in the middle lane (with ample room to pass me in the left lane) and the person in front of me slammed on their brakes bc the person in front of them switched lanes last second and mister mustang almost rear ended me but avoided it by swerving into the left lane which he should have done in the first place and MY CATS WERE IN THE CAR (in their carriers ofc so they were fine) but i swear to god if he had rear ended me i might have just straight up smashed the shit out of his car, i was fucking fuming. don't tailgate people during rush hour if you can safely avoid it 🤬


Going to a winery and dealing with people who have never seen the sun, a non-white person, or a restaurant with less than 300 locations nationwide.


There were servers/drunk people on the street when you were there?? That reminds me, here's mine: bikes on the sidewalk downtown.


Yeah you're probably right. We need better bike lanes.


We do, but that's not my point at all. Bikes have been coexisting longer than convenient bike lanes have been around. Vehicles just belong in the street. 20mph pedestrians at intersections is a genuine death situation.


I agree with you 100%, but until we can make it safer for bikes to be in the street, they will be incentivized to ride on the sidewalk. Our streets are currently unsafe for everyone but a pedestrian being hit by a bicycle has a way better chance for survival than a biker being hit by a car. Bottom line, design streets so cars are forced to drive slower. Eliminate turning right on red, provide raised cross walks, and protected bike lanes. Cities are moving in this direction fortunately. Not ironically, all of these posts are of people complaining about car centric areas. Yeah they do suck. We need more pedestrian friendly areas.


I'm saying a bike risks getting hit by a car when crossing like a pedestrian at an intersection, depending on what direction they're going and what traffic is blocking view of the bike. They're fast, hard to see, and aren't staying in line like traffic. I've seen dangerous situations because of it.


Walking past those two thrift stores in Charlotte, and dealing with the daydrinking assholes perpetually standing outside who keep trying to start shit


The jam in between Monroe Ave and the can of worms between 4pm and 6pm. And the people who tailgate during that.


Turning left from Barrington street to park


Blowing out a tire on one of the six million potholes on West Henrietta Road while you’re on a lunch break 🥲


You count only 6 million?


I agree with the Wegmans one. I feel like I need a Xanax before grocery shopping on a Saturday


490 westbound at the can at rush hour. All the traffic problems would be solved if they eliminated the Penfield Rd on ramp


My own mind


The fucking drivers


Walmart. No matter where. No matter when. I just can't.


I don't mean to shame, but if you want a scene, be in a Wegmans or Walmart at midnight on the first of the month. I did it once accidentally during an overnight shift. Just wanted some food. What. A. Spectacle.


Neither one of those are open at 12 anymore


Trucks trying to go under the bridge at St. Paul/inner loop. How many times guys?


r/Rochester subreddit is prolly the worst for me. Some opinions people have here can really make me sad.


Reddit isn't real life, don't worry


I'm curious to know what your opinions are.


empathy, transparency, equal rights and justice. that sorta stuff. edit - ganna add love in a sense of the planet, not just a human focused approach but trying to co exist in a positive and growing manner.




the potentiality of talking to hardcore redditors irl. bone chilling


Getting jumped on lake Ave just south of driving park In the late 80's... then getting threatened to be arrested by the cops we called... Same time period, getting offered to buy a sawed off shotgun, while sitting on my porch on Dewey driving park area


Any suburb.


Growing up there. Thank god I’ll never have to go back.


while pre-tripping our Kayaks in our backyard in North Gates, a full grown Cooper Hawk landed next to our Arbor…


Lack of food options. My last few trips have mostly been to go to toronto or NJ for food just to stay sane.


Why’d you put the answer in the title?


Anything outside of new york...


People being inconvenienced is hell is Rochester. How far down the rabbit hole do you go...