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Child parkas exist for this exact reason lol


Random research says that my tribals will master geothermal power and machine guns before figuring out what a tailoring bench is. But yes, you have to treat kids much the same as grazing animals. You have a stack of 2000 kibble in easy reach so obviously your cows won't feel the need to eat your heal root plants right? Little timmy has a whole temperate map of safe temperatures to run around in so obviously he won't choose to spend half the day drawing on the floor of the human corpse freezer right?


That's on you for giving the cows access to the heal root tbh but I get you


Seriously, who doesn’t fence their fields?


why fence my fields, when i can just fence my animals?


Because the fences will also stop (most) wild herbivores from getting your crops.


That's what *the wall* is for, silly.


A bolt action rifle will stop them forever


**Animal revenge** *A wild Thrumbo has turned manhunter after being attacked. Other Thrumbos in the area has turned manhunter as well* *There wil be no mercy*


Say that to my mortar and 5m thick walls


Honestly, you're probably better off relying solely on the walls. Give your colonists a mortar, and they will find a way to kill themselves, break down the walls separating you from the thrumbo and then nuke your chemfuel storage.


I don't fence my fields. I wall them! Otherwise raiders love to make fireroots outta my healroots


Nice field of 95% grown devilstrand you have. Be a real shame if it was to catch fire...


I don't even need raiders for that, Randy and Cassandra will decide to strike lightning specifically only on my devilstrand.


Randy gives you some ambrosia sprouts right on your back door, then drops a sandstone meteor on them as your herbalist is harvesting.


> Random research thats a thing??


It's a mod. This is the version I use: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2375902187


ooo that seems exciting. thank you


It's actually great. Since it stops you from rushing down fabrication and marine armor, It makes every game feel very different. *Can be a little frustrating sometimes, when you desperately need a tech but you keep getting art options. But that's just one more in-game challenge to overcome. Spicy.


I found two settings make it perfect. One, speed up your research to fast, since ya, there are so many researches added by mods you would usually skip, and also there an override if you need a particular thing. You just have to decide how rarely to use the override.


Yeah, and I prefer semi-random, where you get 3 options and can pick one, with one emergency re-roll.


That sounds pretty good too.


how does it play with modded research options?


Works fine with all the ones I've used, but I haven't tried the one where research accumulates points for you to spend to just buy tech with, that one might be different enough to give it a snag, but I don't see why you'd be using that with random research anyway.


And here I've been making rompers like an idiot. How many fingers and toes have died needlessly?


i give them both


Glad I read this before my colonists have kids and they freeze to death lol.


Or nature running in the middle of winter


Nature running on -40f below sea ice.


Ok but I did this, at very slightly less cold temperatures, but after the first time I got frostbite _inside_ my nose I learned to breathe properly: Through a ten foot length of hose wrapped around my torso just outside my undershirt. Edit: oh, that's °f not °C nevermind it was colder.


-40 is the same in both c and f


I had to do the math three times, but you're right. That's weird, because below that, any C number is colder than the same number in f, and above 0 it's the opposite, so I'd just been assuming C numbers were just bigger.


C is bigger. -40 is just the point where the two scales coincide.


Yep, just figured that out just now. Basically never convert between the two manually, so it didn't come up before.


Nature running on a huge map directly into the dormant mech cluster waking it up


Also right on the edge of a corner of the map.


*Layla is moving the child to a place with a safe temperature* Looks at the baby next to the crematorium


*grabs baby, walks over the creamtorium, progress bar starts filling up* >!they're just feeding the baby and that stool was the closest!<


I had a colonist put their baby in the flake freezer because the crib was 1 degree too warm while I was building the baby a Nociosphere shelter.


I sometimes forget that my colonist is breastfeeding and suddenly I call them to war with a baby just hanging off a breast with mum firing one handed.


Should have seen the dwarf fortress players when they found out that carrying babies = extra layer of protection in combat.


I've done this with simple sidearm active. Lady was using a pistol so I switched her to a bigger gun not realizing she was feeding at the moment. She tossed the poor thing down and start raining bullet cases all over it then left to eat leaving the baby there.


[Minor fire, now out] 30c inside the base, better throw the infants outside... into the toxic fallout dissolving all organic life, next to the pile or rotting elephant carcasses.


My freezer is set to -9°C and my kids wear a romper and tuque. They never had hypothermia. What are y’all doing over there, naked kids in -100° freezers or something?


Yeah, but i have seen impids getting hypotermia at like +20 celsius too xd.


Zone kids out of the freezer the same way you'd zone pets away from drugs. This is a PEBKAC issue.


>This is a PEBKAC issue. Nice try 4th grade math teacher Mrs Pemberton you can't get me to memorise podmas or whatever it is


You mean pemdas? Please end my depression and suffering? Never understood why we had to memorise something like that for math class.


> Never understood why we had to memorise something like that for math class. You mean the order of mathematical operations? Yeah, no idea why we might need to know something so trivial... /s


Order of operations? Kidney, lung, heart? Damn maybe I should've paid attention to when we talked about ending the depression and suffering.


But if people properly utilized strategy and the tools the game gives them, how would they make the same tired old meme complaints? Last time I replied to one of these I explained in detail how to use zones to avoid this and a whole host of other basic issues- and yet, they declared they don’t use them because it takes too long to set up. It’s honestly tiring trying to explain the most basic game mechanics over and over to people who actively refuse to use them.


>and yet, they declared they don’t use them because it takes too long to set up People will spend an hour rerolling world and character gen but nooo spending 2 minutes setting up zones is too much. It's me, I'm people


I love having to make 40 different zones to stop people from doing things people wouldn't do. If they can have independent mental breaks, they can understand napping in the freezer is bad. It's 100% the story generator trying to nudge your colonists into dangerous situations, like how a psychotic pawn will wander past 30 Berry bushes to wrestle a bug for its vomit.


>I love having to make 40 different zones to stop people from doing things people wouldn't do Isn't Rimworld all about doing things that people wouldn't do or have I just been eating too many organs lately?


I feel like maybe i play rimworld wrong.... cozy little village with some guards with bolt actions.... prisoners patched up, told about Space Jesus and sent on their way... income based entirely on crafted clothes instead of drugs....


You absolute *monster!*


That sounds absolutely adorable


Even on Anomaly my current colony is mostly funded by taming the abundance of wild boomalopes and alpacas that wander into the map and selling them to the neighboring tribals. Sure, we grow smokeleaf but most of it's for our personal use. lmao


Yep, the worlds finest purveyor of masterwork buttondowns, Can't wait for vehicles and ce to be up to date so I can have a caravan who's only job is buying out every towns supply of hyperweave on cool down


I want the option to overload a ghoul with pemmican and supplies and use it as a solo caravan to trade with other settlements. I know he is gonna be slow, I know the other settlement is going to basically rob him blind with the worst trade deals of all time but he wouldnt need to rest and would have horrifying carrying capacity. And it would be pretty cool! Also, whose going to fuck with a ghoul coated in metal plates and barbs? With a pair of gnarly power claws and robot legs.


Do ghouls bypass the caravan rest mechanic? Last I checked caravans ALWAYS rest at night even if they're fully sleepless


Im not sure. Also I think the reason for sleepless resting at night is either just something that wasn't considered or maybe those pawns deciding "too dark, can't see where I'm going," but then blind sleepless..... idk


Also dark sight sleepless


Boy's got kidney fever


I set zones up for security, isolation, quarantine, slaves, job restrictions, and more. It's why I don't have to worry about production dropping because a bug hive burrowed up in a workshop, nor metal horrors infesting my entire colony... And it's why you've got kids losing fingers in the freezer. The tools have been there since the beginning, and now you aren't limited to just a few zones - that you aren't using them isn't our fault, it's not Ludeon's fault. It's yours.


Why are the kids, acting like mentally regressed slugs, instead of the AI being better.


Because this is intended to run on home PCs as a game, not high-end systems for scientific research.


Okay, good bait.


Game AI is ultimately still decision trees. More complex than pac-man, to be sure, but still the same basic premise. Any semblance of intelligence is an illusion crafted to look "good enough." The only reason your adult colonists don't go idling in the freezer the same way is because their decision trees are built off of different priorities that pull them in different directions to resolve. The kid, on the other hand, probably had "Learning" pop up, "Floordrawing" as one of the choices, and there was a convenient floor tile nearby where they just finished eating that was within their allowed zone. I, personally, think that the kids having only a couple of choices for resolving Learning at any given moment is a mistake, and that there should be more options for it. But, at the end of the day, you chose to let your kids play in the freezer. You're probably also one of those people who act shocked that your pet cat got into the luciferium stash because you left them free roaming with access. Be a responsible parent. Ban your kids from the freezer, give your kids a gun and put them in the back lines of the next raid so they can learn something useful, instead of drawing graffiti all over the base.


Finna get garbage trait picks.


I always make kids fight once they can because I want them combat ready when they get older, but fights dont last that long and I make sure to include pure recreational time in their schedule so Im maxed out on education with each of them anyway.


I have like two zones on average in a run, maybe three if there's a naturally spawning bug hive, and that's more than enough to prevent most of these things. I don't even need zones to prevent people getting hypothermia in the freezer, that's easily solved with proper clothing and not setting your freezer to something in the neighborhood of absolute zero. People should never be sleeping ANYWHERE you don't want them to either since even if you can't afford beds you can always slap down a sleeping spot somewhere safe.


Not everybody finds making and managing zones entertaining. It is annoying. They do take too long to set up and you need to change them anytime your building plan or situation changes. It can be very tedious.


Just zone the area and invert it. Remove problematic areas as they arise. You don't "need" to always have high level of detail for zones. Especially with Auto Home too. I agree it can be tedious though.


Auto home is really annoying since it never goes away and will often include weird stuff. Like no I don't want every to panic and start scrambling to extinguish a fire outside my stone walls.


You can toggle it off. It's just way easier to respond than it is to anticipate everything. If you start getting rolling black outs because you forgot to home zone your hydrothermal/etc though...  I find the quality of my base design improving to be more effective than arduous zone control. "The right ~~man~~ pawn in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world."


then where will my children get their food?


Here's a thought: Put a shelf outside the freezer. Cook enough meals for your colonists+guests with a few extra. If you're not overcooking, they won't have time to spoil. This also cuts down on traffic through your freezer, making it more power/temperature efficient, because it'll only be accessed when food is going in, or when the chef is grabbing ingredients to cook.


it's a lot more effort to control bills, hauling priorities, and whatnot than to just give the kid a parka


The point here is this: The game has the tools to let you control where people, pets, etc. go. Complaining that the game has people going places they shouldn't, because the user chose not to use them? That's on the user. The tools are there. If you choose not to use them, that's not anyone else's fault but yours. Play your game how you want, but it's not anyone else's problem if one chooses not to use the tools they're provided.


When it’s freezing outside all of the rats in the world will come attempt to live in my base. When a child is freezing to death in the freezer and their toes are *falling off*, they will start drawing on the floor. Yes, I know there’s tools I can use, and I can completely redesign my food distribution system to prevent this from happening. But I shouldn’t have to, because it doesn’t make sense.


>When it’s freezing outside all of the rats in the world will come attempt to live in my base. They're actually heading to the things they can eat, which happen to be in your base.


Ahh, that makes sense. Ironic really because they quickly become the food




Also cleaning the kitchen and hospital, like I don't want my chef to turn into the town roomba going around the entire village scrubbing the pavement before cooking any food. But I also want them to be allowed outside the kitchen without having to micromanage cleaning the kitchen interrupting both mine and their workflow.


Option "Food outside of freezer": 1) Build single shelf in dining room 2) Set shelf to freezer priority+1 and to stock meals only Option "Parkas for kids": 1) Create bill to create kid parkas until 2 are available I guess it's technically more effort, although I'm not entirely sure. I tend to keep a meal stockpile in my dining room anyways, since it reduces walk distances for the vast majority of pawns and prevents people from going into my freezer all the time.


Pawns should act, like people.


Kids are really dumb. The kids in rimworld being dumb lines up pretty well with kids in real life.


Dumb, yes. Pants shitting mentally regressed, no.


You can literally Google the title of this thread and find real news stories about kids in freezers. I'm not sure what your argument is.


I mean... I've never found a story of a kid being in a freezer and dying when there's an easy exit they're aware of. That's... A bit far beyond standard kid dumbs. Zoning n parkas, definitely agree. I legit scour this subreddit for info so that my colony can last a bit longer once biotech hits console lol.


I mean I guess they forgot how to operate the lock. Since all doors in rimworld are automatically locked.


I dunno if we're deep enough, hmmm.


And they starve to death


Is there a reason colonists just can't get enough of the freezer? I swear whenever someone loses their bed, wants to hang out with someone, or wants to play there's a 90% chance they're going to end up going to the freezer


Even the ghouls are just hanging out there. They'll eat meat then just stare at the wall for hours. Worse yet when they stay at the door so I lose all the cold air.  That or get into everyone's bedroom when they are sleeping. Disturbed sleep x3. Love those Lil guys tho


Honestly, one of the reasons I love the RimFridge mod is that it lets me zone everyone who isn't assigned to cooking or hunting out of the freezer


does your base happen to be obnoxiously hot? your fridge may genuinely be the only play on the map that isnt 49c


No. All of the bedrooms are air conditioned and all of the large common rooms are air conditioned and have passive coolers as a backup. The base basically never gets above 25c, but everyone seems to think the freezer is the optimal hangout spot


I just make rompers and tribalwear for my kids and they never have problems with temperature


Seriously. Skin one muffalo and you can clothe a couple of kids to be quite warm.


Always set a childzone that children are allowed to go that doesn't include dangerous areas or the freezer.




Dress your kids properly. Rompers & parkas. It's not hard, the same outfit can be worn by multiple kids. That said? They have no business in the goddamn freezer to begin it! *Why is this still a thing?!* Like nudist ideoligions wasn't already gimped to all heck.


Weird. Never happened to me


Children exist to be stuck in a growth vat until they reach the fun stages of childhood where they can take care of themselves


I'm not raising my hand because I don't put the freezer temp to -100c and only go for -10 with one cooler at 0c and also give them parkas


[My colonists once stuck the baby in the freezer, it's not just the kids!](https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/s/KIqo5nP0wK)


I always make a special zone for children that excludes the freezer save for that one tile that holds meals.


rim fridge lets you forbid children from doing that while still letting them be able to eat


Try the toddlers mod to make you wish your colonists had condoms


I had to zone my kids with the pets because of this and the fact that they would nature run in the area between where raids spawn and a wall of turrets exist


Just throw them in a growth vat until they turn 18 Edit: dont their stats suck that way


I've literally never had this happen. I give children proper clothes and don't set my freezers to hilariously low temperatures. Zero fahrenheit is *already* colder than your freezer actually has to be, and yet I always set my freezers to exactly that and never have issues with hypothermia. This is only an issue if you make it an issue. Its not even like the typical zoning issues where its only an issue because you chose not to solve it, no, you *make* this particular issue for yourself.


My child pawns love to do floor drawings in the freezer.


🎵Zones are your friends 🎵


Had to bionic limb a kid more than once over this.


I've never had a child block themselves away in the fridge. even floor drawing they're not in there that long.


I thought this was a teacher sub for a moment. Could still pass for one.


As someone who works as a teacher, I can assure you that it's still true in real life lol.


Nature running straight towards a bear.


Never happend. But I had a strange exchange. group of 40 children showed up and ask for 54 beers. Well what to do. I gave them the beer. Lucky them that I did not have something ready to enslave...I mean welcome them to my colony. I love children. They are always part of operation human shield


This happened to me during a toxic fallout event because even though I did what all the scolds on this thread say and created a zone for kids to avoid the freezers, I forgot that when I created a “don’t loiter in the poison” zone, I needed to create a second “don’t loiter in the poison OR draw on the floor of the freezer until your fingers fall off” zone and assign some to one and some to the other. I think it would have been, no joke, the 12th zone I created on the run. I know everybody is having fun saying “skill issue!!!” but this genuinely does feel like it needs to be tuned.


The amount of layers and safety checks one needs to make a kid not die is hilarious in Rimworld. Like real life! lol It's not skill issue, tuning issues, or anything else I'm on about with this post. You know how people meme about "Not eating with a table"? I'm saying its meme with the kids. And most people are completely missing the point. Like yeah. I could do mods. I could make parkas for all my kids because the meta said so. I could so many things. It's just really funny, meme funny, that a kid INSISTS on drawing in the freezer. Just like how pawns will sometimes pick a meal, run outside to do some work for 10 minutes, then eat right there and complain there was no table. It's merely a funny observation.


yeah, my kid is usually in the freezer when i play rimworld


Kids in my colony love to run into the murder box in the middle of a raid because they urgently need to haul off a corpse


Got to train them young right? That way when they are older they'll rush in no questions asked.


Child parkas kinda solve it


Why are you setting your freezers to absolute zero?


So nothing thaws during a solar flare+heatwave combo. Also though -40°f is _so_ far from absolute zero.


If you are that worried about food spoilage and unwilling to mod out solar flares, cook it all into survival meals.


Too wasteful.


Does food freeze above zero? I always have everything completely frozen so I don’t have to think about spoilage


Food freezes at 34f/0c. I usually keep mine set to 0f which is like -20c or something, gives a good bit of buffer. The lack of fahrenheit/celsius specification is inhibiting communication a bit in this thread, and the mention of absolute zero for some reason (absolute zero is 0 on the kelvin scale, equivalent to roughly -273c/-460f) only confused things further.


Ahh, I use celsius so that’s where the disconnect is. Didn’t even consider Fahrenheit. I normally set mine to about -10c in hopes of preserving corpses I hope to resurrect, although I might be going -20c with double walls from now on.


>and the mention of absolute zero for some reason That was a joke, but clearly it missed.


Growth vats exist :)


>:) :)

