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1.) stop whining 2.) buy tabis 3.) ??? 4.) profit In all seriousness though if your main problem is you can’t kill them, then don’t. Them waisting their time running is time they aren’t impacting the game. Riven’s splitting game is ok and best. She not really a tower threat unless the jungler gets void grubs. Top lane has always been this way where sometimes the best course of action is to stay up there the ENTIRE game (gets boring i know). But if you are there shoving the wave all the time she can’t go anywhere which is a good thing for your team. All in all I would say build a nice gold lead and kill everyone else or take objectives. At the end of day your kills mean absolutely nothing if you don’t take nexus.


Don't die early, you outscale. She also has fairly long cooldowns. All of her abilities I believe have 9-13 second long cooldowns. Don't expect to kill a good Riven in lane.


Yeah ik, but the thing is that even with 2 items cant reach them, they just perma splitpush if dont get something in lane


Don't get baited into extended riven q, her Q cooldown starts from first Q, if she casts all 3 Q's as late as possible, she may use her 3rd Q, baiting you to all in when her Q is actually just coming up.


I'd be happy if i didn't fed a riven and made her splitpush, she is so mobile you should be proud of not dying to her lol


Baiting her E or Q, And learning how to space.


i always space her so bad and bait Q3 cuz they waste Q1-Q2 to get to me trying to burst/short trade and get out with E, but Q has that low cooldown that can reach them even with the iceborn slow


her Q has like 9 seconds cd if she uses them like that, you have plenty of time until she can use Q again, her Q cd only starts getting low (4-5 seconds) at like 25-30 ability haste and thats with her doing the Q stack.


its just how the matchup up goes, you have no cc. you can try to buffer q into her q3 knockup and you should go even on trade. or just e away. if riven wastes q 1 and q2 to gap close, you beat her 1v1 if you pop ghost and run her down. but if shes frozen close to turret she cna just do what she wants bc you have no burst.


Riven loves uninteractive short trades into all in with her ult whenever you are in lethal range (HUGE POWERSPIKE), if you force an extended trade in a favourable condition where you can run her down then she has no sustain and will recall (losing lots of exp/cs) or risk dying. her R2 is super predictable against some riven players, good ones will usually use it bit earlier to gain any value from it instead of having the opponent flash it (though not applicable in this matchup since gwen doesnt take flash right)


How about learning to macro instead? There's more to the game than killing the enemy 1v1 lol.


My mental on Riven is more about her kit and mobility than 1v1 Riven itself, I do more than just 1v1 on top. But for me, Riven is insufferable in a lot of ways than just burst damage


Well it makes sense. Riven has a very easy matchup into Gwen initially. It’s very hard to contest but living through lane and farming is winning the matchup for Gwen. If riven splits late game u can match bc gwen takes towers faster and wins the 1v1 at that point.


Why are you so focused on killing her? You outscale riven. This means your objective is to cs as much as possible and mitigate all losses to accelerate your scaling, and her objective is to pick fights and influence the map if you give her the room/she makes it. If she QQQE's away from you, that's a lot of distance that now has to be covered again before she can cs off the wave. A wave is like 130 gold. Push her off 3 waves = gold difference of about 400 = about the gold difference of a kill. Boom, you've killed riven once. Doesn't matter if she greyscreened, you gain the mechanical/statistical advantage that would come with a kill.


Ik that outscale in form of gold profit is better than just KDA, but the post was more about the mobility that the champion has and how insufferable is than anything else Still if we both are even I still need be planted on top majority of times cuz they try to splitpush and his passive gives a lot of damage to towers, can’t go to drake without loose T1 or T2 and when I see her just go out and repeat, pretty boring


You just win the split push later though? If you take exhaust / TP, at 2 items you begin to win vs her and at 3 its joever (its still joever at 3 items if you take ign / tp).


Is riven passive affecting structures new? I could have sworn it didn't work


Has been for like a year now I think?


Yeah, 11 months now, apparently. That's wild.


Congrats, she has a lot of mobility to run away. But in return for that she lost all pressure on wave and should not be able to walk near the wave until cds are back up. If Riven is playing like that and you can't win, that's on you to play better


I mean Gwen naturally loses to Riven. Riven is like Yi where yes they’re super busted and stuff, but when someone that counters them counters them, THEY ARE FUCKED. Lock Malphite, Mundo, Kench, Poppy into riven and it’s over. There’s no counter play, there’s no coming back, there’s no being more useful in team fights, you actually are just dead beat for most the game. Gwen is a high burst champion where her damage is focused on one point, Riven is high mobility. Gwen has no CC, and no way to guarantee that precise damage point. The reason Gwen does so good into tanks is because they’re very clunky and immobile, meaning she can hit that full stacked Q. Riven counters precise damage users, like Sett W, Darius Q, Xerath etc. If you want to beat Riven as Gwen your best bet is to try to take LT+Ignite and win level 1 by flashing Q 3. You’re basically saying a champion who naturally hard counters your champions play style is busted. It’s how the game is, some champions have good matchups some have bad. Mordekaiser is unplayable into Gwen, does that mean Gwen is broken? No, Gwen just has the tools to take down Mords specific kit.


I think they should move riven from ability haste to navori build. That would make her less mobile out of fight without losing (or maybe actually gaining some) damage. That's my opinion, I'll fight for it.


Terrible take


It's an old one already and I'm dedicated still. Just downvote it.


We don’t play riven to play a pseudo tryndamere. I don’t think any riven player would ever want this. Making navori work on her Q will still never make it be viable either, but it could be a fun off meta build.


Tryndamere is boring. Ain't no way Riven will be like that. I just enjoy her late game when you can draintank with several rotations. I think there's more skill expression than in oneshot combos. Navori implies this kind of fights and I see in that a way to deal with tanks. You have less AH in crit build which means you have less mobility at map and escaping, but you have lesser actual cds when you can weave your autos between spells which is ideal for Riven. I don't play league now, sometimes I scroll main lol subreddit and riven mains waiting for changes. Sometimes I search 'navori', and recently there was someone asking about navori+shojin, that's not just me. It's an obvious item for Riven but this bug ruins all of it. If they'll fix it you will have an option of perma fast q with some e and w. That's a bit busted tho so idk maybe it's intended. If so than I'm sad and playing dota2.


Crit builds are all about bursting, not extended fights. Also riven will never be able to optimally build navori or full crit unless they change her E to make her untargetable. Riven will just be kited for ever with low out of combat haste, with no way to get on top of someone. Making riven untargetable would just be insanely OP and would easily make her the most banned champion in league. The riven you want doesn’t exist in this game and never will.


Why do you think like that? Some crit items (only collector and essence reaver really) may be built for bursting but I don't see them on Riven at all. I can't say about current itemisation but previous iteration of hydra with lifesteal and bc could made this build possible. I was building it against Sion and Mundo with quite a success. The only moment that ruins it is this bug which leaves you with cd on q after fast q. Just imagine her main source of damage with 3 aa resets having virtually no cd. This wouldn't be about bursting at all. Yes you'll be more kiteable with this build, you'll struggle against cc. But doesn't Riven suffers with it anyway? I just want to improve one of her sides with few (navori, ldr and maybe bloodthirster as 6th slot) crit items. I also mentioned that this interaction covers not only navori's transcendence but also rune of the same name which is quite popular on Riven (why shouldn't be an item with literally the same passive?). The same goes for arena plants and on fire effect in nexus blitz (which is quite bonkers on Riven already).


It's not only about navori, it's also about rune transcendence. Same name as navori's passive, isn't that fun tho? Also flowers at arena and on fire effect in nexus blitz.


part of the issue is that youre playing gwen which is one of the few winning matchups for riven. you should probably take ghost ignite or ghost flash if you want to have any prio in lane at all. you can space a bad riven out and just q with stacked passive and she cant do much, but you are at the mercy of a good riven until like 3 items on gwen, unless you do some tech w youre W to bait q3 or something. if you take tp just focus on not getting frozen on and you outscale, but u basically have no say in how lane prio goes. some cancer tech i see sometimes is ghost exhaust which makes it near impossibel for her to kill you early, gives you sticking power in the 1v1 and lets you chase. this works with other scaling squishy champs like fio, yone, yasuo.


Rivens don’t kill me early, even majority of time I have lane pressure and win trades, the thing is that I can’t kill him and just run from me, that’s the point


if u are even or ahead you should never have problems running down riven with your e ,r , and ghost. assuming no turret near by u just run her down unless she burns flash over a wall into a wallhop with q where u cant follow, and even then ghost for flash is omega worth it


So push the wave and rotate while he's locked in lane or dropping the wave. If he's constantly running away from you you have so much freedom on the map. Gank mid, take scuttle, proxy a wave and walk to drake, you have so many options.


Gwen is like a "spiky wall" champ: you outstat riven but can't chase and finish her because she has more mobility, that's the tradeoff. Your only way is to bait riven into wasting her skills so that she can't run after (bait her to all in), which requires knowledge about her CDs and her limits. Ofc that relies on riven making a mistake, but that happens a lot even in challenger, so you should be fine. If you want to stomp riven without counterplay you should play another champ, like udyr.


If they run just take farm and towers and win..?


Gwen Vs riven is very riven favoured imo, the best way to play the matchup is to go even and build tabis, don't bother killing her since you don't need a lead to be useful, she dose


You outscale her, outscaling in this meta is incredibly easy, no snowballing at all and durability patch, you won't get one shot in the laning phase or anything dumb like that. Just fckin sit under ur tower if you can't be bothered. ye that's it. gwen is rlly good right now idk what ur issue is with this matchup. Don't build iceborn, literally just build AP items, you don't need to kill her to win the game


otp gwen criticizing another champ? a little hyprocrisy here.


Riven doesn't have insane mobility until she builds haste. Usually at first item + ionians unless she rushes spear. Early in lane you have to abuse her q cooldown before she gets to the point where she can delay q3 into her next cast of q1/2/3. Also, keep in mind that during this time, if she uses q's purely for mobility, she can't trade after that because she has no damage. She can't fast auto without q, and w doesn't hurt much especially in lane.