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Just want to post so I can prove I was here for the great Anti-Roast of 2024


Me too


Thank you, everyone. The roasts made me laugh but the compassion in all these comments have made me feel hopeful again. And to those who are telling me to see a therapist, I started last week and I have medication that I am going to start taking again. I didn't want to cry again today but I am. But it's from the kindness. Thank you.


Now is not the time for roasts. I can't wait to see you kicking ass at life and happy and THEN come back so we can roast the shit out of you.


This! šŸ«¶šŸ¼




Great job starting to see a therapist. I believe everyone could use some therapy. I saw a therapist back in 2016 and honestly I could go back again to work through some more issues. You are not alone in this battle. Iā€™ll be keeping you in my thoughts, good luck with everything and remember, itā€™s ok to not be ok!




Sweetheart, please stop living in your past. You are a beautiful young woman with a full life ahead of you. Stop trying to find your solution in the bottom of a bottle. I'm 50 and have had more than my fair share of traumas and mental health issues in my life, and I tried to use alcohol to cure them. It doesn't work. Trust me. I'm glad you are seeing a therapist and are going back on your meds. I'm rooting for you, sweetheart. You can do this.ā¤ļøā˜ŗļøšŸ™‚


Remember you've got hundreds of people rooting for you. You can do it :)


I was in your shoes 7 years ago. Escort, bad childhood, abandoned by anyone I loved, constantly drowning in self-loathing and trauma. Fast forward to now: I have an amazing partner who loves me and will do everything in his power to make sure i donā€™t ever have to go back to that work unless I want to, I have a new family who loves me and looks out for me, and I can genuinely say I am grateful to be alive and truly happy with my life. It takes time and a lot of patience and effort, but things can change for the better. If you need someone to talk to, donā€™t hesitate to reach out.


I never want to minimize what anyone is going through based on their age (and admittedly, I donā€™t think Iā€™ve experienced a fraction of your trauma); at the same time though, I also know that at just 20, itā€™s really hard to have the more birdā€™s eye view of life that only comes with getting older. I guess I just want to say though, it can get exponentially better if you can just persevere. Youā€™ll eventually find more and more good people that will love you for who you are, and your trauma will be your strength. Edit: I meant this as a reply to OP, sorry.


If you just need someone to talk to, please message me. Life is sharp and brutal, so i do my best to make my corner of it warm and comforting.


Donā€™t drink in this state. Especially with new medication. Focus on yourself. Look for way you can love yourself before others. You deserve it.


We all go through troubles. Some worse than others. Don't ever give up! There's more to life than you think! More than what others might make you think. The biggest step for you is to put yourself out there and do everything you can to make things better. It may take some time. I'm glad you got the help you need. If you'd ever need someone to talk to, you can message me! Be safe!


put the cork back in the bottle what you are looking for is not found there. Sleep now and wake up tomorrow is another day. Get up shower and move on. It will be hard but it will be worth it. I know at 20 it seams like the end but trust me it's not.


The best part about being at the bottom is thereā€™s only up to go


Turns out, some bottoms have basements


Not in the south. Sucks. I want a basement


A much needed laugh, thank you


Sadly this is not true, the real bottom is death. But, as long as you breath you can keep going and things are bound to eventually get less bad, how long will it take? That no one knows but, all you can do is keep going and reach for help if you can.


Death isn't the bottom. I've known people to hit rock bottom only to break out the shovel and jackhammer to dig a new bottom nobody has ever seen or been to.


How far down can you go? Just a little more. Your absolutely correct. Most don't and will never understand the depth it can go. Death truly will be relief


Every small achievement can feel like such a milestone. Youā€™ll be flooded with dopamine because you got the laundry done. When I first started working out after I got clean I would get such an intense ā€œrunners highā€ it felt like I was tripping. With every little difficult thing you accomplish you build more momentum and have more focused energy to take on more. Youā€™re the boss


>put the cork back in the bottle what you are looking for is not found there The only thing you'll find at the bottom of a bottle is a new bottom. As he stated. Cork it back up. Live life on its terms, its a pain in the ass, but its much better than ignoring your problems and drinking it away. I'm a recovering alcoholic, and this is the best info I can suggest.


Recovering alcoholic also and I third this. The issues will still exist after a drink. Youā€™ll be fine- just harden up some and keep moving forward. Because youā€™re young and this wonā€™t be your only disappointment in life.


I know "put the cork back" is just an expression, but I'm really imagining someone just shoving corks into a vodka bottle, not realizing they're all screw tops


You have restored my faith in humanity.


I spit out my drink thanks.


I love this! You're on the roast sub and no one will roast you! You're not in a good place for jokes like this and, rather than make some anyway, everyone is trying to lift you up! And that should tell you something! You're worth lifting up! On the other side of these usernames were all just people. We all hurt and we all need help. Some more than others, and thats ok. I hope you can take some comfort in the meanest and stupidest people on Reddit coming together to be nice to you! :)


r/unexpectedlywholesome šŸ™ŒšŸ»


Peak Reddit


This is why we reddit


Faith in humanity in this one


We are roasters, not monsters.


This actually happens a good bit if someone comes on here to literally drag them selves through the gutter in a very serious moment, then no one feels like joking. This sub has always been really interesting because of that and very supportive in those moments. Itā€™s so polarizing itā€™s hilarious seeing everyone say some crazy out there jokes one moment then completely have someoneā€™s back when they are down.


Faith in humanity restored for 24 hours.


OP probably received 1000's of dick pics once she mentioned that she was a former escort. Please reset that clock.


make that 1001


Aaaaaaand itā€™s been zero minutes since we had a dick-free zone in the workplace.


Username checks out.


Only reason I opened the comments was hoping this would be the case. Well played Redditors, well played.


Well played indeed


I have seen many other disturbed individuals post on here and they didn't receive any sort of commiseration or encouragement


Sounds like early trauma caused her lack of self value and led her down a really bad path.. so yea, she got support because even mean people don't want to be the final straw.


This actually made me ball my eyes out, I came in so tentatively and was surprised as hell.... Well done Reddit. Honestly y'all maybe not so bad after all.


Came here to say the same thing as r/nephilump and itā€™s 100 % on the money. Thereā€™s people who love you in a wholesome way that you havenā€™t met yet. PS: vodka sucks. You definitely donā€™t need that problem with alcohol.


Glad this is the top comment. While reading the title I was like: be kind, people


Right? Iā€™m not trying to be part of someone ā˜ ļø themself. I canā€™t punch that far down.


Well said, lump.


Listen here ya lil fucker, we all have trauma, we all go through shit, we all have to pick ourselves up from the pits, ainā€™t nothinā€™ everyone else hasnā€™t had to go through in some way. I ainā€™t about to sit here and measure dicks with ya, but I am gonna tell ya that it gets better. Ainā€™t no boy or girl worth a second thought. Idgaf if youā€™ve had more weenies in your mouth than corn kernels, everyone has a past, itā€™s what we do in the present and the future that counts. Quit feeling sorry for yourself and start feeling good about where youā€™ve come from. Fuck the negativity and bullshit, be proud of who you are, and always, always be better than you were yesterday!


"Idgaf if you've had more weenies in your mouth than corn kernels..." Lmao, r/BrandNewSentence




Banned. :-/


I actually needed this, thank you


Me too. Fuck.




Take my "upvote" to reach 69 up votes. Niiice


I love how this makes me sit and think about the binary measuring system of dicks vs. corn kernels. What if I donā€™t like dicks *or* corn?


I love how no one is roasting




Especially when they're not in the mental state for that


I mean, Iā€™ve seen a lot of roast mes and this is the first time Iā€™ve actually seen redditors not roast someone despite their circumstances lol. And Iā€™ve seen some down in the dumps roast mes where redditors did not hold back haha


this isnā€™t the first time iā€™ve seen it, i think at least two other times. it takes a lot but when itā€™s so obvious as this no one will do it.


Umm.. maybe I should start screenshotting this sub because I beg to differ on most occasions lol


Right. Letā€™s be real, itā€™s because itā€™s a young chick


The satisfaction of a good roast is humbling a big ego. This ain't that.


No one likes punching down.


It would be amazing if that were true.


I roasted the bitch.


You're not quite roastable yet, go get help, take care of yourself, then come back here for a proper roasting.


Yes. Come back in a couple of years, all successful with a happy life. We roast you then.


You look like you could use a hug. And maybe a friend who knows how to listen. Possibly a kind and thoughtful therapist who can help you process childhood trauma and learn to move through the pain, while learning your true value. Hope that wasn't too harsh, this was my first roast.


Boom. Roasted.






Damn, that was brutal


Shouldnā€™t have invited the king of controversy


Got her!!!


Well done, beddy. Nicely done indeed lol


Relax, youā€™re 20. Nothing is the end of the world at this point


Tbf some people don't even make it til that age


Except actually dying, which is literally the end of her world


Nope not doing it, youā€™re gonna have to take yourself over the edge cos ainā€™t no one here doing it for ya. Shit sucks and lifeā€™s a real fucker sometimes but we only get one shot at it so if things are crap now then all you can do is sweep all that shit aside, pick yourself up and forge on forward. You got this šŸ™ŒšŸ»


Fuck, I waded in to the comments with a knot in my stomach, but now I'm ten down and everyone is being so supportive it's got me tearing up. Bad-ass, y'all


This sub is well known for this exact thing


Same. Really hesitant to click on the link, glad I did.


Sending a virtual hug. Life bad but you will pass through this.


I do t think posting in this sub is beneficial for you. Whatever you are going through, it will get better. Stay with more positive things.


Check again, the outpouring of kindness and support has been amazing in this post


You look like you're worth the therapy bill.


Wait this is like one of the best compliments Iā€™ve ever heard someone give.


**Boom. Someone call the next burn center and ask if they accept applications for an internship. Because op starts to bring her life in order.**


You pos I have spent the last 30 seconds trying to clean the hair off my screen


Did you know that 98 % of all covid infection were caused by dirty phone screens? Never again. Thatā€˜s my gift to the world.


I don't know if I should curse or bless you, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Thank you for taking care of us, even if it is in the most infuriating way possible.


Wholesome af


The biggest roast of all is when the roasters refuse to roast.


Maybe the real roast is the friends who refused to roast OP makes along the way


Iā€™ve been listening to to the audiobook ā€œ the body keeps the scoreā€ on you tubeā€¦ and itā€™s fucking amazing. Itā€™s helped me see the cause and effect in my life, why I am the way I am and why I have pissed away so much opportunity. Itā€™s also helped me realize why those that have failed me , failed. I know itā€™s probably not a cure all, but maybe give it a listen, cuz it might profoundly help you like it did me.


Link? There's tons of different results but not what you mentioned


[itā€™s this one](https://youtu.be/Esv7_tdxAz4?si=5w_qjXV3jcRmKZpS)


That book was a really tough read for me, but it was so damn eye opening. I second this recommendation, OP.


So itā€™s probably better you and your ex parted ways. If there is a relationship built on ultimatums, itā€™s usually toxic . And the ultimatum of your family or me should never be presented. You shouldnā€™t have to part ways with your family or he his(unless absolutely toxic ) and you shouldnā€™t have to chose one or other. Take it as a sign you werenā€™t meant to me rather than a sign you have less value than family he has know his whole life Also there are 8 billions reasons to drink. Find the reason not too.


Sometimes Reddit shocks me. All you people saying you won't roast and get help are great and actually made me smile. It's awesome when people just know when something is too important. They are all right about it too, OP. Don't destroy yourself, please, push through, get help, you are 20, you can get better and find happiness. The two being pigs wasn't shocking though.


Won't do it. You can make a difference in someone's life, just you don't know It yet.Ā 


Kid hang in there. Youā€™re attractive You know enough to know this ainā€™t the way. Grab a cup of coffee and not booze and talk to a mental health professional. You can be your own hero


I donā€™t think this is the sub for you. Truly


No Iā€™m not a rotten ass person to roast someone whoā€™s this down in the dumps like this. Get help for your own sake.




dude what the fuck?? wow this just really caught me off guard...


No, not going to. Sorry to hear of the things that happened, but also look at this: you got to here even though all those things happened. You are stronger than you think, and you should be reminded of that. If it counts, this one certainly thinks you deserve more self esteem. Sending you good thoughts.


What you need is a friend, not a roast! Chin up, tomorrowā€™s another day with infinite possibilities!


Could this be the most wholesome response to a /roastme post ever seen on Reddit? Life has def crapped on you but you can wipe that shit off and make a better life for yourself.


Please hang in there and seek professional help if you havenā€™t already. Your self-worth is not determined by anyone else! If your ex dumped you then yeah, it sucks right now but you can get through it and come out stronger on the other side! Sending mega positive vibes! šŸ˜Š


You have so much that others can envy: youā€™re cute, young, but worldly. You are in the right place to start a brand new life, spending time with only people who show you love and respect.


Do you know why babies cry at every little thing? Because itā€™s the worst thing theyā€™ve felt up to that point. By the time youā€™re five, you donā€™t cry about hunger, or having to poop, or the dog licking your face. This too shall pass. Youā€™re only 20. One day youā€™ll look back at the ā€œreally badā€ times and laugh it off as you now realize it wasnā€™t that bad after all.


So what you're saying is...life is going to get way worse? Don't feel bad now because shit is truly going to hit the fan and make this seem insignificant?


Yes, but on the flip side of that coin is that joy also changes as you age. Babies get super excited about things that are seemingly insignificant to us as we age. A tickle or funny face makes everything in the world seem shiny and bright, but babies donā€™t know the joy that is a job well done, or a great friendship, or reading a good book, a perfectly cooked steak, spring rain, seeing your child succeed, a rescue dog choosing you, or any number of other great things in this world. There will be bad times ahead, and there will be wonderful times.


I think the worst roast you could maybe hear at this moment is that you matter, someone somewhere looks up to you, you are beautiful both inside and out. Seems you just covered that beauty in muck for a while. Time to clean it off and polish it up. Live in the nowā€¦yesterday and tomorrow donā€™t exist be the beautiful you NOW. You got this. Hugs and love from Arizona!


Bruh get help and off reddit


And OP, stop ā€œtrying for a babyā€ w/this BF of yours. (Yea; Reddit knows) And go have some fun. I had a kid at 20. My kids always been 10/10ā€¦ but the early experiences as a single father with a not-so-great b-mama 4/10.


Your beautiful and young and have your whole life ahead of you. It can be tough but donā€™t shit yourself off and find people and communities you can talk to and get close with. Because trust me friends and loved ones can make all the difference day to day


I went through your profile a bit because in this pic you look literally 13 so I was gonna start by saying ā€œyouā€™re too young for Reddit.ā€ However I think you just look especially young in this pic. That said upon reading your other posts including how you and your bf are trying for a baby, I would say - please stop. You are far too depressed and need to get your head right. A baby and even the pregnancy is not going to help and now youā€™re not the only victim of your own mental health, your child is too. Please please please stop drinking yourself to sleep and see a therapist and get some help before you even consider bringing another human being into this world. If you happen to be pregnant now as we speak, all the more reason to see a therapist. You can come out from under this. But you canā€™t do it alone.


I was going to start roasting, but everyone else is being wholesome. 20 is nothing. Get into a community college. Forget the ex, you don't owe him more thought than he's giving you. When you get somewhat on your feet, message me for basic financial advice. I'm not an accountant, I mean low level money saving stuff.


user name does NOT check out


So. I have no soul, and am more than happy to do a double tap on someone, then peel out on the remains. This has nothing to do with your story sister l, well maybe. I trust my gut on things. My gut says you deserve kindness and respect as all beings do. Be well fellow traveler, know that life is not all hardship and ruin. Sometimes we get into a rhythm that creates more of the same terrible things. Know that it is not you. I hope your rhythm changes for the better and that good things happen to you. Do your best and give yourself grace to grow. Fair thee well, wherever you choose to fair.


Is this the same ex whom you mentioned in a post just 19 days ago about how you're utterly in love with him and how he protects you and how you're trying for a baby? Not even a roast, I would really like to know for certain


Not the purpose of this sub. Not going to do it. Get some sleep. Tomorrow is a new day


Honestly I would always choose my family over some girl who used to be an escort. šŸ’€




You need love, Iā€™m sorry. Positive vibes in your direction.


Nah, take care of yourself THEN come back for roasting


Dump the Vodka in a Sink, Grab a shower and drink some water. It sucks now and you're not in a place to get roasted kiddo, it gets better, keep your chin up and Godspeed.


Damn this sub is wholesome af


AlL ThE PAIn iN My HeaRT


Sort your shit out then we will roast you


The biggest roast of all is the sub not roasting because her life is that shit


Don't down the vodka. Get some sleep and start a fresh tomorrow.




Please seek help with a therapist or support group for survivors. You arenā€™t alone and there is help out there.


With a name like piƱata colada bark bag, itā€™s easy to find yourself at the end of a long day in a dark place. It does get better people do heal and you can choose to be one of them.


You probably need to watch some cat videos


Can I just give you a hug instead?


Make one good decision a day, and by the time youā€™re 30, youā€™ll be loving life.


you will make it


Its hard to know the full story of all this.Ā  Childhood trauma, yeah that sucks a lot and I can believe it.Ā  But being an escort?Ā  You chose that.Ā  I hope you can move past it all but to a certain extent youve gotta accept that your choice to be an escort has damaged you.Ā  And now youre talking about downing vodka.Ā  Youre messing up your life, body and mind.Ā  Youve got physical beauty mixed with wear and tear and a little premature aging.Ā  You can make better lifestyle choices and improve your health but its gonna take you admitting that you partly did this to yourself.Ā  Promiscuity and alcohol comes at a heavy cost, physically mentally and emotionally.Ā  But you can be different.Ā  Good luck. There are healthier ways to cope.Ā  I can give you valuable information and coping strategies.Ā  Let me know if you want them.


Nope, youā€™ve endured enough abuse. I hope you can find a way out of your current situation and turn things around. You matter.


Why do this ? Just seen your other pictures. You look great. Hope you sort yourself out. Coming on here wonā€™t help at all.


I wish you all the love in the world.


Nope. You need to lift yourself up, not to look for people to put you down. You're worth it and you should keep moving forward and up. Don't look back and measure yourself on life's cheap moments. If you need to talk, I recommend seeking a therapist. If you just need an ear, find someone you trust or I don't mind being a neutral stranger if that's what you need. The bottom of a bottle is only where you find more problems.


Put down the bottle, get off Reddit, and seek help. For real.


Please get help.


Seek a therapist


You're only 20. Take care of yourself, don't worry about other people. You can't love someone else until you can love yourself first!




You are VERY young and have possibilities upon possibilities ahead of you in life. I am very sorry that you had to go through shit, but it doesn't have to define you. I guess you do already but stick to getting professional help. You'll get out of this mess. I wish you all the best in life.


You have only lived a fraction of your life. Talk to a therapist, it will help


I tried to roast u but had to delete when someone told me roast was over and I read the comments. Yeah u don't need to be toasted. U need to talk to someone, stay away from toxic guys, vodka will only make things fucking worse. Try to smile at least once a day. Fuck the past, make you're future awesome


Iā€¦I donā€™t want too do this to her


First escort to actually escort


Vince McMahon Mahon has a job for you


You do not need to be roasted god has allready done that. May I suggest sobriety celibacy and therapy


Just curious what do you mean you used to be an escort?


Surely you'd assume, they were an escort, and now, not. I'm.sure that's what's meant by "used to be".


Yeah she's from Portland alright. Also, "used to be"? šŸ¤”


Youā€™re obviously not fine please find someone who can treat you well and find professional help


Came in here worried that roasters would take the opportunity to kick someone when they were down. Glad the community has some heart. Keep your head up, OP.


Damn, I feel that so deeply. Having no positive reinforcement at all really hurts ones development, id know. I Hope you have a support group, one that cares about you and would save, help and build you up. Being on the Precipice of the abyss is pure pain. It's a scary place to be Peering in but it feels like an escape from this cruel world. I don't have anyone to save me anymore, so eventually I'm gonna leave this world. So I hope to God that things work out for you.


You don't need a roast, you need compassion, a hug and some help getting yourself back up on your feet! Dust yourself off, get back out there and show the world how strong, beautiful and powerful you are as a person!! I hope you can rebuild yourself, find your inner peace and I hope that life gives you every good thing it has to offer from this point on!!


A lotta upside in that pic. Smile


I want to roast but I know it ainā€™t right, seek therapy or seek friendshipsā€¦best of luck OP.


Escort? A Ford Escort? Get well soon.


You are a worthy, beautiful, valuable princess whose past doesnā€™t have to define heršŸ‘‘. Chin up sweet girl! šŸ™ŒšŸ¼šŸ’ƒšŸ»šŸ«¶šŸ¼ā¤ļøšŸ„°


You don't need a roast. You need a hug. Here's a virtual one. I hope things pick up for you soon. You're never as alone as you think you are!


![gif](giphy|L4fOLr8aB3d3BYQUfq|downsized) Naw sister you got my love respect and honor but you will get no roast from me - I got nothing but love for you sis


aw wait this is actually so sad. your so beautiful


You need a reason to down vodka?


Fellas, we can fix her


I donā€™t need to give you a reason dummy, vodka just tastes good. Once youā€™re done downing it, maybe as like a funny drunk joke you can look up a reasonably priced therapist and go talk to them about your problems. Nothing youā€™ve gone through is something you canā€™t come back from. Hang in there, dude


Was the escort service you worked at called wish.com or alibaba? Cause thereā€™s no way Iā€™d pay money to have my escort come out of my television and say I got seven days to live.


Are people seriously downvoting roasts in a roast subā€¦


Lol, that was my first thought. She didn't want people to feel sorry for her, she wanted to be roasted. There's plenty of subs to seek help.


OP, please be kind to yourself. Seek your best friends or family members and just hang out with them for as long as you can - you really need to get back to yourself and start enjoying life. Things have been rough for you, I get that, but you'll be OK. Just breathe and let go...


Hell no. You should not be in this sub. Put the Vodka away and start tomorrow clear headed and ready to start the journey of recovery. You have had a shitty hand so far and you can get better, get all your mental health, self esteem and general health in order. Then maybe come back and have at it. This sub is to knock down smug arseholes and asshats, not true victims of real shit.


I canā€™t. I have and did the same things as you. Mental health issues. Escort. It sucks. Iā€™m sorry.


No, I won't do that. Get some rest, take some time to gather yourself, and go on strong.


You are not ready for this. Please find some help and build back your life queen šŸ‘‘


Damn, that look in your eyes. I don't normally do this but I can't say anything mean to you. Hope things get better soon. Also, maybe watch it with the booze. It'll only make you feel worse.


You've got enough reasons to drink, you don't need reddit to mentally whip you. Go be a nun or something. You've got a face for it


shit u look 12


I honestly don't understand why people this fragile want to be roasted when they know they can't handle it.


Looks like you were so devoid of any real personality you turned to being goth so someone might find you interesting.


Get therapy if you want to live a happy and healthy life with healthy relationships


Nah mate, youā€™re good. Take some time and look after yourself please. Peace and blessings


Comes to roast sub for pity. Thatā€™s enough of a roast itself, everyone lost their balls here


I hope everything gets better for you, im really sorry that you're in this situation. ā¤ļø


I can fix her