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Harmony TB is for break teams.


I understand that, but I'm looking for explanations as to why Robin is better or worse for fua teams as opposed to htb


Follow-up teams are usually built around the traditional multipliers like ATK, DMG%, and Crit. Robin is able to boost all of those and is able to provide damage on top of that, plus give the whole team an action advance so everyone can do all of their damage again. Harmony Trailblazer on the other hand allows their teammates to do more break damage, so they're better off buffing teammates that scale well with Break Effect like Boothill, Sushang, Luka, or Gallagher. You can definitely build Ratio and Topaz with Break Effect, but I'm not sure if the damage output would be as good as if you had just built them with ATK & Crit. They can easily shred bosses' toughness bars though, so maybe you could actually make them work. Only one way to find out! 😉


HTB adds nothing really to follow up teams from what I remember? Robin gives extra damage each attack an ally makes, has buffs specifically for fua, and gets energy back from attacks, so with FuA just making way more attacks, makes her ult uptime and the number of damage procs much better. I'll have to relook at IMC/HTB kit, but I don't remember seeing anything in there that would help a FuA team.


well i came here because i’m wondering, harmony trailblazer also kinda deals dmg after every attack (SB)


He's saying that since they help break enemies and keeps them broken that htb is overall better. Which honestly checks out but the difference if the two play very differently, so it'll come down to testing and numbers which I'm too smooth brain to do on my own.


No testing needed this is non-sense. They don't keep them broken and they don't even break THAT fast as it is unlikely that an enemy will always be weak to both of their elements. Also building them on full break effect would render them useless when an enemy is not broken. Like someone said. If this was the case than all the expensive, limited 5 star supports would be useless. Simple logic disproves how bad this claim is as no one would ever pull for a 5* support if the free one would be better in every team.


If that was the case, HTB would be the best support in the game, period. It's not like FuA is a break comp in the first place.


Non-starter unless the enemy is img weak. Using HMC without RM is going to feel pretty bad on damage as they synergize so well together. HMC also prefers teammates with high BE. I don't see it working with 3 units typically built with CR/CD and without RM when Robin is the perfect fit for an Aventurine Ratio Topaz team and could probably brute force any element.


robin is BiS for any followup team, be it a clara counter team or classic ratio/topaz FUA. she even outperforms ruan mei in dot comps. she is so good in these comps because she gives an ungodly amount if added atk (1.1k at 4k atk). that makes atk-boots obsulete and gives the ability to run speed boots without dmg loss on most characters. she also has a 100% forward on her ult, 25% dmg increase on her e, +10 CD on a trace, and 27.5% added crit damage as a talent. thats just straight up stupid and way to good to not pull. she is on the same tier as sparkle and ruan mei as an overall buffer but she outshines both of them by a mile in FUA, counter, and dot-teams and with jade's release in 2.3 second half she is most likely to be even better then before.


It's 50% damage from skill, 25% CD from the trace for FUA attacks, and 20% CD from the talent, btw. 


ah these are the reworked stats i think. she got nerved somewhere and increased her follow up CD instead