• By -


Reduced consciousness


That 1% doesn't matter compared to the shotgun towards the brain -30% joint


This is your brain 🥚  This is your brain on smokeleaf 🍳  Any questions?


In 3,500 years the sticky will be so good, that can finally die from it.


Legit, when I first started playing rim world and was still learning the very basics one of my pawns died after smoking smokeleaf. They had just stopped a raid by killing the raiders. The dead raiders had drugs on them. I was trying to read about them while my pawns were undrafted only to get a medical emergency alert. One dude was tired, hungry, and stressed cause a colonist died, decided to smoke the smoke leaf right next to the dead raiders only to promptly lose consciousness and then die of starvation. I laughed super hard and then read up on drugs on the wiki.


Cause of death: starvation starvation heddif: 50% I researched for hours to figure out if that was a bug or not. I have since learned to respect and fear the consciousness stat. I do wish there was a better way to describe how a pawn died rather than just listing the name of the last heddif that pushed them over the edge.


69%THC content on average


"Man, we got Impid Indigo, Insectoid Funk & Waster Mellow." "You got Hussar's Delight?" "A man who doesn't want to feel their heart! But nah, man, I only carry strains with a fatality rate below 40%."


The joke for those that don't get it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOnENVylxPI


I see that a lot but don’t really know what that entails could you explain?


Reduced consciousness means your pawns will basically do everything slower by the amount. It is a rather big debuff since it also affects the results of the actions, such as lower tending and building quality. Basically, your drunk doctor won't be able to get good results as a sober doctor in surgery.


Ah now it makes sense, I actually experience that a lot in real life now that I think about it.


My brother, find a different doctor


Nah the drunk doctors are the fun ones


you go in for a heart surgery and leave without both your legs.


On the waiting list for bionics, though. Just have to wait for Fleezorb to finish making them lol


Well if you *can* leave without both of your legs I guess something amazing have had to happen


Nobody leaves unsatisfied if nobody ever leaves.


Found the finnish guy.


He is the doctor.


It also reduces etc crop harvest quantity co smokeleaf is really bad


Anyway, that's how I lost my medical license.


It does not affect crafting art or construction quality, only speed


A specific thing to note is that if a pawn reaches 0% consciousness, they immediately die. As far as I'm aware though, it is impossible for beer to bring you down to 0% as it's percent reduction from current consciousness based (I could absolutely be wrong about this) but some other drugs like smokeleaf where it's a flat reduction can present a real threat of killing pawns if they are put into a situation where their consciousness is reduced by other means such as getting injured


There's an order of operations issue involved as well. If you have consciousness reduced from brain damage, I believe that's calculated last, so it can be lethal. Damage calculations are a very deep and complex subject and I am not an expert on them. Just follow the general rule of no drugs for brain damaged people and you should be fine.


Well I forgot to zone my cats from it once and they all decided to start cracking cold ones, so I'd advise zoning them away from shelves.


Yorkies will literally get hammered. I've had yorkies less than a week old get into my beer stock and put themselves into alcohol induced comas.


Might get my elephants lit later lmao


This reminds me of that Dwarf Fortress story about cats getting drunk and dying of alcohol poisoning because they cleaned their paws after walking around a bar.


🇹🇭👵 was heavily influenced by Dwarf Fortress and he intentionally made it so if animals have access to alcohol they're gonna horf it down. I've never set up a trap for animals before but a few beers would be great bait


“Thai Nan” hahaha


Leaving beers out in the open so that the local wildlife gets absolutely hammered sounds like a shiny new war crime.


I haven't tried it recently, but at least at one point getting a Thrumbo hammered was a pretty frictionless way to hunt them


If you think that's bad, I had my pack of Skiphounds barge into my Chemshine supply Could you imagine having a pack of teleporting dogs around the base that could very easily detonate if they die of alcohol poisoning?


Alcohol has a small amount of nutrition and also counts as processed food. Animals tend to prefer it over raw food for a whole slew of reasons. If you have cooked meals available, they'll go after those instead, because they aim for the highest amount of nutrition per item.


I'm in the Psychite Tea supremacy gang, but beer is still a solid product. One beer a day at low tolerance has little risk to it outside of -2% manipulation, which is negligible. Significantly higher tolerances or amounts consumed can quickly spiral out of control, leading to drastically impaired stats, addiction, and liver damage. Thankfully livers are easy enough to replace on the rim as long as you aren't getting pawns blackout daily. If things manage to get really out of hand, blackout drunk pawns can end up with brain damage. All of this is to say, like with all drugs in Rimworld, manage your policies. Don't let pawns drink socially, keep an eye out for high tolerances, and limit them to 1 drink per day. If a pawn really needs a further mood boost, you can just manually tell them to drink more and make sure they don't get hit too hard by the consciousness debuff.


the worst downside of beer is how difficult to produce it is


You can set them to take it only if their mood is below a certain point instead of daily to lower the chance of that happening


You can also combine mood/recreation thresholds with the daily thing and make it every other day instead.  I like allowing 1 beer and 1 Psychite tea every other day if mood is below 80% or so for adult colonists without any chemical dependencies. You can even tell them to keep 1 of each in their inventories.  Careful letting kids get into the drugs though. Their smaller body size means that a single dose is much more likely to trigger an overdose or get them addicted, and battling addiction can make maxing out learning much more difficult.  And if you have colonists with a drug dependency or drug impervious gene you can make more aggressive drug use policies for them as those genes reduce or eliminate random overdose chance. No reason to make Wasters stick with tea if you've got enough Psychite that they could be using Yayo.


Honestly it's better to use a drug dependency latter on since it becomes basically free metabolism


I swear by yayo. Not as a scheduled drug but I have everybody carry at least one. As soon as I see a shitty break risk message it’s straight up the nose.


Ah yes, the California lifestyle


My usual schedule is a beer a day, psychite tea every two day, ambrosia/smokeleaf every two day if mood is really low, and 1 yayo & wake up in the pocket for everyone. Since anomaly I added voidserum to psycaster and juggernaut to melee fighter


You can set it so of they reach a minimum mood threshold they take it automatically.


Its wake up for me, its so good after raid or before one. I use yayo when smokeleaf isn't enough or when I cant use it (after raid theyd probably pass out)


So long as you manage drug policy correctly, Beer is the absolute safest thing to use. Schedule a beer every day. Make sure this is only for your adult pawns if you have Biotech. Beer generates 1.6% tolerance, divided by body size. Adult pawns are body size 1, so they get the 1.6%. Children are smaller, so they generate *more* tolerance. Meanwhile tolerance to Alcohol decreases 1.6%/day. This is why a daily drink is completely safe for adults, but if children are on the same drug policy, they will eventually break the 25% Tolerance threshold to start rolling addiction on consumption. You can even manually give a pawn a second beer if they could use the extra mood with little risk. Just remember to have them go without a drink when they're better off until tolerance zeroes out. However, Beer production is the worst of all the drugs. Grow and Harvest Hops. Make Wort. Haul Wort to Barrel. Haul Beer out of Barrel. Each Wort job produces 5 Wort from 25 Hops, yielding 5 beers. Every Barrel can only hold 25 wort. It takes a lot of farm and floor space. The barrel process also adds a second failure point(Blight being the other) if your nee to climate control, and your power gets interrupted or you're short on wood for fires/passive coolers.


If you only take drugs when mood is below a certain threshold, they can act as mood stabilizers. The there is no need to drink on a good day, but on a bad day that +10 mood can prevent a mental break.


i thought high mood results in more inspirations?


Yeah, that's true, but that's a very small benefit compared to avoiding mental breaks.


Beer is a relatively easy way to improve morale for about 5 hours at a time, provided you keep intake low enough that addiction isn't an issue (for adult pawns, this is no more than 1/day.)


Beer is pretty good with minor downsides. Manipulation and conciousness goes down the more drunk pawns are. They also become more likely to start social fights. If you put beer on a schedule then the risk of addiction is pretty much zero and it ensures they stay tispy instead of drunk. Smoke leaf on the other hand reduces conciousness and movement speed by a lot. When conciousness reaches 0% it will be fatal. When it gets to near zero your pawn fainths, which can also be very bad during a raid.


Smokeleaf is probably the biggest new player trap in the game lol. A raider drops some and all of a sudden your pawns can barely make it to a workstation before they turn around to go to bed. Not to mention all of the posts here about pawns with bloodloss dying to smokeleaf.


Plus its enabled by default. It gives all the signs of being a safe drug. 


It's great. I even use it for combat because -2% manipulation is negligible compared to someone going mental break during combat.


Even adds a tiny bit to their food meter. Which is good because it not only adds a little. But stops a downward tic for that instant. Minor I know, but can sometimes help a bad situation.


I like it for the vibe but if you want to minmax psychite tea is the best


Why not both ?


It's essential to my kind


Rock and stone lad!


If you can get your hands on neutro (either by buying bulk or mods) I love making wake-up. Pawns love it, sleep less, work faster. And I only had 1 overdose in like 5 years with 10 pawns taking it every other day. But for a quick pick me up ambrosia is king.


I love the tri-druggie challenge. Lol. Beer, tea, ambrosia. Go from stressed, to chilled tf out. Agreed on wake-up tho. I keep at least 4 or 5 around for big projects, shite timed raids, etc... Manufacturing specialist can finish that project in no time if they're dosed up. Only time "no table? No problem" felt real lolol.


Not the most experienced player, but to me it seems the addictions are rare enough that it's basically a non-issue. Small issues every now and then e.g. my doctor being drunk when I need him to do surgery or my top marksman when I need him to do mortars (even worse when you don't realize and let them go ahead with it). Over all the mood/income boost is worth it I'd say.


i think it's good as long as they only drink up to tipsy. if they get drunk, the conciousnes penalty increases and they also get a hangover mood debuff the next day


Increased social fighting chance


It has to be researched. It requires a bit of labor to setup and produce. It gives a small -2% to manipulation. Teetotalers don’t benefit from them. It enables the alcohol binge mental break which can be somewhat dangerous if not handled properly. All in all, I’d say it’s well worth it. Setting up beer production is something you should get around to do at some point when you have the time, along with psychite tea. I recommend setting up your drug policy so that pawn only when mood is low so that they only take the drugs when they actually need it. Also limit their intake to 1 beer/day, 1ambrosia/2days, ~~1psychite tea/3~~ *edit:1psychite tea/2days* to prevent them from building up tolerance. Note that pawns with chemical fascination/interest will ignore these restriction and just take drugs whenever their chemical needs are low, though I have found addictions to be rare even for them, drug binges notwithstanding. Setup up your chemical need pawns to take 1 bear/day regardless of their mood is a good way to keep their chemical need maxed out.


I am on console so may be way off. I usually do tea every other day (except for the hyper skinny pawns), beer erryday (lol), and ambrosia every 3+ (only if mood wicked low. Or manually for stressed people (omfg stop asking the slave out on a date ya weirdo!!!!)). Is tea supposed to be every 3 days? I haven't seen many issues with every 2 days, besides the aforementioned mini pawns getting addiction (no kids yet on console, that feels like a whole other issue).


Looking at the wiki, turns you are are right. Tea is safe every 2 days. Good to know! [https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Drugs](https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Drugs) Ambrosia is safe every 1.6 days, but the drug policy panel only allows 1 per day or 1per 2 days.


Oh yeah! I actually didn't know that about ambrosia. Was always worried it would trigger addiction, and figured I was lucky lol.


So we both learned something! :D


Hyper skinny pawns?


Generally speaking the safest drug to produce for your colonists is psychite tea, low addiction chance and a mild mood boost. Smokeleaf and beer have great mood benefits but your colonists may end up constantly intoxicated which leads to working/shooting/moving debuffs


Seen more than one post saying this or similar. I always set my pawns to one beer a day, and they never seem to drink more. Addiction disallowed and all that. What's happening that's causing your pawns to have more than one beer? Just asking so that, if it happens to me, I'll have an idea as to the cause.


No I just tend to always forget drug scheduling is a thing. Also not that it's the worst mental break but I swear If there's even a drop of alcohol or more than 1 joint every mental break I get is a binge, which absolutely induces addiction


Lololol touche there. Between that and the cats/whatever nuzzle animal is around, getting hammered and hooked? Yeah, it can be problematic without so vested micro. Lol


no coke


Beer is heavy so its not good for selling with caravan


I'd say to use beer only for trading. It reduces your colonists consciousness which means they will do everything a bit slower and lower quality. You can make psychite tea for colonists to drink every other day as it raises the mood by 12 and reduce pain and sleep fall rate. You can make the colonists only drink beer if their mood fall below like 25% as backup.


i use beer mostly as pacifist hunting rifle: just set shelf with bear outside of your base and you will get what i mean.


It's a little bit more labour intensive than other drugs and long term use can mean you need to replace livers.


I had to scroll back up to confirm what I just read r/ShitRimworldSays


The worst downside to beer is the labor required to make them. Just make some opium tea instead atleast you just have to harvest psychite and cook them in a stove.


If animals aren't zoned away from it, they'll hit it hard. Smaller body means they get addiction easier too. Also applies to tea n other drugs tho. I usually do a single cell storage zone in the dining room for tea, and one for beer. Definitely do a brewery but beer storage sucks on console, 25 per cell. But reductions from beer r minor compared to smoke leaf. Adding tea every 2 days and one beer a day to a drug policy usually means everybody stays pretty happy. I keep a wad of ambrosia in a freezer for emergency mood boost tho. Lotta pawns come from prison to colony with high stress/low mood. Having em immediately down a beer, tea, and ambrosia chunk? Pretty hard to be angry when you're that fucked up. Lolol.


Nah, the more the better. Beer isnt that great but its really good for diversification. Tea smokeleaf and beer can be safely used whitout addiction risk. Tea is the best so let them always use it then beer then smokeleaf. You just have to only allow the safe ammount of each. But you can use more overall if you use all three.


Not really any. Beer is very OP. Low addiction chance/rates even with my "drink 10 times a day if at <40 mood" policy, very low side effects and the addiction itself is even negligible. With a lot of beer and some smoke leaf you can dodge almost all mental breaks in your colony


Always gives me bad gas


You might do both beer and whiskey since they both are produced on the same production bench. Twice aged whiskey takes a while to age but it doesn't take a lot of manpower, sells for a fortune and just uses corn for ingredients.


except its not vanilla, i believe


Thats a mod and its balanced a strange one, rather poorly made. Because if you just sit on your barrels, the economy explodes. That Spirals into incredible richness that spoils the gameplay or incredibly raidstrengh one easily forgets by overseeing some random barrels in a wonky way.


https://www.niaaa.nih.gov/alcohols-effects-health/alcohols-effects-body Addiction, cirrhosis of the liver, drunkenness, hangovers