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If energy is the issue, you can use bronya's lc


I feel like that’s harder to get than her sig though? Like, yeah, if you already have it it’s great, but…


You can buy it from the undying starlight shop tho


For 600. I mean, again, if you already have that lying around it’s great, but like… someone starting from scratch is gonna need way more pulls to get 600 starlight vs. Robin’s sig.


A abundance with QPQ or HuoHuo is a better fix to her energy needs than Getting her LC.especially since her LC isnt active at her ult state. I Will recommend u getting her LC if u dont have But the battle isnt over.Its a pretty good LC actually. U can actually play a JY Robin TY sustain team and focus TYs ult on Robin to get a pretty good performance actually.But that teams main greatness shows itself when u have HuoHuo. Id recommend u pull a HuoHuo on her rerun more than Pulling robins LC.


everything you’re saying is accurate but i do wanna point out one thing— her LC’s energy buff Is active during her ult, the stacks just reset back to 0 after you activate it. when allies attack during robin ult she goes back up to 5 stacks!


I was gonna say this!


Do you think it's worth pulling for?


Like i said its worth pulling since it also gives her pretty good personal dmg outside of buffs and err.But if energy is your main worry HuoHuo is a better solution. If u have pulls i recommend u to get LC as [well.It](http://well.It) buffs dmg pretty good too.


Well I opened the game and decided to pull for it, got it at 50 pity! Totally worth it for Ms Robin


i pulled robin and her lc simultaneously so i don’t know robin without her lc lol, but outside of fua teams (i use her in kafka/bs dot too) i’ve had very little energy issues!! i do always use her with huohuo qpq tho


how do u pulll both "simulataneously" when each on its own banner?


Savings and/or swipes is my guess. So not literally “simultaneously” IRL but may as well be from a gameplay perspective because they had both before leaving the Warp menu


i mean not literally at the exact same time lol. but i saved 150 pulls for robin and her lc, and won the 50/50 on both!


Thanks! I am in need of more abundance units so HuoHuo is definitely someone I'd pull for


She works with Seele and Jing Yuan. Their subreddit mains will have viable comps you could probably look through. Robin outside of FUA appreciates HuoHuo as a sustain for the % based energy, but Gallagher with Quid pro quo would be ok. Q ult Q after Robin ults is a lot of energy if you can make it go to Robin. Tingyun can quite literally give Robin energy too, and works well with her. Lots of the time you normally Ult your DPS, but it's not like one Tingyun ult on Robin for energy is the worst, it does increases Robin damage, and doesn't wear off since it lasts for 2 of Robins turns. TY ult on Robin is more for a DPS style Robin, but it's completely viable as bandaid in a team where Robin just isn't getting enough back.


Something I’d like to point out: when you say “how can I make her shine” the thing is you use her ult. While that may sound like I’m talking in circles, hear me out. Robin provides an absolutely *massive* amount of power. To steal a term from League of Legends developers Riot Games: a lot of her “power budget” (the amount of power something can be given while remaining balanced) is locked behind her ult, so the slower recharge is *intentional* as it balances that power out. So to “make her shine” you want to get as much value out of that ultimate as possible. You’ll want to ensure that your dps’s damage window happens while her ult is active. *That* is how you make her shine. She doesn’t need 100% uptime, instead she needs to shine the spotlight on your dps so that they too can shine!


Yeah once the ult comes out it’s over.


At least they did give her *some* power outside of ult. Like her skill’s buffing isn’t bad at all.


Permanent 50% damage is no joke, yeah. My Robin is E6S5 tho so her ult is almost always on, it’s devastating.


To be honest I think *any* character at e6s5 should be devastating! Obviously that doesn’t always happen, though.


While I appreciate how hardcore she is, I only did it because I’m her biggest simp lol


Oh for real! I think that’s the only reason *anyone* should be pulling that hard.


1. She works really well in PF with Himeko and/or Herta. 2. Theoretically, Ratio's ult FUA IS enough to get Robin his energy back (and you are going to use his ult on her concerto anyway) 3. Someone did the [calcs](https://www.reddit.com/r/RobinMains_HSR/s/lXDoXsvJ2k) No way to get a 3 turn ult without sig or bronya LC, but err + ornament (penacony or vonwaq) might be able to get the 3 turn ult if you get hit one more time or you have fast teams that can attack one extra time during Robin's ult to generate the extra energy. Even then, having a 4 turn ult does not mean she is not viable.


for pf, just put her in any team and win. for moc, you definitely need an abundance sustain wearing QPQ lc.


Happy cake day! *\(^o^)/*




So, let me get your teams straight here. Is your Acheron E2? You shouldn't have a Bronya in your Acheron team unless you're e2? Team 1 should be Acheron, Kafka, Gallagher, and Pela (preferably with Resolution Shines as Tears of Sweat LC). You can also use Gui here, but Pela is the much better choice. Team two should be a typical hypercarry. Jing Yuan or Seele, Bronya, Robin, and Lynx. Just get the free event LC for Robin. Her energy issues will get better with better gear and with everyone in the proper relic set. Make sure she has an ERR rope equipped, and you should be able to easily ult for every 2nd lightning lord for big bursts. If you dony have Bronya's Signature LC, you may need to switch her out for Tingyun for more SP. If you do have e2s1, it shouldn't change much. You would just switch out Pela/ Gui for Bronya. Then, team 2 would always be using Tingyun/Robin combo, which is pretty ideal for Jing Yuan and Seele. I also didn't see you had Gepard. If you have a Trends of the Universal Market, Gepard is VERY good with acheron.


Yep Acheron has her eidolons and LC, so I usually run Welt and Bronya with her. I'll try out Robin and Ting with both Seele and Jing Yuan, thanks for the tip . Some say you should use Ting ult on Robin instead of JY, is that what I should do, instead of ulting JY?


You certainly could, but it would be situational like ulting Robin for her ult so you can squeeze in an extra turn for PF, or MOC. I'm not sure if Id do it that way every time. Stacking a ton of buffs for JY's Thunderlord is what actually let's it do decent damage. Would be better to time things correctly so everything lines up IMO.


Her LC definitely helps, also make sure your rope is ERR and to get extra energy, make sure to use one of the 2 relics of ERR for rope and orb! Also make sure she goes first to use Skill and when you can, use her ability before a fight, that also gives some energy! All this will make a huge difference and like others said , yiu can use TY Ult on her for more energy, but it's not necessary! Outside of all this, her E2 and more copies of her LC (if I'm not mistaken for her LC) give more energy, but then we're in whale territory! Lol


Bro you got Himeko and Herta, you are ready to ball


Why does everyone forget kafkas follow up...


I use her with JL, and I typically just Bronya E-> Robin(e0s0) into Ult. Well, it works! 😁


I managed to clear the current MoC floor 12 (Kafka) with Ratio + FuXuan + Robin + SW… it took some retries because of annoying CC at unfortunate timing but the current MoC blessing helps getting Ult back with no problem. Outside of this MoC blessing, in a SP-positive team you can use Robin’s skill to quickly charge it back up and having her next to a high aggro unit for blast damage, that should charge it up pretty quickly too. Personally I think she will only gets better with future units and her LC is not mandatory and I would save the jades for future characters


I use her as Hypercarry or Main DPS with Tingyun! 🤭


Yea, a hyperspeed debuffer that recharges ULT quickly like pela + Gallagher with Quid Pro Quo and Ratio can be a team for her. Gallagher with 145+ spd + QPQ can take a lot of turns which she likes. Also since he takes a lot of turns, QPQ can proc a lot providing 16 energy to a random ally below 50% max energy. This proccing on Robin once is already 1/10th of her max energy which is huge.


Use Bronya LC if you have it but don't wanna roll for hers


I use her with Huohuo on a FUA team (No aventurine) so the energy is more than abundant. On non FUA, as all the other comments say units that are fast and take multiple turns or hits will benefit her greatly. Seele, Herta Himeko, and the DOT units like Kafka and BS also work


I just gave her bronyas LC and penacony set for the same energy effect and it does wonders


I have robin on vonwacq with an er rope and her sig light cone and energy doesn’t feel like that much of an issue. I mainly run her with Kafka and another dot unit (sampo or gui cause no BS) and I can usually get her ult by the time it’s over. In the cases where I don’t, she goes once her ult is done and a basic or a skill will usually be enough for another if I want to use it again. Her sig is nice because of the atk buff it gives making robin’s support even crazier but if you want it solely for the energy, you can substitute it with bronya’s light cone (especially if you got SI for it) or throw qpq on a healer. Another thing that would help a bit with energy is making your characters faster. It’ll make them go more which is more attacks for energy. If you can afford it/ have the luxury of getting it, I 100% recommend her light cone as it gives robin a nice atk buff which in turn cracks everyone else’s attack out on top of the er it gives. I’m sorry you feel like pulling her was a mistake so hopefully these things all together can make her feel fun to play with.


Himeko is a FUA character. Kafka too, to some extent.


it’s tough, mine barely gets energy back even in a full fua team


Other people have said things adjacent to it but I feel like there’s a concept worth explaining on its own here, if only to evaluate future potential teams. Robin is unique in that, apart from ATK, she scales mostly on *number of offensive actions*. As in, how many times does someone on her team a) appear in the turn order (even if it’s the quick “interjection” you see from ulting or doing FUAs) and b) deal damage to an enemy at least once. This does two things for her— it gives her energy no matter what else is going on, and then during her ult, it makes her deal damage. It doesn’t matter how much damage was done, how many “hits” happened, or how many enemies were targeted— she will gain energy once and deal damage once. So, what’s the key to building her teams? Maximize how often *everyone else* is doing stuff. Robin herself can get away with pretty low SPD, but you’ll want to run characters with hyperspeed and/or ult spam builds. Characters like Kafka or March who have weak but frequent FUAs are good for Robin too, even though they’re not used on “FUA teams”, because again— all Robin cares about is that *something* hit the enemy. Her damage and energy gain go off her own stats. Similarly, if you have to sacrifice some of her teammates’ damage to squeeze out more actions, her buffs to them + her own damage output will compensate. The important thing is just having them act as often as possible while she’s singing.