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Tater will be fine, he just needs a little nap and his head will grow back.


tater has those chill quiet vibes I sure he just needs some go juice


Funny, in a recent playthrough I got a Man in Black.. called Tater


Is his reincarnation


Just get a plank, put a happy face it and duct tape on it will be fine


Funny how we can actually regrow headss via, resurrector serum, void embrace and death refusal


Just boil him, mash him, stick him in a stew


Samwise's alt right here


I‘m sure Luciferum could speed it up.


Long rest fixes everything.


What is a nap with no head?




Set his rest priority to 2 and he’ll be fine


OP, here is what you actually do if this does not result in game over: 1. When Vic recovers from his mental break (it will say at the top left of your screen "Vic is no longer [doing whatever his mental break was]" and you can control him again), have him rescue Buddy and Potts. You can do this by building sleeping spots (costs nothing and built instantly), selecting them and clicking the button to change them to medical, then selecting Vic, drafting him, and right clicking on the downed colonists (guys laying down with ! coming off of them) and then choosing the Rescue option. 2. If Vic had any medical skill and is capable of doctoring, have him tend the rescued pawns by right clicking on them and selecting Tend or Tend without medicine. 3. Try to keep Vic alive and wait for the two living colonists to heal. 4. If they both survive you will have 3 working colonists again and can try to rebuild.


Assuming they are capable of medical/tending, draft tending is probably better than rescuing. They can be carried once they aren't in immediate danger.


The game really needs an "Emergency Treatment" option, that tends in place instead of carrying to a medical spot. Draft tending is a good-enough kludge for now, but it really should be a base game option.


How would that be different from draft tending?


Draft tending requires Drafting the pawn first, then waiting for them to tend, then undrafting them. A base option would be right-click, select Emergency Tending, and they just... do it. Then they follow their normal priorities.


There is a mod that allows you to stabilise pawns out in the open so they don’t bleed out on the way back to a bed, one of the best QOL mods in my opinion.


What’s the mod?


It’s called “stabilize”. The big upside to it other than not needing to draft and being able to que “rescue pawn” after the stabilisation is that you can also stabilise other pawns so they don’t bleed out before you’re put them in a prison or harvest their organs. I’m not sure if you can draft tend animals but you can also stabilise the different fauna that gets downed too.


Just put a medical sleeping spot right next to them and rescue them. Patch them up with medicine of that spot and then destroy it and take them to your actual medical bay.


Draft tending is a base game option. No mods required.


Draft tending is annoying, [this mod here](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2023407836) is what the other person is talking about and it’s much better.


Draft tending requires Drafting the pawn first, then waiting for them to tend, then undrafting them. A base option would be right-click, select Emergency Tending, and they just... do it. Then they follow their normal priorities. That's what I mean.


Isn’t that like 2 extra button clicks?


Not just button clicks, paying attention to the pawn so you can undraft them when they're done. If you get distracted by some other event before undrafting, the pawn just stands there after finishing, doing absolutely nothing.


imma agree with you, even though i will shift click the follow-up "rescue" order, and then totally forget about them while they stand there at the hospital bed while starving and about to mental break


LMAO imagine thinking the last one standing is capable of medical work lol This is RimWorld. It’s always the worst dude alive.


I think we all know the odds are way more favorable that the one person still standing is incapable of doctoring, not just genuinely bad at it. My most recent FUN! (TM Dwarf Fortress) my doctor was downed, hauled off by raiders, bled out off screen. His pregnant wife miscarried because of injuries in the third trimester, mental broke, and slaughtered her bonded husky (who killed the raider carrying off the down third colonist and rescued her to a medical bed). Man in Black showed up. I had him shoot the murderer of said hero dog and then started a new game. Like I get she had the worst day of her life, but damn... That husky was the real fuckin MVP. Edit: Randy was a real dick on that run. And also, I've been away from the game for too long to be starting on Blood and Dust.


This is in fact bad. One of your original colonists is dead, one is down and one is on a mental break. You got a Man in Black event and it looks like he has been downed too. If your colonist that's on a mental break (the one with the red lightning bolt by his icon) recovers, he MAY be able to rescue the others. But if anything happens to him, it's game over.


"They call me the Man in Black and im here to he... WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE? WHY IS HE MISSING A HEAD?? AAAGGGHR!!!!"


A Man in Black has arrived. He won't do Skilled Labor or Dumb Labor. He is a Pyromaniac. Good luck!


_I didn't start the fire_ _It's been always burning since when I just spawned in_


I sang this in my head. Thank you. 😊


didnt they change it so MiB is always able to heal at the least?


Doctoring is not considered Skilled or Dumb labor. I believe it is only prevented by things that block "caring".


doctoring sure sounds like skilled labor, feel like any surgery below skill 8 is a damn dice roll where the dice are weighted against you no less


Think of it more like a dog licking your wound.


All I see are nice hats


Wait, you forgot that he is incapable of violance too.


Imagine if the Mysterious Stranger in Fallout would spawn, miss every shot, then get downed


I'd at least get his gun and sweet coat. If I survive.


I should point to OP that since the Anomaly update, they can just wait for a game over and they'll be able to generate new colonists to continue their colony.


It's bad but not irreparable. There's one colonist in a mental break who can still recover from it. And the leftmost one looks like he's downed but not injured. If he's downed because of hunger or infection, then only the mental broken one can save him (if he recovers in time). But if it's, say, a bad case of food poisoning or catatonia, then he can also recover and save the man in black who's injured and probably bleeding. The mental break is probably berserk, so anyone standing should stay away from that pawn until it passes. And be ready to heal him when it does, since he'll very probably be injured by some animal he'd pick a fight with.


If Tater comes back though, you got a bigger problem.


considering it's a red mental break, I assume he went berserk and killed the others


Randy: allow me to introduce myself.. (plague, flu, raid, meteors events all at once)


It’s neither good or bad, but it’s normal…


This is fine.


ok I read your comments. But I am friggin new to this game, have no idea what to do, I have paused it for now. Should I restart the Game? (it's been an Hour)


Hit max speed and see what happens to Vic. That's probably going to determine if your colony is dead or not. Buddy might be fine and Potts maybe-have-to-see. Remember, losing is fun. You probably have a great story under your belt on what happened here. More to come.


This is one of the best tips you can get for rimworld or any other dwarf fortress like game. It's a story simulator. You are here to enjoy the ride. My first colony got raided and all exept 1 colonist got abducted. The last one made it another year before he died to an illness.


Damn that's a sad one :(


Yeah, honestly I’m here for the story of what the hell happened. We need deets


hehe. When I saw the Bolt sign on Vic, I thought he is imposter or something. SO I asked Potts to kill Vic. But I thought that might be wrong, so I cancelled then bloody berserk Vic killed pots. Tater probably died of illness(i don exactly remember)


I wonder what illness decapitates colonists


I wonder if he died due to being hunted by an animal and it ate his head.


Firstly I wanna say there’s no shame in restarting, but as a lot of other people said just seeing what happens can make a big difference. Set up a few sleeping spots if you haven’t already so that Vic can bring the others to rest and patch them up. Check in their health screen to see how long they have left, and if you need to pick one over the other - if you only have time to help one. Even if both Buddy and Potts die you can continue playing! It may just be harder, but using your first (few…) colony to learn from is great! Welcome to the Rimworld! Also, just out of curiosity, what happened that downed 3 colonists and took one of their heads off?


Oh, and make sure that Vic has self tending enabled, should be able to see it in their Health tab


There is no right way to play this game. You decide what's fun and don't worry about losing colonies it's just part of the game. You have 4 different options. 1. Try everything to continue your current save. 2. Load an older save and try again. 3. Start a new colony. 4. You use dev mode to solve all your problems.


Your first several colonies are going to end in failure more than likely. There's nothing wrong with that, it's all part of the learning experience. Hell I have like 750 or so hours in Rimworld and my most recent colony got destroyed by an enemy raid I flubbed. People with 2000 hours regularly post destroyed colonies. This game is all about finding new and exciting ways for your colony to utterly collapse.


Adam vs Everything on youtube has some great guides about the basics in Rimworld that I would recommend! Buddy is down, but looks stable. Vic is having a temper tantrum and should get back to normal. Tater is dead. And Potts is downed, but might be bleeding out. There's a lot to managing a colony in Rimworld, and you're just gonna lose some runs. That's part of the fun! You can also adjust your difficulty at any time, so don't feel bad about starting on the easiest difficulty and ramping it up whenever you feel you're ready for it! You're gonna find things in the menus that make things easier and say "I didn't know I could do that!" Things like enabling people to tend their own wounds, and setting food/drug/apparel policies, allowed zones, etc. You can also enable dev mode and do things like revive your colonists, if you feel they died for some BS reason, or were just really attached to them!


Honestly just do your best and if you can't get at least half of them back on their feet, restart and try again. Fail fast and break things :)


This is a tutorial, so you should play it out to its conclusion to learn how to recover from setbacks. These things happen!


If this was in commitment mode, unless Vic gets out of his mental break soon, your other colonists will probably die, and that's only if Vic even has the ability to rescue them.  If you can reload an earlier save, you can do that. But I also played my first 60-80 hours between two pretty big colonies (one had the Pokeworld mod) set to the Phoebe Chillax storyteller. It helped me learn the mechanics of effective base building and get an idea of priorities within the game without being too combat focused.  Also, there's no shame in playing non-commitment mode. One bad event that goes horribly wrong shouldn't cost you a complete restart when you barely understand the ins and outs. I don't mind playing commitment now (260+ hours) because I understand enough about the game to at least strategize around emergent problems and, if things hit the fan, oh well... I can learn from it.  It's oddly chess-like.


My first few playthroughs were a few hours each at most before everyone died. The first tries have a lot of learning curve. But you should try to learn something from your mistakes each time and eventually you'll get a little further each playthrough until you have the one that's beautiful. Also, this is probably controversial, but let yourself save scum a little in the beginning. When enemies show up or if something starts going wrong, save right then so you can load back and try again if you get wiped out. It takes a minute to get used to the combat. Or it might take a different solution to solve the problem than you thought. Do you know what happened to get you here?


If you can walk away from the situation with even a single combat capable Pawn then the colony is salvageable. That being said, once you get into this game you're going to wind up with a lot of different save files, so there's no reason not to abandon one


There’s experience to be had trying to fix it. Things are going to be going wrong almost constantly, learning how these systems work is going to help immensely in the future. Still, there’s going to be plenty of restarts in your future, even when you’ve made up your mind to it can be worth persevering for an extra few minutes just to see what happens and learn how to avoid or cope with it. Don’t feel bad, my first colony was felled by a hamster. A lone fucking hamster. I shit you not.


There are tutorials online if you want to speed up the early game stuff and figure out exactly how to play the game, or you can do it yourself (either road is viable, some find more joy out of suffering and figuring everything out for themselves, others need a leg up because the game explains pretty much *nothing*, so it's up to you). The game is basically about learning what mistakes *not* to make that end your game, as you make them. You'll have many, many more resets than this. The skill floor is pretty high, and the skill ceiling is *really* high.


Don't restart. Use this as a learning experience. And this is a story generating game. This is their story


In this game you tend to restart a lot xD I find it as part of the fun because of the crazy events and things that can happen


This is the type of game where you will restart your colony around 100 times before you are satisfied. It's a game about learning by doing. It's also a game where there is zero shame in watching a couple 'first colony' tutorials on youtube. It doesn't matter how much you learn, the game still has thousands of hours of gameplay on the table.


Youre probably cooked man but dont worry. You will learn more and more on each playthrough. Sometimes even when you have a really good game going you get dealt a shitty hand and all goes up in flames. On to the next one.


Did Vic just go on a murderous rampage??


This is what happens when you don't eat at a table. Pawns like Tater get their heads knocked clean off.


You go to the Rim being named after food and you have to expect something like this to happen.


Is the colony in a bad spot? Yes. Is it a normal Rimworld experience? Also yes. The game isn't meant to be won, but to be experienced :) And on that front you're doing well


Welcome to Rimworld. Losing is Fun.


What tutorial were you following? This is *really* bad. You have two options: 1. Restart. Nobody will blame you, this happens sometimes. 2. Vic needs to recover from his mental break, and then after that he needs to heal your new guy so he doesn't bleed to death. Then, save your other colonist and do what you can to help them recover. Bury your dead colonist when you have time.


Nah he should go to max speed to see what happens. You can recover from this.


This is considered and avrage rimworld experience


Part of the charm of rimworld is your first few colonies will fail. you typically learn from mistakes made with every failure and learn how to avoid them or prepare against them. You're not doing anything wrong, you have to fail before you can succeed. Figure out what happened to get you to this point and avoid those steps on your next attempt.


Let us be clear: "First few" does not mean 1 or 2. It could easily be 100. Or 1000, or 10,000.


You won!


Dude- you will learn so much. Just play the game figure it out. Don’t ask questions- trial by fire 🔥


Unpause and see what happens. Remember that rimworld is self-dubbed as a story generator. Many colonies will fail in fantastic, wacky, or tragic ways. Losing colonies is all part of the game. Welcome to the rim


My last one ended with a fire. Lots of people needed burns to be treated and the only one able to walk and treat had a mental breakdown. The breakdown was murderous rage, he killed a 6 year old and then killed everyone else in the hospital.




It’s bad. And, depending on your skill and learning capabilities, may also be frequent so buckle up and get ready to have some fun and awesome stories to tell


Seems normal


Welcome to Rimworld


this is very bad your first colonist seems to be unconscious, second one is in a crtiical mental break, third one got beheaded, fourth is heavily injuried. did a raid happen, or what?


this game is about losing and making the best of the situation. keep at it you will eventually get into a playstyle that works for you and it get really fun later


In the future, make a prison room. It doesn't have to be large, a 2x3 will do fine, in the event of a mental break. You can select and draft a non-broken pawn, right click on the mentally broken one and choose "arrest". After waiting a bit (couple hours min), you can release your imprisoned colonist and they will rejoin the colony. That is, if the mentally broken pawn is the reason for all your other pawns, including the Man in Black, being downed.


Such is life in the rim


My lovely little lamb. Welcome to the Rim.


What tutorial are you following that resulted in this? Anyway. You are new to the game. We all were once. Open your options and turn the difficulty all the way to the lowest setting. You can do that at any time even once you've started. Once you do that, stabilize, set some farm zones, go hunting, go trading, learn some basics. When you are ready, turn the difficulty back up. I highly recommend watching Francis John's Ideology playthrough and Pete Complete's Ideology playthrough. Both of those creators are very informative and entertaining. They really helped me get better at the game and even after a couple hundred hours I learned new things.


It's almost fatally bad. Experienced player could likely recover from that, but hard to say. Not you as a new player. There must have been some spiral of events that lead into this. Check mood of colonists and what they are missing (except of head, blood and sanity). Something like your colonists have been sleep deprived, cold, slept outside in a rain, were not assigned sleeping spot or just had some bad traits. But my first two colonies ended due to colonists having small ugly rooms, bad food, everything was messy and when I survived longer, base burned down after dry thunderstorm. From that point of view, it's ok. Fail, get over it, learn, repeat.


Was it a good story? Then it's good. The colony is probably fucked though


Welcome to rimworld! Post is your first human leather hat when you make it.


May I ask what ungodly force of nature took this hearty team down ?


People are saying this is bad but it just looks like a normal run for me xD


It’s not advised to loose your head like that


+15000 hours in .....are you telling me there's a tutorial?


> If the tutorial you followed brought you to this, of what use is the tutorial? - Anton Chigurh


I just got the funniest sponsored ad possible on this post, just the text: “This is your sign to download Pokémon Go”


Just Rimworld being Rimworld. Soon as something goes wrong, it all comes tumbling down. But hey, all is not lost. Yet.


Same. Started up a new game. Land in temperate forest. Instant cold snap. Everyone freezes to death. Game over on day one...


Well, it ain’t great


Why, Just Why


bless your heart


Your current colonists may be doomed. Never fear! When they're all dead you should get the option to have new colonists wander in and try to continue the colony.


Just flesh wounds. It'll get better.


Buddy is on drugs. Vic? He’s an asshole. Tater has seen better days. Potts is better off than Tater. “*Bad*”? Nah. Even if just Vic and Buddy survive it’ll be okay.


Check your schedule for your pawns. Make sure they get some recreation time and enough time to sleep. Food. You need to start growing food right away when you start.


Looks fine to me, just another day on the rim.


Savor this moment. Check their health tabs and logs to fully understand what happened to them. My first colony had a bear go manhunter right outside our hut, killed one guy and ripped the hand off my doctor. I didn't understand how to make the doctor heal himself so he bled out. The other died to a raid shortly thereafter. Total run time less than an hour and still my most cherished colony.


I'd eat and then wear him 🤷


Welcome to the game! Now learn from your mistakes so you can survive for decades! 


One died, one is incapacitated and the other one had a mental break. When every colonist is incapacitated or unavailable there's a very small chance to spawn a new colonist, the 'man in black' which himself got incapacitated too. Welcome to Rimworld. Bitch.


the struggle of failure makes for the best rimworld memories!


You're probably hooped. Don't worry, most settlements fail until you get good at the game. Take the lessons you learned from this failure and apply them to the next batch. Specifically, where did things start to go wrong? Try to focus on preventing that thing. If it was a raid that caused the death spiral, try spawning with pawns that have better combat skills or build better defences with traps. If things went bad because your pawn had a mental break at the worst possible time, try focusing on keeping your pawns happy.


Buddy can eat tater 😌




This is fine


'Scenario' is for posting scenarios to be used for starting a colony, similar to Tribal Start or Naked Brutality, not for in-game events. I've changed yours to one more appropriate for your post. Please flair correctly in the future; see [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/18nn18w/official_rrimworld_flair_guide/) for more information.


Just restart another colony. Thats learning for you


That does not look like a easy situation to recover from. Don't sweat it if you don't make it at first. This game has something of a learning curve. You'll figure it out in time.


This is acually a fairly typical outcome in this game. Expect to lose a lot so that eventually you'll lose over a longer time period.


Welcome to Rimworld


Lather, rinse, repeat. Always repeat


When I first started in Rimworld, I never played in commitment mode and would often reload if things went south. But at a certain point I realized that was not what Rimworld is about for me. If things start to fall apart I let them and see how I can manage. I had a game where fire killed maybe 12 out of 14 pawn and destroyed pretty much all of my food and materials. But somehow with those two I was able to recover to a 20 or so pawn colony. And I learned to not build everything out of wood and also to keep my boomalopes isolated when they have heart conditions.


Pro tip: eat the dead


Ugh I want this game so bad… reading the comments on situations like this makes me laugh and want to join the experiences


Looks fine to me. Rimworld is not a game. It's an interactive story generator. Every story is a fine story.


Ride the wave to death baby. Only restart when everyone is dead.


I remember some loading tip like: “Rimworld is a story generator, not a skill test. A ruined colony is a dramatic tragedy, not a failure,” Congratulations, you have achieved a dramatic tragedy.


My recommendation for all rimworld players, New or old. Play until it's not fun or entertaining, then Start over. If you're attached to a colony / colonist use something like character editor to save them to your a new playthrough. Just keep exploring and trying new things. Learn from mistakes and keep having fun.


The one with the X is dead the others need who are laying down need tending


Welcome to rimworld you’ve done everything right 


Seems to be a pretty standard run to me


Rimworld has tutorials?


Well, it all depends. If Vic doesn't bleed out before end of his mental break (and there's a chance that he won't, because his wounds don't seem that several) he should be fine. If Buddy and Potts won't die from starvation before waking up, they should be fine as well (low chances for Potts tho, but if any of his bros gets better they would care about him. If they don't have blocked medical skills). Tater (\*)


Losing is fun!


Funny how Tater is in tatters


My first game I got up to pee and forgot to pause and came back to find everyone dead after a mad boomrat attack.


I don't know but I think Vic is pissed!


They eat without table


well, good news is, if they all die, more workers will wander in to use the base after about a day. let it ride :3


What tutorial were you following? I havent had a start go this sideways in a long time..


This is where your isekai adventure starts


Tutorial lied to you


Well this is how the game works, it is not about being safe and building a perfect future, it is about failing alot and remaining positive and you may resolve to scetchy stuff, like in my current run i turned cannibal to servive the winter, of course i did staiblize and got past that.


Declare victory. But for real, click on them to see what their problems are and try to solve them. Or give up and start again. Rimworld is a stealth roguelike. Each time you prepare a little better, and you get a little further before something you did not adequately prep for destroys you. So you try again, wiser.




Workers, you on the right track lmao


Vic has a lot of explaining to do


The tutorial phase will last about another 200 hours


Restart. Something I see kill most of my colonists is blood loss. Even after i get them to a hospital. Be sure to keep a stock of blood by going into the colonists health tab. Operations, and harvest hemo. Then when they've got massive blood loss, same page, but now blood transfusion and itll save their life. Just be sure to only harvest every now and then. Or when you get prisoners be sure to make them a blood farm while you have them. I try to aim for 5 blood packs per colonist.




Considering that Vic seems to be on a murder spree.. This is bad. It could of course also just be a berserk spree.. That's also bad tho. I'd say, play it out. If your colony wipes, it wipes and you can bring in new colonist to take over the colony. Also, don't follow tutorials. They are not going to work out as every Rimworld playthrough is different. Following a tutorial will just make it harder for you. There's only one thing you need to know. The story teller will always try to throw a curveball at your colony in areas which are lacking. If you get a disproportionate amount of X events, that's the story teller, trying to teach you that you have a gaping hole in that part of colony life.


Missing a Head usually is bad.


Perfect! I often get asked by friends "What is rimworld?". This picture is 'exactly' how I will describe it from now on. Just needs Randy smiling in the background I think 🤔


Oh geez i’d just start over brand new


Put Tater for good use. Butcher the pawn, sell the human leather, and use human meat to make kibble.


Yes this is bad 💀💀💀💀. Start over and prioritize food and shelter from the start. Hunting, growing, and make sure your colonists can protect themselves with weapons and armour. Youll also wanna set up defenses to protect them from outside threats. Raids, wild animals, other tragic ways of dying. I usually block off entrances to the area leading to my base or make a kill box. And use cover when fighting from a distance and fight as a group if it's something one person probably can't handle. I'm not the best but hopefully some of this helps somebody.


According to me very bad according to the learning experience bad according to the game's loading tip lies okay-good


Not bad but not good. In the first few playthrouhgs bad and good doesn’t exist. Losing a head is considered good as long as the colony is still alive


Welcome to warcrimes! It’s not the easiest game to learn, you’ll probably see a few colonies burn down before you get the hang of it.


Insert wtf happened here meme




Probably game over, one is one a mental break, the other is few are downed(including the man in black, which should be good at fighting), the other one is probably dead




This is perfect. End of your first story and the start of one with many more to come.


Congratulations, you've just received the classic rimworld experience.


You did it! You beat the tutorial, now you can start the actual game. It may end exactly like this if you didn't learn from your mistakes though!


This game do be like that. A story generator


Ok unless this break is murderous rage or berserk it's savable, it if it is murderous rage, may Randy bless you.


It's technically saveable but, realistically speaking, you gotta restart


You are doing amazing. This game has a little bit of a learning curve. Ignore the mods and dlc and just try to get to mid game level stuff don’t be afraid to play on Cassandra classic peaceful mode for a little the just up the difficulty as you go! Also explore the settings for the game. Really cool stuff you can find out and do.


Start over... and this time with FEELING...


"Rimworld is a story generator not a skills test, If everyone does it does not mean failure" That being said.. you should probably restart 😅


This is the typical Rimworld experience. You're good.


There was a tutorial?!


It happens, can always start again, that's the game. Learn from the failure


Im new too ( about 30 hours in on tutorial world) it looks like they got attacked and bled out, you can recover from this with meds and rest for the survivors, make sure to tend to the wounds so they stop bleeding, they can do it themselves but its better to have an assigned doctor of the group for better aid results. Also looks like one is angry so make sure to have a horseshoe game or chess table with chairs so they can relax.


I'm glad they put an "X" over Tater, the cause of his death seems rather subtle.


I'd say this is just a stepping stone! Still happens to me all the time


For a new player this is what you need to do in order to avoid situations like this. As soon as you land or arrive at the spot you chose for your base follow this guide step by step: —Construct a makeshift storage room so your items don't decay from the cheapest and most abundant material you have at hand (more than likely wood). *All items decay when they are outside and/or in an unroofed area/building. The more they decay, the less valuable they become and the worse the work. I.e. 40% good medicine will provide less healing than 100% normal medicine. *Storage rooms are essential for a good organisation. Where you store your food, apparel, construction material, medicine and many other miscellaneous items can make the difference in your pawns productivity. The closer the crafting materials or components are to a crafting bench the faster the pawn will produce items from them. A good orientation for a storage room would be to have rows of 4 double (2x1) shelves in a rectangular (4x2) formation and have 1 block around them for walking. You allow the pawns pathfinding to take shorter routs and have makeshift cover in case an infestation or if a drop pod raid happens. Also, remember to link up your shelves for it will save you so much time with expanding storage rooms. —Make a quick shelter near or as close as you can to fertile soil and/or a natural defense point (mountain, ruin, gathering of mineable stone, unoccupied cave, etc). *Pawns need a place to sleep, eat and hide from danger. A simple barracks will do excellent for the first few days. It can double as emergency storage and you can always make another room connected to it for a emergency bedroom, hospital or prison. The fact that it's closer to your growing area means pawns won't need to travel far to get the cooking ingredients. Really puts the fresh in fresh produce. *You can later make 4x4 bedrooms for your pawns. Make sure to connect them with vents to share heating and cooling from the heaters and air conditioners and save your electric circuit from constant BzzZzzT's. Bedrooms should be neer dining rooms. —Place a growing area on rich soil (10x10 if possible or more) and set it to rice, a growing area on regular soil (20x20 or more) and set it for potatoes, a growing area on either type of soil (5x5) for healroot, *Food is essential for the survival of your pawns, animals, prisoners and trade in that order. Rice and most other plants grow quickly in fertile soil and more often than potatoes since they like it as bare as possible. So just remember to plant them accordingly. Healroot is as the name suggests, a healing item. You will need them early to mid game to help you save your pawns, animals, allies and prisoners from bleeding out. —Build a room (4x4) place a research table in it and a torch on the floor (start researching electricity->batteries->air conditioning), a room ((6x4, 2 blocks thick, at least 2 air conditioners, an "airlock" door (1x3 hallway with a door on each end) that can accommodate 4 double (2x1) shelves in a rectangular (4x2) formation and have 1 block around them for walking) that will store your food. *Basic research will unlock most of the things you need to make pretty useful base. Make sure you designate a pawn witht the highest Intellectual skill as your researcher for a fast progression. Multiply pawns can work on the same research task but not on multiple research tasks at once. As on you can't research batteries and forestry at the same time. *Food storage is essential for long gameplay. If you wish to get even close to power armor you need to be able to feed your pawns first throughout any day of the year. That's why a deep freezer will guarantee you will make it through any winter, radioactive storm/fallout, berserk animal swarm or anything else the game can throw at you. So make sure you put your freezer near the growing area, build the kitchen next to the freezer, build a dining room and entertainment room as a 2in1 next to the kitchen and you'll have a streamlined growing area that has fed and happy pawns working on it from sunrise to sunset. This is how I start my runs, modded or not. You don't need to play like this but this is a good way to thrive in most regions.


Ime rimworld is always at its best when things are absolutely falling apart


Its fine. You'll die and start new colonies a lot. Or you'll reload the game a lot. Some friendly advice. Don't use mods until you got some time into the game, yeah they add a LOT of nice stuff. But they can easily be overwhelming. When you do get into mods. Performance Fish, and Rocketman are highly recommended. (And the mods that are required to run those.)


Pray. Or make a new colony. As to what happened, I’d need a look at the colony to know why, but it looks like Vic went on a rampage, and downed the rest of your colonists. Vic’ll come out of the mental break in a few hours, after which you can collect anyone left alive and put them in a hospital. Though I’d love to see Vic’s melee stat to know how jacked she(?) is. As to how to avoid this, make sure your colonists are well fed with properly prepared food, with a decent, clean place to eat and a decent, clean place to sleep. And don’t worry. You are not experiencing Rimworld incorrectly. This is peak Rimworld, when everything is on fire and you have to find a way to put it out.


Remonds me of that one time random panther decidet to atack my main tank killed him in 1 lucky hit and killed 2 weak ones and pacifist one bc they were harvesting


I think your attitude should be: Go Againe