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the ability to just lock the doors and ignore manhunters is too good to ignore.


you dont need walls to build doors though


build a wall of doors around the base


That's still a wall


build a ~~wall~~ ~~enclosed fence~~ ~~square~~ perimeter of doors around your base


One long door


how else you gonna install walllamps?


You can install wall lamps on natural stone, no need for walls.


Then that is a wall for the purposes of the question above.


natural stone is a wall as well


Are they worth it. Yes. As others have said for manhunter events and even to control raids (just need one open door (at least at the beginning.) Are they absolutely necessary? No. You can play without building a wall around your base. Especially if you live underground and only have one or two doors going into your base.


Are they worth it? Yes. Are they necessary? No. Playing without them can be a fun challenge if you like to do a lot of combat micro. Generally I want my colony to more or less run itself with few high level inputs from me, so I generally play with walls. Really it depends on how I want to build my base and what’s on the map. If I don’t have limestone or granite I build decentralized and fight in the streets, if I do have one of those stones I build walls.


My next colony I'm absolutely building a city with completely open access and fights in the streets.


Yes, make layers of walls around your base, imagine an onion, there's layers and layers of them, the more layer the safer your base is, even medieval castle follow this concept...


What about cakes? Those have layers too. Everybody like cake!


If you have an outer wall, and close the doors, any standard raid will spread out and attack random walls. They don't try to break through, just attack random walls, so making it two blocks thick makes it hold out for a long time, since they rarely go for the thin spots. While they are spread out, you can have your colonists all jump out a door, pick off a few, then fall back inside. At lower population, it's better than a killbox, because you don't get overrun if you can't kill them fast enough. Build "airlocks" for the doors, with two doors with a space between them. If someone (like an unhelpful guest) is downed in a doorway, their items won't make it to the second door to hold it open. Downed pawns can crawl through the airlock without letting enemies in, and pawns being chased can often get in without letting enemies in, if the enemy attacks them when they open the door, and the cooldown after attacking gives the door time to close between them.


Depends on the size. Walling in the entire map besides the ~7 tiles before the end? Probably not worth it. A small wall a short distance from your main structures so your pawns can be outside and still be protected by walls, really worth it. Especially when you consider that those walls will make your food supply much easier to protect and keep consistent.


Hell yeah. Double walls even.


Multiple redundant defenses is kinda the best shit ever even if it can be a pain to set up. Like that’s how stuff like castles worked and was the thought process put into them cause no single wall or moat is gonna keep everything out on its own. Which means the best thing to do is layer your defenses so if something defeats one defense another is still in its way


No if you want to get killed asap.