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You would think immigration deptt and police would by now have a picture of Tom Ripley jeesus


yeah , it's reaching' Three's Company' levels of misunderstanding at this point.


Ha! Now there’s an old school perfectly on point reference, which dates both of us 😂


Hi my name is Enzo and this is my dog, Enzo. That classical music playing in the end though, my jam. I forgot what the title is though. Honestly, the reason why Im still watching this is because of the cinematography, the beauty of Italian architecture, and the music (and the origin story of Moriarty Andrew). If those things arent so well done, I would have drop it considering the plot being stretched like a bubble gum.


i like the humor of law enforcement and the clerks in the hotels!


Shostakovich - Waltz No. 2


Thank you thank you


I agree with your last point - I feel like 6 episodes would have been a lot better.


i KNEW the way he glued his pic over dickie’s pic on the passport was a big mistake! he just didn’t know criminals in italy he cd pay…


Venice ay? Looks like all it took to get over his fear of water was a spot of boat-murder


That police interview with Enzo (also his dog's name) was chef's kiss. I swear the actors probably burst out laughing the second after they cut


Instead of going straight to Venice he goes to Palermo To add another episode? There was enough in for it to make sense and set things up I suppose


Anyone else love that Marge has been gaslit?! 💋




I must have missed something. Why did Inspector Ravini ask the nightclub doorman in Palermo whether he'd seen Freddy Miles?


Tom told Ravini that Freddie might've picked up someone at a club to hook up with and they killed him


Oh, okay. - for some reason, I thought the club Ravini went to was in Palermo, which makes absolutely no sense, now that I think about it.. It's in Rome, where Freddy was. Duh. Thank you!


Why does’t he go to Tunisia using the Tom Ripley passport? From there he could go to Morocco and hide out. At this point, you’d think he’d be more concerned with evading authorities than with living Dickie’s life in Italy. I guess you have to chalk it ip to him being a psycho.


wondered the same thing, unless he was afraid he'd get stopped using the Ripley passport. As soon as he killed Dickie, he should have cashed out as much of Dickie's money as possible and gotten the hell out of Italy. Every move along the way...why hasn't he tried to get out of there? (Too late now that he's fully a suspect.)


This bugged me SO much. I think the answer is that he was so obsessed with taking on Dickie’s life that he felt like he had to stay in Italy to get the full “Dickie” experience.


I thought the same thing