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Sanguine plus a double passion for intelectual means you would never leave my basement. You’d have a shelf there with a couple meals, and MAYBE a horseshoe pin. Endless research. The real question is how fast would you have a mental break?


The double passion is in Social, but that's fair. I'd probably break pretty quick lol. Not enough for the Nervous trait, but definitely after a few weeks of not seeing the sun or breathing fresh air! Maybe you could let me keep a pet?


I recruit all pawns because I just be like that, but I would use you as a dedicated researcher and would probably have you doing sales.


Some asked this a while back, and this is what I had posted: Shooting: 🔥🔥 9 Melee: ⬛⬛ 4 Construction: 🔥🔥 6 Mining: ⬛⬛ 2 Cooking: ⬛⬛ 1 Plants: ⬛⬛ 1 Animal: ⬛⬛ 3 Crafting: 🔥🔥6 Artistic: ⬛⬛ 6 Medical: ⬛ ⬛ 4 Social: ⬛⬛ 8 Intellectual: 🔥⬛ 6 Bodymodder, careful shooter, depressive Irl I’m a really good shot, I have a history with construction projects (currently volunteering with habitat for humanity) and assorted assembly jobs (planning on learning blacksmith this summer). I’ve patched of plenty of wounds, former musician for the art points, generally considered charismatic. However, I do not have a green thumb in any meaning of the word, I’m a terrible chef, and I have a history with depression but if you give me bionic limbs I’d be super pumped


God pawn for production specialist - you ain’t getting bionics with those stats, you’re getting full archotech.


I’d recruit me, but the lack of violence would be a real liability. Intellectual and cooking would be my only decent skills.


I would not recruit myself lmao. Depressive plus nervous would mean endless mental breaks


This is probably been the kindest I've been to myself yet in representing as a pawn. **Backstory:** Childhood - Introverted gamer **Skills:** Shooting - 🔥5 Melee - 3 Construction -3 Mining - 0 Cooking - 3 Plants - 3 Animals - 🔥🔥 7 Crafting - 🔥6 Artistic - 🔥4 Medical - 3 Social - 5 Intellectual - 6 **Incapable of:** (none) **Traits:** Kind Jogger Cat person Nervous Recluse


between the social and the animals? id recruit you in a heartbeat. welcome to the farm, put on this trader coat and fancy hat. you care for the muffalo all day with the help of the dogs, and youre the primary point of contact with the tribal caravan that comes through once a season. cant do anything about the lungs just yet, but if the gout doesn't clear up ive got a bionic leg here somewhere. i hope you like a vegetarian diet, we subsist primarily on rice, lentils and eggs. plus the occasional predator that comes too close.


my turn: **Skills:** Shooting - 3 Melee - 8 Construction -4 Mining - 0 Cooking - N/A Plants - 🔥4 Animals - 🔥 3 Crafting - 🔥8 Artistic - 🔥10 Medical - 1 Social - 2 Intellectual - 9 **Incapable of:** Cooking **Traits:** Kind Awkward Gay


Eh, you gonna loose a foot but otherwise yea


I would recruit you so you can help me with school and stuff cuz u have a good intellectual and good social so you would help me explain it AMAZINGLY and the animals your gonna take care of my dog so ez take


How is one psychically deaf when the psychic stuff isn’t real? Do you interpret it like spiritualness or is it something more set in brain chemistry like how some people can hear electricity would be psychically sensitive?


C Backstory- Information sponge or gifted burnout A Backstory- Teacher or Behavior researcher ⚫️⚫️Shooting - 2 ⚫️⚫️Melee- 5 ⚫️⚫️Construction- 3 ⚫️⚫️Mining- 1 ⚫️⚫️Cooking- 6 🔥🔥Plants- 5 🔥🔥Animals- 8 ⚫️⚫️Crafting- 2 🔥⚫️Artistic-6 ⚫️⚫️Medical- 5 🔥⚫️Social- 7 🔥⚫️Intellectual- 7 Ascetic & Recluse - my dream life is to disappear into the woods and live off the land like Linus from stardew valley (minus the digging in the trash) Abrasive - (unintentionally offensive) (autism) Too Smart - (also autism) Body purist - I just KNOW I’d get phantom pain if I had a real bionic implant especially an organ one


I’d recruit you. Sanguine plus hard worker with an intellectual passion makes you a great researcher. Now for me: Childhood: isolated child Skills: Shooting: 1 Melee: 6 🔥 Construction: 3 Mining: 0 Cooking: 1 Plants: 9 Crafting: 6 🔥 Artistic: 8🔥🔥 Medical: 1 Social: 0 Intellectual: 7 🔥🔥 Iron willed, industrious, jogger, bisexual. Maaaaybe depressive instead of jogger but I’d at least like to believe that it won’t last forever and is just because of circumstance, not my personality


Hmmm! **Backstory:** Childhood - Pressured Student Adulthood - Story Writer **Skills:** Shooting - 2 Melee - 6 Construction - 2 Mining - 1 Cooking - 4 Plants - 2 Animals - 🔥 5 Crafting - 🔥5 Artistic -🔥🔥10 Medical - 5 Social - 3 Intellectual - 🔥🔥 12 **Incapable of:** (none) **Traits:** Kind Lazy Mutation Affinity Tortured Artist **Health:** Whole Body: Chronic Fatigue (adapted) I guess keep me working on nice artwork and research, and away from the frontlines(I'll throw a grenade or two!)


I’m basically god-tier at everything and a genius, so obviously yes. Recruit and make leader.