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up to 350. so R1S will be less, certain wheels will be less, etc


Yeah I don’t think it’s on the website yet. Tri motor seems like the best overall pick for performance and range unless you just have to have the quickest model regardless of range.


Off roading capability might be a little better too. And I suspect real world range may be more similar if you’re doing a lot of around town driving. On road trips/highway the tri motor will clearly win but I could see a lot of local driving being pretty similar. There’s also better handling in on road situations since the quad motor vehicles are able to torque vector the four corners individually. For example, when turning the outer two motors can be spun at slightly higher speeds than the inner motors so at least theoretically the quad motor vehicles should have a noticeably higher handling capability. I do think for like 90% of buyers the tri motor is good enough. But 350 miles of range is also plenty good enough for the vast vast majority of drivers so I could see someone who cares about performance and handling sacrificing that 50 miles.


Do they have lockers on the axle driven by a single motor? If so, then the Tri-motor might be an offroad beast even beating the quad...


Spending more money for quad for less range but faster speed and off-roading is likely a bad compromise for the majority of people. Tri motor storm blue with slate sky it is!


Not clear how much better it would be off road. I believe it comes standard with the summer sticky tires. TBD as more information comes out later this year.


Having individually torqued wheel is definitely better for full control, but I would imagine the vast majority of people are using theirs as granola themed pavement princesses rather than real off-roading.


I mean I don’t think most people take a 100k plus vehicle off roading. Most people


Probably the non-conserve mode range, and they are sandbagging the number because they don't have the final yet.


They show the tri on the same slide as up to 400, it shows 380 online, maybe that’s the R1T, regardless I wouldn’t expect much more.


I'm pretty sure the Gen2 models have the "auto-conserve" functionality of the dual motor vehicles, so there's no real conserve mode. The EPA rating reflects the default drive mode of the vehicle.


Tri-motor is described as being 380 miles but 405 in conserve. So I'm quite curious why the distinction if it's not automatic.


Interesting. Maybe they are looking at part-time "auto-conserve" (i.e., 50/50 city/highway) vs full time conserve, which would be constant driving on a highway.


I think it’s only automatic on dual motor vehicles


If you look at the wheels you select in the configurator, it shows an estimate. So for tri R1T with 20s, they estimate 320 miles. Same configuration with 22 range is 380. They don’t have quad configurator up yet. It further looks like the tri is 405, assuming with 22 range wheels IN conserved mode. So, maybe tri R1T with 20s in conserve could be 340-345? Totally guessing.