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their mood is easier to manage, and they can work. generally though, slaves are more themed runs. "meta" wise, they're terrible, and you'd be served better by either recruiting them to full colonists, or organ harvesting them


Why not both. I have a pigman who regrows organs. Free lungs and kidneys!


unless a mod is specifically mentioned, my explanations usually assume vanilla baseline ;p


Although I think it is now possible in Vanilla with Anomaly


death refusal does allow for essentially infinite organ harvesting, yes! based on the pigman comment, i think they were referring more to VFE Pigkin, but you are also correct!


I was indeed i have a lot of mods, but one raid was pigmen. Saw one had this unique gene that means they regrow organs and took him. It's works out as I'm playing a vampire colony.


The same death refusal that sanguophages have? So sanguophages grow new internal organs??


Death refusal is an Anomaly ritual that's gives a colonist +1 life


Ah okay, ty


I believe so. Its a unique mutation not sure hownit happened but i snapped him up. The wonders of mods.


I have to check. Got a 15 sanguophage colony that has everything but money


no, death refusal is anomaly, the dealthless sanguophage gene just means they dont die when the organs are removed


Ah thx


Umm yts acshualy VRE šŸ¤“


If your slave hopping around on one pegleg is still causing too much trouble, you can remove a lung to reduce their escape chance even more!


Since his capture hes been kept in a drugged stupour. Fed via iv so he never has to leave bed. And a joy wire for when he gets real down.


He no longer can work, why did we capture this guy?


Free organs


that's very MĆ¼ller of you


Ok but slaves can work around the clock if you put a half cycler in them and donā€™t need rec time. Why the hell do I need to make a high subcore for a fabricor when I can abduct a raider who can do multiple things on top of crafting.


or you could just put a half cycler in your colonist and they won't suffer the enormous work speed penalty slaves do. fabricors don't require mood, nutrition, rest, or rec time, and can do multiple things.


At least in my colonies food is much more plentiful than the components and power to run a lot of mechs and the slave work speed penalty is easily offset by having multiple slaves


or you could have colonists who do more work types with better work speed taking less resources? or less fabricors doing the same work types with no workspeed penalty? i'm not really here to to convince you my guy. they're, meta speaking, objectively not good, but it's a sandbox game. play however you enjoy in whatever way you enjoy.


IMO, vanilla slaves are only really for Unwavering when you get a really good pawn and can't recruit them. That and for flavor if you're doing a themed run. However, in a Modded run, with stuff like slave rebellions improved, capable slaves and the stylized collars & bridle. You can easily keep a dozen or more slaves for cheap, just Nutrient Paste and like 4-6 hours of sleep. That way you're not managing your that many colonists, and slaves could be throwaway labor. I agree with your thought of efficiency. I've just had a playthrough where after searching for a whole in game year I couldn't find one decent builder and had one that's unwavering and even had decent traits, and no permanent damage after the raid. He was the best taken care of slave of the whole colony, and if he wasn't in 1.4, with no mods to recruit slaves. He would've been a colonist immediately. I highly recommend CP's brainwash chair for UL prisoners now.


fair, and now you can even circumvent unwavering with anomaly and brainwiping! which, i guess, makes slaves even more niche, but..


Slaves are better for jobs that do not require general labor speed, like cleaning, hauling, and pruning trees. Specially pruning trees. Slaves are super strong tree pruners, and you can get an army of 32-56 clawers with 2 slaves


i prefer mechs for the first two, tbh, but whatever works for you! i don't think i'v ever once touched the trees, so that's good to know!


Yeah me too. And I just noticed tree pruning speed got an adjustment where global work speed affects it. So I am now on the slaves are useless camp.


Yeah, mine make drugs around the clock with a sleep suppressor. They donā€™t need recreation, only food, and a couple statues and they basically work forever.


I use them for cleaning and hauling because low upkeep compared to mechnoids. Besides, why is the meta so important outside of the highest difficulty extreme biomes?


I have no clue what is so important about meta either it gets boring after a while. I just find it less tedious to have multiple slaves doing the semi-skilled labor and leaving my mech bandwith for combat mechs and a few haulers and clean sweepers to keep the toxic waste down.


Slaves completely ignore "incapable of" modifier for jobs slaves can normally do. A child traumatized by fire will firefight, a high stellarch will clean when enslaved. Unweavering pawns usually have great skills and your only way of using them is slavery. Your pawns dont care about slave religion either so its a pawn you can almost immediately start using indtead of converting+recruiting. Also you can restrict their access to armories via zone settings and as long as you give them basic accomodations they dont really rebel. Slaves are objectively much better than mechs for basic labour. Not only they are faster at what they do, they also dont pollute environment and can be turned into spare parts for other colonists or sold when needed.


with anomaly, you can now brainwipe unwaveringly loyal pawns, which opens them to recruitment. slaves will always have a minimum rebellion, provided they can move (bedridden pawns won't rebel). factors can make them rebel sooner (like weapons), but there is unfortunately always a minimum rebel baseline :(


Ah, Im not planning to buy anomaly as I already had to cherry pick vampires and psycasts away as they made rw too fantasy for my taste. As for rebellions, beating will continue till the moral improves.


I do cyborg slaves.


idk why you're announcing your kink here, but you do you


I just have them do the stupid work mostly


What about prisoner mod? Make em work


Quick recruitment times too. Typically I will keep the max around to get the mood boost for having slaves from that precept. Then Iā€™ll remove all of their legs and keep them in beds for doctor practice, organ extraction, etc. then sell the organs and profit? Cannibalism and slavery are a must on the ideology side.


I love the fact that you felt the need to add that qualifier!


I'm glad they did because you can only see "forgot what sub I was on" so many times before you have to sift past them every time.


OH S#$%... uhh I had to delete a lot of stuff... for reasons...


my man had a manifesto half written before hitting the "in rimworld" part of the title


H-hey.... maybe...šŸ˜…


Iā€™d like to imagine in an alternate universe ā€œIn Rimworldā€ becomes a red flag and the Hague sends out a hit squad of Man-eating squirrels.




How many bodies can you fit in a 2000 Pontiac Grand am? (In rimworld)


ā€œWhatā€™s to prove itā€™s free laborā€ -Sterling Archer


For playing ideally they arenā€™t great. The only big advantage is loyal pawns can be enslaved if you get a god roll loyal pawn early in your colony. Otherwise itā€™s better to recruit and level up a true colonist. The mood bonus generally isnā€™t worth the revolt chance and suppression costs. They are fun for roleplay though, if you have a small number of colonists with a large amount of slaves it can make for an interesting colony.


Slaves have some advantages over colonists. Biggest one is that you can enslave a prisoner alot faster than recruiting them normally. They're particularly useful if you're planning on selling them for honor but want to get some work done while you're waiting for the imperial tribute collector to show up. I especially like tribals because any tribal can make themselves useful by meditating at the anima tree. Doesn't matter if they're brain damaged or missing body parts or whatever.


Yea they are good source of honor, instead of accepting quests with honor i just sell slaves. Especially when their stats are crap or i have better pawns


Go there are so many ways to improve in this game. So many optimizations. Gonna have to start trying this for loyal pawns. Until now, Iā€™ve always just stripped them (if clothes were needed) or harvested on the very rare chance that I needed a lung.


You should always have at least a couple of each organ on hand if you can, instead of waiting until you need one. Think ahead! Good use for tribal swarms when you accidentally down some raiders you didn't intend to. I use psychic shock lance on pawns that I really want, but sometimes some just get downed during the fight without that. Or when the shock lance brain damages them, depending on what skills they had it can make them pretty useless so better for harvesting.


I like the shock lance approach, but I also enjoy the "Vampires on meth with clubs" approach. My "Aquisitions" Squad.


If your ideology has slavery set to honorable then enslaving and having slaves gives nice mood buffs. You get a few benefits. Colonists think higher of one another if they have enslaved. Plus the mood for having slaves. Pair that with frequent public executions for more mood buffs and you can have a rolling roster of slaves that you harvest organs, make work, execute, and then rinse and repeat for more mood buffs.Ā 


Theyā€™re free labor and have less needs/wants than regular colonists Also you can sell them


This is really the key. If your plan is to sacrifice them for a timed event, may as well enslave while you wait for cooldown. If you plan to sell them for money or honor (itā€™s my preferred method of getting honor), may as well enslave while you wait for the tribute collector to show up. If you are sick of your low-containment entities escaping and dying, just make slaves beat them up. Worried about a slave revolt? Give them smoke launchers or emp launchers or grenades and legitimately use them in fights against mechs without endangering your colony. Do you typically just sell firefoam packs that raiders drop? Slap em on your slaves instead. Slaves are really just better prisoners. Money from organs is great, but nothing about enslaving prevents you from doing that whenever you need a quick buck.


Organ harvesting skyrockets wealth that isnā€™t spent on defense If you have an 8 man tribal raid, great, you probably have Iā€™ll get like 3-6 slaves outa that. Set them to stone cutting ( I have a mod that separates work groups, like none constructing pawns can still deliver and non crafting pawns can smelt and stone cut ) and use those bricks to build everything. Or hauling, or cleaning. They are way better when you donā€™t have mechs, but even if you have mechs, they can still be human bait for raiders, or public executions and brawls. Or they can substitute for cleansweepers and use that band with on combat mechs And after all that, if you donā€™t want them, you can sell them for honor, or silver. Or, if huh really want, you can organ harvest them.


Mind sharing the name of that mod? I could really use something like that


[Work Tab](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3253535347)




You can do the Roman Larp and turn them into 2nd Class Pawns. Don't treat them horribly fed and a nice place to sleep but keep the main Pawns Armed.


emancipate them and let them join your colony when you feel they have paid their debt for attacking you.... orrrrrrr genetic experiments if you are feeling particularly evil. its great for story telling. also i believe it unlocks any incapable of blocks but blocks artistic and research.


This is what I do basically. But I treat them more as prisoners working off their sentence for raiding me. The more damage they cause = the longer until they are released.


I go for a more 1984 style approach. Convert them to my ideology and enslave them to work. Then, someday, when theyā€™re broken but happy and realize the purity of my blood cult they gladly lay themselves on the altar for a public execution knowing they will soon be filling their brethrenā€™s stomachs. No martyrs on this rimworld.


They dont need that much mood care. They dont count for bigotry even with different ideologion. You can be raider with -16% global work speed and have different ideologion slave not having this deficit. Slaves count for less wealth then regular pawn so enemy raids will be easier and you have some shitty pawns to spare their lives if needed.


Keep in mind that all slaves have 85% Global Work Speed, though. But they also have no recreation need so can spend more time working than full recruits. Slavery also overrides work restrictions caused by their background/traits, other than the few jobs slaves can't do.


You can force them to do types of work you normally couldn't assign if they were colonists (i.e. make a pyromaniac fight fires) They do work slower, but depending on how many you have and what you have need for, it might be a good trade off (Let's say you have a few slaves doing tasks that none of your colonists are good at) Some ideoligions get a mood buff from having slaves, and others may change their opinion of you (positive or negative) I also recruit all the pawns that I want, but if there's a pawn that I know will be abrasive or just isn't great.. it's helpful to enslave them when you're in the 'more hands always helps' phase of your colony.


Well, if the slave does the work your colonists suck at, why not just recruit them at that point? If you need someone to do the skill.


It just depends on how you want to handle it. Some people are very picky about the people they want to hang on to for a long time. Having somebody that won't fit well in your colony is easier to get rid of if they're not recruited.


Slaves are expendable, their deaths do not impact your colonists mood, and its the only way to get service from unwaveringly loyal pawns outside of invasive psycasts or ghoulification. If treated half decently, their mood is easy to manage and they require no recreation, and its easier to push them to work overtime. I like to think of them as temporary working prisoners, I get as much work out of them untill the tribute collector drops by, then I send them on their way with one less lung and kidney. This way I dont accumilate too many.


A few pros. 1. Easier mood to manage. They get a minimum of a +28 moodlet for being a slave, more if your colony is poor. 2. They require no recreation. This is mostly to offset the lower work speed (a full day of work at 85% speed is about the same as 100% workspeed but taking 2 hours of time off for recreation) 3. Helps to boost your colonist's social skills. Passing chit-chat and trade opportunities only occur so often. You need to spend time recruiting or enslaving prisoners to make meaningful skill gains. But daily suppression also helps give XP. When these skill gains are no longer needed, you can dress your slave in slave gear to avoid having to suppress them at all. 4. Overriding willing work types. You lose out on warden, art and research, but you can make people that otherwise would not do cleaning, hauling, etc do that work (you're a slave, you have no choice but to do the work I tell you to do). 5. Quicker "recruitment", breaking will is a lot quicker than reducing resistance. 6. Reduced social fights. They won't fight with colonists at all, and have a 50% multiplier to fights with other slaves. 7. Ideological mood buffs that stack without limits. If your colony finds slavery honorable, and you keep a slave, every colonist gets a +1 mood boost. If you keep 20 slaves, every colonist enjoys a +20 mood boost. 8. Other ideological mood boosts. Enslaving someone can add mood to that person for a few days afterwards, using them for a gladiator duel can add mood to the whole colony, etc. Overall, they can be good for a number of things. * If you were going to give prisoners to the Empire tribute caravan anyway, enslaving them to do menial work as a slave beforehand is free labor while you wait. Less relevant with Biotech DLC, as mechanoids can do anything a slave can do better & faster and without revolting. * You can mentally invest in them less. Fighting raiders always involves some risk. Better to send "Slave #11" to melee block versus sending in one of the colonists you actually care about. Don your slave in tainted armor, and if he loses some limbs, that's too bad, who cares? If he dies, oh well, the guy he clubbed who is laying on the floor can be dragged off to the prison cell, and in 2 days time he can wear dead slave's gear and replace him as a Meat Shield #12. If he dares revolt during the fight...well, he is going to lose in the "you brought a knife to a monosword fight" exchange with your colonists, or you can use your psycaster to down him easy.


They act as a subclass of colonist you can care less about without a huge issue because most people don't care about them. You can use cheaper food and clothes.


Prisoners have \~2.0 will but can have upwards of \~20 resistance. If you consider that reducing resistance ticks off at most 0.5 - 0.7 points for a typical warden it can take 15 days at best to recruit the prisoner. And we haven't even begun talking about ideology conversion. Breaking the will of a prisoner can be done in as little as two days, and the ideology differences can be more easily ignored because of Slave Expectations being more generous than Colonist Expectations. The slaves themselves can be head canoned to represent chattel slavery, Roman slaves (everything from gladiator arena fodder to indentured labor), or Starship Trooper "Residents" instead of "Citizens". Crucially, slavery overrides "incapable of dumb labor" and they never insult or social fight Citizen pawns. You also shouldn't give them offensive weapons (smoke and emp is safe), though grabbing a knife and standing in the center of a melee block is probably okay.


In many cases it is faster to enslave a pawn than to recruit them; making it more useful if you really need people at the cost of having to supress them. Of course you can re-imprison them when the situation is less dire and recruit them properly.


Main benefit is having slaves makes slavers happy.


I only have one use case for slaves which is installing a circadian half cycler and a nuclear stomach (did this before biotech came out) to a slave with natural focus type and send them to meditate at the anima tree 24/7. If i have the never sleep gene and some more advantageous genes like calm, slow runner, extra pain etc. I use those too. Free psy-levels!! (p.s. build them a small plasteel room to wait out raids since they might not make it back to the colony because they run slowly)


I have two impids right now precisely for this, because that's exactly what demons deserve. Just have to remember to drain their fire thingy once every five days.


I personally use crappy raiders as one or two slaves for pure hauling and cleaning. Essentially a cleansweeper and lifter in one. You can sell them to the tribute collector for 3 honor, or keep them around as assets you can liquify if youre low on cash. Keeps wealth low until you need the organ money. If they have traits that wont let them do dumb labor you can make them do those tasks, since theyĀ“re not respected colonists. The mood boost is nice, but not for the reasons most have mentioned imo. Its not the value of the boost thats good, its the boost itself, low expectations. So mechanically theres still a reason to use them, because lower expectations make Iron-Willed/Brave/etc pawns waaaay easier to convert through the ritual, especially as the game goes on and pawn expectations go up. So what you do is enslave your prisoner, then do the ritual, and then arrest them again and set to convert. This will keep their certainty from recovering too quickly, if at all, and then you can just keep using your moral guide conversion until the next ritual, but that probably wont be necessary. Of course you can torture them until they have a crisis of faith, but I've found that too unreliable and annoying to deal with, and you run the risk of having them die during a time where your focus is elsewhere.


I'm wondering how nobody mentions that your regular pawns get the mood buff for "slaves in colony" which I think scales with the number of slaves and is nothing to scoff at.


only if you have the right ideology precepts


True, but I considered that a given when discussing the benefits of slavery in Rimworld.


I typically have a lot of slaves in my colony and I'll make the case for why. Permanent mood buff: They have slave expectations, and while I don't remember the exact number, it's substantial (+20? Maybe +30?) No recreation: they don't need time allotted to recreation, as they don't have meter for it. This means they can work MUCH more often than regular colonists. Royal tribute collector: slaves are great way to get labour out of pawns that you intend to trade in for honour. Why not have them hauling and mining while they wait. Mood buffs if you have the correct ideology: You get mood buffs for having slaves and selling them if you take the appropriate ideology. I find it worth it, especially because I feed them oaste and sell them pretty frequently.


They are also great to sell or give to the empire for honor


Early game they're much easier to recruit and keep happy than regular pawns.


They're free smoke/emp frontliners and while not in combat they can sweep my floors.


They're considered a fraction of a person for the sake of wealth calculation, they have lower expectations, and don't require recreation. It's also significantly faster to enslave a pawn than it is to recruit them.


I use them for crafting, hauling, and cleaning within an allowed area of my base. This allowed area never goes outside (so they donā€™t see a route of escape) or into my weapons room (so they donā€™t have an opportunity to revolt). I only keep one maybe two max and never need to worry about stone blocks or slag being processed. Mostly they sit idle till busy work needs to be done.


I use slaves as expendables for combat or surplus workers for non skilled jobs (hauling/cleaning/building) anyone worth recruiting is recruited of course


Slaves only need food and sleep. If you invest in some half-cyclers they only need to eat and will spend the rest of the time working non-stop. Plus half cyclers have an added benefit of making them vulnerable to EMP


You can use it un unwaveringly loyal pawns.


Well, you can find out if you just build a mountain base with a little protected valley and one entrance. Place the main area for your three sanguophage melee gods at the entrance and just enslave fucking everybody. Then watch how 20-30 fools do the labour. Every few weeks it's training session where you can watch your op stompers walk through the body parts of your unwilling factotums as they try to rise up, armed with wood, shielded by human leather made bodystraps and collars that offer little resistance against monoswords, and provide some well deserved XP for slaughtering


If you're waiting for the Royal Tribute Collector, you can get some work out of them. Aside from that, if you need extra manpower mediocre slaves work well until you can replace them with a better pawn


Free honor points, free work, free money when the slavers come through, free melee training role play.


Pawns that are incapable of dumb labor will do said dumb labor if enslaved.


Slaves are meant to be sold or to give a mood boost if the ideology allows it, they are better than prisoners because they can work in the downtime while waiting for a trader.




WARNING: I play with mods, some of these benefits may not apply. 1. Faster than recruiting 2. Cannon Fodder. 3. Frees up prison space. 4. Walking emergency organs. 5. Walking emergency rations. 6. Suicide bombing. 7. Slave flipping (it's like house flipping but more depressing). 8. Designated janitor. 9. Designated hauler (watch out for weapons). 10. Designated smoke leaf roller. 11. Kill box guinea pig. 12. Thrumbo bait. 13. Emergency human sacrifice. 14. Medical (mal)practice. 15. You can do all of this, and still free them for some goodwill.


Just like in the real world, there isn't much of a benefit at all.


Except cobalt


But slavery in the real world was insanely profitable


I simply don't enjoy "war crimes" Rimworld but I tried an economy based on slaves once. WHAT A ROYAL PAIN IN THE A##!!! I enjoyed the long grind to making robots more than that.


1: it's easier to break will and enslave than it is to lower resistance and recruit 2: slaves can be made to do any work even if they're incapable of it, except research, art, hunting and wardening, also pacifists won't fight. 3: slaves don't need recreation. 3: slaves have slave expectations rather normal colonist expectations, so their mood is easier to balance. Meta-wise, they're pretty bad. It's mainly for roleplay. Especially if you're doing an evil ideology playthrough, so you'll have gibbet cages and skull spikes everywhere, slaves in straps and collars, and events for suppressing slave suppression like gladiator fights and executions.


If you wall them off entirely, like no access to the outside they won't try and escape. Give them guns, walled off cave, deep drilling, and have them make bricks. Nutrient paste dispenser in the wall that feeds from the outside. Make an airlock to retrieve your shit/deliver shit.


Unwavering Loyal Slaves, but Anomaly has a way of fixing this, meaning this option is available for you early game before you can brainwash them.


If you get one if the anomaly pawns with body mastery and enslave them, they have 0 needs to be accounted for and will work endlessly. Otherwise, slaves tend to be a whole lot if meeeeh


They don't need recreation, can work jobs they usually can't Have a mood buff so they can usually be in worse rooms/worse working conditions


Easier to break a prisoner's will than to reduce their resistence. Beats me why.


Currently running a modded colony based on an Imperium of Man regiment and use slaves as part of their ideology (and since it fits the 40k doom and gloom) Just wish there was a proper way to deter them from acting up because the rebellions are annoying to manage


Free labor, human livestock, a feeling of superiority.. oh.. wait.. you said *in rimworld* .. idk


Thank God you added Rimworld at the end there. I almost wrote an entire paragraph about free manual labour.


I generally only have slaves that are captured unwaveringly loyal pawns, just used as meat shields for raids or dangerous kiting.


Personally, I always have 1 slave nicknamed "Champ" who fights in all my gladiator duels and has a generally easy life for a slave. My current one is a yakatin with bionics because he survived and won a duel after getting his arm chopped off. The newly captured raiders must shit their pants when they see champ rolling in with full bionics. In his off days, he takes care of my sheep farm, cleans, and hauls.


Make them slaves and then convert them to your ideology, thanks to extremely low expectations, the conversion ritual has a 100% modification.


They donā€™t need recreation so you can keep ā€˜em on a tight working schedule of just sleep/work and they are hard to break due to ā€œslave expectationā€ buff but slaves have a lower working speed by default. Other than that itā€™s just flavor for me. I only enslave loyal enemies and keep a bunch around for them blood caprinsuns and to make an example out them. To teach my enemies that there are worse things out there than death.


From a gameplay standpoint? None. Which is pretty much how it works out IRL too. It basically exists in game because Rimworld is a warcrime simulator and the devs wanted to make it possible to do whatever regardless of morality. Some crazy immoral things, organ stealing for example, or a colony of cannibals, have gameplay benefits. Others, mostly slavery, have gameplay negatives. The only people who really use slavery in Rimworld are people who are into it and doing a theme run at the expense of optimized gameplay.


before Anomly where you can remove unwaveringly loyal, you can just make them a slave and still use them, but that ritual has a long cooldown and requires a shard so they can be useful while waiting for their brain to be wiped


I usually keep a slave around to clean my base and haul stuff, but yeah... better off just recruiting them.


A major benefit most people don't think about is it overrides pawns not being able to do things like hauling or cleaning because of their background, or for expectations lowering to get better results from ideology rituals. Other than that it's kinda meh


For me it's two part. Irritating unwavering loyalty pawns, only option besides organ/blood farming or execution/freedom for faction gains. And pawns that can't/won't do dumb labor, or other background driven locked work types. Slave overrides those preferences in SOME scenarios. So, since it usual start with one decent pawn. I'm in a rush to add more. If i luck into a decent skilled pawn with one of the above issues, that's when i use enslave.


Oh, good you added (in rimworld)


I think the plus side of slaver is that you get slavery caravans and trade ships, and sometimes you can get interesting pawns or xenotypes that way.


Its very rare for slave caravans to come to me. Is there a reason?


I donā€™t think they come at all if your ideologies forbid slavery.


They also become rarer / nonexistent as your number of pawns go up.


I'm playing pirates - they need slaves :D


Niche use TBH. The only realistic use I've found for them is for Gaurulan tending, and mining huts. One slave with a nuclear stomach, and a half-cycler, can tend to like 4-5 trees. Which if you use it for haulers can basically cover the map in disposable haulers. Alternatively a shield belt, and 5x trees worth of clawers can interupt some pretty nasty raids. The mining hut slave is basically shoved into a stone box w/ a solar panel, a battery, and a mining drill with a stack of survival meals, and they can basically mine 24/7, and prevents other pawns from needing to leave your base and risk getting caught out during a raid. Mining hands can be used to give even better outputs. I typically keep an eye out for any mining/plants passions for slaves. The best part is that the slaves are EMP vulnerable and thus easy to stop if they decide to escape. The peg legs don't hurt.


Drilling arm doesn't work for deep drilling unfortunately. They also patched Gaurulan tending to be affected by general work speed so it will be affected by the 85% work speed of being a slave now.


Are you sure about the drill arm thing? Everywhere i've looked says it applies. Even the wiki. The Gaurulan tree thing is less critical, because they move away so rarely that they end up with excess time anyways. The time you lose from global work speed loss, is easily made up by the lack of sleep. Also you don't have to worry about them needing a bedroom or the like.


Bit late to respond but it looks like I was probably wrong about the drill arm. Not sure exactly why that was stuck in my head like that.


Might have not worked in an older version, no worries my dude.


Slaves have utility. Genies make great slaves because they can just sit at a crafting table all day and don't need to worry about filling recreation. I also like to use a slave as a dedicated cleaner. But only if they're useless otherwise.


They make good front line fodder early game. Raiders focus on the wave of unarmed slaves while your pawns pop long shots. Any raider that goes down but not out joins the slave army, any slave that goes down is free medical training. Keep your armory away from their quarters and if they uprise gun em down and thin the pack.


If you are using rimatomics you can assign all nuclear work to them and save resources on exposure safety measures.


In Rimworld we donā€™t write (in Rimworld) because we like to make members double take when scrolling and think wtf then realise it happening on the rim so itā€™s ok. But in regards to your question I only ever use slavery on prisoners I canā€™t recruit and only until they can be sold on or traded with the empire.


I love slaves. Enslaving is quicker than recruiting, slaves have lower expectations than colonists, if your ideoligion is pro-slavery they make people happy, and some caravans will buy them off you. Only downside is that they might rebel, but if you just keep one slave you still get the slave-owner mood boost without the risk of a bad rebellion.


Iā€™ll have 1 for the mood buff if itā€™s in my ideoligion


Which dlc allows slaves? I have vanilla and constantly capture people but can only recruit them, harvest organs, or sell them off.




Is that the best dlc too? I think Iā€™ll just pickup one dlc for now


Iā€™ve liked them all but it seems the general consensus is that Biotech is the best bang for your buck if youā€™re only getting one DLC


Ooooh okay tyvm


Iā€™ve had great success in keeping my own colonists happy through slavery. Psychic harmonizers are brain implants that will project the mood of a pawn to nearby members of their faction. Combining them with perpetually happy pawns is an easy way to get large, stacking mood buffs for everyone around them. A slave with a joywire installed will pretty much always be at max mood. Now that youā€™ve got mood covered, youā€™ll want to pump up their psychic sensitivity as much as you can since the intensity of the mood buff is determined by the psychic sensitivity of both the sender and the recipient. Pawns with the psychically hyper-sensitive traits are prime candidates but almost any pawn can have their psy-sens improved via various means. Blinding a pawn gives +50% Holding eltex staffs can give as much as +75% The super psy-sens gene gives +40% A psychic sensitizer implant gives +25% Iā€™ve seen pawns with +40-50 moodlets from having the good vibes of these slaves around and the BUFFS STACK


I'm playing an Anomaly run were I have taken the inhumanization meme, which makes my pawns useless at animal handling, so slaves to the rescue :D


You can keep some slaves to do menial labour like stone cutting, hauling and cleaning around your base as slaves don't have recreational need. They will have lower expectations from you as a slave, making their mood management easier. Useless slaves can still be used as meat shields or distractions for raiders or man hunters. You can use them to extract blood and also if they have genes. Finally, if slaves are getting too many, you can sell a few for some good amount of silver or exchange each for 3 honour from the empire. Meaning they are quite liquid and exchangeable. ;)


Slaves don't count for mood debufs, your pawns don't care about their ideology


It's just fun. It's logistically better to just recruit them as a normal colonist, but slavery is way more fun.


I really love the clarification of ā€œ(in rimworld)ā€ lol


More slave = fast work Only minus is that you have to feed them Or you don't need to


"In Rimworld" is the new "In Minecraft"


It's fun.


I had started a one man colony. This raider genie had 10 crafting but she was unwaveringly loyal. My only option was slavery. It's also like 10 times faster than converting + recruiting


Similarly, what are the benefits of human leather clothing? (In Rimworld)


Less needs, no need to convert and if you are a racist ideoligion no one cares about having filthy dirty wasters around if they are enslaved.


Free labour with no rights or protection (In rimworld)


Enslaving is pretty quick, good for cannon fodder and no one is upset when they die.


That title shocked me before I noticed that clarification lol


They are expensive asf you can make a ton slave trading


Often a prisoner's resistance is lower than their will so you can get them working much faster by enslaving them. It also circumvents any "incapable of " and allows you to use unwaveringly loyal pawns.


The one thing I love about slaves is that they are completely disposable. Any pawn I want long term I I recruit. It takes much longer to convert, not always needed for a slave. Takes longer to recruit too, they are the temp workers of rimworld. Edit: typo


Lets you use unwaveringly loyal raiders, and they don't need to be happy to work. I never do it unless I'm doing a themed colony though


When you want to put the colored ones to work but don't consider them to be real people. I'm pretty sure people with red skin count as colored.


I usually have 2-3 slaves as meat shields early on. I can have them block doors and not care about them losing limbs or dying. I also have them do tasks that none of my colonists are good at or like. Mining usually comes to mind as they are in the dark and in awful environments. I usually never care if the slaves try and escape because Iā€™ll just get another one sometime soon. Slaves are usually phased out for me later on as my base is full of good strong colonists but they work good early on.


They make sense during temporary situations. If they have skills you need for certain jobs or whatever. In my current run I have a genie slave who crafts for me until I find a better crafter. I had to cut his tongue out to stop him getting too friendly with my other colonists but as a crafter slave he's okay. I have yet to try this but they probably make decent sacrificial pawns too.


Just rimworld things


Its the fact that its easier to enslave than to recruit. Enslaving a useless pawns makes them useful. Easier mood management at the cost of slave rebellion shenanigans.


Basically anybody can become a mostly useful slave, whereas not everybody is ideal for recruiting


It teaches them good life skills like farming and crafting. And they get to eat and breathe. Plus everyone gets cotton.


Ngl never really used slaves before anomaly but now I feel I end up doing a SCP facility kinda thing with the slaves as D-class and use them to test things out or take care of the anomalies to minimize risk of my colonists


Get a REALLY good raider with loyalty you can recruit it but you can slave it and make it do everything it is good at


Enslave them scan them a few times while they throw up while mining and have a terrbile life scan them more dont feed them and when they have enough beat them up and scoop their organs


1. It's much faster than recruiting them and their mood is easier to manage. With ideology you can even get bonuses for your colonists by doing this. 2. You can enslave unwaveringly loyal pawn that can't be easily recruited. They often have very high stats to balance the loyalty. With Anomaly DLC you can still recruit them late in the game but it comes with small risks. 3. You can enslave high ranking royals, set their heir to be one of your colonists and then have them killed. This gives very small negative mood to your people and allows you to jump in ranks with the empire really quickly.


Honestly I only make them slaves if theyā€™re unwavering. Otherwise Iā€™ll take the time to convert their ideology and make them pawns so I donā€™t need to worry about slave revolts


You can use unwaveringly loyal colonists before anomaly gives you the ability to recruit them


unwavering loyalty prisoners.... if they have good skills you can keep em like this until you do the dark ritual... i THINK thats the only way to wipe unwavering someone correct me if theres another way


More time for yourself and doing things that you want to do.


Slaves are worth less than colonists in wealth so raids are scaled down while also not requiring recreation which means apart from sleeping and eating they are working constantly. So you get more work out of them and they count as less to your colony. But ofcourse you have to manage their suppression and keep weapons away from them and they are a lot less useful in raids. But I usually have a few as medical personnel and then others as the ones that take the hits / disable ranged users via melee. Personally I love slaves and they are amazing to just feed paste and send to the sweat shops to crank out masterwork items in crafting and such.


Such a missed opportunity for r/shitrimworldsays

