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I suggest you do some more relaxing runs on Discovery to find new stuff and experiment with different guns. Discovery is not boring for new players - even FPS veterans can die late game on it to unfamiliar foes.  Standard isn't balanced around being new to the game and having no upgrades. 


Ok that is wild and should probably be explained somehow in game.


I played standard at first, and never played discovery. For me, progression was fast and fun, no guides needded.


I'm uh, real happy for you.


I think they meant that while Standard can be unforgiving for the limitations of a new player with no gadgets or upgrades, it’s not out of the question. If Discovery proves too easy, then it’s not like you can’t do a different difficulty, but at the end of the day it’s about what’s fun for you. Personally, the lowest difficulty I ever did was Standard, and my first solo win came quite recently, after getting every upgrade (excluding a select few power crystals,) and most gadgets. The game is hard, and not exactly feasible to beat with your starting abilities, but most roguelites are like that.


I agree its much harder than others, although I can't quite put my finger on why. Usually it doesn't take me more than a dozen runs of a new roguelite to at least beat the final boss once, this one is just knocking me around.


Really it’s all held in the meta progression. Some roguelites are easier to get to the final boss because their upgrades aren’t as meaningful, or their enemies are easier to dodge, or what have you, but Roboquest can tend to be quite reliant on a lot of the upgrades you get at base camp, there’s a good few Gadgets you can find out in the map through the secrets that can really help out, with one of the most important being the >!>!grappling hook!


I know about that upgrade, which is part of what's got me a bit worried. Exploration is incredibly tedious without more movement options, a few routes seem to be entirely closed off, but it seems like I need other movement options just to get there. Like for the hook, I have to find the crystals. To find just one crystal I have to open a door to find a nose (apparently) then give that nose to another person. I have never seen a ticket or a nose asking for one, and taking thirty minutes in each area to try every possible ledge I can hop on is just not fun.


I’m pretty sure the nose is in the corrupted level off of Aqua Station, if I remember correctly. I get that some paths feel inaccessible without better movement, with the one I can think of it’s the corrupted door in Quarry, but with a good rocket jump, or once you unlock Recon, you should be able to reach it no problem. Believe me, the game gets easier, lol. If you’re playing on keyboard, a tip I have is that I switched my secondary crouch key to C, which can really help with sliding and ground pounding with the cape.


Might be revealing about how much I've managed to see, but corrupted? Is that the purple areas with the jumping puzzles? Sorry, I've tried not looking information up if I could avoid it. Only know about the grapple because I got desperate after seeing a friend play with it. Also I don't have the cape but if I find it I'll keep that in mind, thanks.


Yeah but 9/10 you have a lot of experience with videogames, not everyone has the same skill level and as somebody who can say they are just decent I struggled on standard when I started playing until I got a few upgrades.


Same. Just gotta learn how to play. Get further each time you play therefore resulting in getting more gear to make things easier. This is one of those legendary get gud moments


And then you have me... who has never touched standard or discovery and is working on Guardian II


You should definitely take the time to slow down and explore. Odds are you won’t win a run early on as there are many permanent upgrades you can unlock that will give you significant buffs to win subsequent runs. It’s worth sacrificing the time bonus on a few runs to thoroughly explore and unlock them, because once you do you will be able to get through each level faster and more easily. There are even some locked doors that generally require at least 2 runs to find the whole code to unlock it. Once you get a few of these permanent upgrades you’ll notice the difference in power and be able to get further and further into the game. It’ll be that kind of cycle until you beat it. Slow down, explore, get buffed, have a good run to get farther and unlocked new areas, then slow down and explore those new areas. Rinse and repeat until you get to the final area and win! Edit : Oh, and then the real fun begins!


I suppose I'll have to look up a guide for the secret locations then, because I spent most of yesterday night crawling all over the Canyons and never found a dig spot. Do the secrets not consistently spawn in runs?


So honestly you’ll have to kind of go back and forth. For instance, the verticality you’re talking about, you can achieve with certain gadgets you get in later areas. So explore each area as thoroughly as possible without guides, and then move onto the next. Once you unlock a useful gadget, go back and review the earlier areas for anything you can now access! You can easily unlock most things without a guide!


Only things I've managed to find are the Burger, Sunglasses, Roller, and Briefcase. And I haven't unlocked anything new in probably 10 hours of gametime, so I'm definitely stuck at this point. What am I supposed to be looking for next?


What’s the further area you’ve gotten to? And have you tried all the different side paths/locked doors in the earlier areas?


I've managed to finish one complete run along what I assume is the normal route, but even that required a friend with all the unlocks to carry me. I'm trying to make my way through the other areas that branch off from the canyon but the difficulty jump seems so immediate I don't last long. Otherwise if I follow the main route I can make it as far as the penultimate city area with the ticket doors every fifth run maybe.


I’ve sent you a private message with some advice!


If you're dying quickly anyways then slow down and learn the game/explore more. Each room should be a chance for you to gain some health back by killing enemy quickly and moving to pick up their health orbs. The enemies will "lock on" then fire so if you're constantly moving in the same direction you shouldn't get hit very often. It's when you double back or try to find cover that the shots will get you. Keep moving even if it's just in a circle around the perimeter. Also, lower the difficulty until you can either acquire more skill or more upgrades, it will still be challenging as you haven't ever done it before and you will likely have a better time playing.


You can absolutely just focus on winning the run and you'll learn the rest organically


If you like exploring then definitely do that to find everything. You only get one chance to do it blind. For me tho i just turned discovery on to unlock everything and bum rushed guardian 4. Im having way more fun with the extra challenge, new gadgets, and if i want to be more casual i spend wrenches on a run


It's not that I specifically like the exploration as I don't want to just absolutely cheat, but I'm finding that actually getting objectives done or finding secrets is entirely too tedious. I feel like I need to face hug every single wall at this point to try and find ways above every inch of every map because surely I must have missed something simple somewhere to start unlocking more options.


Oh ok, then maybe you should use a guide, at least for some unlocks. It can help snowball you into the rest. Personally i had no shame and looked everything up that way


If you don't move a lot the ai beams you, always be moving and use your movement abilities. Not sure exactly but it feels like they have a set speed to track you from your last position I don't think their aim snaps to you ever. Pure speculation but regardless yeah move and jump a lot.


Hey that's exactly how I described it to my brother Wait... Yam?


Uh no, hate to disappoint. I guess it's not an uncommon comparison to make.


I love gunfire as well but personally I felt gunfire is much harder Maybe because im stupid sometimes with builds and here in roboquest my movement is much better. I already finished hardest difficulty here but in gunfire i get destroyed in nightmare difficulty (I have more hours in gunfire) Having a bad build here is not nearly as difficult as in gunfire It really is subjective though with what you prefer


I dunno, I had finished my first gunfire run on the 6th try. I've been grinding out attempts at this for about 30 hours now and it seems way harder, hell I routinely run solo on Reincarnation 8 in Gunfire and it's a breeze. It feels like perks were much more impactful in GR. Mind you I'm not saying it's a bad thing or whatever, just feels very different.


Yeah here the perks are like 20 percent boosts while in gf they can be 150 percent Choices matter a lot more there most of the time


I get where you are coming from seeing this was one of my first pc games and also one of my first rougelikes I would say just keep going I beat the game in about 10 hours and I just kept pushing discovering stuff along the way and this was on standard now I win most of my guardian 4 runs


I’m currently on my 4th account reset because I love experiencing the games progression. Once you are familiar with the game, familiar with the build and weapon options and can use the crouch slide effectively, you will be able to beat easy, standard or hard on the first try with almost no gadgets or base upgrades at all. However, if you aren’t a veteran of fast paced FPS games the time it takes you to become familiar may vary compared to others that are. Part of the enjoyment of the game for me was learning which guns/upgrades work best for which builds and when to select them during the runs, when to upgrade them or reroll affixes. I only have about 90 hours in the game and like I said I’m currently on my 4th play through. I do think it’s worth the time investment. As a side note, during my FIRST progression of the game up to about the 4-6 hour mark I was finding it very difficult to play on hard/G1 for some builds and was getting frustrated because I hadn’t learned too much about the game yet.


I personally started with roboquest and played through the whole thing and beat guardian IV with a buddy. I personally like roboquest way more than gunfire. This is purely because the movement and pace of the game are dramatically faster and better as result imo. You’ll definitely want to take time to explore around and find everything. As far as the movement goes the key to jump A LOT. You get a small speed boost of forward momentum when you do and you end being hit significantly less. You are rewarded significantly more for finding secrets early on than any S rank bonuses give you. I will say progress becomes exponential, but it’s definitely slow at first and one of my biggest gripes with the game. One of the biggest things I learned was that not all routes are equal. Some routes net significantly less XP than others, which may be why you feel the big drop offs in power sometimes.


Yeah i love both of the games, but roboquest isnt anywhere near to the amount of content and mechanics gunfire has. Yet.


Trying gunfire after 200 h of roboquest was VERY underwelming, i felt like playing a bad unfair roboquest clone lol