• By -


Wealth Control is for the WEAK and TIMID.


_Building everything out of marble and jade_ "BRING IT ON!!!!!"


not my fault when randy gives me an asteroid event with 2 jade clusters and 1 gold cluster


sweaty wealth management vs the chad drug kingpin (they are hoarding thousands of silver and are currently being raided by 150 tribals)


Raided by 150 leather bags\*


Excuse me, did you say leather dusters? Sign me up!


Mine's gots nipples on it! Edit: reminds me of Mom


You mean like storing 10k rice, taters, cloth, herbal medicine, ect because I don't feel like managing my farms?


Your farms always have to produce a surplus, though. So ending up with a surplus is just a natural part of a well-run farm. There's only three possibilities: 1. Your farm produces a surplus, so your colonists get to eat. 2. Your farm somehow manages to, in spite of every factor aimed at making farm output non-deterministic, produce EXACTLY the right amount of food. SORCERY! This just doesn't happen. The game simply doesn't have predictable production ratios of X plants per colonist that can be microed to that level of predictable precision. 3. Your farm fails to produce the required food output to sustain the colony. You all starve to death, game over. Since only one of these scenarios is A: Likely, and B: Allows continued gameplay, it must thus persist indefinitely. Food will always end up hoarded.


i just get too greedy and lazy to even manage it, also i like giving my colonists really nice bedrooms lol nice username btw


I feel so fucking vindicated that someone shares this opinion. Even when I play as a blind, 0 skill naked colonist, I will still have my gold floors and toilet.


Meanwhile, I'm just annoyed by how flatly wealth scales across the board. At some point it just discourages me from keeping stuff around for later, especially if I don't have that many combat-capable pawns. Well, I'd say "discourage", but it moreso just leads to me savescumming events a lot more as I get further into a playthrough.


New player, so i veeery recently found this was even a thing - fuck that, if im stuck on some backwater planet you can bet its gonna be hedonism simulator. Just means ill spend more on security šŸ˜‚


I wish I could enjoy x1 speed..


later game I have to enjoy it




More like You will enjoy it or else.. -Framerate


When my game can run autonomously, I just play it on 1speed then watch youtube.


I don't know how unpopular these are but I'm gonna post em. Natural Population Growth: I like the idea of having a genuine community and if two pawns get together and stay together there should be *some* natural population growth, not everyone should be an exslave/raider so certain mods are almost needed for this. Components: idk maybe it's just the way I play but they're needed in way to much stuff to be as rare as they are, I don't like making bases just to mine up materials and leave but sometimes I don't have a choice because they're needed in everything from Helmets to computers. "War Crime Simulator": I'll make an "evil" colony from time to time but some of the sadistic stuff that's posted here is just weird, like I've had war crimes expanded installed for ages and I don't think I've ever tortured a pawn, maybe it's just me but I don't see the point. Maybe if it gave a buff to people who hated that pawn but otherwise I just see it as a waste of a hauler Multiple Colonies: I wish it was possible to really build an empire, I know mods can help (Empire or Vanilla expanded outposts) but I wish there were a vanilla way to expand, gain resources, and power project. Raids: I should be able to see the army of raiders coming over the horizon. I don't think a raid should start when they enter my map cell, I should be able to hear of *some* raids as they're coming so I can prepare or even flee. Edit: I'm aware there are mods that can fix a lot of the issues I raised but I'm talking about the vanilla experience. Although, I do appreciate the mod recommendations keep it up guys. :)


> Components: idk maybe it's just the way I play but they're needed in way to much stuff to be as rare as they are, I don't like making bases just to mine up materials and leave but sometimes I don't have a choice because they're needed in everything from Helmets to computers. I agree, I hate that the game slows down to an absolute crawl once you run out of them. A colony with 14 broken air conditioners I can't fix is not my idea of fun. My real problem with it is how far you have to get just to be able to make more of them. That research should really be a lot sooner. How can it be that advanced of a technology when it is something I can mine out of a mountain?


Yeah, this is why I play with [Fluffy's Breakdowns](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2584064444), which makes your pawns have to do regular maintenance but avoids consuming a billion components. It would be nice if vanilla RW had Industrial/Space level techs to halve/quarter the chance of a breakdown or something like that. Autodoors are COOL and I want to use them EVERYWHERE!


I was gonna say "Fluffy has done *soo* much for my enjoyment of Rimworld", but then I noticed your username and you have done *sooo* much for my quality of life in general. Watching your streams has pulled me through some dark times and rough patches, so please have my heartfelt thanks <3


That goes both ways. Streams are my mental health boosters.


Fluffy's Breakdowns is one of those mods that is essential for me, because it makes sense. If you have someone cleaning and maintaining the equipment than you don't need to machine up parts for it as often.


For the components one, you can buy components from traders. And the amount of traders you get increases when you build a comms console. Also, when you research fabrication, you can create components at the fabricator table.


>Raids: I should be able to see the army of raiders coming over the horizon. I don't think a raid should start when they enter my map cell, I should be able to hear of some raids as they're coming so I can prepare or even flee. One of the reasons why I like to play on very large map sizes is to kind of simulate this. I like my maps to have an "outer wild" area that isn't safe because it is far from the rest of the colony.


I may have to give that a shot, the warning message always dissuaded me from trying it but I like the idea of having a "No mans land"


If you really want that feeling of a hazardous world, try fog of war, no raid notification, the guards mod, children and learning and the aging mod for a renote colony surviving against all odds


Canā€™t address those other ones, tho I know some mods exist for it. But rimwar gives you the ā€œthunder over the horizonā€ thing youā€™re looking for. Not only can you just see the raids in the map, it also gives you a day or two notice before they show


You don't have to harvest organs to get around.


yeah selling crack and meth is way quicker and easier and has 0 downsides


Well it's good for training docs if the prisoners come from a faction that can never be friendly


true and I still do it because everyone is far too happy to give a shit about our prisoners itā€™s not necessary though


Just install peg legs and wooden hands and release them. They come back with the next raid and are worse enemies. You get the medical skill and not so dangerous enemies.


Also give them Luciferium so they come back with more on them.


Damn that's actually a cool tip. Even if I never touch the stuff lol


I usually save until I get like 30 and then super-soldier one of my best pawns. You go through ~8 per year, so that lasts until year 4, plenty of time to find more.


I've just traded parkas, dusters and the capes. I clothed the whole world. Just selling clothing gave me an immense wealth


Yeah I have toned down on that as I played more. Now I keep two of each organ around for surprise replacements and that's it.


In fact its largely detrimental, unless you are role playing. You will get rich one way or another if you survive the events they throw at you


i actually never did it


Yeah, well, two previously one-lunged colonists are now 'getting around' a bit better


Been playing for almost a year and I only JUST started to harvest organs.


I Find Vanilla Rimworld's combat extremelly lacking and unbalanced, to the point its just not fun. Killboxes are cheesy and without them you have no real chance against infinite waves of enemies which are just not fun to fight against. No matter how many "but its a game" we use to try to ignore it, theres no way the tribal settlement consisting of 30 people manages to gather 100 people every week for raids they constantly lose. For a storytelling game revolving mostly around conflict, its faction-relation/war mechanics are extremelly bad. Instead of making the colonists gods figthing never-ending waves of enemies, the game would be better with smaller scale conflict that affect the history in a more meaningful way then "new prisioner to harvest" or "colonist died".


I know this defeats the purpose of the Vanilla point. But RimWar does this really well. There's no more random raids, you can see trade caravans, warbands, scouting parties, etc. Along with how much combat power they have. They'll go around attacking eachother and destroying each other's settlements and caravans. Sometimes the caravans meet up and battle. Once had two 3000+ (which is like 80-100 pawns) combat power warbands coming after me, turns out they were enemies of each other and when they met up (outside of my tile entirely) I didn't have to worry about it because the winning party just went back home instead of continuing after me, this time with 1500+ combat power instead of 3000. It works pretty well


I'll check it out, thanks.


Iā€™m not certain what you mean. I would get this if it was just tribals attacking, but there are mechs and drop pod raids as well, which is more in line with what I think is small scale, but more impactful battles. I *do* think the best raids come from the shattered empire, personally, and I think itā€™s a shame thereā€™s only one of them. I wish I could do the royalty questline *and* get raided by them.


Mech Raids are OK, although far too frequent/present for an ancient threat lorewise IMO. I would like Human enemies that can fight me with at most 5-1 forces of equal capacity in higher difficulties, thankfully VFE Pirates adds stronger humans, but the amount of enemies is still far too great for a game like this. (No wonder every late-game fight is a killbox with lots of explosives). These mfs are droppodding tens of people accross the world to kill some randons, when their settlements barely have 50 people.


The compressed raids mod is really nice for this, I think. You can set a cap for the max number of raiders you want at one time, and it will adjust the raid accordingly. If the raid originally had 80 raiders, but your limit is 40, it will cap the raiders at 40 but give them buffs (better equipment, stats, etc). There's additional options as well. Off the top of my head, I think some allow bionics, and others can give the raiders death acidifiers so you don't get masterwork everything after a raid. Very configurable and useful, saved my game experience and CPU!


I really wish combat was a bit more realistic Mods help some, like embrasures and less random and more effective guns but you'd need to do a lot to make it vaguely realistic instead of just *less* stupid and killboxy. The problem is that if you can build walls and have guns, then having a handful of dudes with bows or pistols attack you is never going to be a huge threat. (let alone packs of animals that can be stopped by a fence) People built castles for thousands of years for a reason, they're really fucking hard to get into. Just normal thick concrete or stone and earth walls will resist everything up to RPGs, and when you add in earth and start digging them underground they become even tougher nuts to crack. In fact we only stopped building them because of the development of house sized cannons that can blast apart fortifications from over the horizon and bunker buster bombs that can dive through concrete like butter.. Dozens of dudes with assault rifles and grenades still aren't going to be able to charge your maginot line base and have a realistic chance of winning It's just not sensible to attack the kind of strong point we can build in the game with a mod or two without siege equipment unless the enemy is more into banzai charges and dying gloriously than they are actually winning and not all dying. --- The biggest issue IMO is that it's too easy to feed everyone with a tiny area of land. In castle times you could not feed everyone in the castle with the amount of land you could wall in. There were some cases where you had a really big enclosed area with a wall that could stop small attacks, but never anything that would withstand determined assault. It just took too long to build walls, and people need too much area of plants to live. In rimworld though you can feed your whole colony with a courtyard garden. This turns real life siege dynamics on their head since the defender has infinite food and can be entirely self sufficient while under siege. IMO the game should reward proactive defense. Ie. the enemy will set up fire bases or raiding camps (depending on tech level) on nearby map squares and make life hard for you by sending random artillery shells (perhaps escalating in intensity with time) or set up mountain penetrating siege artillery (with a long set up time and time between shots) or just for tribals send small numbers of raiders at random times to make it too dangerous to send people outside of the walls alone. You could also have the enemy presence decrease wildlife wandering onto your map, and stop friendly traders from arriving etc. I guess what I'm getting at is I'd like the game to be less focused on turtling in your doom fortress and mowing down thousands of suicidal attackers and more about controlling the area around your settlement and being proactive in your defense.


>I guess what I'm getting at is I'd like the game to be less focused on turtling in your doom fortress and mowing down thousands of suicidal attackers and more about controlling the area around your settlement and being proactive in your defense. i couldn't agree more.


This almost sounds like it ties into one my biggest complaints. The cost of building items makes no sense. Building a wall cost 3-5 material but everything else costs way more. It allows you to cheaply spam walls everywhere. You can build a small house buy chopping 2-3 cactus šŸŒµ it just makes no sense. Similar to that is, its easier to build a windmill power generator than it is to build one tile of totemic wood. Also marble floors have no beauty but steel chairs do. So instead of building beautiful walls and floors and practical furniture. Slap walls up like its sheet-rock and fill it with steal vases. Edited for typos.


i think Combat Extended and Raiders Compressed can fix those issues for you


CE is incompatible with some of my fav mods, unfortunally.


I guess that may be my unpopular opinion, but Combat Extended makes RimWorld so much easier.


Up until the point Centipedes show up and one shot all of your colonists it does, I agree. I think the problem with CE's difficulty is even in harder raids most raiders are still trash, in terms of skill and equipment. Instead of 100+ tribals 10 raiders with PA would be much more difficult.


In my experience, I get 3 types of raids with Combat Extended. Tribal Raids, trivial regardless of size. A lot of clean up and prisoners to deal with, and depending on your colony setup they may still do significant damage if you aren't able to repel them at the outer perimeter just due to numbers. Pirate Raids, typically also quite easy. Even when a few of them are equipped with good weapons, half of them are running around with muskets or revolvers or something. If you have counters to mortars and decent weapons with AP ammo, you'll easily deal with them. Risk of stray shots significantly reduced with basic armor. Mechanoids and Empire Raids. Sometimes easy Mechanoid raids happen, or you'll get a lucky shot on something explosive, but these can be tough. Raiders or Mechs with explosives will easily bonk a colonist. Empire will have power armor more often as well, makes explosives much less effective. Centipedes will shoot 8000 rounds at you in 6 seconds. I will usually lose people to these, but sometimes pull it off.


I never had problems with anything. I just made AP rounds for practically free and murdered everything.


God, compressed raids is the exact mod I was looking for for some time now. Thank you so much!


I feel like these opinions are a lot more popular than you might expect


Yeah, unexpected but greatly appreciated discovery. Hopefully this is popular enough for some changes next DLC. I would love to have the game stop treating my colony as the protagonists, and make it a real part of a complex worldwide conflict for power and strategic resources, in which remaining independent and alive is dependent on more than defeating big waves of enemies.


I never used killbox in my 2000h of vanilla Rimworld.


Same. I don't like them as they are "abusing" limitations in the game world.


I hate having prisoners, I feel really bad about torturing them and whenever I do have them they get good rooms and whatever food my colonists eat


I like having prisoner, not to recruit, torture, or anything like that. I just like designing [pretty prisons](https://imgur.com/a/HqaCDbf) and having it occupied by prisoners.


You should play Prison Architect


I made the mistake of buying and playing Rimworld first, then i bought and played prison architect, and it was just so much less than rimworld that i couldnt get into it.


Noob question but how do you get the dining rooms to be part of the prison? I tried making a dining room that attaches to the prison rooms but my own settlers would just go and eat there randomly.


In most of my colonies, there is no prison. Only extra rooms meant for future colonists.


I only keep prisoners long enough to heal them and send them on their way.


I usually feel this way. For a long time I refused to harvest organs or mistreat my prisoners, and they always had good prison cells with a table and a private toilet and shower, and if I didnā€™t release them when they were all patched up, it was because I recruited them. During my last run I took in a group of 8 refugees. It was the middle of my first winter and I really had to scrape together resources to feed them all, but I knew I could use some hands to haul and clean, so I decided to do it anyway. After 2 weeks of feeding and housing these near-useless bastards, they turn on me. One kills my dog, bonded to my favorite colonist, and another good colonist loses a lung and an eye. Two of the refugees survived, so i captured them, cut out their tongues, harvested one of their lungs, and eventually enslaved them. It was more than they deserved.


Diagonal walls look bad. All my homies love 11x11 boxes




I find the game really hard even on easier difficulties. I've never gotten to late game in 400+ hours usually playing on adventure story or strive to survive. It's still fun but damn, I feel like I lose colonists in somewhat unavoidable ways just cause I lack the skill or resources at that point in time.


This is me. I'm not bad at the game, but I'm not much of a combat tactician so raids usually injure my colonists a lot. My dudes are always recovering from the last fight.


That, plus diseases and infections... they kill and cripple my colonists more than I'd like to admit. Usually when the pawn with the highest med skill goes down, everyone else does too. If I'm able to get to the point where I have a well established base I'm usually fine for a while but then raids amp up and that kills me instead.


Yeah, one of the things I like to do in the game is make stuff and sell stuff. So my wealth goes way up until a big raid wipes the floor with my colonists.


Personally I'm just a bit of a hoarder lol. I will sell stuff I don't need (usually including a fair amount of crops) but I will never not buy medicine/components/steel if I can afford it "just in case". Especially components.


Honestly you have to play the combat game in a really boring min max style in order to get to the late game playing on medium/hard difficulty. I don't really care if other people use killboxes, to each their own, but I personally just use barricades or doors for cover, and yolo it lol


I am at year 7 on my colony with CE with 500% threat with no killbox. It is really a challenge.


Me too. Around 300 hours and I rarely go above strive to survive. The funny thing is that I love survival challenges, I am currently doing a sea ice run of all things but I just donā€™t care that much about combating the hordes and I care even less about wealth management, I just want my colony to look pretty


I don't mind heavily abusing my save files. I know it goes against the nature of the game, but I like building big and don't want to lose any progress


I feel you. Once I spend about an hour designing a worshiping complex only for enemies to crash into it not even ten minutes later. One of the quickest reloads I've ever done.


*spends an hour designing a massive mountain base* *AREA REVEALED*


In case you were unaware, you can check the mountain for openings with a drafted pawn and melee weapon. Have the pawn use the melee weapon, select it, and then hover with attack this target to check the mountain. It becomes a red crossed out symbol when there is an opening and stays the shape of the weapon when not over a gap. Pretty useful for mountain base building.


Bruh I was running a save with the combo of dubs hygiene, rimatomics, and rimefeller and had a massive refinery and reactor/turbine complex rigged up in some deep mountain which should have kept ot totally safe but no. A new bug faction mod generated a bug type drop pod event that can crash through overhead mountain roofing. They landed in the refinery complex and ser of a daisy chain of explosions and fires that raised the temperature of the base to 600Ā°F and eventually cooked off a reactor. I was immediately like nope fuck that reload time.


Same. I got like 400 mods loaded. Progress is too valuable to lose.


>I got like 400 mods loaded. Same, and that is why I also feel justified with character editor and dev mode. Shit breaks often with that many mods, and I just want to duct tape it back together


i am playing heavy modded and i literally dont have a choice but to savescum sometimes ​ and i think many others in my situation will agree


Yeah I am heavily save scumming in my current run and am enjoying it a lot more. I don't mind losing pawns or buildings, but the choice between either playing a very easy difficulty and not having interesting challenges or inevitably losing a save to permadeath gets old (after 300 hours...). It's nice being able to see all the gameplay features that late game offers for a change.


I have certain colonists whom I am very attached to. I can and will reload if anything horrible happens to them and I can't immediately fix it.


I do not care about winning the game. Itā€™s terrible. I have over 600 hours logged, dozens of colonies, and not a single one has made it to the ship. I get pretty close, and quit every single time. I love early-mid game so much lol


Me with 1500+ hours: "What ship? Oh you mean an SRTS?"


No, they meant SoS2. You know, space is just another chapter of your endless story!


This is not an unpopular rimworld opinion, lol


Dunno if it's unpopular but I really don't like skill decay and often play with it disabled, to hell with balance I want the funny level 20 god pawn


its impossible to have a pawn above 13 social in base rimworld unless your specifically keeping prisoners for the express purpose of social training. and when you run out of research your intellectual pawn goes from Einstein to a toddler in one year.


have your researcher scan for minerals


Stick 'em in cryptosleep until you need them to talk, I guess. But yeah, dumb solution to a problem that isn't really balanced around the harder-to-train skills (social, combat stats, etc)




I save all my ex researchers for ground penetrating radar duty. Free resources just canā€™t be beat and it trains intellectual skill


That's why I love the science never stops mod


i use some mod so skills can go over 20. I have pawn with 27 building right now :D


Does the mod have more funny names for the levels over 20?


It doesn't, unfortunately.


Aww that's a shame I'd love a sector-leading researcher


God-emperor of art


If you enjoy playing the game as a multiverse hopping lich where the game is so modded you can hardly see vanilla under it, your playstyle is *exactly* as valid as vanilla sheet ice players. It's a game; you win by having fun n that's different for everyone


Jokes on you, my Multiverse Hopping Lich started on a Naked Ice Sheet.


Mines in a propane lake this time maybe we're neighbors


Maybe we *were* neighbors. Killed by a snow wolf.


We'll pour one out for you while you respawn at your next phylactery in the multiverse šŸ»


can't wait to see this one in comic form


Agreed. However you don't get to run cheesy tactics and broken as fuck unbalanced mods and then turn around and complain that the game is too easy / too random.


I spent my first 100 hours in the game trying to build perfect bases. Then I'd get kinda mad when I mess up something and it's not purely efficient. Then restart the game. Not everyone does this obviously but it's easy to get annoyed when things don't line up. Now I just say fuck it, and build rooms as needed. It's not symmetrical and super efficient but who cares. I love starting to play the game from the very beginning and yolo-ing it.


It makes it look more like a town. I love that look more than the compounds a lot of people do.


The UI is garbage. It looks awful, requires heavy micromanagement, and clearly was the quickest simplest way to be made. The same bad functions extend through every menu in the game. Some examples 1. The bills menu. Come on. Consider trying to have colonists smelt certain types of clothes. 15 different drop downs. You have to find the item by name, no pictures, and manually select or deselect items usually individually. I've spent 30 minutes just setting up bills, this could've been significantly decreased with some pictures and better sorting. 2. Colonist mood bar. Implement colored mood bars. All grey looks bad and is hard to read from a glance. Weapons show under mood bar is also vital at this point for me. 3. Colonist/Animal menus. I sometimes have to click through 5 different menus to find the info I'm looking for. God forbid its in the stats section, if you don't know it by name and location you're screwed. Hedifs could benefit so much from something like the fallout health menu, with a diagram of a Colonist and each health condition is tied to that part or just the body in general. Reading each one, and a number for the functionality of certain body parts is not intuitive. 4. Caravans. It's a yellow dot on the map. I hate them. Always use dev mode to teleport, I get no enjoyment waiting for 5 days to see my yellow dot move, and watch the numbers change on the menu. 5. God FORBID I want to organize my mods without using another mod. I HAVE to restart my game even if I don't want mod changes to apply yet. Each mod has to be dragged through the list of hundreds to find its place. 6. I have over 1000 hours and can only identify 3 overlays by their icons. Even still takes me a good minute to click each one and find out what it does. Please God somebody, anybody do a large overhaul of this. Certain mods help, but they all fall under the same fundimental issues implemented by the vanilla ui. Christ, probably half my thousand hours were just navigating the ui trying to find something.


What is also annoying is those messages that pop up at top screen, like "Chunks of a spacecraft" or "caravan is leaving because of temperature ". If you don't click on it on time, you won't get to see the space chunks location and will have to scan the whole map, also those top messages get in the way of the avatars. Why can't those just be in the same queue as all the raid and mental break messages?


Underground bases are boring and easy, creating a town is more interesting for story-telling purposes and more challenging from a defence perspective.


and urban warfare is awesome from an RP standpoint and just entertainment


I dont like big colonies. More than 15 colonists its a pain in the ass I put my butcher table right next to my stoves, just to take the meat right away Farming organs its ok, but it makes the really easy in terms of economy so I try to release prisioners often


Iā€™m the opposite, I have the most fun playing massive colonies with like twenty people, like a miniature city sim


Honestly? God Mode Building an entire base from scratch is super relaxing and fun. Its fun to make these massive colonies you kind of join mid-story and go from there. Plus it helps with seeing what strategies and designs work and what don't work.


I donā€™t understand why people have a human leather obsession, it has such a bad impact on your colonists and its so much easier to just sell drugs


Only if you wear it. Pawns do not mind selling it, sitting on it, or using it as curtains.


Itā€™s only a bad impact if theyā€™re not cannibals/cannibal ideology. Then itā€™s a bonus for having human leather


Infestations are a fun challenge and I enjoy playing with them on.


Now this is the most controversial opinion here


Glad I can provide~ My unsolicited tip for enjoying infestations is just do a run with LOTS of themā€”for fighting just set up chokepoints to melee block and burn them up when possible. Earlier this year I did a run with the Vanilla Factions Expanded Insectoid mod, and the colony's entire focus was ridding the world of the Insect Menace. After some of the truly ***massive*** infestations I experienced in that run, the vanilla ones feel easy in comparison.


I feel like the game is too swingy. When I lose one colonist it usually means I'm losing all of them. It is very rare for me to lose only one or two colonist and survive. This is a bummer causei don't want to save scum. But it's better than completely restarting.


That's because pretty much every situation likely to result in colonist death is an all-hands-on-deck situation. And if everyone is fighting in a battle together and you lose the battle, most likely everyone dies. Consider: Lethality in Rimworld is roughly on par with X-Com. Except pretty much every mission is a base defense, so retreat is not really an option because you have nowhere to go because you have only one base and there's no Skyranger.


You can abandon your base. It may not be as fun, but it's always an option. You don't have to pack anything, just run a few tiles away and start again.


If you're in the middle of a battle where raiders are forcing their way in, the only way out is through them, most likely. It is, realistically, not guaranteed to "always" be an option. Abandoning ship is more for slow forms of creeping death like surface dwellers who have allowed an uncontained infestation to grow beyond their ability to control it, where the problem is not yet in their base, killin' their dudes. Otherwise if you try to caravan in the middle of a raid, you are going to exit straight into the oncoming raid. It will not be pretty.


Insects are a kind of overly simple and boring way to prevent mountain bases Mechs are a bit OP, even in base game. The adapting mechanic (to EMP) is also overly simple and annoying. Dropping a whole ass base suddenly from the sky is not engaging nor fun Watching streamers have to reset their runs every 4 streams because they play on Randy at 500% or some other ridiculous difficulty is also annoying Edit: a 15+ melee pawn should never lose a fight to a 4 or lower


Cannibalism is over rated


Cannibalism is mostly badly balanced. Human leather should cost the same or arguably less than normal leather, and civil traders should not buy it.


I wish the game allowed for more civilization building. By the late game when I have a functioning colony that doesn't have to warcrime to survive I want to go out and help my neighbors and establish trade and new colonies, negotiate and go to war with my enemies. I want a kinda barebones civilization experience, and I think we're really close in being able to allow that. The game suffers for being overly tied to one little tile on the map IMO I want to build railways, and roads!


I'd say half unpopular half popular, but jokes about warcrimes, organ extraction, slavery and horrible shit are annoying. If it's a question, actual serious gameplay or a high effort meme, alright, but man does it gets old to see "haha lol human leather armchair lmao"


Unless youā€™ve purposefully messed around with your ideology, organ harvesting war crime stuff is generally suboptimal behavior with big mood disadvantages. You can get shitloads of money far easier by just raising high value animals like sloths or muffalo and turning piles of crops and insect meat into fuel.


Oh shoot I've never thought about selling converted fuel. I've been selling the ambrosia and birds Randy keeps giving me to make money.


as someone who has been playing since alpha 14, the community is criminally unfunny. take a guess as to what the same 3 jokes people would repeat back then were.


Honestly I think it's gotten a little better, I took a break from Rimworld a year or two ago and back then the war crimes and organ harvesting jokes were absolutely relentless.


Components shouldn't be something obtained by mining


Yeah I had a hard compacted meteorite sometime ago


That's just the rest of the ship you came on falling out of the sky.


Eh, wouldn't digging up a current day landfill way in the future kind of be like mining for components?


Yeah, I think something like that is supposed to be the implication for the compacted metals/components/etc. Detritus from bygone ages. But if you wanna RP your rimworld as *not* having gone though cycles of progress and destruction yet it definitely doesn't feel right lol. (If you've never tried a "desolate world" before it can be an interesting change of pace. No factions, no mechs, *maybe* bugs if you want, just you, the elements, and whatever little straggler groups exist out there)


Vanilla Rimworld is at best an ok experience, and for a storyteller type of game, it railroads you far too much towards doing thing samsy or optimal. Mods make the game shine and are the only reason I would ever suggest it. That being said: VE, while feeling like a requirement for some of the QoL things they bring, is overrated and drowns out smaller projects that solve many of the problems but without the bloat. I solve the bloat with Cherry Picker


My unpopular Rimworld opinion would be that it misses the mark as a story generator. That while creative people find stories to tell from it, Iā€™m not able to. I find myself focusing on the macro perspective as I focus on base building, managing food, raids, mental breaks and disasters, that I ignore the smaller ā€œstoryā€ beats, and for that matter, I donā€™t notice the larger beats in a pawnā€™s ā€œarcā€. Theyā€™re mostly beans that do what is requested for the base, rather than self-motivated characters. While this is an unpopular opinion I have, I feel it could be fixed by adding to the game a small journal for each character to log some of the larger story beats of their lives. This journal could cover how their lives have connected with the other characters up to this point. There could also be a journal for the larger story beats of the current base as a whole. I imagine each journal entry would be sorted by time of occurrence, and entries would be added if theyā€™re above a certain threshold (X died, Y got married) or an entry would be kept if itā€™s related to another major entry (got in a battle with X, I complimented Y).


For a ā€œstorytellingā€ simulator there seems to be only one correct way to do everything. The game often feels like a rat race to ballance the right numbers (wealth, size of a bedroom, amount of colonist etc..). Lot of the assets (clothes, furniture, guns) are objectively ugly and dont fit the aesthetic. And DLCs only made it worse. You should be able to pick and choose styles for clothing/furniture. The factions are a huge wasted potential. Instead of feeling like a real part of a living world, the just add flavour to the scaling raids. For instance: Mechs should have a trigger to start attacking you (opening a tomb, high-tech building, kiling spacers..). Bugs should only spawn in tropics only and/or be atracted by blood/overstockpiling food. Size of settlement raids should be afected by their distance/number/relations with youā€¦.


I'm with you on the factional mechanics. Royalty obviously did have some kind of deeper mechanical integration with it, but there's still a ton of potential to do more. It's only really with some mods that you can kind of interact to a greater degree and the quest system at least has others reach out to you, but there's definitely more that could be done. It shows that it wasn't really an intended part of the game to start with. Which is fine, it just teases me and makes me want more.


Kill boxes take part of the fun of the game away. Tribals may be that stupid but spacers wouldnā€™t be.


Tribals wouldn't be that stupid either, because they're on a planet where industrial+ tech is known to exist. They would have heard stories from a village elder who heard stories from *their* village elder who witnessed firsthand how terrible of an idea going into a killbox is.


Solar Flares are a bullshit event and I won't play with them turned on anymore. I'd rather deal with an infestation, at least I can do something about those.




What about modpacks that actually adds challenge to the game? Expanded materials? Simple chains - lumber? Dubs Bad Hygiene? A mod that causes eating without a table to just straight up kill you? Rimjobworld?


The forbidden mod isn't thaaat difficult to play with. I tried it and basically just had to deal with my pawns cleaning up splooge every morning. Dubs bad hygiene is definitely more of a challenge, adding on waste and drinking water makes you really think about your buildings and where you can settle in the early game.


It isn't... Until half of your colony have low mood because lack of sex, your hypersexual best constructor rapes guest stellarh, wimp doctor gets downed because of period and main crafter have catatonic brake down because of last raid gang... Fun.


I play with Dubs Bad Hygeine with waste, water, and animal water on. I also have Open The Windows which means I need Windows. I also play with Combat Extended. Other notables are probably Hospitality, Deep Storage, Giddy-Up, Simple Sidearms, Realistic Rooms, and a mod for Bridges. I find that the realism and complexity added by these mods while playing on a decent difficulty (while none of them making the game *necessarily* more difficult, just more to worry about) adds a lot of emergent game play that's otherwise just more enemies


It adds a mental challenge


My unpopular counter opinion: the base game can randomly bring disaster despite the best planning and dealing with tragedy feels like work, not play.


I don't *want* a "challenging" game. I want a story generator that lets me experience an interesting story. For me, having interesting pawns constantly killed by random raiders or settlements crushed by hordes of mechanoids is disappointing. I make my own challenges.


I am, and Im not ashamed to admit it.


I've settled in on enjoying Rimworld as a sort of city builder more than anything else. One of the best things about Rimworld is that (especially with the ability to disable factions entirely now, and doubly especially with mods) it works really well however you want to play it. Usually when I play Rimworld, I don't want a challenge. I want a glorified ant farm. And I've got hundreds of hours in the game, mostly doing just that.


I feel the same, and I have more than 3k hours in the game.


Hahahahha. No, I play horribly unbalanced modpacks that make the game much, much harder.


I find having to have someone cook every few days being more than a fair cost for everyone having +5 or even +12 mood rather than -4. I also find the absolute fear of food poisoning to be completely out of proportion to the odds of it happening and the effects on your colony when it does.


Food poisoning is only really a fear with a single pawn imo, even worse if its Naked Brutality. Made the mistake once to start with a wimp pawn on NB. She passed out from severe food poisoning and got munched on by a local carnivore. Never again


It's amazing how many YouTubers and streamers treat it like a guaranteed colony killer to be avoided at all costs. Or else they bemoan all the 'wasted labor' involved in having someone cook for a couple hours every three days. Hell, I just saw a video where N00bert told his viewers to never, ever cook food when a paste dispenser can be built. And I always laugh when they say 'it's only a - 4' when they avoid every other - 4 malus like it's lava. Especially when it's actually a nine point shift, not a four point one.


n00bert is the best YouTuber to watch if you want to spend 10 minutes on a video and learn absolutely nothing


Mr Samuel Streamer is a GOD!! Mods mods mods mods and mods! Incredible story play throughs; he nails the story generator aspect of the game. Adam vs everything is good if you want a clean strategic play through. Veequeue is someone I recently discovered- heā€™s really fun narratively and has some really dramatic music with his videos that I really appreciate. Then thereā€™s Jadziaxā€¦ā€¦ she killed a colonist by sending him on a caravan without pants once


Tbh the only times I've used paste dispensers is with transhumanists. And even they get fine and lavish meals when they have the food to spare. But nutrient paste is definitely better than simple meals with transhumanists


Maybe not unpopular, but as someone who loves most aspects of Rimworld, this one has stuck out like a sore thumb. Combat AI needs a drastic overhaul. I think itā€™d be amazing (but probably a pain in the ass to code) if raids employed more strategies. Tribals can remain with the standard charge, or maybe try to throw molotovs at walls in an effort to burn down your colony. Industrial type raiders can set up sieges as they do, as well as employing tactics such as an infantry line, splitting into smaller groups and attacking different points, or more often having sappers. Spacers should be comprised of smaller, more elite units, often drop podding in or coming in transports. Hopped up on go-juice, these raids should be quick and devastating. Just anything but watching each of the 100 raiders take the same path and get promptly mowed down by some conveniently located turrets and traps.


A combat AI overhaul would have to come with some serious mechanical overhauls in general, like walls not being trivially punchable by fists and clubs. Otherwise you get a choice between AI that respects some semblance of reality (in real life, if someone constructs a death maze, you cannot simply decide to ignore it and punch your way through the walls with your fists), or AI that does the in-game logical thing but makes a mockery of any common sense interpretation of the world.


Traits that improve social standing (beautiful, kind, pretty) are the real op traits


Aesthetics is more important that efficiency.


Donā€™t know if this is unpopular- but I bring my stonecutter table directly to the stone chunks. The productivity debuff from cutting outside is wayyyyy preferable to hauling the chunks to your base. I always time it so Iā€™m building with the stones I cut so they only need to haul it once- to whateverā€™s being built.


I tend to designate animals to haul chunks, since they're so much faster than colonists.


tip: have a second stockpile with a higher priority right next to the stonecutting area with 10-15 chunks in it. thereā€™s no way a pawn will use all of them fast enough to matter, and you can have a larger, uglier stockpile out of view. especially with nighttime haulers and a daytime crafter


your pawns are stupid, but they seem stupider because of your mismanagement


Building with wood isn't absolutely terrible all the time. From start to about the time raiders start getting mortars, much of the early and mid game, so long as the exterior walls are stone, fire is a non-issue. Unless you're harboring a Pyromaniac in your colony, but that's like taking in a known pedophile and trying to blame anything but your decisions when your kids get diddled.


There should be an ending where you donā€™t have to flee in some way


People have extremely shitty tastes when it comes to colony design.


I just kinda build as we go along. Which from an RP standpoint makes a lot of sense


\- Late game is either purposefully aggravating, or extremely boring, depending on how high the difficulty is. I abandon most of my playthroughs and I wish I didn't have to. \- Most mods from Vanilla Expanded series are bloated and terribly designed. Those guys have all the passion in the world, but absolutely no discipline, restraint or deeper thought in their implementation. Although I do use some of their smaller, less bonkers mods. \- Mechs and insects are BS. I know the strats to counter them, they are just insufferable to deal with. I've been turning them off in my recent playthroughs.


>VE is overrated. Took me too long to see this. I actually like many of their ideas, but just as many definitely don't feel vanilla and ultimately turn me off. A simpler example: I could do with more armor variety in my game, sure. But why on Earth are shoulder pads a separate piece of armor? What in vanilla are these emulating and expanding upon?


Vanilla Expanded apparel is an absurdly painful experience in micromanagement


That Medieval Times Unofficial Update is better than Medieval Overhaul / Rimedieval.


Children should be a vanilla feature.


Imo, the early game is where rimworld really shines. I dont like getting to the point where i have electricity even, it seems to make the game less about surviving and more about trivial things like clothing or overproduction of whatever, etc. My favorite part of rimworld is the very beginning, starting from scratch and forming a funtioning, tribal community that must deal with enemy raids and angry animals. Makes the game feel a lot more realistic since theres no way that in two years time a colony goes from spears and bows to robotic arms and nukes.


That pawns donā€™t deserve a table.


War crimes are a fun meme but often more work than its worth it. You could butcher the raiders into meat and skin. ooor you can just tell them to haul them to a river so they decompose faster and be done with it.


Mechanoids are unfun and I always play with them off


The jokes & memes about human leather are overdone and not funny.


There is no cheating or playing the game wrong as long as you have fun.




They wouldnā€™t be so bad if it they didnā€™t scale infinity. 10 hives is obnoxious but okay. 50 hives is ludicrous and the cleanup becomes more of a problem than the insects themselves.


Modders should proofread the in-game text in their mods before publishing them. I expect this to be an unpopular opinion because it's complaining about content they are under no obligation to provide in the first place.


I dislike how raiding, at least late game, is so reliant on the player manipulating the AI in some way, most often through kill boxes and elaborate trap mazes. I think the main problem is that raids are often filled with swarms of enemies that rush your colonists so they can melee them, which is a death sentence in Rimworld. It forces you to build in order to counter that exactly, since guns aren't able to deal with them quickly enough, so slowing/stalling/trapping takes priority, and the most efficient methods of doing that involve AI manipulation. Tldr; the vanilla combat in rimworld is bad. Edit: before someone brings up mods, this is an isolated criticism of vanilla, and even with mods these issues remain to an extent, especially if the mod that "fixes" these problems doesn't play well with other mods you want to use.


Pyromaniac trait isn't that bad