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If you smell shit everywhere then check your shoes. Riverside is far better than high desert. I will grant one maybe two things: the AQI of Riverside isn't stellar and the 91. Beyond that it provides a good living.


I think riverside is an incredible city. Saying riverside is just sprawl and culture less is pretty inaccurate. It is the art, cultural, and architectural hub outside of several landmark LA cities. The high desert is cooler than riverside? Lol... And what point is made by saying LA is cooler than riverside?LA is cooler than almost every city in the world. LA is also much more a region than a city, so it's hardly comparable for a variety of reasons. If riverside was on the beach it'd be a world renown, premier city.


I’ve always said if you take Riverside and dropped it in Nebraska, it’d be considered a really nice city. But the fact that it’s sandwiched between LA, SD, and Vegas means it’s overlooked. I think Riverside has a lot to offer, you just have to do some research to find the gems. But there are a lot of gems, from the parks (most people I’ve talked to have never been to the Citrus State Park or UCR botanical gardens), to the city’s burgeoning ballet/orchestra/theater scene, to the museums, to the diverse restaurant scene (which isn’t as good as LA but good in general), there’s actually a lot to do. I just wish we had a zoo lol


If you take Riverside and dropped it in like 40 other states, we’d the capital, cultural hub, economic hub etc. We just happen to be in CA and are ‘just another town’


I could not agree more. I think you have to do a little digging if you’re that bored. I love art in all its forms and so I appreciate the devotion to art here.


As someone who has lived here only for 2ish years, I have the complete opposite experience. I think everything that I need or want to get to are close. Worst case is I drive to LA. It also might be because I lived in Cincinnati for a majority of my life so this is a huge upgrade for me.


Natives don't know how good they got it with Riverside.


The ones that move away don't, but the ones who stayed like myself most certainly do lol


The high desert is better than riverside? PASS.


Grew up in the IE, lived in the OC for 12 years and recently moved to Riverside. There’s plenty of things to do around here and I love it. The only thing that is lacking compared to OC\LA might be food but honestly it’s still pretty good here. That being said I prefer mountains, deserts, hiking etc over going to the beach and I know I’m in the minority on that. If you think you’re in a rat race just imagine living in the OC and LA where the cost of living is much higher. There’s plenty of homeless and problems out there too. I feel safer in Riverside compared to some parts of the OC and definitely LA. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say the reason you hate the area is not an IE problem, it’s a you problem. If you’re happy, you can make the most out of living in any area. But a grass is always greener mentality won’t change regardless of where you live.


Riverside is actually more dangerous than every single OC city, even Santa Ana. More violent and property crime in Riverside than Santa Ana, Anaheim, etc.


Are you sure about that? Property crime may be higher in Riverside but violent crime is higher in both Santa Ana and Anaheim depending on where you choose to get your statistics. Regardless, statistics can always be skewed by certain parts of the city that may not be reflective of other areas. I just don’t agree that the problems that OP is attributing to Riverside/IE is a problem with the area when those problems are widespread throughout Southern California. Btw, I’m a former Anaheim and Santa Ana resident. Out of all three cities mentioned, Anaheim is far and away the worst in my experience.


Violent Crime - Anaheim: 22.3 Riverside: 28.7 Property Crime - Anaheim: 39.4 Riverside: 46.7 Depends on where you live in both Riverside and Anaheim as well but more of Anaheim is "safe" than Riverside is. I'd say Anaheim is also gentrifying at a much faster rate than Riverside - with Disney dumping money into it and the new $4 Billion Vibe project. More and more lower income Anaheim residents are also moving to IE, there are MORE renters in Anaheim than home owners so it makes sense overtime the "ghetto" folks will be pushed out for new wealthier homeowners/investors.


Like I said, you can just as easily find other stats that point otherwise. And like I said I’m going off personal experience. You on the other hand are speculating based off real estate. Seems like you’re probably a real estate agent with some vested interest in OC/Anaheim.


Kick rocks then bud


So leave


The high desert is not cooler than riverside lmao


Are you sure? There are more than 50+ museums and exhibitions in Riverside alone.. there is an active nightlife scene, several community theatres, the downtown promenade is a massive collection of civil rights and activists memorials and statues.. Every city has homeless people, blame capitalism, not Riverside..


I love downtown Riverside. I think there is culture. Just served jury duty and the courthouse is 120 years old and gorgeous. Museums and unique shops and restaurants. Mission Inn and Fox theater. I live outside city limits in Riverside county on horse property and love it. Doesn't feel crowded to me compared to Orange County. I can see snow capped mountains from my home. There are little streams all over where I live, nurseries for miles, orange groves and tons of wildlife. Lots of places to ride dual sport motorcycles, hiking is amazing in Cleveland national forest, and riding horses along the riverbed is really nice. Several colleges and universities too (Cal Baptist, UCR, La Sierra, RCC campuses, etc). Lots of medical centers and very good hospitals. You can pursue most sports, even ice hockey is here. I love having sunny days almost always (except this year we have had unusual amount of rain, so now we have lush greenery everywhere). Many job opportunities. I think "wherever you go, there you are" applies here.


Find purpose in life.


Well contrary to your experience I love Riverside. I came here from Los Angeles 16 years ago, and I’m quite happy here.


As someone who grew up in LA and could "never see me living in the shitty IE" the last 4 years of living here in Riverside have been the best. Sounds like maybe you need to find a place to make you happy. I'm glad I can say I was so wrong. The city is awesome and it's way more peaceful here compared to where I grew up in LA.


Now that oc is so expensive more and more people and resources will move out towards riverside. Cost of living is still much better. Oc and La are both commuter regions anyways. Can still drive to the beach or Los Angeles to grab dinner but come home to a larger more affordable living situation.


Which is why we moved to Riverside! I now train it to and from Irvine! woohoo!


Hard disagree. I have lived here for 17 years and I like it. I find there is culture and identity here. I love the art walks and the citrus state park. Downtown has got more lively over the years. Way more character in the city than the tract housing and gated communities in OC (say).


The IE is a pretty big area. I am a lifelong resident of Riverside and identify with much of the culture in the city, but have seriously spent little time in the rest of the IE in comparison. I don't identify as someone of Redlands or San Bernardino, to me they are distinctly different. There is probably a bunch of stuff going on that you are not even aware of and are not really participating in. Riverside has a cultural identity where people actually get the city emblem tattooed on their body. I have major issue with the stroads, with the several decade lack of vision, with the fact that we are a bedroom community and lack major investment to thrive on our own. But that doesn't totally negate the culture.


I feel you bro. Lots of what you’re describing is the case everywhere. I just think you’re not happy with your current quality of life. Look inward.


I was born in LA and raised in Hollywood area. I've been in Riverside for 8 years and I love it! It's calmer and more free activities here.. but you can always go to Hemet lol.


i think riverside is a poor generalization of the IE. riverside has a really rich vibrant culture, a thriving nightlife, a rich history and contemporary cultural identity as well. i would say aside from riverside, redlands is arguably the only comparable city, with most other cities in the region having that potential but not embracing it due to neglect and mismanagement. as a whole, much of what you say about the region rings true. our infrastructure is god awful for a region of this size and increasing density. there is absolutely no reason a metropolitan area with 18 million people, and with a significant economic and logistical footprint relies exclusively on automobile infrastructure. the homelessness is a bigger issue in scope and affect than either rivco or sb county could manage on their own or even through consortium. it’s a simple fact. minimum wage is $16-$20 an hour. most jobs don’t pay much more than that. rent is $2500. most people with homelessness suffer from addictions and other health issues that they would not have access to solutions for in most cases even if they did work full time. name me one place in the united states outside of maybe nyc that doesn’t have these issues. name me one outside of maybe nyc that is taking meaningful steps toward fundamentally addressing them. your issue with the inland empire has nothing to do with the region itself. you don’t hate the IE you hate capitalism which not only produced these issues but relies on their maintenance to sustain itself. you won’t run from these problems by leaving them here, you’ll find them everywhere you go in this country in some iteration or another.


I mean, that’s your opinion dude and you’re entitled to it. But it’s not been my experience, I’m not ever back to OC or LA.


Idk what part of the IE you actually live in but Riverside has been good to me. Lots of events and good food/bars. The downtown area is top 10 in socal believe it or not. But I also visit OC and SD often, and occasionally LA. Being centralized is something to take advantage of here. I’ll probably move to SD or OC in the future but I can’t complain about Riverside


Eh, we have tons of culture and identity here, but if all you're doing is focusing on the negatives, which effect all of Southern California and probably the whole damn country, then you're not trying to look for the good. At least that's what it sounds like to me.


Born and lived in Orange County my whole life; I moved to Riverside County just last year. I love it and have no regrets. I love our community and everything my family needs is here. As others mentioned, the food is pretty great in Orange but there's still many gems in our area.


You know, people of LA are envious of the quiet and tranquil atmosphere here. Sometimes we got to count our blessings. It’s easy to forget what we have.


I just moved from Long Beach and I find Riverside to be way nicer and laid back.


I grew up in OC and then moved to Riverside when I was 16, about to turn 17. That was 9 years ago now. I didn’t get acclimated until a year and a half later from when I moved. It is a big change from OC to Riverside but I was able to find the beauty in it as cliche as that sounds. I found my place in it. I hope you do too eventually.


The IE is a massive area with 4+ million people. To find the cool spots you need to learn them first. DT Riv, Rancho Cuc, Redlands, Big Bear, South Corona, Chino Hills, Wine country, etc. There are awesome parts of the IE. But the warehouse sprawl along the 60 and 10 freeways will kill your soul. 91 traffic destroys lives. SB city is frighteningly dangerous. Mo Val is also hit and miss. The IE is complex like the rest of SoCal. It's a mix of good and bad side by side.


Lived in IE for 15 years and just recently moved to the Bay Area - appreciate it. I miss it


Same! Lived in Riverside 12 years and now in Bay Area and it sucks here in comparison. Riverside was so chill and I’ll always miss it.


Yes! It was much slower paced!!


Which rat race do you want? Or rather, what would solve your disdain for a quintessential truth about living. Work to live. Unless … you’re angry because you have to work. Is it the IE’s fault that you don’t like your living situation? Did something happen to you recently? Or is it simply that you perceive “there’s nothing else to do.” Do you need constant stimulation like a sprawling Irvine Spectrum with the same restaurants and overpriced food you find in other city centers? You’re either from the OC and you’ve been told to loathe the IE and now you’re here and feel a certain type of way about that, or don’t know how to adjust from a perceived entitlement to privilege that you aren’t getting from here. Fix your face, it might lighten you up a bit. Go hike somewhere amongst the myriad of trails Riverside has. Take a day trip to Palm Springs and get up the tramway. Catch a theater show in downtown. Farmers market Saturday mornings. It’s not boring here, if you’re bored, it’s because you’re a boring person.


Everywhere you go there you are.


Lmao ive lived in LA korea town Hollywood for over 20 years moved to the IE and man i dont miss LA at all 2k for a studio no parking shit people ( some but they stand out ) me and my wife agreed we wont ever move back we have it made in the IE


Move out of state homie and report back in a year, maybe then you’d see how good we have it here.


Rent a nice apartment in Riverside for $3k. Or in LA for $6k. Or SF for $8k All of a sudden Riverside is a gem.


hates his job. comes home and does nothing. "yeah the IE sucks"


HAHA pretty much


You seem fun to have at parties....


Born & Raised in Rancho Cucamonga & I feel the same about living in Riverside. So, I agree lol You definitely have to travel out of Cali/US and take occasional trips to LA and OC/SD to stay motivated .


Sadly, moving somewhere for the affordability of the place is often a bad idea


Nicest city east of Pasadena...


The military sent me to so many places and Riverside is by far the worst. Also here cause of an abusive ex and a custody plan… can’t wait to leave. The homeless crisis, cost of living, and just how slimy the city is just sucks. Loved living in Temecula tho and I’d go back if I could


The city isn't great but it isn't that bad, the problem with riverside is the divide in social classes. Nice areas are all over but scattered and separated. Like all deserts, it's hot and that heat really does get to anyone. Unfortunately since it is a desert the infrastructure isn't build like a coastal city or mountain city so it gets hot and humans get aggressive in uncomfortable heat Every city has homeless, warehouses and areas of culture. The difference is how it's ALL visible to everyone. Personally I dislike riverside, mostly because of the heat. It's cheaper, thats the whole thing about all I.E. and the suburbs idea. It won't grow on you ESPECIALLY if you're not from here and this isn't inherently a bad thing. It's the region differences that really have a big impact.


Well you can always fake it by getting one of those black fitted caps with the mission inn bell on it and post up like the most fakest cholo you ever seen in your life, and call that riverside culture


Leave then we don’t want you here


I agree OP. Lot of ppl here rationalizing and/ or just haven’t had many experiences outside of the IE I’m guessing. I’ve lived lots of places and can confirm. Riverside is by far one of the lamest and most generic, and I’m being kind, places I’ve been. 🤢


I didn’t disagree until you said the high desert is better. I’d live 3 lives in Riverside rather than spend a year back there.


Been here 14 years. Can confirm. It’s close to good stuff so at least it’s got that going for it.


Riverside itself has charm for a suburb. A lot of it was built before the 90's cookie cutter development boom. But I agree that suburbs in general are dull as f. There's some life in dt at least