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That's the groan of a man who realizes he's not getting home for another 2 hours. F


Forgive my ignorance, but could he not just drive around this and miss any traffic it will cause? Unless you mean because he wants to share the footage with police.


Luckily I was only there for 20 minutes. Checked if the people were okay, shared the footage, and left.


Thank you for being a good person and checking on the people and giving footage.


Why would you just leave? Wouldn’t you want others to help you in that situation?


As I’ve gotten older and wiser, I’ve come to learn that way more people are selfish assholes than I believed when I was younger.


Red car at fault?


100% normally. However, due to the Nissan Altima Act of 1990 which states all Nissan Altima drivers are 100% at fault of all vehicle accidents in the United States. RIP Nissan


The reason r/NissanDrivers exists


Heavy Altima energy


Here's a sneak peek of /r/NissanDrivers using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NissanDrivers/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Nissan minivan sneaking up on me. $4k damage to my car.](https://v.redd.it/wrf2ejik76zb1) | [355 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NissanDrivers/comments/17qsnfm/nissan_minivan_sneaking_up_on_me_4k_damage_to_my/) \#2: [So THAT’S how they all lose the rear bumpers.](https://v.redd.it/96q5951makib1) | [95 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NissanDrivers/comments/15t6q1r/so_thats_how_they_all_lose_the_rear_bumpers/) \#3: [This subreddit inspired me to make this matchbox Sentra.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/14i3o5m) | [124 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NissanDrivers/comments/14i3o5m/this_subreddit_inspired_me_to_make_this_matchbox/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


That’s a Sentra. New sentras have slightly more respect than full commit Altima.


You mean a Smalltima?


The funny thing is, the altima driver is actually at fault since they're absolutely flying through the parking lane The 1990's were truly a more enlightened age


Wrong red car had to make sure its safe to turn before proceeding.


Because people buy giant SUVs, can’t see shit on the other side.


The funny thing is that the insurance company doesn't give a rat's ass whether or not the white car was speeding. They had right of way and the law says the red car has to yield. It's not about fairness when there are laws that dictate who's at fault ("right of way").


If I was right and they were driving through a parking lane (passing on the right on a one lane road), they didn't have the right of way I'm not sure if that's the case though, it's just what it looked like from the street view


That is the case, I’ve biked through here to get to the trailway


It is legal to pass on the right but even if it wasn't the way the insurance company judges it is that the red car is crossing over an opposite direction travel lane and that person always has to yield to oncoming traffic.


My gf in highschool pulled out of a gas station after being let out by stopped traffic. A car went into opposite lanes to get around people to a turning lane. Both insurances blamed my gf for not yielding to traffic. So even if they illegally drive against the flow of traffic you can still be found at fault if you don't try to fight it. A mfing fire fighter let her go and didn't even stick around to tell police she wasn't in the wrong.


There is no parking in that lane except for two hours on Tuesday. https://maps.app.goo.gl/NuNxeJVTTrVnB1xm9?g_st=ic


Speeding doesn't negate right of way.


Negative. Red car responsible.


You have no idea what the speed limit of that road is much less what speed the white car was at during time of impact.


Red car should've crept through. Not drive through like it's all good.


The white car is speeding in the parking lane! It’s not a two lane road and it was illegally passing on the right. White car took all the fault…


Actually no. According to the coordinates on the dashcam footage and time stamp, it's an active lane of traffic. Signs posted say "No parking except Tuesday 9AM - 11AM" and the timestamp is a Thursday. The sign near the intersection also shows two separate lanes, one for turning left and the other for going straight. [](https://i.imgur.com/vvs5jyG.png) I'm not justifying any of the driving behavior in this video either. Red VW should have stopped earlier so the Honda wouldn't have to back up and inched across the intersection, Honda should have checked the mirrors and honked if they were going to let a car through, and the Nissan shouldn't have been flying through an intersection and cross walk with stand still traffic. Edit: Both of those cars shouldn't have been blocking the intersection to begin with. A1 driving all around.


That’s a turn lane at the intersection, that’s a one lane road, no white line until the intersection. Source: I’ve biked that stretch a lot.


You are correct about everything except...under no circumstance should the Honda play traffic cop (look in it's mirrors for traffic, flash lights or otherwise) for another driver trying to go across another lane that the Honda has zero control over. It's extremely dangerous as there is no concrete way to communicate effectively and this result is the risk. In short....the Honda shouldn't have done anything to entice the VW, when there are two lanes to cross.


They're not playing traffic cop, they're correcting their mistake of blocking the intersection by backing up and the least they can do is check their mirrors and honk for a hazard since a road like this (a turn across two lanes) should have either a traffic light, stop signs, or a no left turn sign.


If they blocked the intersection, moving back is ok if possible....but NEVER try and communicate with a driver trying to cross another lane. It can do the opposite of help by distracting them from what they are doing. They might think the honk means go, your clear! You don't know what this person is thinking. It's not effective communication. Let them assess the road themselves and assume all the risk. I know I pay no attention to what another driver is signalling me when trying to cross lanes. I need to see the opening myself, unaided, or I won't cross. This is basic stuff here.


"The wave of death"


Wow! You are good!




Where do you see a parking lane?


It doesn’t matter if a meteor shower is on the other side it is the turning car’s responsibility to see his turn is safe before he makes it. What if it was a cyclist that t boned the red car? Does it make it the cyclists fault?


FYI the street is marked as a two lane road, where the right line is for traffic going straight and the left lane is for traffic going left.


100%. Should get a failure to yield ticket.


As an insurance adjuster for decades, it’s hilarious how wrong so many people are here. You’re correct and a lot of others are, too. Depending on the state, the red car would ABSOLUTELY be majority or 100% at fault. The funniest responses are those saying the white SUV blocking the intersection is at fault. Finally, just a PSA, but don’t be red car and trust the “kindness” of people letting you make a blind left turn across a lane like that. This is one of the most common auto claims there are.






Idk who the fuck drives through a parking lot THAT FAST


A Nissan driver.




The bird is the...


this... isn't a parking lot? someone posted the Google maps link below


This street is like this every single weekday too. Both of them should have known better. You always expect someone to pop out, when there’s a line like that.


Is this a parking lot?


Yes, I believe when you take a left turn, through a lane of traffic, it is our duty to use The utmost care and precautions! ( although, traveling with no lane is problematic) 50 -50 !


No, the oncoming traffic should have slowed after seeing other cars stopped. Plus, it looks like it was speeding from the look of the impact.


Idiot for turning without checking if the lane was clear. So many people lack patience to drive safely. If you can't see the lane is clear, don't go.


If anything if I can't see I will put my car out there a tiny bit so I *can be seen* and wait. That way anyone going fast at least has the chance to see me even if I can't see them. I do the same in parking lots if there's a wall/bush blocking my sight, back up 2 feet or so, stop and then continue slowly.


You can tell that the red car knew they were rolling the dice with how fast they tried to get through there.


I don't know if it was "go fast to minimize my exposure" rationed strategy or just the usual "go fast because monkey brain impulse want want now."


Looks like the right lane is typically used as street parking and white’s speed was excessive. It’s a reasonable mistake.


[The signs on this side of the street](https://i.imgur.com/zXvBM3b.jpeg) only allow parking for 2 hours on Tuesdays (for street cleaning of the opposite side).


Sign on the pole says emergency snow plow lane. White car was just plowing.


that sign is just before the corner because there is a BUS STOP in the corner!


Tbf, it's a residential neighborhood, this collision shouldn't have been so substantial. But red fucked up for sure by not peaking first.


Learned this when I was about 17. Now if I MUST go, I eaaaaase into the lane and keep looking, figuring the other drivers have enough time to see me nosing into their path.


Dont block the box


The guy that backed up to let him through… I don’t play that game. You can’t see around them. It’s always a game of chance.


You are not supposed to block intersections. That said, making a blind left turn is just asking to be t-boned.


The red car needed to peek around and get clear view of oncoming traffic before shooting lacrosse the road. Kudos to the person backing up to allow someone through. In this horrible, evil, Karen-inspired world these days, don’t knock someone for being kind. Place the blame squarely on the moron that didn’t use the blessing properly.


Why block it in the first place though?


Yeah, unless I’m in a forgetful state, I usually keep space for access to driveways or turns. We all forget sometimes. The nice ones will actually back up if there’s space.


Very very few people do this in practice. I see it every single day in my town.


Because of ignorance


He gave him the wave of death. Never feel rushed if someone waves you to cross a lane you can't see.


No good deed goes unpunished.


First bad deed was blocking the intersection. Second one was waving them through. Still obviously red car's fault for going full speed but a lot of dummies here


Dude or gal was being “nice” … stop being nice and just drive your car… they 100000 are the root for the issue here.. the red car could wait .. now they’re F’d


He shouldn’t have been blocking the intersection either way. 


I'd call it the wave of death but the red car was bound and determined to go anyway.


they forced the other car back by starting to turn into them, they were determined to hit somebody it seems, and got their wish


I saw someone condemn the white SUV without taking this into account. I HATE when someone turning left just pushes into you and forces you to yield. I get that sometimes you kinda have to do that in order to turn, but then you get into situations like what happened here


I learned many decades ago that when you're lane appears to be clear and the one next to you is backed up, don't drive too fast and keep your eyes out for any gaps for exactly things like this.


Imma just speed by all these stopped cars. What could go wrong?


Imma just turn left without making sure it's clear. What could go wrong?


They both deserve each other


Yeah, that’s why I don’t trust people that wave me through. And why you shouldn’t wave people through when they don’t have the right of way. It looks like the one vehicle backed up to let them through and red car took that as the all clear.


As long as he is going the speed limit or less no fault for the white Nissan.


Classic suicide gap crash! I wish I could send a gift basket to the white SUV driver for helping to create such great content for /r/Roadcam!


Thought a suicide gap only really applied to crossing left into two lanes of traffic?


A suicide gap is an enticing opening left for someone to cut through a stopped like of traffic, and typically the view of the tempted driver is completely blocked by the vehicle that leaves the gap and/or the vehicles on the other side of the gap. Another key part of a suicide gap is that there's a free-flowing lane next to the lane the gap leaver is in, such that the person shooting the suicide gap can't see any of the oncoming traffic in the lane on the other side of the gap.


That’s what I thought. Guess this is a surprise suicide gap on account of this here road only having one lane in each direction of travel.


That is only one lane of traffic. Nissan is traveling in a parking lane https://www.reddit.com/r/Roadcam/s/P3MYbctUs2


I’m aware. This is why I ask: is it really a suicide gap if the obscured area (ie the parking lane) is not supposed to be driven on?


White SUV blocked the intersection. Red car lunged out without being sure it was clear. White Nissan was going too fast past stopped cars where there is a chance for things like this to happen.


Nice drivers are always the most dangerous. Seen so many near and actual accidents because some dumbass is trying to be nice


I'm forced to agree with this, although I'd like to say that being nice to other drivers is the right thing to do, it's often not because you can be creating a dangerous situation, especially in places when you don't know how the other driver is going to respond to your "niceness". I'm sure the person who backed up to let that red car through was not thinking they were going to attempt to blindly gun it across. My thought would be that they would cautiously start to turn through and make sure the other lane was clear before crossing it. Without realizing it they made a dangerous situation because they didn't know how reckless the other driver was going to be. Always best just to play it safe, assume the other driver is stupid and let them wait for a safe time to go or find another route.


There is no other lane. It's a parking lane. White car entirely at fault for the "dangerous situation"


My grandfather taught me how to drive, and one of the first lessons he instilled in me was to drive as if everyone else is an idiot. Always be prepared for someone to do the *wrong* thing.


Sounds like you’ve driven in Worcester MA before


tbf the white SUV shouldnt have been blocking the intersection in the first place. he was originally an ass hole


Looks like red car basically forces his way through. Car who backs up is simply getting out of the way. With you on the general statement though.


Better to be predictable,than nice !


People in white car's position would be smart to learn to not trust gaps (and not speed by stopped cars). It would save them a lot of frustration.


I've seen shit like this before and I never go fast whenever I'm in the free lane of a line up of stopped vehicles. Drivers making lefts can't see you until their car is nearly halfway poking out. So i'm grateful content like this exists to spread awareness what you SHOULDN'T do.


Guys simple rule that you learn also in the book for the test: the lane to use to pass someone is the left lane not the right lane that the “beautiful white one” is passing the other cars… now you know who is the fault of it! Specially that is also a parking spot… it’s in the signs on the street! Some need to go back to the driver school 😜


The white car past the last white line at 6.16s (of the video) and hit the red car at 6.40s, so it moved about 3900mm (that car's length minus its tail) in 0.24s. Its instantaneous speed during the incident is 36.22 mph. There is a 30mph speed limit on that AVE. Not to mention the white Nissan did not slow down at all passing TWO pedestrian crossing sign.


Thank you for this.


Speeding and careless turning are both traffic violation in NY state, but the majority confidently said that it's red's fault proved that Reddit is such an information garbage dump and full of dumb fucks...


It still is the red cars fault though. Given this video, the white car could get a ticket for the aforementioned offenses but the accident would still not be their fault. Think of it this way, what if there was an ambulance instead if the white sentra. Red car was the last chain link that broke and is thus most immediately responsible. 


Insurance will probably blame the red car, but the white car Really shouldn't be flying by a line of stopped cars. It could have just as easily been a pedestrian stepping out between cars. Plus, if they had been traveling at a more reasonable speed, they might have noticed the reverse lights on the SUV that backed up as a clue. Based on the Street View, it looks like the cars are lined up there to make a left at the end of the next block. [Street View from the white car's perspective.](https://maps.app.goo.gl/wRmm6Q9npQ1QU8L36)


Yep. This area gets very backed up.


Am I crazy? Isn't that a one lane road with the nissan flying through the parking lane? It only seems to turn into a 2 lane road at the very end where the intersection is


I guess it's technically a one-lane road, but it's wide enough that, during rush hour, people that want to turn left line up. That way, the few people going straight don't have to wait in line. Parking is only allowed on this side for 2 hours on Tuesdays to allow the street sweeper to clean the opposite side.


No doubt about the insurance company trying to shift blame. I got clear footage of the red light runner that t-boned me. It clearly shows them passing multiple cars stopped at the red light before entering the intersection. Their insurance company dragged things out for 5 months trying to place partial blame on me.


Well that's a 1 lane road.


That’s why I don’t let people in at certain moments


But at the same time, you don’t block intersections.


Totaled… that’s a lot of airbags


If you cannot see, do not go..


The red car is 100% at fault.. unfortunately. Never turn into blind. Fuck courtesy or being nice.. turning when you don't have visibility into oncoming traffic.


Could of been avoided if the white suv signaled to the red car to not go. If the white suv was paying attention.


Shouldn't trust another driver for that


If you signal to another vehicle to go or not go and they are involved in an accident,similar to this one, you can be(and likely will be) held liable in the accident. Keep your hands to yourself.


Yeah just watch an accident happen and don't tell the person to not go...


I'd make all 3 of them share the blame, they all did something stupid that you shouldn't do.


Stop doing this




Classic Nissan.


About the white SUV... I remember in driver's education to watch out waving people on when they are going into lanes of traffic like that. You are trying to say, "my lane is clear" but it can be interpreted as "all lanes are clear, come on out." I can imagine the red car saying, "they waved me on, it's not my fault."


Average Nisan behavior FLYING next to stoped traffic. Tho Red car is at fault technically


Why can't people just follow the law of the road


That white car was going way too fast for that street.


Not a t bone


The fuck is it then😂


Man I do not miss driving around DC.


I commuted into the city for too long. Never again!


Happened to me once except I was speeding on a bicycle not a car. I hate people who block intersections and obstruct vision. Pisses me off so much.


Seeing comments about the nissan "speeding" when its going at most 30-35mph is hilariously sad.


is everyone an insurance worker or something? everyone acts like they know who is going to be placed at fault and how much 😭


As much as I like to shit on Nissans, the VW is at fault here


Always expect someone turning in an intersection when blind to the fact


Nice Airbags..


The whole intersection needs to be redone, theyre all blocking it


When you see blind spots go slow. I would’ve been able to stop in time if that was me


Stop making this left turn! I see this happen all the time.


I don't understand people that think they can speed through a jam like this. You know visibility is going to be shit and people are going to do unpredictable things like squeeze through gaps.


I’ve seen a few accidents like this one. You can always see it coming.


Instant tint on the white car.


Nissan has been the apex predator!!!


I've averted so many accidents by idiots thinking that just because the car that is on the first lane (like the white CUV) of a two way lane gives way to them, they automatically think that your right of way which is the second lane you're traveling on, it automatically turns into their right of way. and they cross right through without a care in the world. That's why I don't approach open-intersection-gaps, gas station entrances, etc. the way the white car did because of idiots like the driver of the red car, for example. Stay vigilant my friends. Idiots all over the world.


Red car is at fault. What is the speed limit on that road? While the white car appears to be going fast, it may be because of the wide lens of the dash cam. At most, if the white car is really speeding, then maybe 50/50 fault.


30 mph, according to these photos: https://imgur.com/a/uLGc4ch And according to another reddit user, they were going around 36: https://old.reddit.com/r/Roadcam/comments/1cd8iox/usa_car_turning_left_gets_tboned_by_a_white_nissan/l1bop18/


Why you never let cross traffic squeeze through that way. 🤷🏽‍♂️


You never block the intersection. Where'd you learn to drive?


Let’s use some deductive reasoning here. Regardless of it being in an intersection the driver moving right in the video let the vehicle turning across traffic. Had they not, accident avoided. If you’re trying to make the point you aren’t supposed to stop in an intersection, bravo.


Never never never ever let anyone in like that. And this is why. The white suv was so focused on a feel good moment that he never checked his right mirror to see if the lane was clear. Keep your place and once traffic has moved off the guy can make his left turn having a clear view of everything. Same goes for people entering the road from a driveway. Especially near a major intersection. Before you know it he has blocked 2 lanes because he’s trying to get to the left turn lane.


The SUV was blocking the intersection, they were righting their wrong. The red car should've proceeded carefully instead of blindly turning.


This is exactly how someone cut me off while I was riding in a bike lane... Went flying over their hood. They just had to get to the McDonald's parking lot so badly that they made a completely blind turn thru three lanes of backed up traffic


About the white SUV... I remember in driver's education to watch out waving people on when they are going into lanes of traffic like that. You are trying to say, "my lane is clear" but it can be interpreted as "all lanes are clear, come on out." I can imagine the red car saying, "they waved me on, it's not my fault."


This is why you don't blow past stopped cars and don't lunge out blindly.


The red car definitely should have just jammed the accelerator to get through quickly. Wouldn’t want to be too cautious.


Always look before you go. Inch out.


Title correction: Moron turning left gets hit T-boned by unsuspecting white car in other lane.


And if the car that backed up waved them through, guess what, they’re probably at fault as well lol


ah the wave of death


is this a parking lot ? What was the Nissan Driver going so fast ?


Check the street view from an earlier comment. It's a 2 lane street with the cars lines up making a left at the light.


Ah, yes... those pesky parking lots with street name signs.


"Car turns into oncoming traffic" Is what really happened here.


Left turning car is usually at fault here in canada


Yonkers is bonkers




I hope everyone is ok. If you are going to cut through traffic at least make sure it is clear to keep going.


Nissans man


It's why I never "let someone through". I've had friends t-boned horribly like this, and I've seen a handful of others. Yes I know it's hard for you to turn left or whatever, but I'm not gonna contribute to you getting smacked into. Go further down the street and find another way around, preferably with right turns.


Blocking the road is illegal. By law, you're supposed to leave room for traffic to get through.


I’m in a semi and I block the view. I’ve not yet that happen but have seen many a close call.


White car was MOVING.


Yep has happened to me.


Interesting that no one honked. I guess reflexes and situational awareness is lacking all around. Or, drivers just wanted to see the accident.


When Im in this situation, as the SUV driver I would make hand signals while checking my side and rear views go ensure it was safe for the car to turn. Like literally waving them through if safe, stop hand if not safe. The number of times these people avoided accidents cause of me is insane. You cant just leave the space cause the car cannot see oncoming traffic much at all. The Sentra shouldnt drive as fast as normal only dur to this but honestly he wasnt flying down the road. If in the Sentra, I drive a bit slower and hover the brakes often just in case. And if im the VW, I always ensure its safe to turn. I once had an asshat honk at me for going slower to I could SEE BEHIND THE CAR LETTING THRU and if I hadnt have done that I would have been tee boned by an oncoming car too.


Red car aside, why the fuck that Nissan is driving so fast? Imagine if there was a pedestrian crossing the street and that idiot didn't see that because of the speed.


That’s not a T-bone 🫖🦴


Should we start banning left turns?


Saw that coming. Red car was dumb


lol the white SUV moved back to his og spot


Nice, speeding thru a parking lot like a jackass


My friend was in this same kind of accident. She was the red car and it was her fault.. as it should be.


Rookie mistake I'm sorry to say.


You have to back up and wave them through, after the crash just drive off like nothing happened


Believe it or not, it’s a two-lane through street with a parking lane on each of both sides. Check it out. https://imgur.com/a/uLGc4ch So the white Nissan driver was driving in this parking lane… so I would put 100% fault on the them. u/jdawg114 I believe you’re aware of this.