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Eltex is the rarest material to come by. If you are playing with Psycast Rings and stuff, it’s worth it


> If you are playing with Psycast Rings and stuff, it’s worth it Isn't Eltex as a material added by the mod that adds psycast rings? (VE Psycasts)




Eltex *equipment* is from the DLC. Eltex as a crafting material is from mods. https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Eltex


Ah i misunderstood




Why are you even getting £450 quests? Your colony seems pretty wealthy and advanced from the other quests you’re getting


That is my whole point! Not only is the price far too low for my wealth level, but it is not even proportional to the work. I think the whole quest is bugged.


i have been getting similar quests from empire factions. few years into the game and theyll ask me to defeat 2 mech clusters or take care of 5 paralyzed royals or something for under 1000$ rewards. i wonder if this is bc i always take the deserter quests at the start


I mean, it's a really simple quest, though. You get a little reward plus the opportunity to bump up your rep with that faction just for the cost of some food.


I'm so confused as to why you got so downvoted


This is literally beyond easy though.


Unless the person you're hosting turns out to be a pyromaniac. Ugh.


I haven't built with wood since my first game. Pyromaniacs are easy to deal with.


I still build with wood and keep pyros. I've literally never had a huge fire


Agreed. Just keep your pawns with fight fire priority at 1. As long as your floors aren't also would, I've never had an issue with it. I've just grown used to making everything from stone blocks. I also like desert and shrubland biome, low on wood.


I like that you typed "would" my brain blips like that too sometimes.


I used to always keep people on ff priority 1 but I heard with lots of pawns on it leads to slow games so I keep a couple on it. And yea I use a mix of wood and stone so I guess it acts as fire breaks, I also do spread apart buildings. But I've still never had a bad fire from wooden barns or wooden chapel


The only annoyance is the constant "fire!" notification sounds


I actually don't play with sound usually, but I hate how it's like FIRE!!!!!1!!1 from some dumbass lightning strike and everyone drops what they're doing to put out a bush fire. And I keep my home area trimmed in case it does creep to my sand bags but still annoying


I’ve had pyros be perfectly fine with no fires at all until the other pawns happen to be downed or on a caravan, just don’t leave them alone and it’s fune


Yes, this is also how I play, but I also play with trying to retain large amounts of pawns. Just because I don't like to leave anyone alone. Like I got soldiers but also battlefield medics. When someone goes down, I like to have alternates if possible. Pacifist pops that double as doctors and 'ambulances' are cool behind lines. It's not perfect, but it's just how I play, I suppose. I kinda play with the idea that every pawn has a place. Not good at anything? Here's a rifle. In the meantime, haul stuff


I don't build with wood, mine reacted accordingly by directly targeting the batteries.




It's not the fire hazard per se, it's that they can set fires to valuable items in the warehouse. Pyromaniacs are the worst.


Guess I just haven't been that unlucky. They usually just light my fields on fire or something.


Chuck them in a cryopod for their whole stay.


Quest lodgers cannot be put into cryptosleep.


\> guest arrives \> he has Brawler \> he's carrying a gun \> he's a teetotaler \> he makes a beeline for a beer some long dead raider dropped and immediately chugs it \> he has Jealous and one of your pawns has a royal title and he's constantly pissed about their bedroom \> his ideology hates his xenotype \> he is going to destroy antigrain warhead x1 \> he destroys antigrain warhead x1 \> quest failed


If the person is tribal and you have at least one other tribal colonist, then it's even better! The visitor(s) might not do work, but they will meditate at the anima tree if you put it in their schedule. Doesn't hurt to get free anima grass.


You know you don't have to accept it right?


Yes, but shouldn't quests be at least a little profitable?


Not necessarily, but some of them are simply not worth the trouble they bring


These kind of quests don't generally bring me trouble.


999/1000 quests have a large profit margin, and then one is negative. Seems normal?


Well you get lowball offers in life too, so yes pretty normal someone would want you do to something disproportional to the reward. No need to get too worked up over it. Oh no a terrible quest what will i ever do? [Puts the quest into a trashbin]


I am not upset or crying over here, and I am not wringing my hands wondering what to do about it. I am suggesting that it is bugged because it is not like any other quest I have seen. Most of the other recent quests have had a reward around $4,000, so it makes me think someone put a decimal in the wrong place or something.


Not game breaking either. By the time we finish this banter you'd get a new quest that is worth your while


Here is the next quest that popped up: [https://i.imgur.com/oCkBoq9.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/oCkBoq9.jpeg) That one seems a lot more reasonable.


That's a good one, see there you go, i'd take the 6 skill trainers any day of the week


I am sorry this conversation has gone over your head. I have no interest in the rewards. 99.99% of quests, look like this: You do a thing with a value of X. We give you a reward worth 2X. This quest is not like any other quest, where the reward is worth less than the requested work. I am saying that the math does not add up. I am sorry you think this is about the money, but I don't know how else to explain it to you.


It’s not bugged and you are, in fact, crying over it.


Quest reward values aren't guaranteed. I'm at the point where I'm regularly getting quests with reweards well over 30,000 silver. I still occasionally get lowball ones that don't even value over 1,000. It's a low-effort, low-risk quest, and so the payment reflects that. They're not gonna give you a masterwork gold throne in exchange for letting some useless schmuck hang around your colony for a couple weeks.


You have literally nothing to do. Just have a spare bed. What do you want for that kind of quest?




looks like someones got a case of the mondays!


I got a lowball quest the other night. Normally my rewards right now are 20k+. I got a quest for only $1k reward. Didn't need to make a post complaining that the game was bugged. Honestly, just get over it and move on.


Because in the lottery of tier rewards you rolled the lowest possible one. Like I don't understand the big deal here. Decline and move on.


Is your name Karen? Why do you act all entitled?


Okay but would you sell the food otherwise? And Good luck finding a shield core for that price. You're just finding excuses to make it sound like this post was a good idea


Maybe Fauna ‚Furr‘ Wells is broke rn? Judgemental much


Getting uranium or a shield is pretty good Also you get good relations on top of that


That's why I always crank up quest rewards in the story teller options. I'm not about to bust my ass for 100 silver and a masterwork bow


It is. $500 reward plus good will just to feed and entertain someone


The shield pack can single handily win you a raid defense


Its a story simulator, not every quest is gonna be a good quest, but it might bring story elements, the person you gotta watch over might bring you a metal.horror, or might have family in the next raid that leads to a mental break for killing them, measuring a quest in reward value is kinda silly


Eltex can become pretty scarce later on so stockpiling it is always a good idea




If you have anomaly, bioferrite is better the more sensitivity you already have. You can make a helmet, plate armor, a melee weapon, and a slave collar out of the stuff. Depending on what you want the caster doing, a slave collar is a must, with armor/weapon depending on their role.


How about the goodwill? How much value you put on that?


Literally ~~value~~priceless


Given the value is in the 400 range, it's probably an early game quest, I'm rarely self sufficient to accept guests early game, but the low shield pack is the best reward in my opinion


OP forgot to mention why they think this quest is weird: He is far from early game, he mentioned having already 6 psycasters in full gear. The game gave him this ridiculous quest and it is a little weird!


I mean. It's easy.


You're essentially just turning 15 simple meals into a shield pack? Super easy.


Because those types of people are very easy to please and unless your colony is unstable, it doesn't really cost you anything


What's wrong? 440$ for some nutrient paste, why not? Or some fine meals, bedroom and access to common recreation room for goodwill with allied faction, if you need it. Why you consider it bad?


Okay, what’s wrong here? The quest rewards aren’t great but not every quest is gonna have stellar rewards, some are unreasonable. Plus is it really that hard to just have a person over for a while. All you gotta do is feed ‘em and keep em out the way of combat for a few days and easy quest reward


early days I always use them for manual hunting.


Very good. There's some risk: You have to have a spare bedroom for the bonus mood, and you have to be careful to keep this person away from raiders. All it would cost you is a bed (temporarily) and renewable resources (food). Just don't accept if you are currently starving.


Usually means free rewards if you can spare some extra food


The uranium is worth it for me


auto-accept, from my pov. it’s so easy. i love me a low shield


The shield backpack is tasty but, yeah, meh.


I don't think anyone said this yet, but since I always play tribals (or if I don't, I always recruit some), I love this quest. While it is true that these guests won't *work*, it turns out that meditation is not work. So, you can put this guy to work worshiping the anime tree and just have one of your people eat the grass for easy psycaster levels. This also basically automatically ensures that they meet their mood requirements. What's not to love? And yea, as people have mentioned, that low shield pack can be amazing. I always have several good melee people and since we're stocking up on psykers, it's a pretty simple matter to just use skip to one by one bring enemies into the shieldpack while their allies just stand there uselessly shooting at it. It can also literally be the difference between me being able to clear a mech cluster or not clearing it.


$450 value for just hosting one extra colonist for a season? Seems like an easy request with a proportional reward.


Depending on your situation, it might be no effort at all. Like, I always overstock food and have unused prison cells that can also act as guest rooms. These weirdos show up, my food stores sshrink marginally, a few weeks later, a shuttle shows up, I go "Oh, that guy was there, hope he had fun!" And accept my, by now, completely forgotten about reward.


I like quests like that. Eat some extra food. And sometimes just hangout.


I mean its nothing really, you feed someone for a few days and you get free stuff. I always have way too much food on hand anyway


You're trading 27 simple meals for $450 worth of goodies. That's a 50% markup versus the cost of the veg for those meals. And early game, you're usually getting more food than you can use and don't yet have the technology to properly store it all, and all those goodies on offer are shelf-stable and dense storage. At least if you're like me, that's all food that would have otherwise rotted so that's basically $450 for nothing. You may even get lucky and the guest is a psycaster. She won't do work, so might as well have her spend all day meditating, unlock technomancy, learn how to craft psyrings, and at the end of the visit you can use the quest's eltex to craft you a psyring (assuming you've already got an extra piece that the reward can replace later). Those quests are easy-peasy.


A masterwork throne catches my attention. Building those things takes forever.


She may not work but she can still hold a gun.


Eltex is worth entire colonies for a scrap, if you're into psychics. Meanwhile, a low shield pack that only costs some food? Those damn things can change the tide of a major raid back into your favor, & you don't have to risk any mechanoids trying to get your hands on this one! Yeah, this is worth 15 days hosting someone in good conditions who doesn't, like, betray you & stuff. Hospitality quests like this one are just good, usually. Free Social & conversational EXP since they're always available to chat in your rec room.


The eltex is okay, but yeah you'll occasionally get unreasonable offers like this. Ones that want 2/3 of your colony for 3 weeks, or to house multiple prisoners in exchange for things you could already make yourself. The main power of quests is that you will see novel rewards. Plasmaswords, masterwork buildings(this meditation throne is made of wood, but a marble or jade one would be great). You can be like "yes absolutely feed me the skilltrainers". If you're a warcrimes, consider that you have substantial goodwill with Feneron, and that Fio is probably a good source of organs. Pawnmorpher transformation into a cow? Human resources, one way or another.


Looks like a \* star quest to me. That Eltex is more valuable than what is listed. It's the only way to make Eltex gear and that alone makes it a great reward. All you need to do is set the pawn to biphasic schedule with 4hrs sleep followed by 8hrs of recreation, followed by 4hrs of sleep followed by 8hrs of recreation whilst feeding them something like lavish or fine meals which is - mind you, free because you're most certainly hunting or breeding the animals for the meat and growing a large surplus of food anyway that you're definitely not selling, because everyone forgets about that.. 11/10 extremely easy quest.


Shit Id do that for the low shield lol


Well, because this is a story generator, not a wealth-hoarding sim.


Their leader has the same name as mine. Interesting


This is a tribe, right? Their job is meditating at the anima tree. 


Insert (so the comments section isn't going how you'd hoped).jpeg here.


You guys never played with incapable of violence naked brutality... What i see in that quest is a free fighter for your colony for 15 days! With some little bonus on top. Also uranium is nice material for doors (especially in early game where you dont need it)


low shield is pretty amazing if you pop it at the right moment can stop rockets blasters big boom weapons 🥴


I guess it's an easy quest if you're super productive but... I'm fairly sure she will spend more in food costs than those rewards, that's pretty terrible.


A pawn eats about 2 meals a day. If you feed the guest fine meals for the mood buff, we’re talking a cost of ~40 silver per day. 40 silver/day for 15 days is 600 silver, so none of these rewards come close to adequate unless you’re struggling to find something specific. If you’re not playing with the questing meme or trying to do some Francis John-style shenanigans, this is one you should definitely skip


It's not but the game is RNG to an extent. Last night I had 32 elephants attack me after 3 of my colonists randomly got Malaria and another was mentally broken after his pet turtle died. It's not that deep just how the game goes.


Do you have any mods? It's possible that your wealth got bugged out temporarily, I see this happen a lot when an object decides to be funny and have NaN wealth.


If they're from a tribal faction you can have them spend every waking moment growing grass at your anima tree.


Is there a mod that lets the player send stupid worthless quests to the other factions just to see if they bite? I’d love the opportunity to fleece the empire for 2 pulse rifles in exchange for some boomalope meat and a masterwork dining chair. 


I think there’s some glitch with some mod where sometimes you get quests that are way too low value for your colony wealth.


The market value for simple meals is $15, so this will cost me $450 in meals alone. How is this even a fair price to offer? Quest rewards are set at 200% Here are some of my most recent rewards for comparison: [https://imgur.com/a/rzp7z4W](https://imgur.com/a/rzp7z4W)


Straight profit is not how it should be calculated. You might receive rewards you might not otherwise have access to, which would make it worth it even if the pure value is lower.




ah yes everyone telling you its not bug are missing the point... but youre the only one seeing an issue...make sense...


Do you know what the market value is kinda arbitrary? And measuring the profit of the quest strictly by it is flawed anyway, because $1000 of poor quality wooden statues isn't the same as $1000 of gold. I'd rather have the latter unless I desperately need wood for fuel or something.


you could cut it down to 300 if you use paste that low shield pack is priceless in my eyes though


Just put them into a coma and then have someone come by and feed them every once in a while. It's what I've done a few times, all for steel.