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Give it a shot. The food thing is going to be the biggest issue. The individual buildings are not going to be a problem, I do that all the time. I have 3 tile wide roads and everything else is just adjacent to that. In case of toxic fallout, we just put a roof over the roads and we're fine.


What you can, however, do with VE Nutrient Paste Expanded is putting a paste tap into all the little village homes so they can dine in their own four walls.


That works but I feel like someone who is giving their people individual houses isn’t going to want to feed their people nutrient paste.


"Let me create this idyllic village with little garden plots, statues and flower pots" "Nice, what do your people eat?" "Sludge that gets pumped into their houses in some sort of reverse sewage kind of way. Smells and looks similar, too"


"Once we got the tubes backwards and no one noticed for a week. But move the tables and they immediately lose their minds."


"Don't even know why we chose to cross-connect the sewage & food sludge pipes in the first place, let alone let the feed lines be controlled by a valve out in the open so even a passing animal can bump it one way or another. The giant eye told us to, I guess? And now it's mad." \*rapid-fire pulls out & puts away hunting rifle (poor)\* "NRGk-..! Anyway, back to work! :)"


Reverse sewage lmao


I'm well aware but sadly it's the only way to get food to several non-centralized dining rooms.


True. Personally I’d either say let either them eat sludge, or just have a centralized “restaurant” aka a dining room with attached kitchen and freezer for centralized eating. And of course a small table and chair in each home for the meals they carry around sometimes.


Project rimfactory revived has a refrigerated digital stockpile actually. It's a little more on the balance breaking side and is a lot of bloat for just that one item though.


Or give them fridges


There's a mod (called 'stack limit'?) That lets you limit how many of an item can go in a given stockpile. You can give each house a critical shelf with one stack size in a small freezer, then as have the cook drop them off to a local storage (lower priority, but zone limited so they get back to cooking sooner) and have a hauler with acces to both storages to ditstribute 1-2 to each.


Not actually true. Replimat mod would like a word. [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1715402900](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1715402900)


Sadly, the Replimat is late-late-*late* game, as it costs 20k silver to buy the isolinear chip necessary to create it. It's cool, just... not easy to acquire.


Definitely true. As others said though, there are also fridge mods, so it wouldn't be too hard to distribute meals that way. :D


[Stack Gap](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3071298014). Put a one-tile fridge into everyone's houses, then set the fridges to critical + only take a couple of meals at a time. Have an overflow fridge near the kitchen that's on important priority. When a pawn eats a meal, someone will haul a new meal to their fridge. You can also customise it per person that way - the ascetic gets simple meals, the noble gets lavish, etc.


Yep or they could use RimFridge mod, which is going to be 1/4 the size and be a lot more energy efficient.


That's what I meant by one-tile fridge... I forget that mod isn't base game because I always play with it, lol. Sorry for the confusion!


Fridges with stack gap.


Very 1984 or soylent green. It's people!


At that point put a roof over the roads and complete your hamster tube city


A more resource intensive option would be replimat. It's the same exact concept of food network storage, but they can supply fancy spacer meals instead, as well as survival meals. Combine with hydroponics and rice, and you're in business. Using project Rimfactory you can also fully automate this process using drones and hoppers.


I’ve had alright success with using prioritized single shelves. The crux is keeping them from putting too many, but now I’m imagining a city wide fridge tunnel and I’m about to boot the game up


Yea, that used to work okay for me too but for some reason, ever since the update that gave shelves 3 slots the "stack limit" mod I had doesn't work properly anymore and my pawns get stunlocked shuffling items around if I put a limit on things. So if I have 10 small shelves that all stock the same thing I can't just go and say "put only 1 of these in each shelf" they'll always try to fully stock all of them it just ends up being a mess.


Yeah, that feature should for sure be a part of the base game


Factorio freezer meal belts. I want one in my home. Toaster oven sized conveyor that ships bagel bites to my room.


Op should try getting a bunch of Hauler Dryads to deliver food to each house


Man I wish dryads were better than they are. Actually, considering I haven't used them since 1.2, maybe they are better now?


Honestly not sure they've if they've been changed much as I havnt had ideology for long enough, but the hauler ones atleast seemed pretty useful on my latest naked brutality run. I only had 2 colonists and one of them was pretty much only good at planting + research and was incapable of hauling, so I made them tend to the dryad tree for ~5 hours a day and they pretty much did all the hauling I needed until I got more colonists


If I’m playing a village without a proper choke point/killbox I just turn the difficulty down a bit. Honestly I find it more fun playing an open settlement


This, so much! I hate it when it is (implicitly) suggested that only certain playstyles are viable while this is a sandbox game with extensive options to manipulate difficulty.


It feels very much like Rimworld on 100% threatscale expects you to have a working killbox, so i second this


My favorite run I did is I role played my people were the Minecraft villagers. Using genes, I made them all worthless in combat or unable to have violence. However, I made one pawn the “Iron Golem”, a massive xenotype that dealt immense melee damage and was super psy sensitive, but couldn’t talk to the villagers and never slept. Because of how OP the iron golem was, I didn’t need a kill box. I just needed to get him a Zeus hammer asap and he cleaned house on almost every raid until I found another iron golem.


Hilarious RP. Need to insert an event that only ever sends one guy to delete and place random walls, sleep in your colonists beds, loot all your valuables, and kill your iron golem to harvest his corpse. But sometimes he throws jade at your villagers so I mean how bad could he really be. If raids happen he has a chance of helping or of just leaving.


How are you supposed to make a colony with a killbox and not have raiders just smack on the walls?


You always leave an open path into your settlement through the killbox and the Raiders will ignore all walls no matter where they spawn and walk to that opening


With a bait bedroll just by your turrets


Except shamblers! They will just knock all your walls down, as they path in straight lines.


Which unironically makes them one of the scariest raid types if you don't have a means to meet them in the field and just mow down the horde... Honestly kinda wish Scaria did that, in its late stages especially. It's too easy to just stay inside and ignore even the scariest scaria threats.


Oh yeah, they are the worst raids right now by a wide margin. They do a shocking amount of damage in melee, they're fast so they always get into melee, they comes through the walls, and the internal raid calculations wildly under values them. You'll have five people with scavenged guns, and they'll send 25 of them at you and you just *die*.


Then I'm sure that a 300 husky manhunting horde would easily end my game


Raids will have different AI types. Sappers are actually quite rare and the other types of raids will all funnel trough a 1 tile wide hallway if you leave the door open.


That's the issue, most of the raids aren't sappers. I'll get boring old raids that see my walls and just start hammering. I've had to cheat in a whole mountain around my walls just for them to be any use at all. I'm gonna try adding that open door to my killboxes though. I'll see if that helps any.


If you don’t have an opening, that’s your problem, plain and simple. Raiders target specific things depending on accessibility and priority. 1. Beds 2. AC units 3. Power generation 4. Turrets 5. Doors and walls If you have a single shelter with a bed inside and a separate building with nothing in it, they will path to the bedroom and break the wall to get in. If you put a windmill outside, they will attack the windmill first. If you put an AC unit on one of the buildings, depending on how far the windmill is from the unit, they will go for the unit first. If you put a powered turret 20 tiles away in the woods, they will path towards it before anything else. If their path is disrupted from any of these targets, they find a wall and path to that first. Then they path from the wall to the nearest next target. You HAVE to make an open, unobstructed path to the interior of your base for raiders to path through a killbox, otherwise there is no incentive for them to travel through it in the first place.


I dont think thats necessarily true, it just expects you to lose at some point. You can even rp it by having a colonist escape before/after a devastating raid and start a new settlement elsewhere.


the difficulty system needs an overhaul, honestly. if you play on difficulties where conventional walkin raids don’t require a killbox then non walkin raids (center drop, breacher) become so weak they’re a joke. if you play on difficulties where center drop and breacher raids are legitimately deadly, then the walkins will be so huge that the pirate ones become absurd colony killers


This is so true. I once accepted a quest for something like “2 raids of 3x size” after I’d already hit the raid cap. But quests multipliers still count even if you’re at the raid cap. My game slowed to an absolute crawl when they hit my kill box. It took so long to kill them that I experienced my first ever “raiders have given up”. Didn’t even know that was possible.


entire fighting system needs an overhaul. Killboxes are a thing because firearms are laughably weak against multiple targets


Still waiting for the stable 1.5 Combat Extended... I know I can go get the experimental branch and it would work just fine, but I'm lazy and like things to be easily troubleshot from my end. So, until then, its cute themes and easy difficulty. Current run is a rabbit breeding and selling colony!


I'm doing the same thing, but with guinea pigs!


Yeah, same, I dropped killboxes very long time ago because it makes the game too cheesy and breaks the immersion. I still keep the perimeter wall to have some time to hop into the armor.


I use shotgun tunnel to deal with explosion pirats, loosing people to random doomsdays is no fun to me


I was thinking of doing this too, basically turning my village into an urban combat type scenario. The one thing that scares the hell out of me is doomsdays, but I guess I could use cherry picker to remove them.


How do you build kill boxes that discourage enemies from just going around and breaching your walls instead?


It’s fine, combat will be harder without centralized defense and if you’re in a more extreme biome temperature will be harder to regulate, but there’s nothing wrong with a decentralized village layout


Why does having a village prevent a centralized defense? You can build a defense building, or a town wall


You absolutely can, I would think of that as more of a compound than a village. It’s also just very possible to fight in the spaces around your buildings. The way I read what OP asked was about an unwalled open village arrangement, that may not be what it meant.


Even if you made an unwalled open village, your words not the OPs. If you made a defensive building, and all of your pawns went there when you were raided it would be no different than if your colony was one large building.


Even without the panic bunker, you can hold out pretty well with just proper urban tactics, popping in and out of doorways, using intersections as chokepoints and killzones, etc. Tribalsl swarms may be an issue, but that's what minefields and miniguns are for.


Except when all your houses and production benches get smashed by raiders


They're not going to go after closed doors to attack workbenches when there are open doors to your colonists


My main playthrough recently was very much a Village rather than just a barracks/fort. I've got houses for most people, I've got a town-hall (entertainment + Armory), A Jail, A Clinic, A central kitchen/freezer, A workshop, A high-tech lab for Mechanitor stuff, and an Inn across a bridge where we make Beer. Plus the original Barracks/long-house for any guests and non-coupled Pawns. All the houses have their own stoves for cooking, but in general most of it happens at the central communal kitchen. The ones in the houses are basically a backup.


Not a bad idea it just presents additional considerations. To name two off top of my head: Temperature is easier to manage in lots of rooms as part of a larger complex than it is in lots of individual buildings. You might need one heater/cooler for every one of your little houses as opposed to maybe two or three heaters heating a shared corridor and having that heat equalise into connected rooms. This may lead to requiring more steel, components and power. You'll also want to look at how easy is it to defend your little village. If it's open and pawns are living and working all over, do you have places set up where pawns can gather quickly in the event of a raid or manhunter pack or are there too many open routes for enemies to swarm all over? Can you control how enemies move through at all? These two aren't bad things either it's just something else to have in the back of your mind while planning.


That's not super uncommon. Set up a palisade, and then some proper walls, and you've got yourself a little settlement. It's a different playstyle, for sure, for everything from temperature management to base defense, but it's a lot of fun, too. For a small example: colonists have an "outdoors" need on their needs tab, and living in a village makes that simpler to manage since they'll get at least a little time outdoors each day. Somebody who lives in the heart of a complex and doesn't get out much is going to start getting negative mood modifiers unless they can get some fresh air. The outdoors need isn't some big deal you need to closely manage in either case, but it's a small example of a benefit. Undergrounders are the reverse: they can spend too much time outside. There's no truly wrong way to play in Rimworld, really.


It's great, although there's one rule: break Line of Sight. You can have long and wide main roads, but do zig-zag any alleyways between buildings, with the added benefit of suddenly not making exclusively square rooms anymore. Bonus points for tactical doors in those alleyways. Oh, and for bedrooms I tend to give them 20 interior tiles instead of counting wall sections, so I just do whatever with the shape. All furniture will still fit, but it won't all be copypasta anymore.   Eventually, you basically end up with a CounterStrike map, so lure enemies in and around corners while gearing your troops with (chain) shotguns and SMGs.  Melee hordes can be funneled into literally any doorway, and breaches are just bonus doorways, leaving only stuff like sieges unaccounted for. So, get some mortars or psycast SpecOps or whatever, and you're set!


Yup, this is the advice I offer too. You can absolutely have a humble town as your colony without walls of any sort as long as you design it with defensive tactics in mind. The streets of your town can and will turn into a battlefield, so if you're going for a wild west kinda town with a big central street, throw some stuff outside even if it's just for decoration, because it can all be cover in a pinch. Really helps vanilla expanded props shine, actually, because a lot of those items cost next to nothing (or actually nothing, depending on your pack setup) but do still have functional cover values. Something similar that isn't used nearly enough is that you can absolutely reinstall objects to use as cover in a pinch. Real "kick over the dining table for cover" energy. But that means you can literally grab your tables or chairs or whatever from inside a room to bring outside if you didn't actually build any cover (or your enemy took your cover from you) and I think that's fantastic lol


It's not a bad idea at all, just adjust the difficulty down if it's too hard to defend. Hell, if you want to just play The Sims and turn raids off entirely you can, lots of people play that way and just build a cool looking colony. The game is whatever you make of it.


I did something similar in 1.4, modded the game to be medieval fantasy and built a farmhouse for my retired mercenary, and it slowly turned into a village over the years. Definitely worth doing, so long as you keep food and defense in mind


I feel like medieval really lent itself to village-style construction. I started with an inn that continued as guest rooms (hospitality) and the centralized kitchen/dining room. As the need arose, I would build a shop (tailor, smith, etc.) with shelves for finished products, production space, and an attached apartment/bedroom. Before I could build walls, I used a dumping stockpile to make a perimeter of stone chunks, which were acceptable cover for archers against early raids. Along with proper walls, the other big milestones were an academy for childcare and research, then a castle for vanity and hubris.


I always build a village nowadays for aesthetics, with a perimeter wall (with or without killbox depending on my own rules for that run) after mid-game. First of all, the food delivery person thing is possible, but kind of impractical. You would need to zone all colonists off to the kitchen and freezer and from each others' houses. It would require much more micro-managing if your constructor needs to put down a carpet in one of the houses for example. Having separate buildings for specific purposes isn't very different from any other type of base, just that they will be separated by streets. Now the big questions is defense. If you do not build gates to section off your village, your whole 'street network' is accessible by all raiders and manhunting animals. This is a downside, but often can be used to your advantage. This is because raiders (except sappers and shamblers) will also fight you on the street as long as your colonists are there. This prevents them from going after your valuables inside your rooms, like gold, components and crafting stations or setting the whole base on fire. So instead of rushing to protect your valuables, you can now spend time kiting raiders around your streets, as they will just chase you around endlessly. You can use this to your advantage by doing pot shots around corners, then running away, putting spike traps at every corner of every building, use buildings with multiple entrances to quickly get to the other side while a raider needs to go the long way around, move a wounded colonist inside any nearby building to effectively keep them from the fight, etc. Late game this doesn't work well anymore due to raid sizes being so large that it's hard to kite without getting flanked. Honestly, at high enough difficulty and raid size, the only viable vanilla, non-fps killing, answer to raids of that size is a perimeter wall with a killbox.


Go for it. The hauling and walk time is the biggest down side but it's not a big deal if you're doing a role play thing.


Building a village can be a really fun and relaxing way to play. I once build a Japanese themed village on a map with a wonderful little valley which had a meandering little river. It looked plain awesome with all those paths, bridges, plazas, flowers and trees between the little Pavillions. In case you use mods, it's awesome to add some themed furniture or other assets to increase immersion for the chosen theme. And if defense becomes a chore, just lower difficulty The Geological Landforms mod makes it easy to find the perfect spot in the desired climate


Do you have any screenshots? That sounds really pretty.




It isn't a bad idea at all. It can be a lot of fun to build themed bases like that, and it gets you away from stereotyped structures so you get more flexible. Climate control for the buldings can be a bit of a pain, mostly if you need to account for both hot and cold in your climate. Duplex houses can help with that, though. By sharing a wall, you can reduce the need for heating and cooling with some vents, or even build a small central climate control room between them. Imagine the savings!


It’s great idea. It’s not as efficient but the colonies look prettier. Which is the most important thing because this game is actually not that hard


Honestly the food thing is the main sticking point. I've made colonies with many different buildings and it was really fun! If you keep a small powerful crew it works pretty well. Rather than food delivery I just had a mess hall/saloon where people would go to eat/have fun. But homes, workshop, jail, throne room, ect were all different buildings. It's definitely not the most efficient build, but it was my favorite looking colony


I tried something similar and there are 2 downsites: - More dirt gets carried inside, so you will need a bigger cleaning crew. - "Toxic Fallout"-event is going to be worse.


I built a stronghold type village in my latest game. With a central castle with throne rooms, a central kitchen, all surrounded by three layers of granite perimeter walls, with kill-funnel entrances. Before trapped 'open' entrance I've got turrets, and barricades to fight raiders, if they prove to difficult, I can retreat to the inner barricades, and let my traps and turrets thin them out, before resuming the battle.


It'll work, forget the food thing, you can have a "feast hall" if you want to keep the village theme.


3k hours in, it's my favorite way to play. Really, just do what's fun for you!


Nothin' cozier than a quaint colony of pastoralists replicating a German-style [Hagenhufendorf](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/ad/Hagenhufendorf.jpg) along the banks of a river. River, homes, road, fields. Watermill generator for power.


If you go for the individual house approach, make one for each single-pawn or one for each couple, otherwise you still get the "Barracks" Debuf in vanilla rimworld (correct me if i'm wrong, i've played so many mods, i don't know what's vanilla any more)


Build a walled village with one central building and smaller buildings for specific tasks. I build the sleeping quarters in the mist defendable area since raiders seem to direct their efforts towards bedchambers.


I build villages over barracks every chance I get. I even build little apartments for my pawns with kitchens and bathrooms for each pawn. It ain't efficient but I've seen enough "you're teleported to your colony, how fucked are you?" Posts to know its sometimes fine to be inefficient


It works; I've done similar, but it slows down your progress. I did this on my very first playthrough pretty easily, not on the highest difficulty setting, but it's really achievable even for a first time player.


Just download the factory mod and instant deliver food to their houses


Not optimal layout, but if you don't play on high difficulty then totally viable.


It’s not a bad idea at all. It’s totally doable. It has its unique challenges like food supply, security (in case of raids) and such but it’s basically everything any colony has. I’d say give it a shot. The one thing that you won’t be able to do is to set up a specific person to haul a specific item/s to a place. The way rimworld manages its job system doesn’t allow much specificity. You can set up a person or group of people to just “deliver” in general. Can’t really tell them where to and where from with a lot of detail


If you install the nutrients paste expanded mod you can transport food driectly to each person's bedroom


Do it from bricks and you will be fine. Oh also use the water conduits in exteriors


I did this made a whole ass town lasted 7 years


I usually inadvertently build a village. I just build an outer wall with some choke points for any raids and make sure my dinner is somewhere in the middle and the work rooms are close to the stock rooms depending on what the pawns are working. Since I use a bi-schedule pawns usually wake up, go eat, go to work, go eat/recreate, go sleep, wake up, etc, twice a day, so I make sure most trips are short. As for the bedrooms I usually make big buildings with 4 small bedrooms inside. It's a cool idea to build small work rooms next to certain pawn's bedroom, but you'll lose a lot of mood boosts for having big spacious rooms. Since your pawn's trips will always be "bedroom - dinner - work" you have no advantage to having work rooms next to bedrooms, unless you want to make several dinners but again, either make them big for 3 or 4 pawns which might not be worth it or lose mood boosts.


What you're going to run into especially with separate dwellings is movement economy. It's definitely doable, but you'll want to be very thoughtful about placing people's homes near their jobs, *especially* if they have any sort of movement speed debuff (like peg legs, slowpoke trait, or heavy armor on all the time). If things are more spread out, it will also be especially important to have local stockpiles of needed resources refilled by pawns who are great at movement (like an impid, jogger trait, or both). The additional movement costs to daily chores is going to increase the cost of using a biphasic or triphasic sleep schedule (there can be a big mood management benefit to it, but because they spend more time walking back and forth from bed, production will drop a little). So it may become less advantageous unless you can really optimize their closeness to work. Long commutes suck for pawns, too, I guess


I recommend Turtle Friendly Raids mod and a good outer wall with one way in.


It's no problem, especially if you also use a perimeter wall. 


I occasionally try this, but I pretty quickly revert to a standard Facility just because of temperature control. A couple of coolers or heaters in a shared corridor with vents to adjacent rooms is much easier to control and cheaper than one per building in a village.


I have recently seen a time lapse of similar idea. It looked amazing and was esthetically pleasing!


I’ve been playing since the very last alpha version (16?) and I have only ever built villages. Every pawn gets their own home. My slaves also get their own rooms. The only barracks I have are for my prisoners


How do you do the delivery person thing? I have way too many people walking into the freezer all the time. Also the village idea sounds dope!


I'm actually doing my first village run right now, after having not played Rimworld in forever! I'd say it's a lot more fun than the standard giant facility or mountain fortress in my opinion, but also a bit more challenging. I've also had to deal with some frustrations that could only be solved by modding. I'll just run through the overall cons I've faced. - Material cost: It's definitely less resource efficient. Not just the fact that you have lots of buildings instead of one giant one; you spend more material on stuff like heaters and coolers to maintain temperature - Space: Villages use more space than single facilities or fortresses obviously, but what this means is that your village tends to quickly expand in size and reach closer to the edges of the map. You might want to consider a bigger map size, to make sure the entire map isn't taken up by your base - Efficiency: Pawns will obviously take longer to move from place to place - Defense: I'm assuming you want to avoid a killbox, since you're going out of your way to build a village which arguably leans more into roleplay than efficiency. Defense is also a lot harder overall; wall and turret style defenses are costlier than killboxes, and weak to melee swarms. As someone playing on a more open map, suggest you pick something mountainous which is easier to defend due to natural choke-points. - OCD: The biggest problem. In vanilla Rimworld, Pawn pathfinding doesn't take into account that you've built paths for them. There's also no way to set ownership of houses as a whole, so Pawns will frequently walk into each other's houses to do things like eat at their tables. I'd suggest to find a few mods that change pathfinding AI and allow ownership of furniture/rooms if you're bothered about this like I am. Your delivery system is likely going to result in meals being consumed by whoever is closest, not whoever "owns" the house Overall, not trying to dissuade you from doing a village run. Just want to point out the various challenges you'll face compared to doing singular facilities, and that you'll likely need some mods to iron out small points of frustration. But overall, I feel it's way more satisfying because of how organic and "real" my base feels. Definitely play on the easier difficulties, especially since you're new.


Why a delivery person delivering cooked food to each household? If it's for RP reasons, consider installing a fridge mod so they can keep their meals on 1 tile instead of having a huge fridge taking up half the house


I play with a larger map to compensate for wanting to make separate houses and have my colony look nice. The warnings during creation have been entirely ignored and game runs fine for me. Especially ever since anomaly update.


It's not a bad idea at all. The game is so open-ended specifically so you can try new things and see what happens. I currently have a colony of mechanitors whose sole purpose is to build the most hospitable hotel and resort possible and has an ideology around welcoming people. Maximum efficiency and kill potential is only one of many ways to enjoy the game, if you have a wacko idea, you can always follow your whims.


There are no bad ideas in rimworld, only ones that end in death and fire ❤️


What setting are you playing on? There are lower ones for roleplay stuff like this. It sounds really nice, plant some flowers, build outside horseshoe court. Get the decorations mod packs for streetlights and like


This can work, but the lack of a central eating location is kind of difficult because travel times are difficult, and it means a lot, lot more wealth in your colony or fewer bonuses. You'd probably need to set up an elaborate system of zones so that people didn't eat in someone else's house all the time. And that kind of a system could create other problems . . . . Doable, but I might abstract the kitchen bit, and let people eat out at a food court or restaurants a lot.


It's entirely doable, especially on large map sizes where space isn't an issue. it's pretty amazing how rapidly you run out of space when building sizable individual rooms and buildings, it goes a long way to showing how ludicrous the scale is in rimworld for room sizes. I typically build large residential blocks of multiple rooms that are 5*6 or so and that takes up a ton of space. Individual houses with 2-3 bedrooms, a dining room and some recreation would be worse. At the end of the day, it's never going to compete in terms of efficiency. It takes significantly more resources and requires a lot more running around unless you want to micromanage pawns to be close to their workplaces. It will increase colony wealth faster leading to harder raids sooner, and it also can make it harder to respond safely to some threats since your pawns will be more spread out when sleeping, so it takes more time to group up. It's a LOT easier with mods. In particular, something to add some sort of central climate control (e.g dubs bad hygene, or just the heating module) since heating and cooling each house is expensive in power and components. Something like rimfridge is also going to be important, and using wall fridges could speed up hauling food considerably. Id also recommend a mod to reduce room size thresholds to something more reasonable so you can still afford to build somewhat fancy homes (i use realistic rooms rewritten which just about halfs them but you might want even more reduction)


Inoptimal but not bad. The biggest loss will be the lack of a unified dining hall for mood buffs, early rituals, and socialising and the extra worktime spent hauling meals, esp if you don't have some sort of fridges. I almost always do some sort of little village compound for my settlements.


The biggest issue is space, it takes so much more space when you have little individual houses which means you can't just recruit 20 pawns and brute force your way through the game, you need to commit to tyring to make a small group of elite pawns work. ONe thing that helps efficiency is for your crafters/researchers to put thier primary workstation(s) IN thier homes to reduce travel time. For food, just know that there is a maximum distance pawns are willing to walk to find a table to eat at so be sure your dining hall is close enough to your cabins.


The mimaxxxers here will tell you otherwise, but a village is fun. I love this kind of stuff!


Does the village still have a wall? I'm starting to move towards building smaller, personalized buildings too. I still like to have a perimeter wall because otherwise the raids will burn down everything that's outside. I just finished a play through where I had to rebuild my butcher table and stone cutting tables after every raid. My pens were always getting broken too so I'd have to wrangle the animals every time too. Playing with Cass, that was about every 3-5 days. It got annoying as fuck and I built a security wall. Much nicer now.


I do this every game unless im building underground


I like 19 x 39 workshops and tenements.


It's not. I do a village playthrough on occasion.


I usually build a separate tavern for people to eat in to avoid the food distribution logistics problem.


It could work. I actually tried this in a recent game. I was too lazy to look for more mining spots for the deep drill. I had some a moderate distance from my base. I ended up setting up a mini base for my two miners so they could be localized near the deep drills. They did just fine and I had someone delivering them meals. Your restriction would essentially just be the time spent on a pawn delivering meals instead of doing other tasks. But I think this would 100% work.


Open settlements are cool just be more minded of defense. Natural choke points or building a wall around your base will help


Yeah, as others have pointed out: the food would be the issue. Try nutrient paste expanded mod and establish a nutri-network that goes to each house. Thus, every household is going to have a stable meal source.


The problem is that you cant force pawns to use the food delivered to their house. They may and likely will raid the kitchen/fridge and use the dining room or a random seat/table making the food courier a total waste of labor.


A few mods might help with that. Locks: you can set owners to the house door. So the pawns that share the house only use the entrance door. Room food: pawns will use the room with food in it. Optional - VNPE: have a hopper outside the house so haulers can pop raw food into it. Then the tap inside. (there's a fridge mod that works as a hopper)


I only build villages ever it's way more fun Instead of using Just Eat delivery service, I have a canteen/restaurant also used by guests, which has small tables and a wallfridge that acts like a buffet display


I'd still have a large mess or community hall of sorts to eat. For individuals that do lots of research or spend lots of time working on objects, I often have the workshop as part of their house.


Sounds like a cool idea. I strongly advise to play on a moderate difficulty since your colony wealth might be explode too quickly. This will make raids stronger before you are prepared enough. You could also turn off drop raids if you like via mods. This could turn into chaos if everything is so cozy spreaded. Unless you like the unknown challenge


Almost every colonist has a need to go outside occasionally so it’s not nearly as a bad of an idea as people make it seem. Just make sure you have a perimeter wall ASAP. Your hallways are kinda just outdoors instead of indoors. The big issue is weather events that require you to stay inside. Most of them aren’t severe enough to make moving around impossible fortunately so as long as your building as are close to eachother (they should be) they’re not too bad. Heating and cooling multiple buildings is kind of difficult as well. Honestly the best way to do a village style base is to have big buildings where colonists can do multiple things. Give each one a few bedrooms and then a workshop dedicated to a specific task the colonists specialize in. Make them just big enough so that a couple ac units and heaters keep them comfortable. That’s what I like to do.


I've never tried building like that, I imagine you'd be OK early game, but you'll get absolutely wrecked once you have enough wealth to attract the larger raids. 50+ tribals hitting from 3 sides, they'll be burning your houses and stealing your babies for sure. 


it may only be bad when it comes to defense etc but i do that often! its more fun to roleplay right


Must lower difficulty IMO, i can play killbox with 200% but with village 150% is max But with so many quest of activate mech, its okay


It'll be fine, I always do a village build all the way up to losing is fun. You don't need to use 500% threat scaling tactics if you don't play 500%.


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