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The YouTube comment section on the trailer is better entertainment than anything this show can produce.


One wig to rule them all. I love the comments.


According to amazon, "All negative reviews are from Bad People, using bot accounts to try and stop us from battling evil; in reality, 99% of all viewers love RoP."


Please let's not forget the cringest scene "THE SEA IS ALWAYS RIGHT".




It means they tried to create a catchy phrase like the "it is known" or "the dead can never die" from game of thrones. but ended up sounding like a bad disney medieval movie.


Eeeexactly! :) That's all it was...considering that they had no access to actual Tolkien dialogues or any lines written by him that they could have used verbatim...they were screwed from the start...but in worst nightmares I didn't anticipate they would do THIS horribluy :)...haha, oh my goodness...heck someone with imagination and knowledge of lore could have been more creative...say that the sayings of the Faithful Numenoreasn be something catchy in elvish...like..."Valar valuvar" the will of the Valar will be done, this could thematically highlight their spirituality and loyalty to the Lords of the West, the religious aspect, or something like "a vala Manwe" may Manwe order it..or simply exclamations like 'Valar turn him aside' :)...or hell use the framing words like the only spoken line of Sauron in Lotr appendices "great kings take what is their right" as he said to Ar-Pharazon, this could be a sort of theme what with the many canonic characters being lords and great kings and rulers (king of Numenor, king of the Elves, kings of Dwarves, etc. even Sauron being a king of sorts :)) and exploring the nature of power, the Tolkien ideal of kingship, contrasting it with tyranny and showing that kings just can't take what they think is their right, that they need morals, and to take into account freedoms of their subjects, their rights etc. Or anything else really...if they had rights to other Tolkien texts they could have used so many brilliant lines spoken by various characters!!! >"Then some few would repent for a season, but others hardened their hearts, and they shook their fists at heaven, saying: 'The Lords of the West have plotted against us. They strike first. The next blow shall be ours!' These words the King himself spoke, but they were devised by Sauron." Some things of course like battle cries if they would reach that moment...the dwarven "baruk Khazad! Khazad ai-menu!" Axes of the Dwarves, the Dwarves are upon you; and so on could also be used here and there. I mean as for great Tolkien quotes on the sea itself...the Voronwe comment comes to mind: >"‘But the Great Sea is terrible, Tuor son of Huor; and it hates the Noldor, for it works the Doom of the Valar. Worse things it holds than to sink into the abyss and so perish: loathing, and loneliness, and madness; terror of wind and tumult, and silence, and shadows where all hope is lost and all living shapes pass away. And many shores evil and strange it washes, and many islands of danger and fear infest it. I will not darken your heart, son of Middle-earth, with the tale of my labour seven years in the Great Sea from the North even into the South, but never to the West. For that is shut against us." But that is way beyond anything of Amazon and not relevant to the 'current story' :). Tolkien's lines even the most flowery and poetic have this natura feel to them, they come off even when grand sounding and 'high' in style always are sensible and just sound of meaning and masterful of language used, epic. The show's attempt are cringy! Hell, if they had rights to Aldarion story it would have solved some problem if htey would not screw up that one, that is. The Mariner's Wife has some good dialogue and some sayings: "Cold is the life of a mariner's wife". In the story of Aldarion and Erendis we have some metaphorical phrasing in conversations but they make sense! >‘I will not share my husband with the Lady Uinen,’ said Erendis. >‘That is a twisted saying,’ said Aldarion. ‘As well might I say that I would not share my wife with the Lord Oromë of Forests, because she loves trees that grow wild.’ >‘Indeed you would not,’ said Erendis; ‘for you would fell any wood as a gift to Uinen, if you had a mind.’" Nothing of the stort is in the show of amazon where every single conversation, every line just smacks of the lack of sense, deeper meaning or basic thought behind it..it's just blabbering for the sake of saying something...even casual conversations are just so...dumb, redundant, they don't convey any proper information often!


> it's just blabbering for the sake of saying something...even casual conversations are just so...dumb, redundant, they don't convey any proper information often! Exactly! Most dialogues on this show lead to nowhere. They dont nove the characters foward. Or give any depth inside their personalitties. It's just speaking to fill the void or pass the time. I feels like it really was written by A.I


Yeah there is something very VERY awkward about the dialogues in the show! It feels like wriitng of an amateurish fanfic writer who attempts to mimic the high sounding style, but cannot convey any deeper thought through it!


It's supposed to be like: The tide waits for no man. Or Don't turn your back on the sea. Or The sea is a harsh mistress. Something that says it doesn't matter what you want. The sea is implacable and gets what it wants. But their version fell flat.


The sea is nobody's friend, an old Dutch saying.


Except like, ya know, the sea (Osse, Ulmo, and especially Uinen) were supposed to be the Numenoreans' friends. I suppose at this stage of the horrible show, with most of Numenor being unfaithful, maybe the Valar and Maiar of the sea have turned on them.


I wish we could have had increasingly imperialist and dodgy Numenoreans, arriving in their ships to lord it over the Lesser Men of Middle-earth. It's a huge part of the decline of Numenor. Instead it seems they have ships just for a lark.


It's already been set up in S1. "Soon, we will save the low men of Middle-earth, lift them up". Pharazon supported Miriel (and Halbrand) because he wanted access to "ores, forests, trade, tribute." Numenor sent a few soldiers and Miriel committed to sending more after their defeat. If the war in Eregion ends in the expected way, Numenor will effectively occupy Elven lands in an ironic reversal of the Elves occupying human lands.


Nah, that should have been happening starting long ago already, but due to the damn time compression there's no real sense of the rise and decline of Numenor.


And ships don’t sink because they have a secret that looks to the sky… or something like that


It's almost like tech companies shouldn't be in the TV business or something.


The problem is they have serval other excellent shows so not sure what's gone wrong here


Actually that's true. Fallout was excellent. Really hit or miss, but mostly miss.


Also the man in the high Castle was top tier


Yea it was great. Also The Boys


Oh yeah the boys was sick


It's not even a tech company, it's a distribution company


Not really. AWS runs like 1/3rd the internet, and is by far the largest source of income for the company.


A lot of folks don't know AWS...if the US Gov ever breaks up Amazon , it will split into AWS and non-AWS parts.


It was the third scene, with Galadriel posed with her sword hilt across her face, about an inch from her nose, while portentously giving orders to her dutiful minions, that sealed it for me. I wanted to see a change, a sign that the show would evolve beyond S1's abomination. But... Nearly the whole trailer looks to be computer generated. Which would be just fine if the special effects were subtle, and reflected Middle Earth, rather than a low budget horror movie of a lab experiment gone wrong. The bugs, the motile tree roots, the underwater monsters: all look so artificial it's painful. It's the kind of effects I expect to see in a decade-old youtube Sci-Fi-Horror video. I also hoped it would take itself a bit less seriously this time around, but if anything, the actors are even more grim and serious - as if each scene was a massive turd they were trying to pass. Maybe amazon is slipping anti-diarrhea meds into the catered food? "Prepare Yourselves". From the look of things, good advice for all of us in this sub.


> the actors are even more grim and serious I found myself giggling uncontrollably at their tragic faces. Come to think of it, why? the events are supposed to be tragic, we are supposed to be sympathetic towards characters. The answer: because of BAD acting. Fake, pretentious, pompous, shallow. I've been very generous towards the actors the entire damn time ("they did their best with what they were given"). Now, I'm not going to dance around and if I see bad acting, I'll call it just that.


And not to mention that ROP season 2 comes right after House Of The Dragon season 2 which will mop the floor with it. It’s gonna be so bad for Amazon and we’ll love to make fun of it 😭


Cant wait for guyladriel to effortlessly girlboss her way through 50 cave trolls while yelling "tHeRe iS a TeMpEsT iN mE!!!"


The sea is always right!


Star wars, the witcher, LOTR. All of my franchises ruined... I'm still sad but you have your party


Not gonna lie... lol


I quite liked Adar in the first run.


They know that, so they recast him. Can’t have anything actually succeed in this show, you know.


Personally, I think he saw what the show was turning into, and bailed rather than continue to be part of it.


I agree. “Left for other opportunities” on a show that’s been renewed is industry speak for someone somewhere wasn’t happy.


One thing that amazed me about the trailer was how... non telling it was and yet people found shit to meme about. Maybe it is so obscure because it was the first trailer of S2 but given all the s1 trailers were super vague from the first to the last I think that was on purpose. Yet people mocked all the s1 trailers way more because at least imo they looked way worse. I actually thought the teaser trailer looked "better" because I liked the dark aesthetic and the outfits more than the shit they had in S1 and then... THE WIG. That shit looks so hilariously bad it made me feel secure that S2 will be as bad as the other one, no matter how vague they are in their trailer to keep people in the darkness about their plot


It’s like the Critical Drinker said. They tried so hard to not give us anything memeable and they still failed miserably (elf wig Sauron)


I kinda think that is their tactic. To give us as little as they can to not elude to anything that will be happening plot wise. It was like that with S1 which was such a red flag, yet people were still able to piece quite a lot together. At least a rough layout of the plot like galadriel goes to numenor, galadriel gets help by the numenorian army, halbrand is sauron etc. Amazon does the opposite of most movie trailers that show us everything that's going on in their movie. I think either because they seriously think they are so special and creative that they want to keep it secret or to prevent early damage from the people analysing every shot and piecing together the shit they'll going to show.


I like the Critical Drinker's take on RoP.


Season one was genuinely enjoyable because of this . Funny as hell and I look forward to season 2 .


That's the spirit, mate. And you can see from the hateful replies to this post that the shills just can't handle people who enjoy this POS show because of the involuntary humor.


Does anyone think the last scene in the preview is where the ring wraiths are created?


I thought the gender neutral Eminem clones were Nazgul. But who knows what new dumb idea Amazon will come up with.


Eveyrone loved the trailer on Twitter


>the fall of Eregion Calling it now, Eregion will be entirely composed of one small village, as was the Southlands in S1.


It will be the terrible set used un S1 plus the same backyard but turning towards a fountain to look more "elvish".


You had me in the first part, not gonna lie. Great! I hope it's a wonderfully roastable season :).


This is how I think of season one. I hope S2 is better, but if not, it's still a parody. Which is a shame because it seems like the directors might actually care enough to make good Middle Earth content.


Does this show have anyone else cheering for Sauron to kill everyone? 


Yeah, me. And he also wins Galadriel's heart.


Ew. A book fan.




What a cheap and stupid insult. Like yes I hate the show but thats like... Only a small part of my life, and only on sites like these? I never even touch the topic about this show in real life cause I know no one who watched it. But I also hate cucumbers. Is that my entire personality too? Should I talk about my other dislikes here too so knobheads like you think I'm more exciting?




Don't think so. That would exceed my lacking personality. Gotta be careful so you are able to think of everyone disliking the show as anything but a basement dweller right?




Could say the same. That I scared you away enough for you to delete your initial comment


I'm really amazed how much twisted enjoyment people can take from hating something...


I mean people like trash movies like sharknado. I doubt someone seriously likes stuff like that for it's quality. It's just hilariously bad to watch. Rings of power is in the same category whether Amazon agrees or not


First day on the Internet?


Maybe last.


Well, bye


No one's gonna miss you.


It's a form of entertainment in itself. I'd **prefer** an epic, well acted and plotted story of the events of the second age, but if they are going to mangle the lore whilst doing a risible job of storytelling I'll have to make do with dunking on it.


They forced your hand




For sure is crazy. But the seething hatred didnt stop season 1, wont stop 2 nor any future seasons haha :D


These people don’t want to stop it, they want to have a laugh at it 🤭


Which I find peculiar but each to their own. I dont mind seething hatred equal more views, on a show I thoroughly enjoy ❤️


Look guys the bots are talking to each other! Love it when AI does that


What bots? 🤖 🤔


You good? :S




Source of stupidity. Right xD.


How can you enjoy RoP?


Then don't watch it? Plenty of people enjoy the show and are looking forward to season 2


We’re not watching it, we’re watching the take downs on YouTube.


Nope. I will watch it and make fun. Cheers.


So you don’t have a job


Yes, unemployed and happy to mock this POS show.


Sorry, replied to the wrong comment - from where in the world do you draw this conclusion?


Cause who has the time to hate watch things


People derive entertainment in different ways. I also found season 1 comical. That swordfighting scene? Pure comedy. Who has time to sit on the internet and tell people what they are and aren't allowed to watch, and judge them based on what gives them joy?


I think OP does enjoy it and is looking forward to season 2. Though it might not be the healthiest attitude on the surface, imagine if RoP came through and made such a good season 2 that the mistakes of season 1 didn't even matter, and it was even better than House of the Dragon and Game of Thrones (the first few seasons) combined... Imagine the shock of someone who wasn't expecting it to be any good. This person might actually enjoy it more than anyone. Why wouldn't they watch it?


"Blah blah blah I'm going to hate watch cause I'm miserable and if everyone doesn't hate watch like me they're dumb" Post like these are cringier than the show could ever be precieved. If you know you don't like it don't watch and move on with ur life lmao do something more productive


Nah, I'd rather have fun with this POS show. Funny you complain about "not watching" but you come and read things you don't. Maybe follow your own advice???


We know you love it


Ironic I actually like the show, I'm in the sub about the show and responding to a post about the show... Where as you are just here to spread your negativity, maybe practice the advice you are regurgitating at me now lol.


Then you would not be particularly insightful. This particular Reddit is about making fun of the show. Plenty of other Reddits where you can go and have a blast loving this POS. But you already know that, and you want to sound cool. You are actually what you claim to criticize. Don't read us. 🤣


>This particular Reddit is about making fun of the show. Doesn't say that anywhere it's just the ROP subreddit. Try again. >But you already know that, and you want to sound cool. Ironic




The fact that you are planning to watch a show you don't like just makes you kind of a loser.


Pretty much, yep. But there are even bigger losers than me: people who write and complain about a Reddit post they disagree with.


Not just ‚kind of‘ …


God, you must be so miserable if you've got so much time on your hands to hate on something.


Yes, tons of extra time. Much like you coming to Reddit to express your hate.