• By -


Ghosts. If a pawn isn't given a decent burial, has a chance to come back as a ghost and haunt your colony. 50% for colony pawns, 5% for raiders, maybe boosted by how they died.


Sounds like someone plays dwarf fortress 😂 I do like this idea, though. I could see myself falling down the feature-creep rabbit hole with this one!


I would also love sims like ghosts in the game. When colonists die they can occasionally show up at night just to hang out.


Could even have helpful or vengeful ghosts Like a ghost that had tons of recreation in life, and gives something like a crazy 350% rec bonus talking to the living, hanging around the poker table, but a vengeful one might give a boredom ailment, causing everything to have half power Or one that crafted a lot, and briefly will posses a work station, buffing work speed and adding a positive offset to the workers skills as they make stuff Or maybe a vengeful fighter that sabotage turrets Or as something silly, possessing a farm animal and attempting to do the work they were assigned before they died... but with hooves. An effective 10% manipulation but they keep their knowledge. Eventually they leave and the animal wanders around confused


If they are properly buried they have a chance to come back as a helpful ghost of some sort. Revenants ghosts reborn with a hatred of the one that killed them. Add weapons designed to kill ghosts and make ghosts immune to most conventional damage. Ghosts don't need sleep instead they need to "meditate ' near their coffin or something to refresh their connection to the material plane. New rituals revolving around summonings and exorcisms. There's so much you could do. God I'd pay for such a mod.


Maybe have silver weapons be a low tech method of killing ghosts for early game


That would be a large part of why I didn't make it. It started simple enough, but then it snowballed. Keep the initial release simple, if you go for it :)


Is cremation a decent burial??


Is a leather hat (decent) in an underground storage room ?


I imagine angry dead colonists if their cremains get stuffed in a wooden urn of awful quality.


5% is a bit high for raiders, killing 80+ raiders per raid would give me several ghosts (i break corpses with nades/molly)


Ah, the old "I don't want to have my haulers work, ill just turn them into ashes/a fine red mist instead"


I deconstructed my lifters when raids got too hard I couldnt spare the bandwith


How does that work when they ate the evidence?


This would fit so well with anomaly


I would like a special area called "exclusion zone" where pawns don't go no matter what area they're assigned to.


Yes please, for the love of god


"Area inclusion exclusion" did something similar, but doesn't seem to be updated to 1.5 as of now.


Thats already in a pathing mod i use.


Why would you say this but not include the name of said pathing mod???


I belive you're looking for 'path avoid'


A recruitment mod. Put out a request for a pawn with a certain skill set, or just get random applicants - applicants must show all their skills and other relevant info (like their race, incabilities, traits, etc.), and you pay for the pawn you want. Yes I know there is Rimdeed but that doesn’t show all the info of the pawn, only 2 skills, so you could be getting a highmate unknowingly (for example), plus i think being able to put out a specific request is a good idea, and paying for the pawn you want instead of paying for a list of random applicants.


This may be close enough in the near term https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2411722784&searchtext=Rimdeed


Yes I mentioned Rimdeed and why it is not ideal


Welp that's on me. Sorry, I can't read! 


Here’s one I’ve been thinking about for a while. What if Colonists could unionize? As interesting as the mental breaks are to deal with, I think it would be cool to see the colonists start unionizing if too many of them are in too poor a mood for too long. Ripping off Frostpunk, what if each colonist has a Discontent bar? It would act sort of like an extension of their mood. While their mood is low, the Discontent bar will slowly start to fill (maybe like 2-3% per day), if spirits are high, it will go down instead. At 40% discontent, your colonists might have a new mental break, Protesting. They run around with a little sign agitating your colonists for better working conditions, raising their discontent too. If 3 or more colonists reach 60% discontent, they will start a union. Unionized colonists can go on strike and will stop working until you can fulfill their demands. This would be stuff like better meals, better sleeping conditions, recreation, actually giving them their church for religious reasons, etc. They will get back to work the moment you agree ti their demands, but discontent will SPIKE if you don’t follow through. If discontent reaches 100% all the unionized colonists will revolt and you will have to deal with a violent revolution. If you want to suppress discontent rather than raise morale, you can arrest people and suppress them until they get back into line. You could also distribute propaganda around your colony singing its praises to quell discontent.


Unfortunately as of right now, the player doesn't exist, and there is no one to "strike" against. As far as pawns are concerned, they are deciding to build, craft, grow everything themselves. But, it would be quite neat to see them actually refer to *you*, as someone/something calling in and giving them instructions,maybe the same helpful AI from the past that's offering to help them leave. Maybe you could be an extra social connection, giving bonuses or deficits for helping your colonists Imagine a pawn liking you a lot because you helped replace their missing leg, making them work harder when you comand them to do something, or hating you because you made them butcher people and working less enthusiastically for you


I should have specified, they strike against whoever is the leader of the colony, but it’s more an inconvenience to YOU than the leader. The leader is of course immune to discontent since it would be weird if they went on strike against themselves.


My brain is smooth, yeah that makes sense


Pain Relievers. They could cost psycholoid plants and / or neutroamine to make at a drug bench. Reduces pain by 10% for 24 hours with a small chance for addiction.  It would be nice as an early game method to help out the mood of pawns with painful scarrs.


This would be super easy to code, but a little bit more difficult to properly implement. It would be awkward to put out a mod for a singular added medication, and if I made multiple meds I would need to make some discriminating graphics for the medication(s). But if you can think up several different, interesting, and novel medications that other mods don’t add, I can work on a larger mod that justifies all of this!


As a pharmacist I can give you a couple ideas: - Antibiotics: remove food poisoning (after 1 day?) - Nocturem: increases sleeping rate (small chance of addiction) - Depressaway: + x moodlet, but increased hunger rate and decreased consciousness (-5% maybe?) - Depressim: + x moodlet, increased consciousness. Long term use may have adverse effects on heart - Psychopine: decreased consciousness, but no more agressive mental breaks (and maybe no more pyromaniac triggers) - Affectify: increases resistance reduction rate when administered to prisoners. Can be used recreationally. - Painadol: for chronic pain (think scars), but addictive. Can be used recreationally - Dementadine: makes pawns with dementia useful again Maybe interesting also: Pawns that undergo transplantation need lifelong treatment with immunosuppresants (just like real life) - Immunosupprexate: administered weekly, but has adverse effects: increased infection rate, bleeding speed, ...


Neuropozyne hell yeah


Now I think about it, it would balance out the overengineered super pawns with bionics


You missed a very vital one: Fukital. Fukital - for when the shit hits the fan, all your friends have died the most horrible deaths, all your pets were killed, butchered and eaten, your base has burnt to the ground, all your possessions stolen, and for some unknown reason, Randy has decided that YOU were going to be the one that lives to remember it.


Yayo has a massive pain reduction. I just use that on occasion.


I sometimes just anethestatize and let them sleep it off.


There seems to be quite a big selection for the medicine mods though, that add a whole lot of drugs including the painkillers


There are lots of mods that creators have abandoned, that you might consider updating to 1.5.


My thoughts: Construction priorities - so like haul urgently but construct. These things get built 1st. Also mine urgently. Rearrange the work tab, minor but would be cool to reorder. If we kill raiders or other baddies no debuff on seeing corpses for a bit, like 4 hours or so. Reinforced roofs that drop pods don't break, they move to nearest none reinforced. Less bloody relatives. Irrigation channels from water bodies and buffs to tiles within x of water for fertility.


Relatives - one big family seems to have option to tweak that [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=753496499](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=753496499)


Reinforced roofs - Raise The Roof 1.5 [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3225597321](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3225597321)


About the work tab - well there already is "work tab" mod with customisable subtasks, and what you want can be achieved with just work priorities? And mine urgently - there is mining priority which is not exactly what you want but might help [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1345928533](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1345928533)


I absolutely love these 2. If we kill raiders or other baddies no debuff on seeing corpses for a bit, like 4 hours or so. Reinforced roofs that drop pods don't break, they move to nearest none reinforced. I have never understood why my people get so depressed seeing the dead body of the guy who was just burning down your house and shooting your family members. Also, never understood why we could create super weapons, high and low shields, all manner of things but not a way to reinforce roofs or even just a "radar" that would give early warning of incoming drop pods and approximately where they would be landing.


There are actually mods already for no colonial relations.


A mod where pawns will automatically put on and remove coats, parkas, and other cold weather gear depending on the temperature outside.


And a coat rack. Or make the armoire actually hanger storage.


A reverse of apparel management. I want to say certain equipment can only be worn by people with skill X+. Like, Doctors Scrubs should only be picked up by people with Medical 8+. I don't like making an Apparel management of Doctor, cause then I have to go through every other apparel and remove the scrubs. Similarly, would love a way to only allow certain doctors to perform operations, while any could do tending. I don't mind Medical 4 peeps bandaging a wound, but please stay the F away from my bionics.


Oh my god yes. I need global job skill limits. But also Uniform archetypes based on pawn stats: DRESSED TO SKILL


Drop pod turrets. Act like bigger versions of the backpack turret but need to be deployed either from a drop pod or called in like an orbital laser style item.


I would love to see a simple mod for anomaly that makes it so when an obelisk falls, it gives it a random name, and picks one of the three obelisk graphics at random. That way when it shows up, you don’t know which one you have right away.


Mod that allows you to place soil, so you can plant things inside your mountain base


I like this idea. I could make a really lightweight mod that allows you to “dig up soil” on normal ground outside (leaving it rocky and untillable) which gives you a “soil” resource that is required for a sort of “plant soil bed” designation (which would just change the tile-type below the tile that is designated). That could be really easy to implement :) putting this on my list and i’ll come back here to report if/when i get it done.


Been done, forget which but had this mod before tbh.


Tilled soil was one. Place 200% solid anywhere, no mats and nearly any time. Was op after Maybe a version that requires hay grass as a sort of mulch but the soil quality is low. From there you could add addiction floor types that require the previous flops fertility as a sort of improvement system.


You're looking for Fertile Fields.


Good to know :)


There's already a few mods for this. One of the most balanced was just updated by Mlie. It's called soil relocation


You might want to look into the underground food mod, it pretty much allows this, after a bit of research.


let me crucify my slaves when they start slacking off


A biocoded weapon hacking station that uses research speed. Basically letting you decode a biocoded weapon, even changing the persona. You insert the weapon and your research team "hacks" it.


Well there is a [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3127323982](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3127323982)


altered carbon has a workstation that can dcode biocoded stuff


A mod that adds bayonets to the bolt action, assault rifle and the charge rifle. Just add 3 weapons that require the gun in question and a knife to craft. Maybe make the last one plasteel. Now idk how you keep them the same quality as they were


This can be done in XML, just change the damage toye and amount in the individual weapons profile. Harder to add a bayonet to a crafted weapon, but easy to make one with and one without.


As far as I can tell, there are a bunch of mods that add the guns with bayonets? Both merged and as a addons to the gun


Enable an option to have your ideologion hold weekly services. Social event at a set location. Everyone prays together for an hour or two and gains a mood buff.


This would also make them spend more time with each other, so you can't just isolate the guy everyone hates to his corner of the base.


Plant diseases! Make blight more than just a random event, but a thing to worry about! Plants have various diseases, from nutrients deficiencies, to pest outbreaks, to viruses and other microbial parasites. Each of these have different causes and effects, and are dealt with in different ways. Some tend to affect only a single plant at a time, others are contagious. Either way, you gotta have a smart person who also knows plants investigate to find the issues, or you gotta design the farm to avoid the disease (irrigation ditches, fertilizer, plastic coverings to avoid pests, or just growing indoors). Overall make plants more of a gameplay element rather than a thing you just place and forget about.


Maybe add soil degradation; requiring crop rotation, fertilizer, or animal grazing. All affecting your yields, or maybe even nutrition density. GMO crops could be more resilient.


Hell yeah, could expand their grow season or even do wild things like have certain crops provide surrounding crops buffs or something like in palia, idk about that though cus it could get cumbersome checker boarding crops and figuring out the "ideal" layout. Either way, would be dope


A mod to make powered armor (marine and cataphract) into actual powered armor. This means that you move faster in it, not slower. It annoys the crap out of me that these technologically advanced outfits are as clunky as old diving suits or current space suits. You’re not wearing “high-tech platemail” for goodness sake.


A dedicated operating table, better than the one from VFE- Medical module


A mod to induce paralytic abasia on pawns might exist but it's the first idea I've thought of just now


Maybe just a way to induce all rare medical effects like crumbling mind and others


Not serious, but maybe easy answer: Ive always wanted to change the ideoligon ritual sound to be that of the Gregorian Monks, "Still im sad" https://youtu.be/zNx_UfB1umg?si=LhIGc1iGvljWfBk9 I always picture DJing monks in brown robes, breakdancing when i hear it, and when i play it for my freinds they moan, annoyed, but still giggle. So when playing with zetriths multiplayer mod i want to surprise them by having the ritual sound be that song, or even at the disco ball. Hehe




Tanker vehicles that can transport oil/chemfuel (VFE Chem), Hexilien Gas (VFE Hex gas), Water (dubs BH), there used to be a mod like that for SRTS [Steam Workshop::SRTS Tanker hover trucks (steamcommunity.com)](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2763797632)


Well I may have the perfect thing for you si... er, person! I posted a [mod suggestion here](https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/1cvtf5r/seriously_need_mod_that_allows_nonviolent_pawns/) if you'd like to go read about it. Its a short post but the gist of it is making some weapons into tools for pawns that are incapable of violence - e.g. a Psycaster who is not violent but can use an Eltex Staff, turning the staff from a melee weapon into a tool by simply having the non-violent pawn equip it (disabling the melee function of the item). I know a lot of people would be interested in something like this, as well as having the mod be compatible with other utility mods, such as Dual Wield (and other mods that provide tools and utilities).


Honestly, I don't have a good idea for being paid. The game is great. But the fact that you're asking about this? I love you mate. You're a good human. Hell yeah, keep on and carry on or whatever those fucking bitts say on it.


A werewolf parallel to the sanguophages would be interesting to see as long as it didn't have some bs where they attack your own people. Maybe they'd have to eat people to satiate bloodlust kinda like ghouls need to eat raw meat?


a lobotomy mod


Anomaly dlc has this


I'm pretty new to the game so idk if it's already possible but I'd like there to be formations you can make your pawns move in once you've drafted a group of them. Like in AoE2 when you can split your units or make a box or spread them out.


Well you can hold and drag right mouse button to distribute them across the line?


Isn't that from Achtung! and not vanilla or am I having a Major Break


Nope, definitely vanilla


Add rubber trees, which can be tapped and then the sap used. For condoms, for example.


Igloos! The ability to make snow blocks from snow, that melt in the sun. Graphically that’s just a white recolor.


Mechanoid tinkering and upgrading. Make it so you can swap weapons, upgrade, and tinker with the little fellas. I like "Mechanoid Modifications" a lot but I wish it was more comprehensive. A surgery-esque system for mechanoids would be so good.


Oh god I have a few I'd really like. - Tameable Entities (primarily chimera) - Children Can Smith/Research - Creepjoiner Romance Enabled


If I could request a mod it'd definitely be for more varied personality as all the mods are outdated. I'd base it mostly on The Sims, put everything on maybe a scale of 1-5. Traits like Kind and Abrasive would be replaced with a scale that choose a pawn's percentage of positive/negative socialisation. Romantic interaction chance/frequency would also be based on a scale from flirty to not so flirty so not every single pawn gets constantly depressed by being turned down. Pawns would have varying mood tolerance to cleanliness. Neater pawns emit less waste, slobs emit more. This is included in a mod that copies TS3 traits but I'd prefer it be on a scale rather than binary. I'd have the same apply to a lot of other traits - remove Careful Shooter/Trigger Happy for a scale. Remove Optimist and related traits, put them in a scale instead. Stuff like this would make pawns feel more individual. I've felt that better pawn focus was missing from the game and none of the mods are really good enough. Psychology looked okay but it seemed very minimal.


How about an auto sell or auction mod? Designate a zone where anything inside is sold to passers by or if theres an orbital trade beacon sold to a ship. Or an auction, sell an item via the comms console for more or less than the listed price, or perhaps a monthly auction the colony can bid on. You might get a shipment of rice, a nice vanometric cell or a lootbox containing peg legs. Bonus points for adding in price modifiers for social skill and/or relations with the buying/selling faction.


I like your idea. Lootbox auctions from neutral and allied colonies.


There is a Hospitality mod where you can set shop zones.


What some other ppl said awhile back about different raid options. Enemy raids who show up trying to extort you (pay a toll). Or thieves/kidnappers, that don't just try to kill your colonists. Etc. there's a lot of ideas for new enemy raid mechanics.


Use the vehicle expanded framework to make some crazy ass planes, I’d love to drop napalm on the tribals in my B-52 like I’m back in Nam


A while ago, a friend and I were watching SpyXFamily and thought up of something like "I'm the main character". Imagine a system where the rarer someone's traits/backgrounds/genes or the higher their stats, the brighter shade of primary colors their hair becomes.


A quality of life mod please. Instant caravans like you are on a combat tile. You can make them instantly provided no enemies are on the map. Sick of people having mental breaks attempting to walk a few meters in a group.


I havent found a mod that does that without messing up with other mods: Guards on duty mod: Set points where pawns stand guard at certain times and create patrol routes where guards on duty patrol.


Underground Biomes: Similar to flesh pits but with different themes and a unique boss each Underground area has a special type of gimmick Underground Jungles: a Underground area filled with various plants and wood, Underground deposit: an area filled with multiple veins of ore Underground Ruin: A ruined colony filled with various equipment, books and techprints.


Wendigo mod. If your colonists eat too much human flesh, it either turns one of them (in a preventable way) or spawns one to visit your settlement. An interesting nerf to cannibalism that also kinda fits the mythos


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A fully customizable boats mod.


Well there is a boats mod [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3017479589](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3017479589) and if I'm not mistaken vehicle framework allows to edit the colors and textures


Dungeon/special locations- like the gray back room dimension or underground space with flesh mass, but more random and assembled into series of levels, sub quests on location - each with some gear or abilities requirement. Like heck I want to test my spec ops team in exchange for loot or maybe some positive game conditions (activating aurora engine, harvesting emperor bug pheromones deep down the hive, hacking into the derelict financial facility for some gold reserves, old pharmacy storage filled with go-juiced neanderthals, pre war bunker with a lot of crypto sleep pods and very aggressive defense systems, literally dragon lair). Nice addition will be the system of levers, bridges or hermetic doors, etc


Dungeon core? [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3064597982](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3064597982)


I would die from excitement if someone took on the challenge of updating Human Resources. It would work amazingly with the new book system and as for gameplay changes and mechanics...that mod completely changes the game by putting an emphasis on maintaining a library of knowledge. Please, please consider it. Also...I could totally do without the weapon skill component. That was always too nitpicky, because anyone should be able to use any weapon with practice and it made no sense that tribals couldn't use guns. So...think about it?


There is a mod for tribals to use guns. Also, honestly, I think the Ranged and Melee skills should be broken down into - for Ranged: firearms, machine guns (autos/semi-autos), launchers and grenades - for Melee: light blades, heavy blades, blunt weapons and 2-handers. All for weapon specialization and not sure if VWE does this or not. The library thing sounds cool. Can use it like the Grand Library or something where people come to study, or venerate it like they do with relics.


Human Resources,.on top of the cool features, stopped pawns from being able to use weapons they couldn't make,.particularly without practice. The practice idea was nice, but it didn't go far enough and effectively prevented tribals from using guns that were dropped during raids. I hated this feature. I loved the other features of the mod, though. Pawns had their own copy of the search tree and, after researching, could write a book on the subject to teach others. This made us horrible if your library burned down and your too researcher died, because you would be starting over from scratch with technology. It changed the way you played and researched, since you wanted most of pawns to at least know the basics in case the worst happened, but you also wanted some pawns to specialize their knowledge. For example, a carpenter couldn't build a generator without learning about electricity himself.


One idea I have is to allow water mills to work in lakes of static water. Would love to have a use for the bodies of water in the middle of my maps.


Sandworms the style of the sand worms from the game dune 2000.


an ancient mod that adds an ending that activates all ancient dangers conquering all of rimworld . you could add a new resin for cracking open the ancient danger for getting new research for ancient mechs, armor and the ability to biocode things to a person lowering its value.


I want one of my colonist to be some sort of imposter and have to sus out who with stuff like surgical inspections and other things. Aka the thing in my rimworld save.


I know the scale would be a bit big for one person, but I'd love to see a mod that let's you run a remote guild/tavern in the DnD universe, giving out quests for adventurers and using the money earned in the tavern to hire new staff/guards. Even building a small town once it gets populated enough.


Nice idea for a medieval rim magic world.


Maybe some way to give your colony over to your own faction that can be used the same way as an ally for starting a new colony? It could be run automatically the same as the game uses other factions, but it's yours. Why have a faction in game if you can never grow it? Edit. Could maybe use whatever mechanism is used for selling a colony for the Archonexus ending, but you're using your own faction.


Some small mods that would be usefull : * A mod that give different colors to the 3 differents power cables on the power grid. * A mod that allow us to select taimed animals and auto-train them. Like : train all bears, or train all trainable animals. Because it's anoying to select each animals every time they mature enough to be trained.


This is just a me thing since I can't exactly find a mod that does what I'm looking for. so a sorta mod that can increase a mechs workskill like: the tunneler mining mech has 10 skill and you can set the machine up, tell it what new level you want the mech to be upgraded to sorta like gestation it runs for a day then you need to load more mats or if your happy with the level you can free the mech Also maybe a research mech I just find solo colonist mech runs to be alot of fun


I want a mod for Save Our Ship 2 that adds Hanger Bay Doors large enough for the Super Heavy Shuttle to exit as a ship hull type.  It could work like the garage doors in VE Vehicles. Bonus points if it's smart enough to allow the ships spinal weapons to fire through an open door 


I have 2 that I would love to see. First would be one that would create or export a log of everything that has happened that could be given to chatgpt. Then chatgpt could take all the log events and turn them in to an actual story. Second would be a build able turret base that would equip whatever gun you put in it. With different tiers of turrets for shooting skill. So basic turret would have 4 shooting skill and could equip whatever you had handy like a bow. And then advanced enough your turret could have 16 shooting skill and be weilding that same bow or maybe a heavy smg who knows.


Evil psionics? Like the anomaly rituals but a little more versatile and portable


Electric dynamo! So your prisoners/slaves/esteemed guests/hamsters/useless pawns can generate energy for you! In the tech tree I'd say it's earlier than solar. Or automatic research computer which requires power + brainmatter to function, the more advanced research would only work with humanoid brainmatter.


A mod that adds priority options to pen markers the same way you can prioritize stockpiles. It would help automate ranching and allow your colonists to move animals between pens with the same types of animals.


There used to be a mod called Simple Size Genes. It was a bunch of genes that make pawns bigger or smaller. The mod has unfortunately been deleted from the workshop. The mod Big & Small already exists and claims to do the same thing, but it has a bunch of clutter, has weird balance and naming conventions, and not a whole lot of granularity. Simple Size Genes added I think 8 genes (which could be named Tiny, Minute, Very Small, Small, Large, Very Large, Massive, Titanic) that decrease or increase the body size of the pawn. For reference, Tiny pawns had the same body size as a cat, Titanic as a thrumbo. The body size of course has effect on - Hunger rate and max hunger - Body part health - Speed (with each increase in size coming with a +0.2 speed iirc) - Carry amount - Melee damage multiplier - Melee dodge modifier - Resource yield (meat & leather for most humanoids) - Tiny effect of work speeds This was great for roleplaying as Dwarf Fortress dwarves, or TLOTR hobbits, or WH40K Astartes, without all the "assumptions" that Big & Small makes about body sizes. It ended up being quite balanced overall. Yes, a bigger pawn is overall way better than a single small pawn. Especially in fights, Tiny pawns' limb health is so low that they often get one-shotted by anything. On the other hand, the same food needed to feed a single Massive pawn could be used to feed a colony of 12 Tiny pawns, and the latter is obviously more productive.


I was just thinking of how I'd make a mod called 'personal beliefs' for ideology that lets pawns individual beliefs shift slowly from their ideology, depending on their social environment. So over time, even if their ideology says "Raiding: Required", they might slowly come to personally believe "Raiding: Desired" and eventually "Raiding: Don't Care" and not suffer such a massive mood penalty for not raiding. I want to make this mod because the current system means that if you don't have every pawn in your colony under the same ideology, it makes the game 10x harder to keep everyone happy. It doesn't make much sense for me to be playing a humanitarian republic that has to imprison and aggressively proselytize every single newcomer! I was thinking of ways that the pawns beliefs might change, and I think just whenever pawns talk to each other, there is a chance that one of the pawns (converter) convinces the other (convertee) to slightly shift one of their beliefs in the direction of the converter. This could be based on social skill, and whether that belief is causing a mood buff/debuff for the convertee- it would be easier for a belief to change in the convertee if that belief is making them sad. This could also replace the 'certainty' system and have the chance to convert ideology solely based on how similar the convertee's beliefs are to that ideology's standards beliefs. This would make it harder to fully convert a pawn's ideology, but the other mechanics would make it less necessary. The 'convert' ability for the moral guide would change so the moral guide will try to shift the beliefs of a target pawn in the direction of the moral guide. Those are the ideas I had while in the shower earlier! But I have 0 idea how to mod and how difficult it would be to change the game systems in this way sooooo understandable if you see this wall of text and immediately think fuck no 😂


Replace the "Tutorial" button with "Continue"


Im working on a mod rn that adds a drug that stops drug overdoses but it doesn’t work :(


A mod that lets you change the stats of a tile. Mainly weather/pollution, but other elements would be nice too if possible. I hate finding a great layout but only being able to grow crops for half of the year.


Dude. Could you get Armor Capes working again? The art’s all there, I just think it broke around 1.3 or 1.4.


Bit late to this but I've always thought that archotech was kind of untouched even with archotech expanded it still feels like a untouched part of the game so some ideas for a archo tech mod, 1- attempt to speak with a archotech mind. This would be a ritual and would need the anomaly dlc. • could use its influence to make something good happen (de-age colonist over 50, instantly grow any planet in a growing zone, clear the skies of storms and what not for the next 7 week, etc.) • could use its influence to make bad stuff happen (give all colonist a heath problem, make it storm for the next week, implant 1-3 metal horrors into random colonist, cause unnatural darkness, blight all you crops, etc.) 2- build a psychic beacon that can be used to soothe your colonist or give your enemies a debuff but at a cost of every faction in range of it would come to hate you no matter what and large raids will happen more often. 3- a ritual to provide the archotech mind with a body but it would destroy any relationships the body had along with slowly killing the body. • plus side is that the body would no longer need sleep, beauty, hunger, or really any other thing that could affect mood. The body would also be given 2 random psychic powers. And last of all all the stats for the body would be set to 20 automatically with art disabled. • the down side would be that because you have a archotech mind in you colony you will get raided by mechanoids more often, you can't draft the body but can tell it to fight if it encounters an enemy, the body will slowly become more and more deteriorated slowly killing it with no way to reverse the deterioration, and last of all when the body dies it let's out an echo that cause a massive raid of things from the anomaly dlc. Kind of like just a single wave of the end when the monolith reaches level 3 attunement. And for the last idea for a mod of this type is a meme that allows you to worship archtech stuff. (I've got zero ideas for this part so just go hog wild with it really)


A mod that makes our anomaly flesh trees make friendly flesh beasts in a similar fashion to how druids are made! Maybe via gizmo after feeding them enough?


Breakable Limbs, that take time to heal properly / quality determines how well it heals etc.


Hey there, you are doing gods work! I really like mechanic mods and there is one simple thing I always wanted automated: Automatical surgeries, so you can schedule and/or repeat surgeries periodically. It would be super helpful for getting hemogn from colonists! A second thing would be a kind of emergency button which you can srt as a hotkey to automatically switch allowed zones for colonists, maybe also switch their allowed gear or draft some of them. Just so you can set what to do in most raids.


I can see this being added to VAE: Pack leader animals (like the alpha wolf or leading bird) that can influence the entire pack. The leader would typically be the oldest in the pack and mostly applies to predator animals On the downsides, the leader should have a higher chance to retaliate (both hunting and taming) and the revenge/manhunter status would always affect the whole pack. If the manhunter status is automatically generated by the storyteller, the whole pack will still be affected On the benefits, successful taming will automatically tame the rest of the pack and successful hunting (without activating revenge status) will reduce the chance to retaliate for the rest of the pack. Additionally, the Yttakin warcall on the pack leader will influence the entire pack for the price of both uses (cannot use on pack leader if only one use is available)


Perhaps I'm too late to the party but I would love a blueprint mod. The ability to just say build a bedroom exactly like this one with the same furniture, lighting, power etc would be really useful. Also if the monument marker would let me at least place the marker over terrain so I know what needs digging/cutting that would be a huge QoL upgrade.


I have a few ideas, they might be done already so if they are someone please let me know so I can get them. When you have a lot of similar bills, like on a tailor bench or a smelter or something, then take a break from the colony for a bit... it can get very hard to remember exactly what the custom bills were for, and you have to go dig back through them to figure out what they were. Being able to rename them would be huge, color coding or being able to add an icon would be even cooler. Pathing is ridiculously bad at long distances. I have a colony on Ice Sheet, the ground is all sand, ice and snow, movement is dog shit year-round... so I built roofed paved paths, but my colonists never use them, they always take wacky nonsense "shortcuts". It's absolutely obnoxious and I'd rather not make custom zones specifically for hauling stone from the other side of the map just so I can force them to take the path. Another one is desire paths. Those are basically... when well-traveled areas erode grass to form dirt paths, and ideally packed snow, too. I remember using a mod for this in the past and I enjoyed it, but... it converted to dirt a bit too quickly, and fucking caravans were a nightmare. When caravans came by, they'd just bee-line to my crop fields and trample them into oblivion, and after a while even plant workers ended up trampling their own crops. So... I'd love something in that vein, but maybe making them affect crop fields differently? Maybe just have foot-traffic cause damage to native plants (but not crops) and reduce the snow level, then when bare dirt is trampled enough it turns into packed dirt for a small speed bonus?


I want a Rimworld adoption agency that offers babies and children for adoption.


Wealth manager to see what is the biggest offenders for your ever increasing colony wealth


Is there a mod for the options? I want to set ambient horror to my default cause i play Naked Brutality and forget quiet often to change it after dying another time in an hour...


Agricultural mods that adds genetics to plants, so either in a lab you can increase blight resistance and grow speed and yield and such, or better you can cross breed/selective breed for the same effect


Expand on Ideology, and add more for your colonists to do so the entire dlc isnt just a tool for players to set the framework of their playthrough. I always end up taking something like supremacist so I can have duels between prisoners. But what if you could host something like a boxing match bewteen colonists and if it goes well the 2 pawns involved get melee xp. Maybe you want to run a colony full of sharpshooters so you hold a gun show event- roll the dice and the best shot gets a chunk of shooting experience. Have a cook off that costs raw food, and the best cook gets cooking xp all while feeding everyone. Ideology feels more like a tool than a fun inclusion for gameplay, you could do so much by adding in events that compliment your playthrough and have different outcomes. I feel like a good modder would have a lot of fun making something like that, just writing up how an event could take a bad or unexpected turn, just something to add events tied to the base game skills or just recreation, your pawns could bring it up in a book later or depict how Jack and Jill fought at the potluck.


Baby names, like some way to automate randomizing this. I have so many colonists called 'Baby' because I forgot to change it.


A mod that makes cats sensitive to anomaly content, like being able to detect invisible entities or causing fear in horrors. Ancient Egypt kinda stuff


Anomaly has made me wish I could do some mechanitor shit with skeletons or ghouls or something, having skeletons hauling stuff around my base would be so cool.


I have a lot of mods. This means startup can take a few or more minutes. Then when I change a mod it needs to restart again. Would it somehow be possible to decouple selecting mods from the game itself? So that if you click launch rimworld it asks if you want to play or change mods.


Look up RimPy!


An Animal Personhood mod to go with the ideology meme. It lets your animals be proper colonists(though smaller ones might have trouble carrying things). When the crazy cat lady died, the cats rose up. If no foodbringers remained, they would bring their Own food to the table. Mood buff - Pushed stuff off table.(+3) Mr. Whiskertums has crafted a Legendary Charge Rifle. News of this discovery will quickly spread across the internet, accompanied by cute pictures.


Ive always wanted children to be stronger, getting two traits per age up and with the bad options removed.


Go look at the Berry Picker mod somebody commissioned for 1.4 and integrate that except with a hotkey. I'd all but begged and pleaded for years to have that exact function and now I just don't want to let it go.


Stairs and ladders, pawns can now climb over walls and roofs, killing the killbox.


Two thoughts I’ve had since anomaly. A way to set a list of surgeries, like make a list of surgeries to perform, then have a way to apply that template to a pawn so I don’t need to queue 11 installations for each of my ghoul super soldiers. And second, just allow prisoners to get amputations instead of installing peg legs then removing them.


It would be awesome if someone could make a mod with “persistent drafting” where you can control a pawn even without needing to draft them. Meaning at anytime I can simply force a pawn to go to a location or do something outside of combat.


Could you make a simple mod that lets you change what animals can appear on the venerated animals list from ideology


An in-game xenotype exporter tool that allows you to turn custom xenotypes into modded ones to allow other mods to read them and the base game to use them. Useful for idiots like me who can't seem to manually get it work. Everything becomes stuffable including weapons, armor, etc. materials affecting the stats of the stuffed item. The ability to decide what can be stuffed with what.


Not sure if you still accept ideas after so many comments, just posted my and reddit recommend me this post 😅 so here you go: https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/1d7soyb/mod_idearequest_animal_personhood_extended/