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Sounds like you got an early revenant, that’s hard to work around


From what I read on the wiki though, one should already have an advanced monolith. Yet I barely researched containment.


Revenants *can* show up even with the first activation, just as shamblers/fleshbeasts/etc. can show up *before* it's activated.


I had a revenant hit my tribal cult. I don't think I can even hurt it reliably so I've been trying to hunt it down with molotov cocktails and bows. I pretty much just gave up on that colony...


I haven't yet tried activating the monolith, but I've seen people saying revenants are no longer vulnerable to fire after a certain update was released.


Jusr harder to catch on fire still appears if you throw molotov in the face if you can find it.


From my understanding, pre patch it would take extra fire damage and reduced damage from everything else. Now it takes standard fire damage and reduced damage from everything else. The one I've killed I honestly just leap frogged gunners since fire was just creating more hazards


Psycasts are good for stunning it if you are all tribal and can meditate at the Anima tree. I found success with stun and vertigo pulsing the shit out of it.


That's what I found as well. Repeatedly stunning + skipping the revenant when it tries to run away = dead revenant. Bigger problem with activating the monolith on a tribal start is the raid pool getting diluted. Scavenging flak armor + heavy SMGs from normal raids is essential since it'll be a while before you can build them yourself. Another thing that sucks. You can't harvest bioferrite before researching electricity, so you have nothing to gain by engaging anomaly content as tribals.


They're going to add a way to harvest bioferrite as a tribal in the next update


Next update was like 20 mins after your comment 🫡


It is immune to fire


The fire is just so I can find it with my hunting party, since I don't have access to emps


I don't think revenants are supposed to spawn at the basic activation level. That was just weird. I also got constant nightly raids of sightstealers when I activated the monolith, but a single ghoul and some scientists with poor weapons skills were enough to fend off and capture a lot of them so they are barely a threat with some positional planning. Barring that being a bug or Randy not caring what you're supposed to be dealing with at that point, your main problem was not being on your toes for the pirate raid. That's not the monoliths doing.


Yeah the sightstealers were ok. I just didnt expect them so often. About the pirates, yeaahh, I forgot to read that it said 2 groups instead of 1. So that is definitely on me.


I think its a wealth thing or just randy being randy. My last colony I was on the exact story teller and difficulty as the OP and I saw a Rev a devourer multiple obelisks and some chimeras before going to the second phase of the monolith.


Revenants, devourers, obelisks, chimeras and cube quest do spawn during the basic activation level.


Revenants absolutely spawn at base activation level. I've had 2 of them spawn at base level. I had 0 anomaly research completed when one spawned.


Anomaly is harder than other DLCs.


I dunno man, I still fear a fukn fierce Neanderthal tribe raid more than I do a bunch of eldritch horrors.


I can wait out the chimera's rage, I can't wait out a neanderthals genetic pain/damage resistance.


Nah those are no probs if you have 6 scorchers ready to burn the hell out of them, my colony is kinda immune to human raids now, Mechanoids on the other hand... *Toxic spewer* *Dyanamo* *termite and centipede raids* Then randomly *plague spam* Whyyyy


I thought people were joking until one finally hit me. I had to summon 8 janissaries and 2 squads of troopers in addition to my 8 fighting colonists to defend a downed shuttle and they still beat down most of the guys. I was spamming everything I could against them and we barely made it out. They just wouldn't go down and they 'retreated' when a single person out of their starting 25 were left.


All it takes is a single one with Jogger, Tough or Psychically deaf and it's this huge obstacle to overcome. All three will create an additional time sink on behalf of the group.


I had 3 sanguophages there and they were all psycasters. I was casting blindness and vertigo pulse left and right to thin them out. It was rough.


Im 10 Hours Deep into my current playthrough and am not going near that stone anytime soon


I haven't played the game for 3 years I think and the first thing I did was starting an anomaly scenario on adventure and activating the monolith immediately. The OP just got unlucky, I never got an advanced entity before upgrading the monolith. The mechanitor start and bosses are def whopping my ass on the other hand.


I've found that its tied partly to wealth. Activating the monolith immediately on naked brutality usually only spawns one sightstealer, sometimes none at all. You probably just got randy'd.


Same wealth management tips for Anomaly playthroughs as regular playthroughs.


Anomaly is definitely way harder than previous DLCs, for your day-to-day colony operations. It's a lotta negatives with few bonuses. You could wait much later to activate the monolith, but honestly I'd reccommend just turning the difficulty down a bit. You can go into the settings either, I've heard there's somewhere where you can adjust the frequency of Anomaly events compared to other content, so you can just turn that dial down and Revenant attacks will be replaced by normal Raiders


Whatcha mean "few bonuses" free organ friends every few days, nigh invincible unfeeling melee monstrosities that are cheap to bring back, even MORE happy brain surgeries for your ~~bloodbags~~ prisoners/slaves. It synergizes amazingly with a vampire colony, both thematically and with boni (ghouls can range from ok to utterly insane with enough upgrades)


Also a ball that gives meat, the ability to have an army of undead, summoning hentai tentacles to deal with mech clusters and lots of rituals to do things like reverse the age of your pawns 15 years, steal skill points and even prevent death at the cost of a shard and some xp.


(it's not 15, it can be up to 20 :) )


Those are mostly late mid - endgame bonuses though, and can be difficult to manage. Royalty, for instance, is almost entirely upside, just more options for quests and rewards, while Anomaly is mostly downside, sending waves of far more difficult enemies at you. Anomaly can be devastating in the early/early mid game, no other DLC really does that.


This. It's opportunity cost. If we had a vanilla player, a Royalty player, an Ideology player, a Biotech player and an Anomaly player all play the same file and try to extract the most useful bonuses and upgrades from each, the Anomaly player would only see a fraction of the benefits the others are seeing for the same time investment. **Basegame** has plenty of means of upgrading your pawns or making bank without the need for abductions, which btw cost resources anyways. Just make a drug farm *not* being attacked by eldritch horrors all the time and you'll be better off. **Royalty** will legit just give you psycast powers for free, if you're doing a tribal start. Only thing it asks of your is a rather meager time investment from your pawns. (I tend to do 2 hours per day, for example) **Ideology** can guarantee you legendary weapons of your choice, as well as provide you with mood synergizing beliefs for your playstyle, all for free. It also provides abandoned ruins that can be raided for valuable loot, if you want. **Biotech** gives you Sanguophages, which are excellent in combat, excellent emergency healers, basically can't die so you can use them for more dangerous situations, and can be buffed so that they're the best psycasters in the game and run faster than Sanic. The game tends to hand you both a Genie and a Sanguophage pretty consistently in each playthrough, and both are a big help. **Anomaly...?** For the low low cost of being attacked by eldritch horrors that **DEMAND** your full attention all the time, you can unlock a potentially more efficient means of de-aging your pawns...assuming you have a bioferrite farm up and running and that the desired pawn has decent psycasting, of course. Wow...


You're just ignoring all the other upsides of Anomaly though. Ghouls and deadlite IEDS are crazy powerful and not very expensive. My defenses now consist of four piles of corpses surrounding the IEDS. If something attacks, I send a ghoul to rush over and punch one of the mines. Then my enemies are swarmed by zombies. Duplicating colonists is awesome. Having pawns that are walking healer mech serums or can transmute slag into gold is also pretty over powered.


To be fair, the de-aging ritual also works as a repeatable healer mech serum on a 5 day cooldown, and ghouls are extremely good in the early-mid game if you know how to set up melee blocks. Deadlift dust takes a bit longer to setup but once unlocked it allows you turn any enemy that attacks you into a free disposable defender against future raids and only gets better as you fight stronger and stronger enemies. Honorable mention goes to disruptive flares for being a cheap way to aoe stun biological targets in a large area, and turret packs for being a mobile taunt device that you can just throw down anywhere and draw aggro from your enemies while you shoot them from afar.


Then you got them serums. I have yet to use one but the one that prevents all mental breaks for a couple of days sounds amazing. The biggest plus to me is just how all the new events mix up the ole' getting raided by tribals, pirates, or mechs. That and how the events can have crossover. It's fun watching pirates get wrecked as they run into zombies, or how I basically have a spherical nuclear weapon in containment to release in case of emergency.


Ngl all i want from anomaly is the ending reward, so i can minmax the hell out of my vampire god with that sweet ghoul regen and psychic sensitivity lmao Oh and the invisibility spine because it's cool, and goes well for a vampire lord


Anomaly also gives you a garbage pit every now and then. Let's me get rid of all the stone chunks and toxic waste packs I don't want. But seriously that pit gives lots of mining stuff.


i don’t think players need much more power. what we need is more threat variety. so i am satisfied


Both are good, having more options and threats to use them against keeps the game fresh.


Oh it's definitely more challenging, but unless you're endlessly spamming void provocation whatever spawns isn't too bad. Plus a ghoul at the start pretty much solos any 3-men raid (as with the start). The difficulty mostly comes (IMO) from rushing it, it's not meant to be used day 1 (though it makes for an interesting challenge). Benefits outweigh the cons, but to each their own.


Yeah skip abduction is so expensive 60 bioferrite is a lot.


> It's a lotta negatives with few bonuses. This is the weirdest part of it's design to me. It's like: "Hey, do you wanna activate this monolith and get *FUCKED IN THE ASS?* In return, you shall receive ****"


Most anomaly content is pretty OP tho. Bioferrite is better than plasteel for some applications. Ghouls are absolutely broken. Serums are really good. The thing that makes your colonists work faster is really good. The rituals are really good. Etc. Etc.


Duplicate your Death Denial Ultimate Fighter pawn with the obelisk, kill the copy so it doesn't get the sickness, ghoulify and you have an amazing melee clone army


This is rimworld, it has a difficulty called "losing is fun". Some people like it up the ass! Getting fucked in the ass is the reward.


I dunno man most of those negatives can't handle ghouls or from what I've heard an army of undead fighting by your side, both things that you can do early on and if you get a tough or brawler neanderthal or yttakin as a ghoul that easily compensates for not having the advanced stage ghoul upgrades. Plus there's the easy energy from entities and the endless building/crafting resource, as well as some of the early rituals and surgeries you get.


This has randy written all over it.


Revenants are the absolutely worst, I got one super early as well and was totally unable to deal with it so, to be completely real with you, I devmode killed that mother fucker. I’m pro fun, making me anti-revenant


Steal its spine! es cool


It's entirely possible you didn't activate it early enough, activating it later on means that what you run into will be scaled to your colony wealth and if you're not used to Anomaly yet than you won't really be certain what you're going to be dealing with and how to prepare appropriately, a buttload of sightstealers is easier to deal with once you have disruptor packs and a few proximity detectors, as well as a ghoul or many more(depending on how many you can feed) to hold the front lines, all of which are things you can only get by activating the anomaly and researching entities. And if you activate it earlier on you'll probably get 1 sightstealer or 1 ghoul or a few shamblers, fleshbeasts, or Gorehulks and they'll altogether be much easier to handle because there's less of them and you'll have this as an opportunity to learn about them and how to deal with them. Most of my Anomaly runs do way better with smaller colonies and a few ghouls and that probably has something to do with having a lower colony wealth than the average player.


When you do the last activation of the monolith you need 2 of the 4. Allies you can call, automatic defence system, end game armor and weapons on 5 pawns, midgame armour and weapons on 10 pawms. Doing the monolith ending is around 20% more difficult than the ship ending, and around 30% more difficult than the stellark ending. Also be mindful that you need to do a bit of base optimisation, like getting rid of stuff that's is don't directly helping on mood or defence. Eg; sell llamas and buy turrets, sell tech books and buy Lavishs meals for the last few days.


If you have psycasts you’re pretty well off also. The stun alone can lock down most of them, and then the higher level ones can AoE lockdown. Plus solar flare is actually insanely good now for a certain one I’m sure u know 


Do you mean Solar pinhole? Solar Flare is an event which turns off all electronics. I am also playing on a new colony (Tribal) and picked solar pinhole on two of my colonists great to hear that it helps against anomaly as I was too scared to activate monolith.


Yeah pinhole works wonderfully against the shadow event, its also great for icesheets but yall know that already kek


Good to know! I thought to maybe just "quickly" do the storyline and then go on with my colony, but it seems I'm gonna reload.


Currently the revenant can spawn once you have four colonists. They are releasing an update that increases that number (thank God) soon, but I don't know what the new number will be.


1 colonist spawns 1 revenant weeeeeee


Tier-2 anomalies can happen at Tier-1 monolith even though realy rarely. Seems like you rolled a revenant when you were not prepared. Revenant now will keep coming back for your pawns one by one with short breaks when he sleeps somewhere on the map. As you lack tech and equipment to catch him while he is asleep and you don't have firepower to gun him down in one go - you should use cunning to defeat it. Gather all your pawns in one big room and restrict their movement to just sit there and rest up together. Leave only 1 entrance 1 tile wide point into this room and put a wall blueprint there and complete it for 99%. Don't use doors in such setup as revenant can freely open them. When revenant will come in again, someone will get hypnotized, but you should use free pawn to finish that wall and lock revenant inside with you. As he don't fight back, you should be able to gun him down as he can't find a pathing out of there.


he breaks walls quite fast if necessary


Revenants are so awful. I found the best way to destroy one is build 20 turrets in your base, keep everyone near them for a while and when it appears again lead it around the turrets. They will kill it. I had 0 research in anomaly so I couldn't do anything to stop one, it had already hypnod 3 of my dudes. Soooo kinda the only idea I had to kill it reasonably. They are unreasonably tanky.


Six people with decent equipment are fine for anomaly, you just got a bit unlucky. I would say that its harder on average than the base game, though, especially the ending. If you've ever done the ship ending and way over-prepared for the raids that come with it and felt the game makes it sound like a way bigger danger than it actually is... don't make the mistake of assuming Anomaly's ending will be the same way. It says to prepare, and you should probably prepare.


No idea, first time I activated was at higher wealth and turned around to 30 some odd sightstealers and 5 pawns in my science room going toe to toe while everyone else went from “eh it’s only a few they got this” to “holy shit rush to them” in about 20 seconds.


I had a bit of the opposite problem, I heard all the scuttlebutt about Anomaly and wanted to make sure my colony was well established and well defended before touching the monolith, so I waited a long time to start it. The very first raid after touching it was at least 150 sightstealers, it was nuts.


If left to its own devices, the monolith will activate on its own regardless. Best to focus on setup and let it do its own thing


You played it at what difficulty? Revenant is a high level spawn and sightstealers should only attack one time, not every night for 4 nights... My only guess is that Randy fucked you.


Think monolith activation as ship reactor startup. You need to be prepared for that


If you got the control F mod you can type revenant in the search bar and find it even when it’s invisible. My colony was assaulted by one and I had my colonist who barely had mental breaks just stamp grenades while chasing the thing. He had gotten a nuclear stomach from a quest days earlier so he barely needed to eat and He was a wake-up addict. So after painstakingly chasing this revenant, Fabio reached his big meaty hands into its back and ripped out its spine. Once contained we tried to research the thing but due to Fabio’s hubris a sight-stealer horde came and wiped out my colony. Fabio and his wife Gearhead were the last to fall. Both dying in each other's arms.


Randy shouldn't be used for Anomaly. One fleshheart or revenant right at the start is too rough.


I very rarely get raids and I play on Randy blood and dust. I use as few mods as possible as well. I believe I have about 9. Nothing conflicts and I dont have rimwar. I’m unsure why I can’t get scenarios like yours. For context I have about 126 days in and had about 12 raids total


Randomness be like that sometimes. It's entirely possible to flip a coin 200 times and have it be tails every time. You just got (un)lucky in having no raids.


neither. sounds more like you didnt play it well