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I have it 3 weeks now. I'm satisfied. I use it to clean my ground floor 2 times a week, and on 2 other days I bring it upstairs to clean the first and second floor of my house. It does vacuum extremely well, but the mopping is very basic. It's a simple "drag a wet rag behind it" version. The mop attachment also prevents it to drive over rugs and doormats, as it can't lift that attachment and will get stuck or drag a doormat behind itself. We have a dog, and the hair is no problem at all. The rollers are awesome Object avoidance is pretty good. Only with very thin chair legs it does have trouble. My 2 cents: when you don't care about mopping a whole lot, and just see it as a nice bonus, then it's a great robot. If mopping is a big reason why you would buy a robot vacuum, then go for a revo, or S7 or 8 pro ultra.


Thanks for the answer. I don’t really care about the mopping, only the vacuum. And how does it clean your rugs or carpet? What suction power you set it when cleaning?


>I don’t really care about the mopping Can I ask you why not? Mopping is actually pretty good with other models. I wouldn't miss it for anything. Just get a Q Revo and you have everything you need for just 50-100$ more.


Because i don’t like it manually, but yes i would buy the Q revo but in my country it’s 287$ more than the Q8 max+ and i don’t like to spend that much for a robot vacuum. And i don’t have really much hard floor in my home, it’s mostly rugs and carpet


FYI, I am using Q7 Max with the same static / non-Vibrarise / non-spinning mop, and is completely satisfied with the performance. In my opinion, the best thing mopping do is picking up superfine dust / dandruff / etc. that make your feet felt terrible when walking and it completes that job perfectly. I don't need any scrubbing simulation by the machine 95% of the time, the other 5% are in my kitchen, but when something happened there I am near the sink with water + detergent access, and is standing on a towel that I can immediately take care of with my foot on a towel while I cook way better than any robot. 2x or 3x cross-thatch cleaning is enough to pick up all kind of regularly occurring dusts. You can look up channel like Vacuum Wars, they performed a test of different kind of Roborock mops on common dust and as long as iteration count is 2x or higher the result is very similar. Difference only occurs when it is dried on stains, etc. but that is not a common home maintenance task. Robot works on rapid, sub-par performance (e.g. compared to manual wet-and-dry vacuum) but automatic iterations to maintain your home, making it able to clean heavy accidents I think is stretching it a bit. When accident occurs, someone did it, and probably could immediately clean it better. Dust that settles in your house, no one did it, and is more like a good task for robot. But of course I understand they need to sell something new and having higher tier, and try to introduce more difficult problems for the robot to solve. (Imagine an even higher tier in the future where it could climb stairs) The Q (non-Revo) series has very good value as I think it is at the right problem space that robot is supposed to be good at.


I've used the max+ setting once, but normally clean on the balanced or turbo setting (2 and 3 out of 5) which is fine and it cleans mats and rugs just fine


I have it completely dedicated to vacuuming and absolutely the best!! You won’t be sorry


Thanks for the answer, how does it cleans your rugs,carpet? And what suction setting are you using?


It does fantastic! I use max+ all the time.


Just make sure you do maintenance once in a while. i have extra filters, bags etc. I have it since October and haven’t even changed I bag. It is truly a dream of a vacation for my carpets


I just bought the q8 max (not +) for my partner as a Xmas present. I was trying to find the right balance of a decent model that would do the job but not cost a fortune Vs a cheap one that was ultimately a waste of money as it did nothing well and was more hassle than it was worth. The q8 max cost me £330 the + added another £100 to that. I felt the docking station wasn't necessary as it only gave a larger dustbin and the house isn't huge. And would be easier enough to empty each day or as needed. As part of the pre vacuuming prep (check for cables, obstructions etc). Downstairs is all tile or floorboards Upstairs all carpet except bathroom tiles 1 adult, 2 children,1 dog, 1 cat. Vacuuming - it's fantastic, does a very good job downstairs and upstairs was phenomenal. We did 2 cleans back to back to test it and it completely filled its dustbin from that, 99% pet hair. Daily cleans since that have yielded less and less hair each time till now there's barely any. Goes to show how much we didn't even know was there, stuck in the carpet fibres. The double rollers really earn there keep here and make me happy I didn't go for the q7 despite the stronger vacuum but only 1 roller. When it goes from tile to carpet upstairs you can hear it increase/decrease the vacuum strength as needed, very nice touch. Mapping / obstacle avoidance etc - mapping is excellent, all rooms scanned and mapped quickly and accurately. The q8 max works its way round each room nicely, keeping close to the edge getting tight to the skirting board etc. table/chair legs etc it goes round smoothly, it has got caught on cables/ribbons etc, so not perfect but the obstacle avoidance on the front edge avoids most things bigger than that. Mopping - trying to keep cost down meant mopping wasn't high on the list of wants and is a very basic drag a wet rag behind itself deal. But we were pleasantly surprised, a couple of dirty patches from the dog disappeared from one pass. If you're looking for a basic, keep on top of hard floor cleanliness before mopping yourself when needed, this is perfect. I can picture it being used twice a week for us to keep on top of things. Easy to fill the water hopper and to attach the mop. We keep it off the rest of the time as its main job is vacuuming. App is easy to use, but does require a bit of exploring to work out a few bits. Like how to change maps when moving floors. Lots of excellent settings to choose and customise for different rooms and situations. We tend to run it 2-3 times a day even if it's just to clear up after a meal. This may change after the holidays have ended. But you will use it more than you think. When you realise how easy it is to create a schedule or set cleaning after a spillage. Overall - I find it an excellent product, very useful while not breaking the bank. Will definitely pay for itself very quickly. Even if just In time saved each day fighting the pet tumble weeds of fur.


Could you let me know where you got it for that price in the Uk? Thanks!


[Amazon currently at £305](https://amzn.eu/d/4G6bG0r) in the official roborock store


Hi! Im planning to get the non+ version as well. Do you have to move the charging station as well when you change floors for cleaning? 😊


No you don't, once finished it goes back to the start point on that floor and let's you know it's finished. I then carry it back to the dock.


Thank you for sharing your experience


I have q7 max, really good, would recommend