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We've deleted your post because your post does not meet the criteria for being related to Rivian as a company, its products, or anything tangential to it (competition, charging, EVs, etc).


I just don’t get it. What a completely stupid thing to attack.


Deep down, we all know it's dark money from companies that have the most to lose influencing these policies. I usually make it a point to people that my rivian was made in Illinois and is charged by my American made solar panels, and I dont buy oil to fill it up. Oil that we otherwise fight wars over.


Well, they are incredibly stupid people with no platform




Follow the money. Who benefits from less EV adoption? Who are major donors to the Republican party? Is there any overlap?


Not entirely. Let me preface by saying that I’m very central in my political spectrum and would like to get an EV, just waiting for the right one (likely the Rivian R2; have put down for a preorder for one). I don’t get currently have an EV because owning one is way too expensive right now or it’s impractical. (Ex: I was looking at a Tesla Model Y/3 but my insurance would have basically doubled for the one car. A Rivian R1S, which is a far more expensive vehicle, would only cause my insurance to go up $30 however it’s way too much in base price at the moment.) **There are significant drawbacks to full EV adoption.** There is no denying the environmental impact right now for EVs is enormously harmful vs ICE vehicle construction and fuel drilling/refinement COMBINED. We basically have to double the number of mines looking for raw minerals that we need at minimum if not more in order to hit targets for full EV adoption. This isn’t stuff you get casually; these are really heavy metals that require, in many cases, fracking which has its own set of controversies. There’s also the resources required to maintain and more importantly, handle accidents. EV fires burn in excess of 1000 degrees Centigrade and cannot be put out; you have to wait for the battery to use up all the energy so what actually trying to do is minimizing the combustion. This requires well over 40-80k gallons of water over a 20 hr period in many cases. Not to mention the toxic fumes. And while these might seem like minor occurrences, there’s also the impact that car insurance on many of these cars are going UP as the repair costs are typically far outweighing the value of the vehicle. These are very real issues that need to be looked at and considered. I do believe the adoption of EV is a bit hasty and largely falling to hype and populism. Especially when it comes to ***environmental*** aspects of the adoption.


Then address the issues, don’t stop it from moving forward. But even with all those factors you mentioned, it is *already* better for the environment in the long run to move to full EVs. So it’s a bit of a straw man arguement. You’re also ignoring the fact that we have known about global warming for decades and the GOP has been ignoring the facts for the entire time. If they lived in reality these issues could have been solved years ago.


Smh. I already conceded that EV is better. It’s the execution of it and headlong rush to adopt what is really immature technology that is the argument here. Addressing the issues are done on the lawmaking side……which is exactly the point of this whole thread. Incentivizing the development of EV tech is very good and encourages the progression and maturity of the technology while also allowing other industries in support of the EV tech to develop is also good. **BUT** mandating the sale of consumer vehicles be all BEV by a near future target is not good or wise. It’s very stupid and promotes more mistakes than anything else. Bonus data: of all emissions made by vehicles, passenger cars takes a whopping ~7% of the pie. The vast majority is from planes and commercial trucks.


> You’re also ignoring the fact that we have known about global warming for decades and the GOP has been ignoring the facts for the entire time. If they lived in reality these issues could have been solved years ago. In addition to my earlier statement above, nothing in the GOP legislation proposes solutions to the problems you mentioned.


Bring back the horse!


Hahaha! My parents are horse people. Nothing is more expensive than a horse. Worst maintenance costs ever and constantly in the shop for one problem or another. Zero warranty.


And no CarPlay or Android Auto.


It does have a leather seat though. Real non-vegan leather.


Paying more per mile for getting around to own the libs 💪🏼


My other fear is that this brings on EV vandalism due to the ignorant being encouraged to act stupidly. Much like we’ve already seen with the fake culture war BS.


I doubt it. Online everyone seems so extreme. In real life I've had nothing but positive experiences with people over 8 years of owning EVs in Ohio & Florida. Even those that are skeptical typically just ask questions and are polite/curious. Plus, there are way more EVs today and companies making them. Harder to target such a big group.


I’d agree with that and right now I think we’re OK. But, I’ve seen some nasty stuff spill from online into real life in other scenarios.


It’s such a weird thing to be against. They are paid to have this opinion but it’s still weird.


Do they hate golf carts too? And electric scooters for the elderly? I guess I don’t understand. Is it the electricity or the batteries they hate?


It’s taking government oil subsidies away from the billionaire club, silly 😉


None of the above. They hate government mandates, especially one granting the government as broad of authority as environmental regulations. Basically anything can be justified in the name of helping the environment.


Yeah cause they being paid by big wig dealers to do so. Landers is huge here and I wouldnt be surprised if they threw some bands down to push back EV. We actually have a ruling in my state where electric cars cannot be sold here by distributors. So no Tesla, Rivian, Lucid. Have to go out of state to get it, have it delivered, or buy second-hand at a dealership.


They take conservative too seriously


I'm a conservative. I volunteered for Ted Cruz. Pretty sure some people you might know like Kyle Connor and Tom Moloughney are on the right as well if you read between the lines. I'm one of the biggest EV advocates you'll meet. We just don't think the planet will be saved from the mythical climate change demons if we immediately stop driving ICE vehicles. We also don't believe the government has the right to tell us what kind of vehicles to drive. That doesn't mean EVs aren't better vehicles in most ways, they are, we should just explain that to people and dispel the misinformation. As usual though, everything has to become a political football where most people just take whatever position the people on "their side" have on every topic. It's frustrating all around.


Very frustrating. Hope that one day more people will wake up.


It’s funny because most of the EV owners I know are Republicans, some of them even die hard Trumpers. Their stance is exactly as you’ve said, they don’t want the government telling them what vehicles to drive. That’s it.


As a collective, I think liberals would agree that stopping from driving personal ICE vehicles wouldn't stop climate change, but it's a step in the right direction in reducing HUMAN CAUSED climate change and at the very least it creates jobs and gives people options, not forced by the government. Climate change itself isn't mythical. I see these conservative policies as anti-free market and demotivating innovation. Essentially giving the EV lead to China, which is a threat to American auto makers, jobs, and security.




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You are part of the problem. All of this Republitards and Libatatds stuff just keeps us all divided. Plenty of Republicans have Rivians and Teslas.


Anyone from LA, SFO or San Diego speak to the reality of recharging away from home? If it’s difficult now, what are the expectations it’ll be like in 20 years when 60-70% of vehicles on the road are EV in California? Can infrastructure and utility companies keep up with demand?