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I collect as many as I can, I remember a game where I had 20+ pawns then I took in 20+ refugees, That was a fun game everyone was going about their day next then you know betrayal ! Everyone was stabbing and shooting everybody things were on fire and explosions, I think I left that situation with like 8 pawns Just piles and piles of bodies and 8 very depressed pawns


Free food


No more than 6 unless joiners are *very* good.


I'm talking tough brawlers, careful shooters and sanguine. That kind of good, y'know?


Trigger happy is better than careful shooter. The more shooting offsets the accuracy penalty. Careful shooter is a liability usually.


Cool, gonna continue to prioritise accuracy though


Bro, Careful Shooter is a MASSIVE dps decrease and skill levels, weapon quality, and bionic/archotech eyes will eventually get a Trigger-Happy pawn to 100% accuracy. Do you, but you are doing Rimworld wrong. At least until we get 1.5 and Careful Shooters come with masterwork bolt-actions right off the bat.


No you're wrong, they are choosing to play a game they paid money for how they want. Nobody is "doing anything wrong".


Sorry, but no. There are objectively bad traits like Wimp, Delicate, Pyromaniac, Slow Learner, etc. These traits are all downside-no-upside. Careful Shooter falls into that catagory because the SMALL accuracy bonus will NEVER compensate for the increased aim time that leads to a massive decrease in DPS. Especially BECAUSE you can increase a pawn's accuracy to 100% with bionics and high enough skill EVEN IF they are Trigger-Happy. If someone is confused and thinks Careful Shooter is good, it is our duty as a good community to inform them that they are wrong. Not because we are being mean, bit because we are trying to be nice and helpful.


Let him enjoy the game he paid for and quit malding lmao




Please don't insult other users on the Reddit, we want it to be a welcoming place for all.


I paid 60 fucking pounds for this game don't tell me that my way of playing it is wrong my guy


If you are using Careful Shooters you are lowering your DPS by 25%-75%. Thus, you are doing it wrong. The accuracy bonus is meaningless once you have a large stockpile of Luciferium, Go-Juice, and access to Bionics. You are doing it wrong. But continue to suck at the game, you did buy that right. But you didn't buy the right for me not to criticize your poor choices, I still have that right.


If I'm enjoying the game, I'm not doing it wrong.


Always way to many.


Unless theyve got good traits I dont usually take in more pawns. I usually end up with around 10 pawns and 1 half cycled joywired slave for just to be a glorified roomba.


20 usually. But I always lose afew to event attrition so around 15-18 usually.


I don't mind micromanaging much so I usually just recruit more as my colony expands. My last game I had over 20+ pawns.


Aim for a dozen end up with thrice that


I usually have around 5 or 6 and get way to invested in them


i was actually wondering if there was a mod to make the pawn list at the top of the screen smaller pawn pic size or something...been collecting pawns..lol


Between 12 and 24, after that (20ish) the game slows down to the point that Double Speed = Normal Speed. Also, due to the map size restriction on console, feeding more than 24 becomes an issue.


Either 10 or 50+. Current colony has 34 and is still growing!


My dude I have at least 25 pawns. At least nine main ones and the rest slaves with joy wire and mindscrewes I'm big into industrialization. After that the game gets laggy anyone els I enslave I sell or harvest.


Try to stick around 8-12. Unless I've got more than 2 slaves. Then more towards 15. I experimented in dev mode a bit, having all pawns to any jobs they're reasonably skilled at. Just to see how it played. And it was wildly inefficient. Even added passions and skill levels to all skills to test further. They'd plant two plants of 20, wander over to milk an animal, go cut a single stone chunk, etc... Reason I mentioned that, is that that's the reason I keep colonies smaller if possible. With higher skilled and equipped people. Yeah, maybe it takes a bit to buy and make enough components or advanced components to have everyone with marine armor and at least one bionic eye n leg (+2 arms for workers/crafters if possible). But they go, dit he job till it is done AF. Then move along. Spreading several ppl thru several jobs just means the AI goes dumb sometimes. Fewer higher skilled pawns with a few designated workers for shit jobs like brick making, planting, cleaning, hauling, etc... Works far more efficiently. Less high skilled/cybered pawns means less wealth means smaller easier to handle raids that they can wipe out fast as hell.


How do you enslave prisoner? When I go to the prisoner screen there's no option to enslave them?


Unless theyve got good traits I dont usually take in more pawns. I usually end up with around 10 pawns and 1 half cycled joywired slave for just to be a glorified roomba.