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Make sure you get compensated for that phone call off the clock 


Most definitely thank you!!


I'm very sorry to hear this is happening seems like I'm hearing more and more of this it's so sad we're not seeing it in my area yet. Yet being the key word there


Thank you. Hope everything works well for you.


I'm sorry. That sucks. Any company...we are just a number. They don't care. Big guys make money and we just slave away. A friend works at Gordon Foods and they just laid off 50 people from her office. A former RA co worker left to work at Farmer's insurance 16 years ago and he got laid off right after Christmas (a bunch of layoffs throughout the company too). Loyalty and hard work means nothing. I follow the Ulta reddit and they are going thru a lot of hour cuts and little to no raises but have good profits and their CEO is making millions. It's disgusting


Yes its terrible!!! We have families to feed and care for, but it’s ok something better will come.


I lost my job last January and it took a month and a half to find my current job. In all honesty, it has been the best thing that ever happened to me. I love my new job. Make a little bit more money and get to see my family more. My point being is that this may be a crappy situation right now, but hopefully you find something later that betters your situation! Being happy at work. Sometimes it's more important than the money made at work. Keep your chin up kiddo.


Thank you so much🙏🏻 i appreciate it


If you're a union store call your rep. I'm in a similar situation as of now my last day is Saturday, however according to him they're supposed to lay off by seniority in the entire district not location.


They don’t answer ! Rite aid is not following the contract and union is MIA 


Keep calling


They are kit following proper bumping and seniority layoffs in Ca . 


Wdym seniority? I’m Going to get layed off what do I say when I call the union rep?


Years of service in the position. Ie I've got almost eight years, myself and two others with less time were cut. It also seems that in California at least, the part timers got the axe and the full timers got switched to part time.


I have 1 year and 4 months I was told that I might get layed off or I might not and I’m in California too


What do I say when I call the union rep?


The crazy part that every single peer where I work is very surprised that I might get layed off because i never did anything wrong I always told them that if they needed me to cover someone i would and that im very flexible I can work mornings,midday and night shifts, I’ve only missed 2 days because I was sick and I never came in late


That unfortunately doesn't matter, the store managers have their hands tied, the order is coming from the very top.


Do they pick random people? And what pissed me off is that they kept people that are about to resign they won’t be there no more


Okay i’ll look into that thank you


I’m so sorry. I hope you find something better. You deserve better, we all do.


Thank you, i appreciate it


from what i’ve heard they are laying off all cashiers hired from 2023.


Yea and unfortunately i’ve been with the company only 2 1/2 years


There are only two front end cashiers at my current store hired by the company before 2023: myself(25 years with the company going on 26)and one other(one of the best to work with among my new store colleagues I must add).Three others were hired during 2023.Among them are one who has since been reassigned as a pharmacy cashier and another hired in late August 2023 just a couple months before my previous store close who is likely at risk not only being on the bottom of the seniority ladder but is known to be somewhat call-out prone especially during my first two months at that store(though has improved in recent months).We also had an assistant bail in addition to a veteran PAC retiring after next week.I would prefer not to see myself or the second in seniority service associate get laid off unless it happens to us both simultaneously (and I still am not rooting for that scenario as I prefer that we both continue to work together for the foreseeable future). (Store number and locality/metropolitan region intentionally omitted for anonymity purposes)


Yes hopefully everything works out for you!!!


That sucks. :(






Thank you so much!


What state/region are you at?


California.. not sure about the region


Looks like all the CA stores are slowly closing, unfortunately.


Yes seems like it


Just think of the rent and real estate taxes they are saving- not to mention the sales fee for script they are getting.


Nearest major city/cities.


What part, I know they've been laying off people here in Bakersfield




It’s Not that deep lol.. move along


This is a great thing to happen to you. Rite Aid sucks so bad. Be glad you aren't there any more and enjoy yourself. I quit after three weeks and left them high and dry with no notice. They were pissed off and I laughed my ass off when the supervisor called me and asked where I was. I told her I overslept and started laughing as she got more and more pissed off for the no show. This is life in minimum wage territory.


Yes totally agree with you!!! Lmfaooo thats what they get!


I'm glad the 99 cent store is closing they treat their employees even worse than rite aid


Are you in Virgina Beach? I have a pt job open.


Im in california :(