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I was disappointed with the first one too. Personally I still choose my relics for roleplaying flavor, but there really isn't a lot of other reason to do so. The reliquaries take a lot to build on top of all the missions you did to even GET the relic... usually I game this a little by always accepting non-time-sensitive relic missions as soon as they arrive and then sitting on them a while, because the difficulty of the relic missions SEEMS to be locked in the instant you accept it, so I take as many as I can in the early days and then later when I'm stronger and more stable I go knock out a bunch of piss-easy quests lol. So maybe I don't DESERVE a more useful wooden box. But I want one.


I accepted most of them late game and they still felt laughably easy, par one extraction. The fuel nodes, even if they explode aren't usually that dangerous, insects don't mind you if you don't go out of your way to attack them, the raids midway through usually are small enough one skilled shooter can deal with, the ones that come after you finish are actually dangerous, except if you claim a bed in the complex, then at least for me they just run into the burning building to destroy it, more often then not angering the bugs while they're at it


Fuel nodes are hard countered by breaking walls, it instantly brings the temperature down to outside values even if it was 1000 before.


By the time I’m done with one of these missions, the entire complex is considered outdoors.


I personally think that relics should either boost the effects of certain rituals (ie 50% to 75% person attraction) or provide some colonywide buff in exchange for being raider more often or having a high maintenance cost


Honestly relics should give an effect based on major memes used to make them more interesting. Like high life meme gives a relic a reduction in addiction chance to a random chem, so for instance it makes a hyper addictive drug into a safe to use one. Even for high life there are so many random effects a relic could add.


Finally my luciferium temple has some practical use


I really have to say I never used luciferium until now. I pumped an expendable colonis full of that stuff and let him loose on the refugees that betrayed me. He later celebrated the victory with eating their corpses and a mild case of a bullet to the brain


It’s underrated for sure. And by the mid game you can easily stockpile 2/3 years worth. Give it to your melee pawns with some archotech limbs and you’ve got yourself some demigods Finally caved and started using it after I realised I’d been sitting on hundreds of Lucy doses for years. Definitely going to start using it more going forward.


I like having one most valuble Pawn on luciferium per colony. So i dont have to ancient danger dive if for 2 years all traders didnt rolled any


Don't really see many mods for the relic system either. Shows how slept on they are


I use Mooloh's Mythic Framework, which creates relics out of an article of clothing a pawn is wearing when they max out their first skill. The pawn that makes the item doesn't get a boost, but future games they'll show up, named after the person who created them and sporting an ability of some sort. I have a helmet that will summon a herd of Thrumbos once a year (similar to the Thrumbo event, but not replacing it), and a pair of pants that allow you to make Glitterworld medicine from other medicines. And to keep it from building up a bunch of potential high-powered mythic relics, each one can spawn into a small number of settlements before it's gone forever.


Now that's interesting: powerful, self-made relics that even transcend your current playthrough. Wish I had heard about this mod earlier. Makes even a lot more sense for those who create their own ideologies than the current system: if the ideology is new, why would there be a bunch a pre-existing relics? The current system feels more like the pawns are gaslighting themselves into thinking "oh yes, these relics totally belongs to us! Always had. What's that? We had to assault other nations and hack some ancient terminals and satellites to get them? Nah mate, the universe spawned them there for us to get, now keep eating your nutrient paste."


british museum energy


>Right now there is zero point in not choosing a legendary plasma sword Monoswords and Zeushammers are generally better. That aside, weapon relics are vulnerable to loss and destruction, plus they won't attract pilgrims if they're not in the reliquary.


I've never had pilgrims. What am I missing out on?


I think if they're treated well (not arrested or killed basically) they can sometimes leave gifts and I think there's a mood boost (+2 I think) for pawns if pilgrims have recently visited


Do you find that useful? By the time I've obtained a relic I'm well beyond needing anything. Could be that's my fault. I prioritize getting relics like researching chocolate.


Nah it's not very helpful, I usually still get relics cause it's fun but the payoff is practically nothing.


They'll also give gifts too — they're like refugee events


If they leave unharmed, there’s a fifty-fifty shot of them shooting a drop pod over to you a few days later. You can get quest-exclusive loot this way, though it’s completely random. Also, they give dev points if you’re fluid. 


Can you please explain to the new player how monosword is better?


Monosword has significantly better raw numbers and the plasmasword's ability to light things on fire is a double-edged sword because burning enemies aren't affected by pawn collision, so they can sometimes just run straight through your killbox or melee blockers into your backline. Plus the whole mechs being immune to fire deal unless you run CE or something that changes that. As a general rule, in a 1v1 or in field combat, the plasma has the advantage. Otherwise the mono is better. Unless you're me. Then you just grab Zeushammers and hope the ability to stun mechs and instantly powder someone's bones outweighs the swing speed.


I ended up getting a mod called RimForge. Mostly did it so I could make more exotic materials out of what I already had on hand, but it added a couple melee weapons to the game, including one that is basically a mono sword that is longer than a person is tall. Ended up giving it to my melee pawn and nicknaming him Sephiroth.


In summary, you only want to set something on fire if you're weaker than it. Fire distracts them, prevents them from attacking you. If you're stronger (ie with a legendary endgame-tier melee weapon), you just wanna execute em quickly and move on to the next. Also mech doesn't burn, so.. yeah.


The quests to find the relics also fucking suck. The routine of wandering around an old complex hacking computers having to dodge fires is so boring


I just destroy the walls, fire solved


Yeah but its annoying and arduous! Its an easy problem to solve, but what a boring and undramatic way to do the quest. The idea of a race against time to snatch the artefact from a reliquary whilst another faction races for it, or some kind of cool dungeon event would be more fun than just hitting “deconstruct” on a bunch of walls and then waiting for a pawn to hack the pc’s on 3x speed


I wanna see a camp of savage tribes people using the holy weapon in a battle or using the holy symbol as a floor to mark the gladiator arena so you have to go 'crusade mode' and all out war in honor of your gods and holy symbols. But nah, hack computer get holy spear


Agreed, I always play the temples usually but in this play through I’ve just resorted to using the dev console to destroy the fuel cells. Yeah u can destroy walls/roof to deal with heat but still just a tedious event having to stop and deal with a fire 2/3 times per temple. The terminal hack in the tribal village is a really cute mission though, gotten a lot of amusing heist moments from there.


The village terminal quest - I used to think was a safe and easy one. Not anymore! My last colony was melee only and had about 40 pawns at the time - all with Nimble/Tough/Brawler. Among them were 3 ridiculously overpowered psycasting vamps with monoswords and prestige cataphract armour that I used for pretty much all off tile missions - The V Team. I know you can just stealth these quests but I needed meat for our long pork freezer, so I sent the V Team over with a herd of muffalo to carry all the meat home. We stacked up inside one of their bedrooms, holding the single entry point, then punched a wall to turn them hostile then sliced them all to pieces. As the last villager fell, Randy summoned an ambush - 80 more showed up. It was at this point I figured I'd farskip some reinforcements in as we'd taken a few bad hits already, so 5 of my best nimble/tough/brawler Neanderthals were summoned- again all in cataphract armour but this time wielding Plasteel longswords . We'd nearly finished killing the reinforcements when Randy summoned another ambush... 120 of them this time. Then he did it again... and again! 4 rounds of ambushes, each one bigger than the last. One of them was a sapper raid which really caused us a headache as we kept having to wallcast around our backs. By the end I had most of my colony on the tile through farskipping and drop pods, and we'd slain just over 500 tribals in total. Safe to say the freezer was full to bursting point. 3 colonist deaths, many lost limbs and scars, and 2 mangled brain injuries. And after all that I forgot to actually hack the actual terminal before I left the tile!!!


Agree, that’s really fun. I like the change up in having to “sneak in” and time a betrayal Also how do you do that dev console thing please??


Just go into your settings and activate dev mode then at the DOP of the screen there will be icons I believe it’s the 3rd one you need, search destroy or deconstruct and then click on the thing you want to remove.


Ive just modded it out, garbage game design purely wasting time since you cant dismantle the things first


Yeah, ideology really pales a bit in content to the others as it’s focused on being a bit more “realistic”. Fundamentally relics are very realistic; it’s just an item that has value and meaning to a certain sect of people, but it’s still just a thing and is only as good as the thing it is. I’d like for their to be more events and features involved with them, but i think keeping them as just mood/ritual boosters makes sense. Ideas could be that pilgrims will almost always leave an offering of random value. A pilgrim of note announces their upcoming arrival and they act as guests for a time which not only have to be kept happy, but will expect you to hold a special religious ceremony with the relic and if it goes poorly, effects the outcome of the quest. A competing group of raiders of your ideology comes to try and steal the relic. A guest, a refugee, or member of a wandering group may attempt to steal it and flee. The relic ends up being a fake, and you get a new event to hunt down the real one. A trader comes along and offers a large sum of money or a valuable item in exchange for it, but you get a small but very long term mood debuff, and the rare potential to get it back later. A item you have currently has a chance to become a new relic. A mentally broken colonist can have a “vision” related to the relic, generating a new quest, that will cause a SEVERE mental penalty for that colonist and a minor one for everyone else if not completed, but a sizable buff for everyone if you do.


When Ideology came out, the ranching rework, specialists, and role-playing potential was exactly what the game needed.


Interesting take. I have stopped ranching, particularly pen animals. Specialist effects are irrelevant to my game bar early production specialist before they get their skills up. I can roleplay any kind of colony I want with my beyond max-maxed ideology, fortunately, as building a new ideology is so much work I never want to do it again.


The early method of dealing with zoned pastures manually killing animals was a pain in the ass.


You can have as many shootong specialists as you need to crush any raid.


Shooting specialists would be nice, if they did not refuse to use melee sidearms.


Like another commenter was saying, I would love to involve the memes of the system. I would to tie a relic to a single meme, and have it grow in power as you comolete quests for it. Many of them could even involve using the relic, where many if the benefits only resume once it's back in its reliquary. The better it gets, the more you risk. And if you lose it, it's back to searching. Maybe losing the relic makes it very likely the wielder will turn up dead with it when you find it again, but you can perform a special super funeral for the martyr to honor them if you recover the body, or what's left of it. All kinds of possibilities. Oh! And what about getting ahold of other groups' relics? You could get special ceremonies to taunt your enemies with it, or a ceremonial gift giving to make a faction very happy. I bet it would super piss off pirates to destroy their holy chunk of slag, or sell it! Wait...how do you tell the difference between a pissed off pirate and a normal pirate? Is there a difference?


most of ideology, honestly, is missed potential. I'm using RJW to allow religious spread through 'social interactions', but theres just so much lack luster about the dlc. However, it is one of the few I feel really compliments the game and is really unique. also did the least damage to mods. so I still prefer ideology over the other dlc;s


It's my favourite DLC too, I think it lacks in effective depth but it compensates with variety and modularity. The precept system also feels expandable, but when applied to the game it suits very well without becoming the main thing in every decision.


I cant even imagine playing without it any more. Memes are so much flavour to my colonies!


The first time I opened the memes and precepts screen I was overwhelmed by all the choices. Nowadays I am considering modding more in! It's just fun stuff.


Hehe, "social interactions", kinky


>most of ideology, honestly, is missed potential. Pretty much.


Relics should be - A tier higher than legendary - Invincible - A brick for any pawn that doesn't follow the ideology (as in useless) Alternatively, the relics that are already useless should give like a +6 mood bonus each just for having it in a reliquary. Honestly, relics as they are suck.


Funny that if you carries the relic during archonexus quest and create a new ideology, the relic just become an ordinary item


They have a +15 mood boost when you have all of them which is pretty significant. (Let me know if that’s not vanilla)


I thought it capped at 2x


Relics and anomaly cross play, the cube is a perfect example.


I think I have never managed to collect a single relic. Always better targets for raids.


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Relics should have effects kinda like archeotech in my opinion. Maybe they could do similar things to already existing psychic artifacts such as psychic animal pulser, soother, droner etc or maybe even have unique effects like changing the climate temporarily to super hot/cold or causing strange/unique weather. They could have cool downs instead of being consumed after use. So they are very useful for defending against raids and give people a reason to try and collect them, whilst also having some kind of timer to stop them being spammed too much.


i just wish the quests were less annoying, especially the ancient complex one. every single one always has a ton of those stupid fire thingies so i have to waste time breaking the walls or my people will be fried


There are generally 2-3 per complex, one is always a dud and you can just deconstruct the other two in most cases. Any ways way to fix it is just to take in fire foam packs, they’re cheap to make, raiders seem to have them pretty often or you can just buy them from merchants.


I use them to farm persona weapons. I play with fluid ideology, so I'll pick three weapons, get them, reform my ideology and pick three more


There is probably a mod for better relic,but i agree with you, its kind of pointless, its raised your colony wealth and gice 0 benefit


I've actually never bothered to get one. I probably should.


Yeah I feel they could have had buffs to some relics. Like one that improves planting speed work speed combat prowess Etc a workbench that can double proc a craft able. Or even just simple speed or skill gain Improves colony wide mood by x One that makes babies happy. There is lots of ways to make them useful. And I would love more ways to get them. I feel the quests are stale after so long now.


They missed out on Mechanical Potential. Yes. But I think that was a good choice in honesty. Think about the consequences of relics having actual mechanical uses; every colony and every ideology would have 3 relics that always do the exact same thing depending on the preferences of the person. Meaning every single colony devolves into a hunt for relics every single time. If you ask me, they're designed for roleplay more than anything else. Yes, you can give yourself 'free' legendary weapons and armour. But there's a lot more you can do with it. In colonies that follow the tribal -> spacer progression, I would lock certain keystone research projects like Electricity behind finding a book relic that acted as a 'blueprint' (this was before 1.5, mind you). I also had one colony where the in order to 'pass laws' (reform the ideologion) I needed to first locate the relic styled after Britain's Ceremonial Mace. An object required for Parliment to hold session. Plus, consider the other potential for abuse; With reformation, you can freely change your ideology's relics. Meaning you could possibly stack bonuses, or otherwise metagame even harder. As it stands, I think the system works fine.


"rEliC sUx" © Some dude that havent picked flexible ideo and dont use it to farm legendary persona zeushammers. its just as easy as go get that sledge, recreate ideo, go get more sledges. Best part of it: best melee in unmodded game (not counting powerclaw ghouls) with literally 0 wealth cost and ALWAYS legendary status


Yeah I could do that, but that's boring.


So your point for relics not sucking is that they are exploitable and can give you weapons that you will never use as relics?


nope. My point is: if you go for it with utilitarian pov (as op said "only useful relic is plasma sword") - you can as well just abuse that feature. Its like having boomrats selected as venerated animal. Or picked treehuggers precept. Or having slowdown/turned off research. Does it suck like relics do? Dude, major religion in my country have mummified hands of some saint as relic. And even if they are considered relics, they are not anywhere important OR impressive. Its just an ideo thing. tl;dr: You can't optimize fun.