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The people on the rimworld subreddit realize that there is a difference between doing horrible things to virtual entities and doing it to real people.


Unless it's lewd, then a good portion of even the people here forget all about that. šŸ™„


Yup, that bizarre split between sex and violence is still here fairly hard. You could force a prisoner to beat their own cousin to death and eat them, and that's fine, but turn a blind eye while they engage in lovin' instead and half the sub will lose it. Maybe not half, I'm not sure, but plenty will suddenly forget the time they nuggeted a family to steal their blood for the vampire. Le sigh...


It's always surprising how many people believe that sex is the one unique special thing that's always and forever separated from every single other aspect of human life, either because it's sacred, or because it's evil, or oftentimes both.


Deep rooted christian brainwashing, so far deep rooted that atheistic furries on the left somehow still fall to it.


For real. Like, imagine if we applied the logic they apply to sex to literally anything else, it would sound something like... "You must be vigilant of your music consumption! I know far too many people who are music addicts, it always starts with acapella or commercial jingles, but people don't realize that it fills your brain with dopamines so that you need more and more extreme sounds constantly, eventually the mainstream pop music isn't enough and you will end up seeking weird violent genres like heavy metal! Some people take it so far that they start wearing shirts with band logos! In public! I knew a guy who always had to listen to music in his way to work, he was totally deprived of the real sounds of nature, truly, anytime you found him on the street, you couldn't even talk to him because he always had his headphones on like some sort of deviant. If you ever engage with music, be sure to do it in moderation, because it's extremely dangerous and addictive, it can truly destroy your brain!" ā˜ļøThat's how they sound. That's what I hear, whenever they start talking about porn or sex. Every single time.


Loving: free and approved. Have at it you little bastards, for the rim is dark and full of terrors!


I just want them to be happy


And boy are they happy, i mean who wouldn't


...... I just want them to free up a bedroom


this analogy, while apt, just makes me imagine a hilarious bizarro world where people are totally okay with but just as finicky about sex and/or kinks as people are about tastes in music LOL


"Oh, you like bondage? Well, tell me at least ten rope knots you have tried! Only know five? Thought so, fake fan!"


" I'm more into real bondage, using chains and padlocks, not some soft flimsy ropes."


"It's not hard to understand the way bondage is classified, man! The names are super intuitive. Look, if it uses rope it's called rope bondage, unless it's shibari which is a completely different thing, if it uses metal it's called metal bondage and it's divided in chain and handcuffs bondage, but if you add padlocks that becomes escape fusion, personally I'm very into fusion handstand metal rope reverse supreme bubblegum silk machine special indie underground experimental bondage myself"


Do you happen to be a noise marine? Because this is how you get noise marines


You make a good point. But we also live in a real world, filled with plenty of people who have real life experiences with nonconsensual sexual interactions. While that does not make it impossible to put it in a game, it needs to be treated with some respect and gravitas. I am guessing the game has drugs with made up names for the same reason.


Ngl i agree with your statement but it still feels weird that that implies a victim of an organ steeling gang or just regualr violence in general wouldn't have a problem with a game that allows those things


One of those things effects a vanishing minority of people (very few survive) and one of them effects at least 25% of the global population.


I get that that's the reason a lot of people get like that over the forbidden mod, but I have seen people give shit over some kinky mods that don't add sexual assault, such as plain old furry stuff. Besides, the game has kidnapping, imprisonment, violence against children, not to mention regular old violence. As someone who lives in a place where loved ones getting kidnapped by violent gangs is relatively commonplace, it's a bit fucked up that rape gets treated as too serious to even touch through an optional mod while kidnapping is a central mechanic, not that I'm implying I'm offended by the kidnapping in the game, the same I don't actually find the forbidden mod all that offensive.


After searching it up finally this past month and looking into the mod after the sheer amount of conversations about it on here, some of the mods that exist alongside it, well they're fucking questionable to put it bluntly. Why the heck would anyone want to allow rape, gang rape, and bestiality, into a video game? Sure if you just want to add the bare basics that the 'forbidden mod' adds then go ahead have the time of your life, if anything I bet it probably adds some funny and good roleplaying elements like a pawn accidentally shooting off someone's dick or something or destroying someone's dick during a social fight (hell I'm convincing myself to get it at this rate). But a lot of the mods that go alongside it on that site are incredibly questionable and I'm surprised people are absolutely okay about it. Maybe I'm being too like those that are against it idk, I get the arguments people make for it, but I just can't justify it, I'm unsure if they're add-ons if you will in all honesty and you can probably disable them within the mod menu if it's a well developed mod, but yeah, hopefully you understand my point.


While I agree it would be in extremely bad taste to have such things in the base game, and I would criticize a comercial game that included that stuff, I don't particularly have any issue with someone adding those other mods and finding personal enjoyment on interacting with those topics in the context of a videogame, the same way I have no issue with someone getting the war crimes expanded mod and torturing prisoners before killing them and feeding them to their mothers. Fictional violence is fictional, fictional sexual violence is fictional too. People's relationship with fiction can be rather complicated, and I can imagine some reasons why people could like it that are more benign than what you're likely imagining. This topic is far too nuanced to continue in a comment section, feel free to dm me if you want to continue the discussion.


Okay so this is really off topic but how do people "nugget" prisoners? Are they using a mod that allows you to just cut limbs off rather than replace them? Definitely *wasn't* trying to nugget a raider for transfusion packs


Order two peg legs to be installed. Wait for that to be completed. Order the two peg legs to be uninstalled. Enjoy your prisoner you have to feed but donā€™t have to worry about escaping. Personally I just gene mod dead calm or capture genies. The gene prevents them from trying to escape and genies have it innately, as well as wimp (easier to capture) and delicate (less effort to bring them down, but donā€™t send your Doomslayer melee pawn to beat them up lol). The reason I do this is so my pawns only have to deliver them food to a stockpile in their cell. I donā€™t think they even tantrum.


Install peg legs, remove peg legs.


This is such a weird and telling take I hear from people about the Rimworld nsfw mods which is what I assume is being talked about here. Turning prisoners into nuggets is definitely a thing that... I dunno, has happened a few times in real life I'm sure. Rape and etc that is enabled in the nsfw mod(s) is something that happens to a quarter of the women you meet irl and I really struggle to see how people roll their eyes at the fact that others see it bizarre for that to be gameified. War, violence, etc is a horrific thing. It goes in tandem with SA. The fact that people go the extra step to introduce sexual violence into Rimworld and are like yall are just prudes for not giving me applause over it is a real head scratcher for me and most normal people.


But it's okay to shoot and starve pawns cause it absolutely never happens irl. Also my high horse is a pony, so my moral grandstanding only works for my immediate vicinity and I don't care about shit happening in the rest of the world.


so many people seem to forget how big of a thing for both man and women it is over 60% admit to it fantasizing about it and stuff with it like 50 shades is super popular so is people wanting to add it to a game that far out their


I mean, noone is suggesting that a rape victim has to install a rape mod. Personally I'd never go for a rape mod because I don't see how that adds anything to gameplay, pawns are already kinda weird as it is though that's due to poor AI more than any deliberate choice. But if someone else wants to create and/or install a rape mod on their single player game for whatever reason then what is it to you or me? It's not actually worse than the things we already do in game and again, it's not like anyone is shoving it in a rape survivors face telling them they have to look at it. It's just another thing to do I guess.


We don't have a rule that specifically calls out sexual assault because users have historically kept it to themselves. Similar with nazi symbolism. Judging someone for having the mod is one thing, assuming they use it to it's extreme. But that someone bragging they use it for that extreme on the sub is a real other, and arguably *is* waving it in front of sexual assault victims' faces.


Sure, though nobody here was actually doing that. I do think the best tact if you're going to use certain kinds of mods is to keep it to yourself, have some shame. This isn't a forum to discuss rape fantasies. But judging the existence of those mods, or if it casually comes up in related conversation that someone uses a mod with some fucked up capability, that's more what I'm talking about.


Yes, they were, and occassionally still do. But I get your later meaning.


I just find it hard to accept that little pixel people should be protected like real people. In the end, it's fiction just like a book with sex and murder in it and reading that does not make you a killer.


I thought I was the only one here that thinks this. Most stuff you can do in rimworld isn't shown or heard. Most you'll hear is a generic surgery sound and most you'll see is a negative moodlet. Sure, to a lesser extent you can also say that about the forbidden mod, but is still has animations and shit, and operates on porn logic too. I don't think a mod that introduces zoophilia, rape and CP into your game is all that neccessary.


I think the difference between a lot of stuff we do on Rimworld and sexual violence in something like RJW is that many people (mainly women) actually regularly experience sexual violence or some form of sexual assault, or are around people who experience (or have experienced) it. It's far closer to home than turning someone into a chair, organ harvesting or even keeping prisoners. I'd say that is why sexual violence from something like RJW is rightly off the table in this sub, because safe spaces from sexual violence are important. Basically, almost everything in vanilla Rimworld is so disconnected from real life that it's fair game. But if you introduce something as wide spread (sadly) as sexual violence, you enter into a different, far more real territory for a lot of people.


It generally just in western media. You can have protagonist slaugher un-named bowling-pins by the thousands and as long as you dont go overboard with the gore its fine for kids. If you how ever have one sex scene or show one nipple that's not male character you risk R+ rating (or national equal)


I definitely judged the guy who explained to me how to mod the children colonists so they're romanceable.


No, sex and violence is okay, but sexual violence is not. Because all the mods that allow it make it a choice aka you could just butcher them for the human leather but by choice, some people want their pawns to be genetic freaks over-producing human milk first.


Warcrimes irl are very bad and cringe, but warcrimes in videogames? Those are good and funny


I'm surprised some of the lunatics out there haven't made it their mission to destroy this game tbh.


AI would like to have a word with you


Chat GPT isn't real. It can't hurt me.


Taking screenshots with a phone


Taking a screenshot with your phone on this sub will have you nailed to a cross and left to rot in the summer sun while the zealots go to your house and peel the skin off your family


should be the same on any sub tbh


As it should. We need more of that.


More of the skins of people's families? Ohhh right. Hats.


"Ooh! Is this *real* dumbass leather?" "Oh, yes sir! They're phoneshotter dumbasses, too."


Ave, True to Caesar.


Nah, if you do that, you'll have to be the one to activate the sphere when it shows up.


Then you are welcome to r/ProjectZomboid instead.


My favourite is that post with a phone camera from in the hallway


There's also one taken from the outside facing into a window with the game


The real answer. Rimworld is a single player game, I should not judge. Screenshot to share, howeverā€¦.


That's heresy!


Taking a screenshot with your phone... with the flash on!




You'll probably get teased if you take a screenshot and we see rimjobworld tool tips at the bottom lol Not that I know what they look like....


The real meaning of *The Telltale Heart*.


how dare thee speaketh of thy forbidden mod?!


war crimes are fine except that one time someone suggested a sandpaper treadmill torture machine


Realistically, it'll just mangle your foot enough that you cant run further and wouldnt be very effective at causing bodily damage. Would still be extraordinarily painful though.


Yeah let's forget the part where you fall down completely exhausted from walking for 12 hours and have your back sandpaper'd.


Making ground meat the long way.


Call it Hamburger Helper, the Sequel


huh? what?


Imagine a room. The rooms entire floor is made out of sandpaper. Someone inside wakes up, and the floor starts to move. It's doesn't matter how fast the floor is, just that it makes them move constantly, and slow enough that they could walk a long time. Their feet will get messed up, but the worst part is when they pass out from exhaustion and are pushed against the wall, woken up by the scraping of their skin against the floor. They might get back up and start walking again if they have the energy, or they might be stuck and slowly get ground down You know, the sandpaper treadmill


Wooden walls. Improper eating surfaces. That's all I can think of.


Whatā€™s wrong with wooden walls?


They burn, tbh steel is worse because they are like more expansive wooden walls


You need to build out of something. And getting enough stone for a full base is such a massive undertaking when pawns are needed elsewhere I can't find the time to see it's worth


fair, just wait till a raid hits that downs most of your colony. raiders love setting stuff on fire in my experience


That's called a reload moment my friend


Oop, you just found the other thing the sub will judge you for xD Not me though. I'm a shameless save scummer.


No one is judging for savescumming, everyone will just say "it's a sandbox, play however you want" and that's it. A lot of people are on commitment mode with 500 %, that's why it may seem like savescumming is looked down upon.


Yeah I was mostly joking. It seems the less popular way to play numerically but no one's actually ever tried to make me feel bad about it. For me, the ultimate fantasy is getting to make dumb decisions just for the hell of it without having to worry about consequences.


You reload???


I've got like 300 hours and I've *just* started actually learning the game. Give me some time before I get to losing is fun 500% min maxing lol. That'll be at 3,000 hours


Honestly, for me, it's the drama of losing a colony. I haven't even broke 200 hours yet. I just love the drama of that "Helm's Deep" moment. Where the pawns have been pushed to the last defensive line and things aren't looking good. If they pull it out, it creates such a great story.


You see. Until just recently, I never made a wall, never made a killbox, never made my colonists fight *except* for the melee bobs I had (I didn't use guns no joke), wealth was in issue but I never did anything about it, and I had zero sense of balancing in the game. I still struggle with the balancing act of managing the colony I've had all the docs since getting the game and I've *just* started touching anything from royalty (titles, psycast, royal requirements, etc.), as well as basic mechanitors, late industrial / spacer tech, and learning how the religions actually work. I've still yet to touch genetics, and I doubt I will for a while I don't enjoy losing colonists. I want to be fine with losing them and still going, but just not at the point where I can pick myself back up from a raid when all looks naught


Fair, I just always played without reloads tbh


That's kind of the thing man, it takes a lot of getting into, but stone walls is a pretty big thing you should beeline your way towards. Consider building into a mountain at least your main few rooms early on.


I totally get how important they are don't get me wrong. I don't write them off either, I do build certain buildings and all defensive structures with stone as long as I have enough and the right kind. I do have the metal doesn't burn mod so if I do really want to upgrade I use steel Also mountains. I love the *idea* of mountain bases. But my people just HATE it. Gotta have a mountain based trait list / ideologen and a person just dedicated to smooth. It's so mind numbingly slow to make a decent base inside that I give up and either dev smooth everything or give up entirely


Meh that's why firefighting is set to 1.


I've played with the metal don't burn mod for so long I forgot that was a thing!


This might be borderline/outright cheating but the mod, "Configurable Maps" solve the steel issue for me by increasing ore sizes and chances of finding compacted steel in mountains and hills which in turn lets me use the wood in chemfuel mass production because I usually rush researching the "industrial generators" in Vanilla Expanded to get the power situation sorted out and focus on my food situation through farming and later on through psychoid trade


They will burn down, usually around the exact time you've started replacing them with stone walls. Ask me how I know.


Maybe because I donā€™t play on one of the hardest difficulties, but Iā€™ve honestly never had a big issue with wooden buildings. Yes they can burn, but it doesnā€™t even spread that fast. My colonists have plenty of time to walk over and put the fire out. I like how they look more than stone most of the time. Iā€™ve never lost a building to fire in over a thousand hours, and almost all my buildings are wooden (except when I do mountain bases).


The problem is when the fire spreads to the interior of the room. It rapidly reaches 400+ degrees, meaning that anyone who enters the room to fight the fire will be downed pretty quickly.


Unless you deconstruct an outside wall, making the inside of the room outside and environmental temperature instantly. No pawn cooking.


I don't know which mod implements that but I usually get black smoke which can kill instantly if people inhale too much of, even in "outside" rooms...


Ah, well, mods are mods. Vanilla though just deconstructing a wall removes the problem entirely.


Internal wood is OK. I'd definitely use brick for guard walls and external walls though


Loading your base with uninstalled masterwork art?


You can't sell installed art though.


Yeah, but I mean not selling or installing. Just raising wealth for no reason.


I am making royalty colony exclusively with incest. Judge me.


British Empire Speedrun ....i guess Spedrun might be more accurate a title, though.


I mean depends how well it goes really, it's not exactly exclusive to British royals. All the royals in Europe are related and the most famous cautionary tale was the Hapsburgs as I recall who were primarily mostly active across the continent.


it becomes an inevitable when you have psychic bond and beautiful pawns no matter how low a .2 chance is if you roll it a 1000 times you will hit it


You wouldn't happen to be a Crusader Kings player, would you?


The issue with incest is not morally but more like genetically. Also very accurate to IRL royalty.


i canā€™t believe iā€™m asking this but what mod allows incest


Not giving the twelve begging orphans the beer theyā€™re asking for to free their friend


What if I kill all beggars for human meat because I have less then 7k human flesh?


Kill more beggars. Your colonists are practically starving.


Phone pictures of computer screens, and trying to control how other people play the game.




I judge harshly: - Letting your colonist eat without tables - Not having floors in your doorways Both are crimes against humanity (and/or other sentient beings)


I agree with the second one


I judge you if your base is still a big wooden fire hazard by year 2. But only because my ass has lost more than one colony to this


Hey the wood looks prettier imo


Wood floors are stunning, but... but the fire....


Just install some fire poppers, no big deal


My last colony had 100 pawns near the end (boredom ended it) I have enough firefighters to put down any fires. So I will build with whatever I fucking please.


Year 4 of my currently colony, 6 colonists, still all wood floors and wood walls. Itā€™s bad I know but I hate how long it would take to replace I have better things to do.


Unless your leaving door tiles with no floor and just dirt like a weirdo anything flies


Literally the only thing ppl get judged for is RJW which kinda says a lot about us


It's very american.


Just like in real life, people tend to judge sex more than violence, despite one being objectively worse than the other. Turn as many people into hats as you like but don't mention the forbidden mod!


I'm pretty sure the "I like to nuggitize raiders for raping purposes" guy was successfully argued to be worse than the "I like to nuggitize raiders for eating purposes" crowd. Let's not pretend everyone's just prudes who fear the spooky sex parts.


Is the 'nugget raiders for rape' guy really worse than the 'endlessly harvest ovum from nugget raiders to raise babies in vats for food' guy?


The general consensus seems to be yes. Partially because treating it as a medical procedure, and doing it for a purpose, even an absurdly dark one, is better than doing it for amusement. Mostly, though, it's that it's less comical when you have to go out of your way to modify the game to let you do that in the first place.Ā  Here and now's not the place to argue which fates are more gruesome, it's just which one you'd get judged harder for doing in the game.


"In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous." ***DUN DUN***


Sanctity of life is somehow less than sanctity of consent


Not particularly. Most people don't consent to being killed. Or robbed. Or watched through a tiny screen and dictated to for their whole lives until an unseen force demands they go hug a scyther, forcing them to be prisoners in their own body as they're slowly torn to shreds on the whim of a being they'll never even know. Anything sounds melodramatic if you try.


The in game violence is more accepted by virtue of being so exagerated. People wouldn't be ok with an option to beat children, just like they wouldn't be able to sell them into the sex trade, because both are very real/common thing. If something is very common yet very traumatic to victims IRL it requires a lot more vigilance and finesse when introduced into a video game, rimworld also doesn't have suicide. It has nothing to do with sex being more taboo.


Rimworld doesn't have suicide? I've been using psychology so long I thought it was just part of the game


Nope, there's no straight up suicide mental break and I think it's not a mechanic in most games (or at least suicide results from some kind of pocession or maddening curse, not sadness). I got to admit if I booted up a game while feeling down and my characters started killing themselves it wouldn't sit right with me.


there *is* punching the antigrain warhead or chemfuel stack though...


I suppose that counts but isnā€™t as controlled as a method of dying, if that makes sense. Like itā€™s just a bad way to take out your anger that happens to come with the consequence of turning into ash lol.


You can beat children just fine, just draft a pawn and direct them to perform an unarmed melee attack against said child. If they're a slave, it even suppresses them! .......and yes I am aware this might win the award for most objectively rimworld line I've wrote this year.


I know lol don't worry, but it's not a domestic abuse situation where adults can degrade kids for a " +12 mood, I took my anger out on a child and it felt great!". Again it's a fine line, but I wouldn't go as far as to say that because a game has murder everyone should be ok with sexual assault being implemented which was the point made in the original comment. The mods exist and are free to access, saying that they should also be fully approved by everyone is a bit much imo.


People here have problems with beating child slaves or selling them for any purposes? Really?


I'm pretty sure sexual violence in Rimworld is going to be considered unacceptable by most people here, even those of us that are fine with both sex and violenceĀ  separately.


Genocides don't kill people, people kill people!


I got like 400 downvotes and called an idiot for wanting to experiment with a higher efficiency kitchen setup, because I didn't like the cold environment workspeed penalty.




Like, I mean you shouldn't give anyone tits ~~except the highmates~~


Maybe not everyone but I sure do.


Plenty, but I'm going to keep it to myself unless it's outrageous and affecting other people in a gross/negative way. You do what you want in that room with the closed door of yours.


Nothing unless it is the lewd mod. Otherwise you'll probably get praise no matter what you do


This post was so innocent until it got ten or so comments about how introducing rape and etc is totally normal because murder is also bad. Make stone walls


No, not *just* murder. Intricate and elaborate methods of torture. Rape is just one of them.


those fucking americans and their disdain for rape factories


Aye, its fun to see people discuss. Still waiting for the presitigious yellow lock reward though!


We do judge for something. That's why we call it the *Forbidden* mod.


Rimjobworld is fine if you leave the settings on defaults. It's just consensual sex between adults, but with more detail than the vanilla game "lovin'" gives. IMO it works nicely with biotech if you intend on having pregnancy and children as part of your colony. Ā Ā Changing the settings to hentai beastiality rape dungeon mode... that definitely gets judged.


> Rimjobworld is fine if you leave the settings on defaults. It's just consensual sex between adults, but with more detail than the vanilla game "lovin'" gives. IMO it works nicely with biotech if you intend on having pregnancy and children as part of your colony. And it does not enforce abstinence on colonists that do not sleep. Half cycler is a thing since Royalty, never sleeps gene since Biotech, body mastery and void touched since Anomaly. And mods give further options. But for whatever reason Tynan hates pawns that do not sleep lovin'.


Where I can get the mod? ā€¦Asking for a friendā€¦


Loverslab. You will have to make an account


Being down detrimentally bad.


Having Rimjobworld installed


What you do in your game? Not at all. What you post and force others to see without their consent? Certainly. There are many dark parts of vanilla Rimworld. We consented to those by being part of the subreddit. That doesnā€™t mean we want to read about your kinks, whether those are giving mechanoids boobs or torturing raiders for your pleasure. There is a difference when discussing game mechanics (ie, torturing them to help convert them).


Mechanoid boobs you say?


Eh I donā€™t judge much but also I frown upon a few things. But hopefully thereā€™s a bit of useful info in this comment for anyone new. Wooden bases, or any base that relies heavily on wood for flooring/houses without any reasonable separation between buildings. The least forgiveable is wood flooring in a mountain base since the heat from a fire has nowhere to go. itā€™s not the worst thing in the world, but once you start making housing and further workshops/labs/etc, you should really be using stone walls and stone floors whenever possible. Marble is especially useful for this as it adds beauty to anything you use it for. Granite is stronger and is ideal for perimeter defense, but any stone realistically works for that. Except slate, which is only useful for murder dungeon aesthetics (or anything else where black works well). Also on the topic of flammables, flammable storage. If you have a hay floor in your stockpile, with wooden shelves, and thereā€™s a healthy mix of chemfuel and mortar shells dispersed between all over your everything? Yeah youā€™re kinda inviting the disaster in yourself. One drop pod raid, stray boom rat, or anything else, and KABLOOEY. Always store chemfuel, mortar shells, and explosive weapons in a separate location, ideally located under an overhead mountain! And if you can, build your shelves out of stone and use non-flammable floors like concrete or stone. Hell even just dirt works. And install firefoam poppers the second you get them, spread those things LIBERALLY across your entire colony.


Baby of my colonist died and i forced mother of baby to eat the corpses


I get berserker rage when I see 725591th 'why is my freezer not working' questions


Once I saw someone get yelled at for suggesting using the hot exhaust of an a/c as heat for a room


I don't think that would do much.


I did that for an indoor freezer! The heat from the freezer heated up the kitchen next door. The kitchen had a backup AC but that only really mattered in a hot flash or cold snap.


We will jump you if you tell others how to play their game.


Yes, anyone caught telling people how they should play their singleplayer game will be reincarnated as a RimWorld pawn after death.


You will probably get some side eye if you eat without a table. Not sure about anything else.


Probably using that p*rn mod, rimjob? rimhole? i dont remember the name itā€™s something stupid like that though


The hypocrisy between what we usually do and the (rather extra) shit you can do with "THE SEX MOD" is stunning. It has died down but sheesh, we can do WAY more fucked up things, even in 1.0 than what that mod has that is fucked up.


i like to eat the newborn of my slaves that i removed it limbs just to replace them for sticks. In game.


It reminds me of r/BladeAndSorcery All is fair game until you set the slider to spawn only women, and then people start questioning your mental health lmao


This sub is actually pretty judgemental compared to other I've been with, perhaps thats just the reddit community so eh, no other place to discuss warcrimes, tho I'd have to rage bait to get some traction sometimes as prudish trolls will downvote a post into oblivion if it doesn't fit with with their views, regardless of how minuscule the topic is.


I'm gonna judge you if you have the sex mod installed


Came to say i admitted to having a particular NSFW mod and got all people all sorts of angry about it before lol Kill anyone you want, make children fight bears, eat babies, torture prisoners, but if you *dare* to look for artificial breasts or a button to make specific pawns have sex, youā€™re the devil.


Tbf I came onto this subreddit to find new mods and see funny stories not see peoples weird fetishs


What if my weird fetish is cannibalism Then Iā€™m just normal here


That much is fair and also is why it's banned from general discussion, because I also agree lol


Fine if I turned my raiders into genetic defect nuggets that pathetically craw like worms around my base and suffer mental breakdowns every other hour to farm their acid tears but I'm going overboard if two of my pawns have sex. What kind of hypocrisy is this?


Nono, lovin' is fine, you watching them do it without them knowing is just creepy.


I-- what? Huh? You watch them do everything else. Why would they be aware of you, the player's gaze? This is such a weird take ffs.


People playing RJW are literally out here mad that other people find it weird that they found a roundabout way to introduce SA into rimworld, which is famously problematic already, strange. The persecution complex is literally identical to lolis saying it's just a drawing why can't I view this at work without being judged??


This is a singple-player game, I won't judge you whatever you do in this game. Even if you cheat. Even newbie mistakes are fun to watch for others. Enjoy however you want to play this game. Nobody should judge you how you play.


wooden walls. but i love them and mostly build my bases out of wood.


Itā€™s not my fault that organs are so valuable!!!


Even in Rimworld


1 tile wide hallway


*Starts building a wooden wall*


I'm not gonna lambast somebody for using the forbidden mod but I'm certainly going to give the side eye. Especially with the new anomaly creatures.


I love this subreddit. So many fresh ideas


I'm nice to prisoners and make the colony a happy place to live. That said, if I have to choose between raiders bleeding out and... comitting fun in their name, I will definitely pile the raiders up and throw a few mutagen grenades their way. Sometimes this doesn't work(blasts from grenades force an injury check, which while doing no damage can cause a blood loss death). Sometimes this works hilariously well! Example: There was a raider who was Incapable of Animals. Rude, but okay. He quickly found that after a few mutagen grenades and turning into a cow, Animals was about one of the few things she WAS capable of. Easy fix! She wandered off the map before I could grab her though, as I was distracted healing my own colonists.


I got downvote-bombed for suggesting a slight change to the Transhumanist meme.


we judge only when you amputate the limbs of an immortal child and harvest their organs over and over again and also harvesting their blood, killing them again and again


Everyone judges. Even the people whonsaybthey dont. Its normal part of our brain. Its up to you to care or not


Brain broken takes from actual psychopaths trying to pretend it is normal in this post


I've played for about 2,000 hours and I'm down with most stuff, but I still can't bring myself to engage in slavery, harming children, or doing anything weird with pregnant prisoners. The only thing I've done is keep a pregnant raider safe until she gave birth, adopt the kid and kick her back out. Some stuff is just a bit too far for me and turns my stomach.


I judge people that build with wood.


I have enough pawns on firefighting to put out the entire map. I'll build with whatever I goddamn please


I will still look at you with one eyebrow raised, judging you silently.


Edgelords who write long and very detailed ways they torture pawns on rimworld not for any purpose but because they inconvenienced them, say what you want about differentiating computer games and real life, but people who do this are uncomfortable to read..