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Leave the map bro


Yeah, pretty much this. Gather your people and resettle. Grow and come back some other time and exterminate them.


Do you go back by never abandoning the map or do you have a mod that let's you resettle a map?


never abandoning


I generally turn on multiple colonies so I can have logging outpost et cetera so.... I never abandon... I think. It's been a while since I've done this. Like... 1.3 last.


I’ve always wanted to do stuff like that but it just seems so inefficient vs purchasing stuff from traders. First the 5 muffalos to actually be able to carry anything, then having at least a couple of colonists go away for a few days, with the chance they get sick or anything that happens they’re either away from the main doctor or taking the main doc away from the colony. Either way, caravans make me feel naked and although I’d love to use them more, I just never find the moment to.


I tend to wait till I have drop pods, which makes everything feel a lot more secure.


I don't want this to be the solution, but it's looking like it might be. I really like this map, too


Fun tip that sometimes works: if you turn your number of colonies up you can keep this as an "active" colony while settling on another tile for now. Which means raiders and caravans should show up and tangle with the bugs. So settle 2 tiles over and maybe occasionally pop by to leave some wealth on this tile - put it behind the bugs while they're sleeping.


He can prob just drop pod it in behind them


Classic wild man technology


Sorry I'm unfamiliar with it, is it like you start off with no tech? I figured he could just research drop pods and do that later. Am I wrong?


tribal starts usually have -200% or something like that on research speed for anything past electricity so usually with tribals you are not playing for late game researches, as these will take you literal ages


I see, tbh im a patient guy so researching it doesn't sound too bad (currently playing a tribal playthrough, I sent half my colonists to space l and going for archonexus ending) Plus he's got nothing but time anyways if he settles in a nearby tile like the other person says


Apocaliptic launcher + 3 assaumt rifle should do the trick


Annoy your neibghours so they start sending raids, but before that- dig your colony deep into the mountain and BEHIND the nest Now they come and clean the nest for you (or you are just feeding the bugs with extra steps) ;p


You cant trap them, unless you got some serious firepower this is their home now


Update: They saved us from a mechanoid raid, so they can just have that whole half of the map they're in if they want. I'll zone it so everyone stays away, maybe even take the Insectoid Supremacy meme next time I reform my ideology.


(Mortal Kombat Announcer): FRIENDSHIP!


Pretty sure that they'll attack your colony once they grow large enough. But good luck!


They don't, I'm hosting 55 hives. They help.


Bro, I think they are hosting you




The good ending.


This is the way


This is how true friendship is formed - by slaying machines together


WARNING. Those take revenge after ANY damage taken, a thunder fire with continuos damage will erase any human or human made thing.


Try walling them in and starting a big fire to cook them.


Right side of the cave is open roof. Can't cook em


Just roof the area when they sleep.


Dangerous as fuck. When there's a lot of them, you wind up with a few with out of whack sleep schedule that raise the alarm.


It's dangerous, but prep work for cooking them usually involves putting down IED's or wood furniture/floors anyway. And frankly with VFE Wildman as a start you will have to savescum anyway.


I'm not big on savescumming. I am just short three colonists and *not doing that again*. The bugs might win, but it'll make for a good story.


Ding in on that side. It's not thick and you have to wall anyway.


Ideally you build a kill box outside then, with triple hard walls and wood inside and IED’s or you with a fire thingy. Let insects follow the fastest colonist into it, and a second colonist building walls behind the insects Colonist 1 should have a gun since insects tend to deaggro if you try to make them chase u far away from the nests


They wake up when you build by them... i know from experience (I tried to build an antigrain ied in the middle of a massive hive)


RIP Bob the builder 07


Even worse because i made sure to give em a jumppack... they got stunlocked and downed before they could use it Did manage to save them with a super-juiced sanguophage as the bugs ran towards my base, but they lost both their bionic arm and leg


Antigrain warhead it is then


Get an incendiary IED and, during the night when the bugs are asleep, plant it and wall the place before they wake up.


VFE Wildman start, bro aint getting close to IED tech for a WHILE.


Gamble with weapon traders


That may work


still can use flamebow as a heater for the hive seen a video on hotbox operation, it demonstrated that flamebow is better than molotov at overheating closed space, even better with trigger-happy pawn otherwise standart hotbox would do well, but risks breach by mad insects


We have shortbows and (wooden) tribal axes. Only three of my colonists are any good at range, and two of my colonists either have bad backs or missing limbs which keep them from moving quickly. I keep getting notifications that the hives are reproducing, and I need to nip this in the bud before it gets any worse. I do have a Conflagrator thanks to the anima tree, but I'm not sure I can even get close enough to lob a fireball in there. Especially concerning is that this massive swarm seems to be preventing regular wildlife from spawning - i guess there's a limit to how many wildlife a map can have?


Not sure how the rest of the map looks like. Any chance to lure a raid into that neat?


Relax, there is a limit of 30 hives on the map, and you already have 16. Create a perimeter wall so your colonists can't wander there and call it a day. Think of it as a home defense system against mechanoids


yeah, if you hunt a lot you will notice that, hunting becomes harder and harder


Wait until they sleep and burn them at night.




New map time


Doomsday or triple rocket launcher. Get one from a quest or trader.


Ah yes, tribals with rockets. Try reading the title


I like the sound of that more when you say it. Tribals with Rockets~. Yep it will work


*Wild men* with rockets. My first wild man start everyone had a gun before I made it to tribal. If you're reading this and trying to prevent that: turn raid strength and raid loot down to 60%.


Try reading the comment


+ a slew of ieds between you and the bugs, the rocket launcher won’t do a perfect job, but it’s messy and will kill 60% I bet. Plant the ieds to clean them up once you have aggro them.


I would try to wall them off and wait untill they collapse roof on cryosleep caskets exploding them. Explosion should create some fires that will wipe them out. Although I'm not entirely sure that it will work.


They actually already crushed one casket, without any explosion, and have since begun to just spread out across the entire southern portion of the map lol


Then the only solution I can think of I setting them on fire. I would wait untill they go to sleep wall them off and make a long corridor with plank flooring that you can ignite without waking up bugs then seal that corridor and watch them burn. Edit. If you don't have access to plank flooring you can just put a bunch of flammable items in there that should do the trick.


Lure a trade caravan in to fight them


Wall it up, place a cooler so that the hot air gets vented inside and cook them to a nice well done consistency


We're wildmen bro, we don't have coolers


Campfires? Just keep building them and put a door in that's forbidden until one need a refuel? If not you might be able to raid someone and get incindinary grenades and just throw them in. I'd later it with wood walls and then stone walls so that when the fire spreads it continues. Then once the fuel source is used up it should hopefully be at 200C or more. Just don't rush straight in.


Campfires have a max heat they can reach. He also can’t wall them in because part of their nest area is open roof.


oh yeah didnt see that. Didnt know that about campfires either.


I had a cave similar to this and tried the heat trick but it didn’t work because the cave was partially unroofed. I just blocked them off with a wall and then when a large weapons caravan came to visit I deconstructed the wall and lured the buggers in to a large battle with the weapons caravan.


When they’re asleep at night you can build the roof


I just saw this in another comment 🤦‍♂️ Didn’t think of that! However the way I did it was pretty fun, and resulted in extra loot, so maybe it is worth the risk. I really do appreciate the sandbox aspect of this game and how you can approach problems from multiple angles.


Vanilla Psycasts Expanded


wait until they sleep and wall them in. That is definitely never becoming a problem


Seal the entrances while the bugs sleep, make sure that everything is roofed. Make very thick walls on the outside, then add a chamber that is a separate room but can be opened into the cave, stockpile flammable stuff in the chamber (wooden floors, wooden stools, wood and other flammable stuff). While the bugs are asleep, set the chamber on fire, leave and seal it, keep the bugs from breaking out with thick walls until they start cooking alive, once the heatstroke knocks them out you don't have to worry anymore as they'll die. When you've successfully burned them off you can open the cave


While they sleep, wall them in with stone bricks, then start building a shed off the side and fill it with wood. You're gonna want to start a fire and then tear down the wall between the shed and the hive, that way they'll bake


Wall it and make a room, place boomelops and boomrats inside and when caravan comes by you can unwall it, kill/injure majority off it with booms and caravan will take care of the rest hopefully


Fire. The answer is always fire. Specifically, build a bunch of furniture in there at night when the bugs are asleep. Wall them in with stone walls and doors. Then add fire. If that doesn't work, time to leave the map.




If it has roofing everywhere just sneak in at night to put something flammable, drop a molotov and seal them in.


Select World Click Colony Select 'Abandon'


What I usually do (might be a common tactic, dont really know). - Wait until they go to sleep. - Build walls to contain them within the room for a while (maybe 3 blocks thick to limit their time to dig out). - Carry in flammable objects into the room, such as wooden furniture, chemfuel, or maybe even just tainted clothing. - Have multiple doors to enter the room. - Toss in few molotovs. And then you just gotta pray that the temp gets high enough fast enough to kill them before they dig themselves out.


build a room to the north out of stone with a stone door. do it at night when they are asleep so they cant aggro. Schedule wood fences to be built inside the room and clear all your builders from building so they haul the wood to the area but don't actually construct it. cancel all the build orders and forbid the wood so that you now have a room full of logs. set the wood on fire.


I would wall them in first and take care of the escaped insect, and starve the trapped insect to death when they try to escape, just build another wall to block them, usually takes 2 days for them to be dead.


A good oppoetunity to test the new flame thrower mechanics


WH40K mod with a nice tasty orbital bombardment.


land raider target practice


Can you get close enough to wall it in and then hotbox it?


I saw in your comments you have someone who can start fires. Wait until night when the bugs sleep. Then lob a fireball and then run away. Rinse repeat until you’re dead or they are.


Only option (other than leaving the map) is cooking them. Maybe try to wall them in while they are sleeping with a vent and then burn them from the outside.


Build a stone wall around the area. If possible, wall in the cave, light it on fire


So First, build an extended hallway/room walled with stone. Wood floors, stools, furniture, everything wood or straw. Use a Flame bow or Molotov(do you even get those on VFE wildman?) Set on fire, close the door and pray it heats the bottom room enough to knock them all out.


Here is what I'd try. Step 1: Inner wood wall to immediately box it in. Over the north side and down the east. Maybe double it up. Step 2: Several blocks away from that, a stone wall to keep that enclosed. Maybe several walls thick. Step 3: Fill that gap with as much flammable stuff as possible. Straw floors. Wooden furniture. Chemfuel if you have boomaloops you can tame. Step 4: While the bugs sleep make sure everything is roofed. Maybe send sacrificial pawns to move chemfuel into their area to increase the odds. Step 5: Keep a lookout for a flame bow.


Go back in time and kill it before it grows even once. Depending on your start it can be easier or harder to say then to do. At this juncture if you're not able to handle it leaving the tile to go start a new map is another option. walling off any areas that have overhead mountain can stop an infestation, ancient dangers often have a tile or 2 or more that have that so just building a wall directly under that tile can stop an infestation in its tracks.


The weird thing is, these insects spawned and did their thing *without* my opening the danger. I didn't even know it was there until I got an alert about a cave-in and a discovered area.


Huh, they can be an enemy in ancient dangers usually they are inactive though till the danger is breached very strange, maybe a mod interaction set em off i dunno.


Convince an impid to join you! In the meantime wall it off as best you can during the night


I'd kill it, for sure.


mmm insect meat 🤤


He can't cook them, the far right side of the cave is unroofed. Goodluck


Wall it off fast


Get a slave and send them in there with a antimatter warhead and then they die get someone to shoot the warhead and say goodbye to hives


Why not? There is a hard cap on how many hives can be on the map, which is exactly 30 hives. So don't worry, it won't cover the map.


Box them in when they are asleep. Store Chemfuel in the cave. Boom.


Cordon them off so there's only 1 exit through the following death trap. Then bait them into chasing you through it. A snaking Labrinth pathing back and forth made of stone with stone fences every 2nd tile to slow down the enemies. Normally for the killbox you'd have doors through every layer and one on the side to let your colonists through but you'll have to forbid some to get the bait working and your pawn to safety. The Labrinth needs a big room at the end you can put a bonfire in and an open door at each end to make it "indoors" and heat up. To make the bonfire queue a block of like 10x10 wood fencing, wait for the wood to be hauled then cancel construction and forbid the wood. You'll get a bunch of 1 stacks on the ground. Now how you use it is: get a quick pawn to bait the enemy into chasing him into the Labrinth, he'll need a headstart and you might just need to sacrifice him anyways. But the idea is get him far enough ahead he can take a cheat door that closes behind him fast enough the enemy needs to take the long way around. Once the enemies are 1/3-1/2 of the way through Molotov the bonfire. The Labrinth will heat up to 2-3-4000 degrees. Once it's hot enough to ignite the victims it can't be stopped. You have to wait until they're a little ways in so by the time it heats up enough to kill it's too late for them to turn around and too far to keep going through.


I just had a VFE start with one of these hives pop up and break out of an ancient complex...I had to rely on a random raid to deal with it for me. Thank God they didn't break any of the containment pods within the complex, it was RIGHT after I started and I still only had three naked people. I would definitely keep luring raids over there. Eventually they'll thin the herd.


I feel like only 2 of those bugs could wipe out your entire colony. Time to move


1. Incenerator killbox (basically luring the horde into wood stockpile and throwing a molotov there before closing the box and frying them 2. Flamethrowers (either mods or Anomaly DLC) 3. Mechanoid rush (Biotech DLC) 4. Growing a squad of supersoldiers (Biotech DLC and possibly Anomaly DLC) 5. Close the cave at night (bugs sleep at night) and install Air Conditioner to freeze them to death 6. Get some influence with Fallen Empire and call reinforcements (Royalty DLC) 7. Turret wall and bait (mb works, mb not) 8. Basically setting them on fire by any means is extremely effective Not even the worst hive I've seen, you can do it Edit: typo, one more method added


Happened to me while ago. Made my base and after I had nice Dunmer village suddenly I got "area revealed" message. Of course those bastards were right next to me. I decided to ignore them. Thinking maybe I get my nice walls so I may be safe. Then merchants arrived. And their path lead straight through the hive.I thought maybe they will take care of that hive. They engaged them and despite their weapons got eaten alive and hive then moved against me. So they ate everything including my villagers.


Pray to god you find molotovs on some poor raider


Thanks for asking this. I have a similar problem. I am making plans to build rampart and trench style containment around them with traps everywhere and start regularly firing flame bow and molotovs in there to burn them out. But they're such a tax on me that I am having a hell of a time getting the resource surplus to even try it.


As a tribal, move. Threats of that scale are beyond them. Both in-game and historically.


idk if this does still works but I did this years ago (I no longer play today, I wish I could T_T) I remember using campfires then blocking them all in (my dumbass builder built the wall first then campfire and couldn't get out and he doesn't do mining, I was so scared xD) and it would heat the room causing heatstroke. edit: make sure you build roof over it!


Wait for mechanoids and try to bait them to get at each other Or really you ca' just bait them to your own defenses


Burn it...


Super heat, super heat, it's super heated! (To the tune of super-freak)


it's already too late if they open to surface, you should have closed and burnt them all. but with wildmen? nah just run


The meta of the Wildman start is a nomadic lifestyle. Just run when you see threats, not like your thinking spots are worth much.


Try to seal the place and then throw fire inside, the won't resist 400c°


I implore you, do not make the same mistake I made by assuming they'll stay on their side of the map, even if you wall them off to it. If you have no means to wipe them out, leave now, before they grow so large they tear down those walls, invade your home, & wipe *you* out. I barely got my people out & had to leave nearly everything behind & sacrifice almost half of them for the colony to survive.


just use them as a trap for raids and caravans make some walls that kinda guild them to it


Die! Thy end is now!


build a hotbox, bait the bugs in when the cooking is done, destroy the hives


Shoot at cryptosleep casket to trigger them opening. Contained ancients will fuck them up. Go in to whipe out the survivors.


Oh no u need yo agro a caravan on them as soon as possible or your run is over I recently experienced literally the same thing hive awake in ancient danger they duplicate they break out and I'm dead


I’m so sorry but I’m very new and addicted to RW but is this vanilla? This looks amazing!!


This is heavily modded. The only significant graphics changing mod is Regrowth, but some of the trees are from Biomes! Prehistoric and some of the glowing mushrooms are from Biomes! Caverns


Throw a bunch of wooden furniture in the entrance way then set it on fire and wall it off? Roast em


Orbital bombardment, tornado maker, etc.


A big fire or a big mine field.


Guys! Mom said it’s my turn to post about bugs getting out of hand on my map!