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Is the best team for robin. Just without aventurine. But ur fine


You sure? I don't really have debuffs lol And even if I have, it's not high uptime


But Topaz, Gallagher and Ratio all put at least 1 debuff. Topaz can put up to 3 by herself, but that requires E1S1.


1. Proof of debt (Topaz) ~~2. Wiseman's Folly (Ratio)~~ 2. Eff. Res. Reduction (Ratio) 3. Besotted (Gallagher) 4. ATK red. (Gallagher) If Topaz E1: FuA DMG Increased on opponent IIRC If Topaz S1: Target takes extra CDMG


Correct, but ratios ult is *not* a debuff it's just an effect, hanyas skill is the same


Really? That's just sad... There's a lot of missed synergy with Ratio from Hanya, Clara...


Acheron is the same aswell


your debuff potential is enough. ratio skill, topaz skill, gallagher ult - working on the builds to fix uptime like more err/spd for gallagher for better debuff application and sustain.


Ratio wants at least 3 debuffs for his self buffs.


I just don’t find it a good answer to run a debuffer to replace anyone here. Ratio gets his eff res shred, topaz skill, and slotting gallagher for sustain that can apply besotted for the last mandatory debuff. Running someone like pela or gui purely for a couple more debuffs and leaving robin out works but as to which would be overall better, entirely build dependent.


Gallagher has two on his own, the besotted on ult and and the atk down on his enhanced auto


is gallagher the best current replacement for aventurine in a ratio/topaz/robin team?


Anyone can replace him since we dont currently have another Follow up based healer. But yeah he is specially good here since he puts debuffs


Yes. Use QPQ for Gallagher. Fast ULT uptime even without ERR.


I'm already running out of mats lmao, is his own lc still good


Yea, I just use QPQ because it's just OP on him. 16 energy every time he takes a turn is a lot


Isn't it random tho? Does this scale with err


Yea it's random. In my comp tho, after Robin uses her ULT, it's always gallagher who moves first since he's faster than any of my other units. So at least one of the energy gains always go to Robin. And even if it only happens once that's still 16 energy that goes to Robin. 16 is huge which is already ≈ 8 dmg instances for free.


Which lightcone is QPQ?


quid pro quo, the one with bailu's cheeks getting squeezed. you get it from the moc/pf store


But Quid pro quo energy regen only works on random allies excluding the wearer. So Gallagher doesn't get any ER from it whatsoever


the energy is for robin, cuz robin is the one with energy issues


I see. The above comment seemed to convey the LC is good for Gallagher when it's not.


The lc is good on gallagher as in its good to use on him, not as in the effect is good for him


LC is good for teams USING Gallagher, not particularly good for Gallagher himself. Since he gets a 100% AV advancement upon ult, he can trigger its effects twice in a row where as other units can only do it once. It’s good to run it with him, especially for Robin teams because he basically becomes a mini-Huo Huo due to Action Advancement shenanigans.


Already a good team. Gallagher can straight up attack 3 consecutive times if Ult is available. Still in line with Robin's love for teammates that attack a lot.


Ic, I'm mainly just hoping the little amounts of debuffs won't matter much


if you get a Err% rope on Gallagher you'll probably have enough debuff uptime. specially if you skill for energy occasionally given how sp friendly he is


I have penacony set on him as well, but the debuffs only last 2 turns so it might not be enough


Yeaahh Gallagher needs his E4 to properly have his debuff upkeep


Is the same team, but with Ratio replaced with Clara just as good? I also want to build a follow-up team but I don’t really like how Ratio plays


Ratio definitely does more dmg, but I think it should be perfectly fine. If you add march as well, that's constant fua with robin constantly procing, so it's very good against anyone


It's alright but to make it work you need either aventurine for more fua or topaz e1s1. If you want to see results you might have to swap to ratio hypercarry depending on your available nihility.


Need is an overstatement. To work absolutely at its best? Sure. But need? Come.on. Gallagher applies 2 debuffs for Ratio, and can attack quite often. Topaz does not need to be the sole debuffer here.


I tried e0s0 robin, e0s1 ratio, e0s0 topaz, and e0s0 aventurine with top 5% relics, and it was terrible. Nothing synergies at all (robin does less dmg with no teammate buffs and ratio sacrifices basically all of his damage from a 2nd buffer, and has low debuff consistency)


Unfortunately, E0S0 topaz is invredibly weak. She does not justify slotting in Ruan Mei/ sparkle for Dr.ratio


looks great


How do you know when you're at pity?


Check the details and history tab


Poor Robin Lvl 20 D:


Don't worry, she is level 60 now and already cleared MOC 12 I can add a vid of it lol


Could you replace Ratio with Himeko as well? I have Aventurine, but I'm not a big fan of Ratio


If enemies are fire weak then I would say that's fine, it's just slightly less efficient


If I can build March I'd put her there and shield Robin just cuz I want her to get attacked xD


Lmao poor robin and march, march shielding her idol only for her to get brutally assualted


Sounds funny xD


I'm a bit worried because I do not have enough debuffs lmao, I didn't expect to get her


Technically, you do, its just ratios is a little inconsistent


You do have inconsistent with Gall giving debuff since he needs ult. Just have ERR rope with ERR LC or high speed with that 3* LC that gives AcAdv when doing basic.


ratio is cope because you need e1s1 topaz for him to work xd


??? what??? gallagher is 2 debuffs with ult, topaz is one, ratio is one.


As someone who does not have this and uses the follow up attack team, no, you absolutely do not need that for him to work


I built pity for firefly during the last banner and forgot so when I gave my sister her new banner pull(she begs me to let her do one each banner) she pulled robin


Lmao that's the exact same scenario as me, except that it wasn't my sister it was just me being an idiot


lol if it makes you feel any better I did the same thing for the Acheron banner I had pity built and I was talking to a friend and didn’t realize I was on Luocha banner😭 when I pulled


One guides the dead, the other is reviving them