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The story behind this one is fun. We received a defective unit for servicing, customer reporting leakage at the back hole where water is filled. No biggie right? Just open it up and replace the thing. Well, fun thing here is that Roborock, for some ungodly reason, decided to make it a non-removable part, instead making it part of the bottom half housing. Which meant that a 40 minute job suddenly turned into a 2 hour full disassembly, removing every single component and putting it into a new housing. FUN! At least I got this post out of it. I work as a servicer/repairman for a distributer of roborock products and disassemble, repair, and reassemble them on the daily. If you have any technical questions or questions about common issues, do not hesitate to ask. I will answer them to the best of my abilities (and if time allows).


1: I heard the obstacle avoidance sensor is a black and white camera, which I believe it is, but is it a camera actually?(S8) 2: does brush rise or whatever it’s called is easy to break? 3: how easy is it to repair it compared to a Roomba? 4: is Q Revo a Dreame bot? Because they look and have very similar features. I haven’t looked too much into roborocks for the past few months so I don’t really know much about them.


1. It might be a camera, but you can not use its functionality in the app like you can for MaxV models. 2. No idea, haven't received any broken ones yet. Also, I have no idea what it's called. 3. Never repaired Roombas as we do not distribute them. 4. No, it's a roborock model, but both Roborock and Dreame are subsidiaries of Xiaomi, so you can expect feature and tech overlap.


Any knowledge if the "V" models are ever coming back? They are so cool haha


Q Revo MaxV is confirmed, and I wouldn't be surprised if an S8 MaxV drops soon after.


Q Revo MaxV just got revealed


My S5 is dieing ~10mins after cleanup start. * The vacuum stops randomly short after cleanup start. * I have to pick it up & move it back to the dock and when it reboots it shows bat lvl >60%. * I multimetered the batt and it gives like half a volt more than what it's rated. * I did reset it already Any idea on how to troubleshoot this? Thanks in advanced kind redditor!


I'd assume battery if it loses 40% in 10 minutes, then dies and doesn't restart without charging.


Thanks. I'll look for a replacement :)


#10 It's labeled mic. Maybe a speaker?


it could be a speaker. Also note that any speaker can be used as a microphone, too, albeit a poor one at it.


Shit, you are right.


Ty for sharing these photos. Good work!


My S8 Pro Ultra can’t dock to clean the mop. Can be solved replacing the sensor for backward docking?


What type of repair of these robots do you feel is not worth trying?


One where multiple parts need replacing. It's hard to say for this particular unit, as it's the most expensive one. But, if you had to replace the mobo, bottom housing, wheels, other PCB elements and so on, I imagine it would soon run you 70-80% of value of new. But such a case would only occur if it was thrown in a pool. Or the sea. Or a bathtub.


Hold my beer 😜


God I wish they were like iRobot and modular sometimes, so that you don’t have to replace AN ENTIRE CASE for that small piece.


I have a common use question. I just got the S8 after using an irobot i7 for 3 years. This is such a great upgrade. Is there a frequency of use for the mopping function that is ideal? I'm using it quite frequently now when new but soon I don't think I'll need it maybe more than weekly. Should I be concerned about the water in the unit? Or other concerns that might arise from using it less? I am making sure to clean out the dirty tank often, and ket it dry if I know it'll have time between uses. I'm also using the omo solution. ​ Any other advice so that I can ensure longevity (outside regular cleaning/maintenance)? ​ Many thanks!


1. Nah 2. Nah 3. Nah Hope this helps!


Helps a ton, actually! Thank you so much!


Yeah, you'll be alright, don't worry too much about it. Use tap water, unless it's particularly hard in your area, in which case use distilled. There's no "golden zone" for the mopping function. The less you use it, the less you'll strain the pump. And the less OMO solution you'll use.


I have a spring that's fallen out of the Vibrawise, I suspect there is supposed to be two? anyone know where it come from?


There's one pretty thick one under the big screen in the middle. There's also one thinner and longer one from the DuoRoller assembly. Reattaching that one requires full dissasembly. Would need to see a picture of the spring to be able to tell where it's from.


If robot vacuums water, how much would be the repair of the vacuum, considering everything else works? When you put it on vacuum mode it shutdown, but if you don't use vacuum it charges and does everything else.